Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1056 Perfunctory

Tai Shangmen and others watched Mo Zong and others leave to Qunyushan Gate.

Under normal circumstances, even if the opponent is the Demon Sect, Ye Xiaose and Yao Bing will send someone to give him a gift.

However, the Demon Sect was not polite when he came to call for formation this time, and neither was the Tai.

Ye Xiaose looked at the people from the Wanjian Divine Sect and Dayan and said, "Guys, let's go to the main hall."


In the main hall.

In addition to Ye Xiaose and Yao Bing who followed, there were also several high-level kings who were still in the sect.

One of the Taoist nuns, with a beautiful face and white hair on her temples, had a powerful aura coming out from her feet. She was an eighth-level spiritual master.

It was none other than Mu Kexian’s master, Emei Spirit Master Lin Emei!

Ever since Su Yuan and others came in, they felt that the other party's eyes glanced at him from time to time, which was quite cold.

Fang Qingxiao walked in the palace and slowly informed all the kings of the Taishangmen about the gray world.

“So, now that the Gray Realm is entrenched in the Northern Continent, it is ready to go and looks to the south, and may make some moves at any time.

I came across the sea to inform my colleagues in the Southern Continent of the news as soon as possible for precaution. "

After Fang Qingxiao finished speaking, he sat back in his seat.

For a moment, the hall became quiet.

When several masters from the Supreme Master heard this, they were as frightened as the members of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, and they were still thinking quickly.

After a while, a middle-aged Taoist with a square face and a solemn expression said:

"The monk fell, and the soul card was reincarnated into an alien monster? Killed eight tribes, occupied the northern continent, and attempted to capture the blue sea?

We don’t believe it, but what you said is too exaggerated! "

Fang Qingxiao turned to look at the middle-aged Taoist priest and said with a smile: "The gray world is now changing from sea to land and expanding rapidly. As long as all the fellow Taoist disciples go north to investigate a little, I think there will be news."

Lin Emei said coldly: "If it is true as fellow Taoist said, this matter is not our family's business."

Without Fang Qingxiao needing to speak, Lou Zhen, who was standing next to him, added: "My sect, Emperor Ye, has already received an invitation from Demon Emperor Minghai of Demonic Heaven Palace earlier, and now he has gone to Demonic Heaven Palace to discuss the matter in detail with Demonic Emperor Minghai. "

Lin Emei frowned slightly and didn't say much.

Ye Xiaose rubbed his chin: "No wonder the Demonic Temple seems to have become more peaceful recently. It seems that what Fellow Daoist Fang said is probably true!"

After all, there were all king-level masters in the field. It didn't take long for everyone to accept the fact that the monsters had attacked and Hokuriku was destroyed, and they quickly weighed the pros and cons in their hearts.

Fang Qingxiao opened his mouth and said, "I, Lan Haixing, work with me on the Gray Realm matter. The Supreme Sect is also the leader of the Nanlu Dao Sect. I wonder what Ye Lingzun's plans are for this matter?"

Everyone in the Taishangmen also looked at Ye Xiaose, their eyes flickering, each thinking.

Ye Xiaose pondered for a moment and said seriously: "This matter is not trivial. Let me go to the sect's forbidden area to report to Emperor Xuan before making a decision."

Fang Qingxiao nodded slightly: "That's fine."

Ye Xiaose said to Fang Qingxiao and Lou Zhen: "I'll invite a few of you to stay here temporarily...Wu Wu."

The square-faced middle-aged Taoist who spoke just now responded: "Ye Zun."

Ye Xiaose said: "The monster beasts have attacked and the Hokuriku has collapsed. I would also like to thank my fellow Taoists from the Eastern Continent for traveling thousands of miles across the sea to inform us. You can go to Lingbao Pavilion and choose a few fake holy artifacts and treasures as a thank you gift."

Fang Qingxiao's eyes moved slightly: "Ye Lingzun is polite. We are both Blue Sea Star monks. It is our duty to come to the Southern Continent to inform you."

Ye Xiaose smiled: "Having said that, you came all the way and brought such important news, how could I not say anything when I came to visit?

I will report this to Emperor Ming Xuan and ask Fellow Daoist Fang and Sword Master Lou to rest at my residence for a while. "

"Okay, thank you Lord Ye Ling." Fang Qingxiao cupped his hand.

Lou Zhen also nodded. His mission this time was to accompany Fang Qingxiao and others, so he had no objection to staying a few more days.

Yao Bing took Su Yuan and others to settle down. Before leaving, Lin Emei took a deep look at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan was naturally aware of it, but he remained calm and pretended not to know.

In the courtyard, Lou Zhen and Fang Qingxiao were playing chess.

In the game, black and white faced each other, and Fang Qingxiao's black stones had already suppressed Lou Zhen's white stones, giving him the upper hand.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, this chess skill is really superb." Lou Zhen praised.

Fang Qingxiao shook his head and said with a smile: "Thank you, Sword Master Lou. There are many people who are better than me in chess."

"Really..." Lou Zhen was quite surprised.

The king level has long years and a lot of time, so many people will play chess when they have nothing to do to adjust their status and pass the time.

Although the level of playing chess does not represent personal strength, the style of playing chess can also reflect some characteristics of the opponent from the side, which is a way to quickly understand the opponent.

In Lou Zhen's opinion, Fang Qingxiao's attainments in chess are already very high.

Thoughtful, highly skilled, and full of strategy.

Then when the opponent is fighting, the same is probably true.

It can be said that such an opponent has a very high standard!

There are actually a few people who can surpass this fellow Taoist Fang in chess skills. It seems that the king-level players in the Eastern Continent should not be underestimated.

Lou Zhen then said, "We'll wait until Friend Ye reports to Emperor Mingxuan, and then we can discuss it. I think there will be a result within two days."

Fang Qingxiao dropped the sunspot, but shook his head and said: "I'm afraid, the result has already been achieved."


Fang Qingxiao said slowly: "As a ninth-level king of the Taishangmen, Lord Ye Ling can make decisions or make decisions on any matter.

If he really valued this matter, then as the leader of the Taoist sect in the Southern Continent, he should have expressed his intention to resist together.

Not only did they not talk to us in detail, but they also gave us star weapons and treasures. This approach was more perfunctory and actually meant to shirk the responsibility. "

Lou Zhen nodded: "In this way, it is true."

Again, the gray world is in the north, first to the east and west, and then to the south.

For the Southern Continent, it is indeed no small matter to destroy the gray world of the Northern Continent.

But what is important is important. As for whether it is urgent or not...

That’s hard to say!

From the perspective of the Southern Continent, rather than coming to inform the Gray World, the Eastern Continent is more like coming to "ask for help."

So whether to help or not to help, how to help, there are too many things involved.

Ye Xiaose, or Xuan Huang... not everyone would do what Ye Huang did.

This is not entirely due to courage, but also due to his own style of conduct and the sect's policy of establishing the sect.

Relatively speaking, Shenzong sword cultivators who specialize in swords are usually much purer than Taishangmen monks who have many Taoist skills.

After Lou Zhen pondered for a while, he said seriously: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Fang, no matter what, since Emperor Ye has given the order, we will definitely go all out.

I am a sword cultivator from the Shenzong Sect. I practice swordsmanship all over my body, not only for immortality, but also for the common people! "

Fang Qingxiao cupped his hands and smiled: "That's it, thank you very much!"

In the forbidden area of ​​Taishang.

The spiritual light circulates on the six empty pillars that are tens of feet high, and there are phantoms of dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other mythical beasts entrenched on them.

In the center of the barrier surrounded by empty pillars, a young man in his twenties with a handsome face sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

The energy on the Kongming Pillar converges on the young man along the barrier. The mysterious light flows and the colorful flowers surround him, which is very mysterious.

At this moment, Ye Xiaose came from behind and said respectfully: "Xuan Huang."

This seemingly young man is Xuan Daosheng, the Taishangmen Xuanhuang who is currently on duty.

At this moment, Xuandaosheng did not respond.

After a while, the spiritual light on the six empty pillars gradually dimmed.

"I already know about Hokuriku."

The young man opened his eyes and didn't look back.

Ye Xiaose didn't speak, and waited for the next words.

Xuandaosheng stood up and turned to look at Ye Xiaose.

"The disaster caused by the alien monsters in the Northern Continent is probably the beast disaster among the three tribulations. This matter is indeed extraordinary.

However... the situation of the alien monsters is currently unknown, and the movements of all parties inside and outside the Southern Continent are also unclear.

Since this calamity starts from the north, the Eastern Continent is the first to respond to the calamity, so we will just wait and see what happens. "

After hearing this, Ye Xiaose said: "The disciples think so too, so let them stay temporarily for two days and then send them away."

Xuandaosheng nodded, waved his hand and said, "If you have nothing else to do, just go down."


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