Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1057 Meeting again

"This is Wan Zhen Treasure Garden." Yao Bing said to Lou Zhen, Fang Qingxiao and others.

Wan Zhen Bao Yuan is the place where the Supreme Master cultivates spiritual plants.

Although it is called a "garden", its actual area is almost as large as a third-level city in Dayan!

There are spiritual plants everywhere in the garden, and fairy grass everywhere. There are dozens of kinds of various attributes and categories, and even the number of fifth-grade spiritual plants!

At this moment, Yao Bing was ordered to bring Su Yuan and other Donglu monks over for a visit.

After all, it is the fairyland of Taishangmen, the leader of the Southern Continent. Su Yuan and others visited it and it was also an eye-opener.

Yao Bing pointed to a large tract of ice-jade-like bamboo forest ahead and introduced:

"This is the Jade Bamboo Forest. This spiritual plant is called Yuxuan Bamboo. It can calm the mind and ward off evil thoughts. It can also resonate with this bamboo when practicing swordsmanship, knife skills and other sharp weapons, speeding up the practice.

This bamboo has five levels, the second level is the bean type, the third level is the glutinous type, and the fourth level is the ice type. If it grows to the extreme, it can even reach the fifth level glazed type Yuxuan Bamboo.

Speaking of which, Sword Master Lou and the others are most familiar with this. "

Lou Zhen, who was standing next to him, nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, thousands of years ago, Emperor Ye came here in person and took five glazed jade bamboos from the Supreme Master's door. That's why our Wanjian Shenzong now has the current Sword Bamboo Sea. "

Yao Bing nodded slightly and smiled, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

It was not difficult for Fang Qingxiao to see that Yao Bing's words meant to show him and others the power and power of the Taishangmen.

"So that's it..." Fang Qingxiao rubbed a jade bamboo in front of him and laughed softly, "Tai Shang Sect and Wan Jian Shen Sect are worthy of being the super sects of both Taoist sects.

With a profound foundation and a large number of heroes working together to maintain the order of the Southern Continent, it can really be said to be the anchor of the Southern Continent and even the entire Blue Sea Star! "

Lou Zhen understood immediately and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Fang is a big reward. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Just like the matter of the monsters in Beilu, I, the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect, will definitely go all out!"

Yao Bing suddenly looked embarrassed.

Yao Bing has also understood the meaning above, and will send off these East China envoys tomorrow.

Now Fang Qingxiao followed his own words and promoted Taishangdao as "the Dinghaishen Needle of the Southern Continent and even the Blue Sea Star", which was really a slap in the face.

"That's all." At this moment, a cold voice sounded from the front.

But he saw a female cultivator with almond-shaped eyebrows and a graceful appearance slowly coming from the front. A handful of long black and bright hair naturally hung down her back. It was Mu Kexian.

Elder Zhuoyang, who is responsible for the management of this spiritual plant, followed Mu Kexian step by step.

"Alright, Master Shepherd, thirty-three ice species, nine hundred and sixty-six waxy species, and a glass species that just evolved a few days ago!

There are a thousand Yuxuan bamboos in total, and they can all be transplanted to Xuannv Peak within three days! "

Mu Kexian nodded slightly. He had been feeling restless while practicing these days, so he applied to the sect to select a batch of Yuxuan Bamboo. He just happened to come down to take a look today.

Elder Zhuoyang said: "Lord Shepherd, actually you don't have to come here in person, just send any disciple over."

"There are no disciples on Xuannv Peak." Mu Kexian said expressionlessly.

Elder Zhuoyang was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, and couldn't help but coughed twice in a low voice.

Suddenly, Mu Kexian looked up and saw a group of people walking over from a distance.

"The group from Shenzong and Donglu?" Mu Kexian glanced at the group, his eyes lingering on Su Yuan for a few more seconds, "They are the people who defeated the demon cultivator yesterday."

"Yao Lingzun!" Elder Zhuoyang immediately made a big salute.

Mu Kexian also looked away and said to Yao Bing, "Yao Zun."

"It's the priest's nephew..." Yao Bing smiled.

But Mu Kexian didn't mean to say more. He nodded and walked past Yao Bing and continued forward.

As the new king, Mu Kexian was so cold. Yao Bing was a little worried about it, but he watched Mu Kexian walk by without saying anything.

Yao Bing knew that Mu Kexian practiced Taishang Wangqing, and his temperament was like this because of the practice.

And more importantly, his master, the Emei Spiritual Master... is an eighth-level spiritual master!

As long as Emei Spiritual Lord is behind him, Mu Kexian can do whatever he wants.

Mu Kexian walked slowly past Yao Bing, Lou Zhen, Fang Qingxiao, Linghu Yao, Yuchi Zhan and others one after another without even taking a second look.

But just as he passed by Su Yuan and Fu Chaosheng, Mu Kexian's heart suddenly shook for no reason!

Mu Kexian paused for a moment, then continued to move forward...

"Have you really forgotten..." Su Yuan looked back at Mu Kexian's cool and graceful back, thoughtfully.

The next day, it was exactly as Fang Qingxiao expected.

Emperor Xuan of Taishangmen still has not appeared.

And Ye Xiaose only said some pretentious words that he would pay close attention to the affairs in the north and make preparations, but he did not have the slightest details or actual plan, nor did he have any intention to join forces.

When Fang Qingxiao saw this, he didn't persuade him much.

When I came to the Southern Continent, my mission was just to inform the Southern Continent to make preparations. Now that the notification has arrived, the mission is considered completed.

Objectively speaking, at this moment, it is indeed more reasonable and safer to wait and see first.

But as a result, the importance of the Supreme Sect in Fang Qingxiao's heart is not as important as that of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect...

No one can survive the catastrophe alone.

It is better to make a decision early than to act according to the circumstances!

Fang Qingxiao cupped his hands and said, "Then, please ask the Supreme Master to inform the other sects about this matter."

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Fang, we will naturally spread the word to all sects about such a major event," Ye Xiaose said.

Fang Qingxiao nodded, not worried about this, after all, the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect was still there.

"In that case, I'll leave now."

Fang Qingxiao stood up immediately, and Su Yuan and Yuchi Zhan also stood up.

Ye Xiaose said: "Fellow Taoist Fang rarely comes to the Southern Continent, so why not stay at my master's house for a few more days so that we can communicate about the differences in cultivation between the Southern and Eastern Continent."

Fang Qingxiao shook his head and said: "The gray world is coveting it. The war is imminent. Dayan has entered a state of war readiness. We have to go back and make preparations early."

Ye Xiaose stood up and said, "Then I'll send some of you off."

"Thank you."

Everyone left all the way from Taishangmen and returned to Wanjian Shenzong first.

A few days later, Ye Feihong also returned from the Demonic Temple.

"Therefore, the Demonic Heaven Palace advocates establishing a defense line against the gray realm monsters in the southern continent. The Blood Evil Sect and the Wuji Demon Sect will also send personnel to join in." Ye Feihong said.

Linghu Yao smiled and said: "It's just that Cangming Island of the Demon Heaven Palace is located in the northernmost part, but the Blood Evil Sect and the Wuji Demon Sect are actually so diligent."

Lou Zhen said: "After all, the Demon Sect is headed by the Demon Heaven Palace, and...many of the Demon Sect's spells require a lot of killing. Disasters are not necessarily a bad thing for the Demon Sect."

"How about over there, Taishangmen?"

Before Lou Zhen could speak, Linghu Yao had already sneered: "Fellow Taoist Master Taishou is 'deeply thoughtful' and is still waiting and watching, and has no plans to take any action for the time being."

Ye Feihong nodded slightly, which was not too unexpected.

Ye Feihong knew Xuandaosheng relatively well.

After pondering for a while, Ye Feihong said: "Since the Supreme Sect is unwilling to take the lead, most of the other sects will not act rashly.

Having said that, matters in the gray world are related to the safety of the mainland, so we still need to go to each faction one by one to lobby.

Dayan's friends have already informed us, and we will do it ourselves. Lou Zhen, you can arrange this. "

Lou Zhen responded: "Yes, Emperor Ye."

Fang Qingxiao said: "In that case, Emperor Ye, I have been waiting to come to the Southern Continent for a long time, and I am ready to say goodbye."

This time, the group informed Nanlu that their mission had been completed.

Not only that, but he has also established a closer alliance with the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, which is already a mission that has been exceeded!

Ye Feihong knew that the situation in the Eastern Land was even more critical, so he didn't say anything.

With a flip of his hands, he took out a golden sword and a palm-sized golden disk and handed them to Fang Qingxiao.

"This is our sect's highest-level golden sword and command target. Through this thing, you and I can communicate across the sea through the golden sword!"

"Okay." Fang Qingxiao nodded, then stood up and bowed his hands, "Thank you so much for this trip."

After saying that, Su Yuan and others flew away from the Wanjian Shen Sect as Lou Zhen saw him off...

Taishangmen, Xuannv Peak.

Mu Kexian once again woke up from his trance.

"It's still the same person."

Mu Kexian frowned, but in his mind he thought of Su Yuan, whom he had passed by a few days ago.

I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking about that person from time to time lately.

After some thought, Mu Kexian stopped practicing and flew up to Emei Peak.

"Disciple Mu Kexian, I would like to pay my respects to the master." In front of the Emei Palace, Mu Kexian said respectfully.

After a few breaths, the main hall opened, and there were several other disciples of Huiyue and Zhuoyang in the hall.

Seeing Mu Kexian come in, everyone bowed and said: "Mu Lingzun."

Lin Emei said: "You all should step back."


The other disciples retreated, leaving only Lin Emei and Mu Kexian in the hall.

Lin Emei looked at Mu Kexian: "Kexian, what's the matter?"

Mu Kexian said: "Master, in recent days, my disciple's mood has often fluctuated while practicing, and he has been surrounded by distracting thoughts. He is unable to maintain a ruthless state for a long time. I would like to ask Master for advice."

"Stupid thoughts..." Lin Emei walked up to Mu Kexian in a few steps and asked in a low voice, "So, what kind of distracting thoughts are they?"

Mu Kexian couldn't help but reappear Su Yuan's appearance in his mind, he just pondered for a moment and said: "The Eastern mainland monk who defeated the demon cultivator a few days ago."

Lin Emei didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face.

After a moment of silence, Lin Emei said: "I heard about this. That man is extremely powerful and can defeat demon cultivators. He is indeed a master. Could it be that... you are attracted to him?"

"No." Mu Kexian shook his head slightly, "Master is joking. After practicing Taishang's Art of Forgetting Love, the disciple has forgotten his love. Later, he successfully became ruthless. How can he be tempted by others."

Lin Emei said: "Even so, it is normal to have occasional mood swings during cultivation, and there is no need to worry about it.

If you are upset, you can put down your practice and go out for a walk, or... kill some monsters and ghosts to vent your anger. "

Hearing this, Mu Kexian nodded and said, "Yes, Master."

After saying that, Mu Kexian retreated.

After Mu Kexian left, Lin Emei frowned slightly.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon..."

In fact, since Mu Kexian became ruthless, he was immediately taken back to solitary confinement by Lin Emei.

It was precisely because he had just avoided encountering Su Yuan or related matters again that he had become unstable.

Now, with the help of Taishang Wangqingjue, Mu Kexian's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. Not only has he been successfully promoted to the king, but he has also quickly broken into the second level!

Unexpectedly, at this time, Su Yuan, who was rumored to be missing after being chased by the Curse King, suddenly appeared again.

"Forget it, we will meet again sooner or later anyway..." Lin Emei's eyes were slightly cold.

After Mu Kexian flew back to Xuannv Peak, he tried to practice, but his mind was still not calm.

"Want to go for a walk, or...kill some monsters?"

After Mu Kexian thought for a moment, he stood up again and turned into a figure and flew outside the Taishangmen Mountain Gate.

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