Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1059 The Five Imperial Courts

Above the North Sea, as the Gray Realm changes from sea to land, it continues to expand, even approaching the Eastern Continent.

On several islands in the North Sea, many Usa and Qi Guang legions have been jointly stationed to form a defense line. There are also kings from the northern countries sitting on the defense line.

At this moment, on a relatively remote island, at the outpost of the Usa Kingdom, a lieutenant general with a sexy beard was checking the screen in front of him.

"The energy value has decreased, and the expansion of the gray world seems to have slowed down."

A major next to him asked: "General, why don't we launch an attack while the Gray World is still expanding?"

Before the lieutenant general could speak, another colonel next to him explained:

"Because the sea and land changes in the gray world are so fast. If we enter now, as the gray world expands bigger and bigger, the place where we enter will immediately be surrounded and become a lone army."

"So that's it..." the major suddenly realized.

Even if you are sneaking into the enemy's army, you have to understand the situation along the way and gradually get in depth.

If it is directly and randomly teleported to the enemy's territory, the risk is immeasurable!

The lieutenant general nodded: "Yes, even a king-level master... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, the lieutenant general's expression changed, and he suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

But ahead, countless gray monsters flew out from the sea in the distance...

After a while, it was already densely packed with tens of thousands of people!

Among them, some monsters emitted unimaginable terrifying auras...

The lieutenant general's expression changed drastically: "The gray world is moving! Hurry, send the news!!"

The major just looked at the distance and was a little frightened, but the senior colonel was still calm and immediately sounded the alarm next to him.

But at this moment, a scaly hand grasped the people beside them.


The colonel turned around and saw that a young man with scales all over his body had appeared on the scene and was grabbing his arm.

"You are...ah!!"

Before the senior colonel finished speaking, the young man cut off his entire arm with just a little force.

The lieutenant general and others also reacted and noticed the terrifying aura on the opponent's body, and were immediately horrified.

"King level!!"

The scaly young man sneered, and when he raised his hand, a water ball fell into his hand.

The water ball compressed at high speed as it rotated, emitting a terrifying wave in just a blink of an eye.

The next moment, with the command post as the center, a huge ball of water exploded. The terrifying tsunami directly flattened the area more than ten miles away. Everyone was crushed to pieces the moment they touched the sea water!

When the water receded, the place was completely silent.

"Ulmer, you are making too much noise." At this time, a silver-haired girl stood down and frowned, "You don't have to be so urgent if you want to make meritorious deeds, right?"

The scaly young man Ulmer said coldly: "So what if the noise is loud? We didn't intend to hide anything in the first place, and... I don't need you to teach me what to do!"

Ulmer's eyes turned cold, and as he raised his hand, another ball of water spinning at high speed hit the silver-haired girl.

However, the silver-haired girl did not dodge and raised her hand to grab the water ball.

The water ball spun at high speed in the hands of the silver-haired girl, but failed to break it.

With a thought in the scaly young man's mind, a frightening wave of waves emitted from the water polo.


There was a loud noise, like the huge water explosion that destroyed the entire outpost before!

"You're really looking for death..." Ulmer sneered.

But when the tsunami dissipated, they saw the silver-haired girl standing on the spot, with a slight metallic silver-white brilliance on her skin. There were only some small scars under such an explosion, which were harmless.


The next moment, the silver-haired girl had already slapped him.

With a "squeak" sound, blood splashed, and a lot of the hard scales on Ulmer's body were torn apart!

"Gang Lan, you...!"

"Oh hehe, it's so intense..."

At this moment, the army of monsters from the gray world was approaching, and a sexy and hot woman with a long whip hanging from her waist also fell down.

When Ulmer and Gang Lan saw this man, they both bowed.

"Lord Barbarian Sect."

Manzong looked at the injuries on the two of them, raised the corners of his lips and smiled:

"It's okay, you guys keep fighting. I like watching fights the most. They are all new kings who were promoted after invading the previous world. It's normal for anyone to be dissatisfied."

But Ulmer and Gang Lan both lowered their heads respectfully, not to mention making any moves, or even daring to say another word.

The next moment, two "pops" sounded one after another, and Gang Lan and the two were immediately whipped by the long whip until they vomited blood and flew backwards!

The scales on Ulmer's chest were broken and bloody, and a long bloody trace appeared on Gang Lan's body!

"The war has just begun, and we are fighting first..." Barbarian Zong withdrew his long whip, and his expression suddenly became extremely cold, "You are really embarrassing to me... If you do it again, you will die!"

The two of them quickly suppressed their injuries and responded: "Yes, sir!"

"Let's go." Man Zong waved his hand and led the two of them and the army of monsters to the south...

Sixiang Hall, emergency meeting.

The Red Emperor is on top, all the thrones have arrived, and all the other kings in the department have also arrived.

Yuwen Wuji said: "The latest news from Qi Guang is that the transformation of the gray world from sea to land has been completed, and it is almost approaching the northwest coast of the Eastern Continent.

A large number of gray realm monsters rushed out of it, and the eight legions jointly stationed along the coasts of Usa and Qiguang, totaling tens of thousands of people, were wiped out.

As for the five kings who were stationed and patrolled by Qi Guang, three were killed and two were injured!

The northern archipelago fell, and the Northern Alliance relied on the coastal formations and garrisoned masters to block the gray world monsters from the land.

Until now, it is still resisting the waves of attacks launched by the gray world! "

Everyone's eyes were dazzled. Has the transformation of sea into land been completed? He immediately attacked and killed three kings!

Thinking back to the shocking move of the Gray Realm that directly overturned the Hokuriku, these Gray Realm monsters are really extremely aggressive!

Yuwen Wuji said solemnly: "The two kings who came back through Qiguang brought back another piece of information...

Nowadays, after killing our human kings, the king-level monsters in the gray world seem to... be able to absorb the power of law from the corpses! "


When everyone heard this, their pupils shrank.

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and Yuwen Wuji's eyes turned cold.

Fang Qingxiao immediately asked in a deep voice: "Yuwen, is this serious?"

Yuwen Wuji looked at the frightened people, nodded slightly and said: "Seriously!"


There was a sound of breathing in the hall.

"No wonder...no wonder the gray world keeps invading other worlds!"

The king-level star beasts in the gray world can directly absorb the power of human king-level laws...

This means that the gray realm monsters will be the natural enemies of all monks!

Human beings also need to rely on heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and holy elixirs of law to speed up the practice of law.

However, the gray world monsters can quickly obtain the power of the law by killing human kings!

As a result... there will be no room for relaxation between the gray realm monsters and humans!

Yuwen Wuji said: "According to Qi Guang's current speculation, the king-level soul cards, the power of laws, etc. all rely on the source.

After death, the origin returns to heaven and earth, the laws dissipate, and the soul card flows into the gray world for reincarnation...

When the king-level monster dies, it can intercept part of the power of the law by controlling the soul card that is about to be reincarnated.

All of this seems to be the ability of the Underworld Imperial Court who is responsible for reincarnation. "

After everyone heard this, their expressions became more serious.

A Green Dragon King envoy with black dragon patterns on his arms snorted coldly: "Monsters from the gray world, a bunch of beasts, actually have plans for us!"

Ling Xiao said calmly: "Yin and Yang have changed, and the way of heaven has turned. In the past, we hunted the star beasts and took out the star cores, but now the gray world extracts the power of our laws."

Many messengers looked incomprehensible when they heard this.

indeed so.

Since ancient times, humans have hunted for the star cores of star beasts and used them for various purposes, gradually overpowering all sentient beings and achieving dominance.

But now, the invading gray world star beasts can rob humans of their understanding of the law, just like the reincarnation of the sky, retaliation for retaliation.

Yuwen Wuji said again: “However, it’s not just bad news.

Qi Guang discovered that there are countless fifth-level treasures hidden in the gray world.

Especially in the Royal Court of the Gray Realm, a large amount of materials with the power of laws are gathered! "

"Oh? Why is that?"

“Open a door, close a window.

Although the gray realm monsters can extract the power of laws from humans, they cannot absorb the power of laws from heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

These law treasures can only be piled together to form an existence similar to a law holy land for cultivation.

According to the information provided by Qi Guang, even the worst royal court has enough resources to promote a first-level new king to the intermediate level if all of them are digested! "

After everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

This is an incredible resource!

As long as there are law treasures, even if they are not the laws he cultivates, Dayan can still convert them, but he will suffer most of the losses and consumption.

That is to say.

Nowadays, not only the blue starfish is an urgent hunting ground for the gray world monsters.

For Dayan, the gray world is also a place where countless resources and treasures are gathered!

"I didn't expect that Qi Guang would inform us of such important information."

Yuwen Wuji said coldly: Firstly, it is to show sincerity to us; secondly, Gray World's actions have put a lot of pressure on the north, for fear that we are not active enough. "

Yuwen Wuji raised his hand, and a projection suddenly appeared in front of everyone. It was a huge map.

However, most of it is completely dark, and only a very small area in the lower right corner has some marks and markings.

"With the Gray Realm fully unfolding, Qi Guang has sent out several teams to conduct investigations and synchronized the results to us."

Everyone looked at the only small patch on the map, and it clearly belonged to "Assault on the Imperial Palace."

Although it has not been long, the Eastern Continent has already grasped some basic conditions of the gray world.

There are five royal courts in the Gray Realm, namely:

Towering Imperial Palace, Underworld Imperial Palace, Assault Imperial Palace, Chaos Imperial Palace and Sky-Splitting Imperial Palace.

The Shentian Imperial Court is responsible for the cultivation of demon plants, and the Netherland Imperial Court is responsible for the reincarnation of soul cards.

Among the remaining three imperial courts.

The imperial court that attacked the imperial court could be said to be the largest and most powerful among the five imperial courts, accounting for almost half of it.

The Chaotic Imperial Court is an imperial court that is good at magic and proficient in various energies, and there are many energy bodies in it.

The final Sky-Splitting Imperial Court has the smallest number of people, but most of the monsters in it have amazing strength and potential.

Because if a star beast of legendary quality or above dies, the soul card may be assigned to the Sky-Splitting Imperial Palace after reincarnation! "

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