Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1053: Breaking through all the bodies

Any chance?

Yao Bing and others next to them all smacked their lips, the three divine objects of wind, fire and thunder...

This is not a matter of "little" chance!

At this moment, as the golden wind, black flames and purple gold thunder all gathered in the Sky God Jade, an extremely terrifying wave suddenly came out...

Zhuge Xin's eyelids jumped and he exclaimed: "Such power...!"

Dongfang Yi, Ye Shuying and others also took a breath of cold air.

This kind of power, I'm afraid...

"Seventh level skills..."

At this moment, a voice like a clear spring in the valley came from the side.

Dongfang Yi and others' eyes moved slightly, and they turned to look, only to see a clear and beautiful figure falling next to them.

"Priest sister, you came at the right time." Dongfang Yi said.

The person who came was none other than Mu Kexian who flew over!

Mu Kexian nodded slightly and looked up at the field.

His eyes swept over the two sides fighting in the field, and finally fell on the two fighting in the field. His heart seemed to be cramped for a moment, but this feeling disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Mu Kexian raised his beautiful eyebrows slightly.

Fu Chaosheng was always paying attention to Mu Kexian's expression. Seeing that the other party's face remained expressionless when he saw Su Yuan, he couldn't help but frown secretly...

At this moment, a destructive and terrifying wave came from mid-air, and it was astonishing that the wind, fire and thunder had condensed to the extreme.

"Three-color Sky God Jade!"

Seeing that the Hungry Ghost Dao was about to absorb the silver cage, Su Yuan waved his hand and threw the three-color Sky God Jade out.

"Block it!"

After the Human World Dao gave an order, the Hungry Ghost Dao suddenly shouted loudly, and the underworld vortex runes between his hands suddenly expanded more than ten times as they flashed, catching the flying three-color Sky God Jade.

When the two met, Hungry Ghost Road's eyes suddenly widened and his face turned red for a moment!

The Sky God Jade Wind Fire Thunder trembled violently, and exploded under the power of space!


Silver, black, purple, and gold, the four-color spiritual light that destroyed the world instantly swept across the entire sky, and the underworld vortex actually collapsed inch by inch under it!

"not good!"

Ma Liang's expression changed drastically, and he immediately controlled the underworld water to retreat with many incarnations except the Hungry Ghost Dao.

At the same time, Zhu Shengdao waved his hand, and more than twenty underworld stars, including Kang Jinlong, Jiaomu Jiao, etc., overlapped and blocked the front!

But this level of killing moves can no longer be made up by quantity.

The underworld vortex quickly collapsed, followed closely by the four-color aura of destruction that annihilated all the underworld stars, and then drowned all the incarnations behind it like a torrent!

"This... what a terrifying blow!"

A seventh-grade attack skill, such a blow immediately caused an uproar in the entire audience!

Hao Lingyun swallowed his saliva and said: "With this blow, no matter how many incarnations Ma Liang had, his entire army would be wiped out!"

Dongfang Yi and the others next to him heard this and looked at the tide of spiritual light sweeping across the sky. They were all thinking secretly whether they could block this blow head-on...

The result is that it is difficult!

"It should be over." Dongfang Yi said solemnly.

Zhuge Xin and others also nodded slightly.

There is only one level between the sixth-level skills and the seventh-level skills, but it is the difference between intermediate skills and advanced skills!

Being hit head-on by a seventh-level magical power, Ma Liang would be seriously injured even if he didn't die!

"It's not over yet." Mu Kexian next to him suddenly spoke in a low voice.


Everyone looked at Mu Kexian, and Dongfang Yi frowned slightly.

But Mu Kexian said nothing more.

Soon, the four-color aura that roared across the sky finally calmed down a bit.

But in mid-air, he saw that the hungry ghost in front of him had fallen on the underworld water covered in blood and flesh, and even most of his body was completely broken!

More than twenty of the underworld stars were also wiped out and shattered into underworld water, which fell back into the underworld river like rain. They could no longer be summoned before they solidified again.

As for the remaining incarnations of Ma Liang...

Everyone's body was covered with a layer of dark black light like the way of the gods, and they all turned into spiritual bodies!

"Use the Divine Way to temporarily transform all incarnations into spiritual bodies to isolate and reduce damage?"

Su Yuan looked at the several incarnations of Ma Liang from a distance, with a bit of surprise flashing in his eyes.

Three types of attacks: physical, energy, and mental.

The damage caused by physical attacks to the energy body is greatly attenuated, and is almost ineffective against the mental body.

Energy attacks will also attenuate most of the damage to the mental body.

On this day, the Shinto temporarily transformed all the other incarnations into spiritual bodies. With the absorption of the Hungry Ghost Dao and the resistance of the underworld stars, Su Yuan's three-color Sky God Jade was blocked head-on.

This kind of method is really impressive!

However, even though Ma Liang received the blow, it was not easy for him.

The Hungry Ghost Path was killed and the Animal Path was abolished. The remaining incarnations were also pale, and their bodies shrouded in black light were obscure. Even if they were transformed into spiritual bodies, they were still seriously injured!

At this moment, Human World Dao waved his hand, and the underworld water surged up and rolled back the hungry ghost Dao who was killed.

Human World Dao slapped Hungry Ghost Dao behind with his palm, and the water from the underworld turned into a huge other shore flower that bloomed from under Hungry Ghost Dao.

In an instant, the hungry ghost who died after most of his body was smashed to pieces. In the flower on the other side of the underworld, his body was repaired and his vitality was gradually regenerated. There were actually faint signs of recovery!

But Su Yuan would not give Ma Liang any more breathing space.

I saw a faint flash of thunder and lightning in the aftermath of the aura tide.

Ma Liang immediately noticed something, and Shura Dao immediately stepped forward with the bone blade in hand.

The next moment, there was a flash of thunder, and Su Yuan had already crossed the aftermath of the Sky God Jade and jumped in front of Zhu Shengdao with a sword.

Although there is no teleportation, there is still a sword and lightning flash!

At the critical moment, Shura Dao arrived in time and struck Su Yuan with a sword.

However, the bone blade passed by without causing any damage.

Because the Shura Dao at this moment has not been released from the spiritual body, of course it cannot hurt Su Yuan with physical attacks!

And the Divine Broken Sword light on Su Yuan's sword lit up, and the Hell Dao that he had hurriedly formed to resist was split into two halves!

"Swordsmanship that can attack the spiritual body!" Ma Liang, the Human Dao who was resurrecting the Hungry Ghost Dao, changed his expression greatly.

As soon as the hell realm dies, the blood seal realm immediately dissipates.

Su Yuan regained his composure, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he teleported to the human world without stopping, and he was about to kill both the hungry ghost and the human world with one horizontal stroke of his sword!

At this moment, Tian Shendao next to him closed his palms: "Soul Pulse!"


In an instant, countless soul black lights roaring like evil spirits rushed out from Tianshendao like a tidal wave, and rushed through Su Yuan's body in an instant!

Su Yuan was sluggish and was pushed out a little on the spot. The three flower marks between his eyebrows lit up, and mysterious lights surrounded his body, protecting his body from the invasion of evil souls like a tide.

In this way, Su Yuan could not be harassed by the black light from outside.

But the soul pulses kept coming and going, Su Yuan had difficulty entering with his sword, and Sanhua's energy was also consumed at a high speed.

With a flash of silver light on his body, Su Yuan immediately teleported out of the soul pulse.

Seeing this, the God of Heaven made a seal with his hand to cancel the soul-body transformation.

The black light on all incarnations of the human world, the Shura world, etc. gradually dissipated, and soon they returned from the spiritual body to the ordinary physical state.

"Bone Shura, hell changes!"

Shura Dao bent down slightly, and his bones swelled sharply. In two breaths, his entire body was wrapped in awe-inspiring bone armor, and behind him was a ferocious long tail made of nine intertwined white bones.

The ordinary bone blade in his hand was also replaced by a dragon spine sword made from the bones of the underworld dragon!

White energy rose above the gray-white pupils. With one step of Shura Dao, he transformed into a gray-white shadow and rushed to Su Yuan and struck down with his sword!

Su Yuan held his sword in front of him.


The two swords clashed, and Su Yuan was immediately forced to retreat step by step.

Shura Dao's originally indifferent face was now full of violence, and the ferocious bone tail behind him suddenly swung towards Su Yuan's side!

Su Yuan waved the glazed azure with his left hand to resist, but he felt an unexpected and astonishing force coming from the sword, and was blown away by the terrifying force on the bone tail on the spot!

"This intensity is much higher than before..."

Su Yuan steadied his body, and with a thought, jet-black flames surrounded him and spread out.

Xuxie Manifestation can be summoned and used again as long as it is not destroyed, including Xuxie's haunting. This is why Su Yuan took the initiative to put away Xuxie Manifestation when faced with the decomposition and absorption of the Hungry Ghost Dao.

At this moment, surrounded by Xuxie, Su Yuan's strength surged and he struck the Shura Dao with a sword without dodging.


This time, Su Yuan did not retreat.

After just a brief stalemate, the two unleashed their full firepower and exchanged blows at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, causing the underworld to shatter and the void to tremble!

The divine way in the distance started to move again, black light flowed between the hands to form seals at high speed, and a burst of rich soul power rippled.

Su Yuan suddenly felt a cold feeling coming over his heart, his eyes slightly condensed, and he immediately used force to push back the Shura Dao in front of him and teleported away at the same time!

"Xu Xie shows his holiness!"

Flames surged from the black flame cloak into the sky, and it once again transformed into a huge evil demon, protecting Su Yuan within his body.

The next moment, Su Yuan's eyes were blank, his whole body was stagnant, and the lotus mark between his eyebrows suddenly dimmed a little as if it was covered by something.

If you have "soul vision", you can see the dark abyss outside Su Yuan that is transformed by thousands of souls!

It's not that the Three Peanut Gods didn't work. The Three Peanut Gods are extremely comprehensive. Counting the ability to resurrect, they are definitely considered to be the top magical powers of the sixth level.

But in terms of mental defense alone, it can only be considered to be around the fourth or fifth level.

But at this moment, the Abyss of Resentment used by Tianshen Dao is at the fifth level. With the blessing of soul-reviving divine water, the power increases by half a level, and even the Three Peanut Gods cannot stop it.

And this technique is not for attack, but for control. It is extremely useful for highly mobile opponents like Su Yuan!

As for the Xu Xie who is blocking the outside...

Shura Dao flew over, raised the dragon's spine sword high and suddenly thrust the sword into the chest of Xu Xian Xian Sheng, causing star power to surge around his body.

"Falling Bone Crazy Flower!"

A strong gray color appeared on the dragon's spine sword, and the power of the law was strong. Countless jagged and sharp bones sprouted from the sword at high speed, like a flower of white bones that bloomed crazily, constantly tearing apart the body of Xu Xian Sheng and rushing into it!

After a while, the ferocious white bones in full bloom broke open to the position in front of Su Yuan, but were fully blocked by the divine fire energy compressed and concentrated outside Su Yuan's body.

Shura Dao took one step forward and came close with his sword. He swung the sharp and rough dragon spine sword to cut off the last flame of body protection.

Seeing the unprotected Su Yuan in front of him, Shura Dao's eyes flashed coldly and he was about to slash out with his sword!

But at this moment, Tian Shendao, who was still far away, frowned and vaguely noticed something was wrong.

The next moment, Xu Xie appeared, and Su Yuan, who had been trapped in the abyss of resentment, suddenly opened his eyes and was actually out of control. Not only that, there was a fierce silver light surging in his eyes!

"Infinite moment!"

Within a short distance, Shura Dao, who was wielding the bone blade, suddenly stopped on the spot as if his machine was shut down, with endless bright silver light reflected in his eyes!

Su Yuan looked calm, and when he raised the demon sword, there was thunder on the sword!

Purple-gold thunder entangled on the long sword, Su Yuan slashed it down several times, and a golden thunder sword mark appeared on Shura Dao's body.

Thunder Sword Seal·Fifth Level!


Su Yuan raised his hand and touched the sword.


Thousands of birds sing together, and the golden lightning roars!

After a breath, Shura Dao, who was covered in broken bones, also fell at Su Yuan's feet...

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