Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1054 Divine Thunder Suppresses Demons

Su Yuan turned over and took off a six-pointed star pendant from his chest. It was the miracle crystal!

With the help of the Miracle Crystal and the cooperation of the Three Peanut Gods, they managed to start the time retrieval from the controlled state and broke out of the abyss of resentment of the Celestial Way. Otherwise, it would have been a lot of trouble.

But at this moment, the spiritual light above the miracle crystal dimmed, and countless cracks appeared from the inside out, and it shattered directly in Su Yuan's hands.

"Unfortunately, although this treasure is extremely useful when countering the opponent's offensive, it is only of epic quality, which is too weak for now."

Su Yuan turned his hands and let the crystal fragments fall from his hands, then raised his eyes to look at the Yellow Spring River in front of him.

Under the Flowering Technique of the Other Side of the Human Realm, the Hungry Ghost Realm stood up again, and now the Human Realm is continuing to resurrect the Hell Realm.

Su Yuan scanned the many incarnations in front of him and thought quickly in his mind.

The underworld stars summoned by the animal path were wiped out by the three-color sky god jade, and no other powerful summoning spells have been used until now.

The Hungry Ghost Path can absorb energy, and although it can restrain the evil and manifest the saint, it does not seem to have any strong attack capabilities.

The Human Path is a support, but after a while, the Hell Path who is good at sealing may be able to be resurrected.

"Then, the most threatening thing is the way of the soul..."

Su Yuan's eyes finally fell on Tian Shendao, who was also looking at him coldly.

At this moment, Su Yuan had a vague feeling that the human world did not seem to be Ma Liang's true form...

Although Human World Dao appeared from the beginning, not only did he give orders, but other incarnations except Human World Dao basically had no superfluous expressions and movements.

It makes people subconsciously think that the human world is the original body.

But as they looked at each other now, Su Yuan had a strong intuition.

This divine way that can be transformed into a spiritual body...is the real Ma Liang!

Logically speaking, solving the human world that can resurrect other incarnations should be a higher priority, but...

Su Yuan held the demon sword, with thunder on the sword. He teleported to the Heavenly Way and slashed with the sword!

Although the Purple Sky Divine Thunder is not an evil-repelling divine thunder that specifically defeats demons and ghosts, but due to the nature of the way of heaven, it also has a lethality far beyond ordinary energy for the spiritual body!

Tian Shendao raised his hand and pointed, and suddenly a ghost wheel like a millstone stood in front of him, and countless souls whizzed back and forth inside it as if grinding.

And when the demon sword slashed down, the purple-gold thunder exploded in all directions, and it was broken after just a moment of stalemate!

However, Tian Shendao had already taken the opportunity to retreat, and at the same time he formed seals with his hands, the Yellow Spring River rippled violently, and a huge, dark Yama Lord protruded his upper body from the water.

Thousands of souls gathered and burned in his mouth, but in a blink of an eye, they turned into an astonishing soul cannon!

"Soul Roar·Ten Thousand Souls!"

The eyes of Tianshendao turned cold, Demon Lord Yama opened his mouth and roared, and the terrifying soul cannon with tens of thousands of souls burning had already blasted towards Su Yuan!

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly. While the lotus light was protecting his body, Taixu Sword Intention rose from his sword!

"God's End!"

As soon as the sword fell, the soul roar was cut off, and countless dark soul powers exploded towards both sides!

Su Yuan took another step forward and crossed over the exploding soul power to come to the way of the gods.

"The devil dances wildly!"

Before Su Yuan could slash down with his sword, the whole body of the Divine Dao was filled with black light, and thousands of demons shot out from his body, drowning Su Yuan in an instant.

The demons were dancing wildly, blocking out the sky and the sun, and one could only feel waves of terrifying soul fluctuations coming from it!

"Underworld Demon Sect, the devil is dancing wildly?"

Ye Xiaose couldn't help but his eyes moved slightly as he looked at the demons filling the entire sky.

Lou Zhen, who was next to him, heard this and asked, "Master Ye Ling, do you recognize this move?"

"I have seen it in the ancient books within the sect. This was the extremely famous soul attack secret technique of the Huangquan Demon Sect back then. At that time, it was not as famous as our sect's Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, One Qi Transformation into Three Purities and other magical powers.

According to reports, this technique is extremely difficult to practice, but once it is mastered, it can transform into thousands of demons to kill other people's souls. It is so vicious that ordinary people have little power to resist! "

Ye Xiaose said while looking at Fang Qingxiao.

Logically speaking, it would be best for Fang Qingxiao to intervene at this time. Even the lotus defense from before would never be able to stop this demon from dancing wildly.

If the soul or spirit is damaged, it is not easy for ordinary people to repair it. It is only slightly better than the original damage.

Although the Soul Law has not reached the level of the ultimate law, in addition to the Ten Constant Laws and the Ten Ultimate Laws, among thousands of advanced laws, the Soul Law is the top law that can be ranked in the top ten!

Because one of the most important components of life is the soul.

Soul attack techniques are extremely difficult for ordinary people to prevent, let alone top-notch sixth-grade magical powers such as Tianmo Luanwu!

But at this moment, Ye Xiaose didn't see anything on Fang Qingxiao's face.

"Is there any other means?"

Ye Xiaose was thoughtful and looked up at the sky where countless demons were roaring and dancing wildly.


At this moment, there was thunder in the sky, and the entire sky was dyed purple and gold!

Then, countless overbearing Zixiao Divine Thunder suddenly fell from the sky like thunder punishment!

Thousands of demons who were roaring and dancing in the sky, blocking out the sun, were suddenly beaten to pieces and turned into ashes under such thunderous punishment!

After just five breaths, there was no demon left, and the entire sky turned into a vast ocean of purple and gold thunder!

"Another seventh-level skill?!"

On the square, everyone's pupils were trembling, and they were in awe!

Compared to the three-color Sky God Jade, it is undoubtedly the thunderous calamity of the God of Heaven that is even more shocking!

After the thunderstorm, the newly repaired Hungry Ghost Path was once again blasted into powder on the spot due to the overload of the thunderbolt absorbed.

The human beings and the animal beings were also seriously injured and fell on the Yellow River. Their bodies were covered in blood and flesh, entangled with lightning, and it was difficult to move!

As for the Divine Way, it is nowhere to be found.

And in place...

Su Yuan closed his eyes and stood in the void. Three lotuses were blooming outside his body, but there was a layer of black energy covering his face.

"what happened?"

"Has that demonic cultivator been defeated?"

"Why doesn't that monk from the Eastern Continent move?"

Many of the disciples of the Supreme Sect looked at each other in confusion, none of them fully understood the situation.

"It's the devil entering the body!" Yao Bing said in a condensing voice.

Fang Qingxiao's expression also became solemn, and unknowingly, golden-red Jun Tianhuo started to flow from his palms.

The difficulty of this new king of the Demon Sect has exceeded Fang Qingxiao's expectations.

Ma Liang's level is among the best in the Eastern Continent.

The other party actually had the means to directly invade the sea of ​​consciousness like a demon from outside the world, and entered Su Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness!

Fang Qingxiao didn't know what the situation was now, and he wasn't sure whether Su Yuan could withstand the opponent's attack... No matter what, nothing could happen to Su Yuan!

At this moment, in Su Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Sure enough, is this god's body your true form?"

Su Yuan's mind body was looking at the god Dao Ma Liang, who was covered in dim black light in front of him.

"There is a human being walking around under the guise of the human world, but I have already transformed into the divine path.

Even if the human path encounters a strong enemy, the deity path can use the power of the spiritual body to increase the possibility of survival. "

Ma Liang remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he was surprised by Su Yuan's amazing perception and insight.

In fact, the way of the world is indeed "the former Ma Liang".

However, after practicing the Six Paths of the Underworld, Ma Liang used the inheritance of the Underworld Sect to directly sublimate his soul using the soul-producing divine water, separating his soul and turning it into a demon-like existence, which is the way of the gods!

But today's human world, in addition to having the original physical body, like several other incarnations, is an artificial soul created by using the soul-producing divine water.

It's just that when creating the human world, almost all of Ma Liang's memories were incorporated, making it almost the same as Ma Liang before he inherited the Huangquan Sect.

Ma Liang stared at Su Yuan and said in a deep voice: "This kind of divine thunder skill is really powerful. Even my demon dance was blown away by you..."

"In that case..." Su Yuan raised his right hand, and Taixu Sword Intention condensed into a spiritual sword and fell into his hand, "Then are you ready to lose?"

"Ultimately arrogant, the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness is my home court!"

Ma Liang snorted coldly, and when he raised his hand, the dark soul power surged up and turned into a big soul hand and smashed towards Su Yuan!

Su Yuan's expression was as usual, and he faced the soul with his big hand and slashed it with a sword to scatter it.

The two of them went back and forth, using their spiritual thoughts as their bodies, to start another more thrilling battle in Su Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness!

The Sea of ​​Consciousness is indeed the home ground of the Divine Way, even Su Yuan's Sea of ​​Consciousness!

The Celestial Way is about cultivating the power of the soul, and every move and every move has great power, not to mention the endless variety of spiritual methods.

If it were anyone else, there would be almost no resistance after being invaded into the sea of ​​consciousness.

But Su Yuan is different.

There is a body protected by the mysterious light of the three-color lotus of gold, silver and lead on the outside, and in the hand there is a sword transformed by the sword intention of Taixu that can cut through nothingness!

Although the available means in terms of soul are far inferior to Ma Liang's, they can also attack and defend, so they are not completely powerless to fight back.

At this moment, under the turbulent offensive of Tianshen Dao, Sanhuazhong's mental power was gradually consumed.

"If you continue fighting with me like this, you will be dead!" Ma Liang sneered, and kept attacking with his hands.

As long as the energy of the three-color lotus is exhausted and Su Yuan's mind loses its defense, it will indeed be difficult to attack Ma Liang, the god of heaven!

Moreover, the "lotus body" effect of the three peanut magic is used to store the soul and recreate the physical body.

But if the soul is destroyed, even the three-peanut magic cannot be revived, which is extremely dangerous for Su Yuan.

But at this moment, Su Yuan seemed to have heard nothing, making steady progress, relying on Taixu Sword Intent to continuously cut through the Tianshen Dao and pressure Ma Liang step by step.

Su Yuan himself is very dangerous, but what about Ma Liang?

It’s just as bad!

Previously, facing the attack of the three-color sky god jade, Tianshen Dao was damaged when he assisted the other incarnations to resist.

But just now the sword thunder was killed, and the thousands of heavenly demons dancing around were destroyed by the Zixiao divine thunder, and the divine way was hit hard again!

Because it was really difficult to resist the falling Zixiao Divine Thunder, the Celestial Way had no choice but to take risks.

Withstanding Su Yuan's divine sword, Ma Liang reluctantly rushed into Su Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness with his seriously injured demon body to avoid the lightning strike and counterattack Su Yuan.

Therefore, the black energy on Tianshen Dao's body is much darker at this moment, because its condition is not good...

"Even...he is more urgent than me!" Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Su Yuan had so much fighting experience. The more harsh words Ma Liang said, the more Su Yuan became sure that the opponent was in bad condition.

The reason why he launched such a fierce and violent offensive at this moment was simply to cause chaos in his heart and expose his flaws in advance.

Su Yuan remained unchanged in response to all changes, and used one sword to defeat all obstacles. He was neither arrogant nor impetuous. He held his sword and attacked the enemy step by step without giving him the slightest chance!

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