Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1058 The Law of Devouring

After some time, Su Yuan and others returned to the Eastern Continent.

Fang Qingxiao reported the situation of the trip to the Red Emperor.

As for Pang Heng, who went to Qiguang, he has already returned.

Perhaps because he really felt the pressure, Pang Heng Qiguang and his party went smoothly.

At least on the surface, an armistice agreement was reached between the North and the South, and the main purpose was to prioritize the fight against the Gray World.

However, perhaps because Qi Guang's internal opinions are not unified, the two parties have not reached any more cooperation at present except for the sharing of intelligence...

In the blue underworld.


After Ashley made a cup of coffee for Su Yuan, she stood quietly beside Su Yuan.

Su Yuan picked up the coffee and took a sip, but his eyes were looking towards the center where the star power gathered quietly like the abyss in the distance.

There, Ruanruan, who had transformed into a human form, closed her eyes tightly, and the dark devouring power slowly flowed through her body, without any breath escaping from her body.

"As you said, it should be today, right?" Su Yuan asked.

Ashley responded: "That's right."

According to Ashley's prediction, Ruanruan will have a breakthrough today.

The closer it is, the easier it is to deduce. Now that Ashley holds the Coin of God, these predictions are unmistakable.

Su Yuan nodded slightly, slowly tasted the coffee made by Ashley, and then placed the cup on the table.

"It tastes good, Ashley."

It is autumn and winter, and the Green Underworld is also the corresponding season.

Drinking such a cup of hot coffee is quite comfortable.

Ashley said: "Thank you."

Su Yuan turned around and looked at Ashley: "Speaking of which, are you about to be promoted?"

Ashley said calmly: "Thank you for your concern, boss. With the help of the God's Coin, the power of the soul is progressing very quickly."

The coin of God is a sacred instrument with the laws of destiny.

If used regularly, Ashelia can also use it to peek into her destiny and speed up her understanding of the power of the soul.

Seeing that Ashley was always so serious, Su Yuan suddenly stood up and stretched out his right hand to lift her delicate chin.

Ashley's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Then let's break through quickly." Su Yuan smiled and gently stroked Ashley's delicate and smooth chin with his thumb, "The gray world is coming, the beast calamity has arrived, I need your power."

"Well, I will... break through as soon as possible." Ashley's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and her expression was a bit dull.

Su Yuan nodded and took back his hand to say something else.

Suddenly, Su Yuan noticed something and immediately turned around and looked into the distance.

I saw a layer of deep and rich black light bursting out from Ruan Ruan's body, sweeping up and down in all directions!

Wherever it passed, the air, rocks, star power... everything was swallowed up in an instant, and after a while, a huge black hole swallowing the sky was formed with Soft as the center!

"Finally, a breakthrough!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he stared closely at the soft thing in the center of the black hole!

Behind Su Yuan, Ashley's lips opened and closed, and she breathed in small and rapid breaths. Her snow-white neck and pretty face were visibly covered with a layer of faint crimson...

Fortunately, Su Yuan's eyes were attracted by Ruan Ruan, so he didn't notice anything unusual.

In the black hole, the terrifying devouring power rotates more and more violently, swallowing up the sky and the earth, as if it wants to swallow up the entire Qing Netherworld!

Until a certain moment, the black hole suddenly collapsed and turned into an obsidian orb the size of a person.

And inside it, there is sealed a beautiful blue-haired girl who is all white and looks like a goddess.

On the obsidian orb, large runes lit up one after another, emitting increasingly astonishing devouring waves, and the girl's aura within them became increasingly unfathomable!

Until finally, all the runes lit up, and the entire surface of the obsidian orb was filled with black light, slowly flowing like a gauze into a dark black dress that covered the girl's flawless body.

The girl opened her eyes, and there seemed to be a dark tide surging in her eyes. A deep and cold aura far beyond the ordinary king level suddenly swayed from outside her body... It was like an abyss!

When she saw Su Yuan, the girl's eyes lit up, she flew over and jumped into Su Yuan's arms.

"Master! Breakthrough!"

"Congratulations, Ruanruan!" Su Yuan smiled and hugged Ruanruan, feeling a little heavier.

"Hehehehe, thanks to the master!"

Su Yuan stroked Ruan Ruan's head, feeling very happy in his heart. Along the way, Ruan Ruan was like his closest family member.

Moreover, now that the beast catastrophe is imminent, he also needs some combat power.

Su Yuan had already seen the strength of the Absorption Law in Ma Liang's Hungry Ghost Dao. At least it was extremely powerful when it came to absorbing energy.

As its superior ultimate law, the Devouring Law is more powerful and comprehensive, and Su Yuan is extremely looking forward to it!

"Then try your Devouring Law." Su Yuan said.

"Good master!" Ruanruan was also very excited, "When I was promoted, I also got some skills from 'her'!"

Su Yuan knew that "she" referred to the soul of the Demon Emperor, and smiled: "Really? Let's get started."

Ruanruan let go of Su Yuan with some reluctance and flew back.

"Be careful!" Su Yuan raised his left hand, silver light flashed on his five fingers, "Sky God Bullet Rain!"

Then, twenty or thirty rounds were fired in one breath, and rain-like air bullets poured towards Ruanruan!

Ruanruan stood on the spot, motionless. When the Sky God Bullet hit him, there were only a few ripples like black water and then there was no movement.

Su Yuan was quite surprised. He stopped using the meaningless Air God Bullet and turned into an Air God Cannon and threw it towards Ruanruan!

Facing the flying cannon, Ruanruan remained motionless.

The air cannon hit Ruan Ruan in a blink of an eye, sinking into the unfathomable black water like a bright silver light bulb.

Su Yuan thought: "Explode!"

Detonated in advance, the air cannon exploded on the surface of the soft body with a bang, and the bright power of space directly submerged its entire body.

However, the silver light gradually dissipated, and the swallowing power of the soft body slowly circulated, absorbing all the exploding silver light.

Ruanruan smiled and said: "Master, I can easily absorb even elementary energy attacks!"

"Oh? Is that so..." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

Low-level skills from level one to level three do not mean they are ineffective because of their low level.

Low level is also relative to the king level.

With the blessing of the power of law, the skills that can be ranked as high-grade skills are those that can pose a threat to the same level to a greater or lesser extent!

Su Yuan nodded, opened his hands, and the more turbulent space power gathered among the surging star power around him, and turned into a Sky God Jade in just a few breaths!

Su Yuan threw the Sky God Jade, and the silver light on the Sky God Jade surged hundreds of times, pressing down on Ruan Ruan's petite body like a silver meteor.

Ashley's eyes narrowed slightly as she watched the battle. This was Su Yuan's proud skill.

Both of them are king-level. Without the help of the God's Coin, Ashley is not sure whether Ruanruan can take this move!


The huge Sky God Jade pressed down on Ruan Ruan's body and exploded with a bang. In an instant, everything in the four directions turned into a roaring tide of silver light!

However, there is always a bit of deep darkness in the center of the tide.

Along with a powerful swallowing wave, the power of space sweeping across the sky was swallowed up by the darkness in the middle like a high-speed collapse!

Just a few breaths were swallowed up, revealing a soft body surrounded by twisted black holes...

Still unscathed!

At this moment, Su Yuan stepped forward and came to Ruanruan, and the three colors of wind, fire and thunder intertwined with his fingertips and poked at Ruanruan.

Although the Xiang Po Finger is only of the third level, it incorporates the three divine objects of wind, fire and thunder, and its power is almost as powerful as that of the fourth level!

Ruanruan didn't dodge, he also raised his slender index finger to greet him.

The wind, fire and thunder burst out instantly, absolutely destroying gold and breaking jade, even epic star weapons can be easily broken.

A devouring power rushed out from the soft fingertips, swallowing up nearly half of the power of wind, fire and thunder that was about to explode in the blink of an eye!

The power of the Xiangpo Finger was greatly reduced, and it only pushed Ruanruan back a few steps, but it was no longer able to cause any harm to it.

"This devouring ability is really powerful..." Su Yuan nodded secretly.

Ruanruan stood still, the black water beneath him rippled, and eight huge black water-like tentacles shot towards Su Yuan from all directions.

"A skill based on Siren's Touch?"

This should be a skill that was completed by using True Form Liberation before Ruanruan broke through.

Su Yuan pulled out the demon sword and Taixu sword intent attached to it.

Raising his hand to count his swords, the sword light crossed the space and struck at the tentacles, cutting them off in an instant.

"They were all cut off by the master..." Ruanruan was a little frustrated.

Su Yuan put away the demon sword and said with a smile: "The Taixu Sword Intent is blessed by thoughts. You cannot swallow the spiritual energy. In addition, this skill also needs to be optimized in the future."

"Hmm..." Ruanruan agreed in a low voice.

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, stepped forward and rubbed his soft head: "I have just broken through, and to be able to achieve this level is already very impressive."

Ruanruan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Of course!"

In fact, Su Yuan was quite satisfied with Ruan Ruan's performance.

With such strength just after the breakthrough, the Devouring Law is really overbearing.

Moreover, there is also the Soul of the Demon Emperor, which seems to allow Ruanruan to directly master many skills of the Devouring Law. The twisted black hole can even take down the Sky God Jade head-on!

Although Ruanruan is still unable to swallow spiritual energy at the moment because his understanding of the law is still shallow, it is far enough.

For myself, Ruanruan is already a powerful help at this moment!

And this is just Ruanruan, after that, there will be Asilia, there will be Bingtong...

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