Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1060: Heading North to the Ash Exploration World

"Are these four royal courts the ones who have launched an attack on Qi Guang?"

Everyone looked at the projection and saw that the four royal courts had names, and Qi Guang had also numbered them.

Yuwen Wuji said: "Not only these royal courts, but also the troops mobilized by the royal court."

"Sent the synchronization map. It seems that they want us to take action~" Fang Yuan sneered.

Everyone also understood that Qi Guang wanted to urge Dayan to take action.

As for what I and others should do...

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the Red Emperor who was sitting in the seat with his eyes closed and concentrating.

At this time, the Red Emperor slowly opened his eyes, and the shining light in his eyes was like the blazing sun in the sky!

"Even if there is no enlightenment action, we still have to take action..."

As the Red Emperor spoke, everyone's expressions became serious.

“The Gray Realm turns from sea to land, expands very quickly, and occupies an extremely large area, but because of this, not all places are heavily defended.

If Qiguang attacks them head-on, we will attack their flanks, infiltrate the gray world to detect the situation and create chaos! "

With the same number of people, a larger territory means that the defense is thinner.

In the gray world, the imperial court, royal court, and territory are distributed and gathered.

In this case, it is not difficult to find some weak points on the periphery of the gray world.

At present, Qi Guang was attacking the enemy from the front in Beilu, and the Great Flame dispersed to attack the enemy.

When Qi Guang couldn't stand it any longer, he would naturally not be satisfied with just sharing and cooperating on intelligence.

Taking advantage of this time, Dayan could verify the information given by Qi Guang.

The king level goes first, followed closely by the upper three levels.

Not long after, some of the royal envoys from the Tianxian Division came to the coastal areas according to the deployment.

"That's the Gray Realm over there." After Su Yuan killed the Cursed King, Liang Cheng, who had met the Suzaku King once, looked into the distance, "We've actually reached this position, and we can directly use detection techniques to See the other side.”

Silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and he could clearly see the land shrouded in gray mist through his clairvoyance.

"It's indeed very close." Su Yuan nodded.

Because Su Yuan is good at the law of space and Liang Cheng is good at the law of wind and can travel faster, the locations they plan to invade are relatively far away.

Liang Cheng looked back and said with a smile: "Then let's act separately, Ambassador Su, please be careful."

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Prince Liang, please be careful."

Liang Cheng nodded, then cupped his hands and immediately turned into a silent breeze and fled forward.

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light and he teleported forward.

After a while, Su Yuan came to the gray mist in the gray world, hid his breath and flew into it...

A slight feeling of coldness and desolation came over my body, which was not much different from when I entered the towering imperial court through the node.

Silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and his clairvoyance opened and swept far ahead.

A large expanse of desolate, gray-brown sand stretches straight ahead, like a no-man's land.

"Is there no one there? It seems like I'm lucky."

Su Yuan nodded slightly and quickly moved forward...

Desert Wolf King's Court.

A dark green light flashed over the city-like Royal Court, but a black and blue wooden shuttle flew quickly and shot directly into the thousand-meter-high wolf-headed tower in the center of the Royal Court.

At the top of the tower, the rough room is inlaid with various gems and precious metals.

At this moment, a fat middle-aged man raised his hand and caught the flying wooden shuttle.

This person is one of the wolf kings of the Desert Wolf Royal Court, a fourth-level king-Gen.

Gen En looked at the red mark in the center of the wooden shuttle, and his expression suddenly condensed.

This red mark is the mark of the attack on the imperial court, which means that this wooden shuttle comes from the imperial court!

Genn grabbed the wooden shuttle with one hand and made a few specific seals with the other hand.

The attack mark on the wooden shuttle dissipated with the seal, and then a large number of runes carrying information flickered on it.

"In a remote place like our Desert Wolf Palace, we haven't received an order from the imperial court for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that just by coming to this big world, I would be connected twice..."

Next to Gunn, a thin young man with dark face and white hair curled his lips.

This young man is none other than Gena, another king of the Desert Wolf Imperial Court, the third level.

Soon, Gunn finished reading the message and put down the wooden shuttle.

Gena immediately asked: "Brother, what are the instructions from above?"

Gunn said solemnly: "The imperial court launched a war before, but now, it seems that a human master from another force has come in, but the specific location is uncertain."

"You are really looking for death, these humans dare to break into the sanctuary!" Gena sneered.

Gunn continued: "Today, all border areas, including ours, are patrolled by Red Teeth Guards."

"A member of the Red Tooth Guard?" Hearing this, Gena couldn't help but look more solemn.

The Red Teeth Guards were one of the five regiments directly affiliated with the imperial court.

Its members are all king-level kings with great fighting and killing abilities selected from all the forces within the scope of the attack on the imperial court.

Gunn nodded and said: "If you encounter humans sneaking in, regardless of their number or strength, report it to the Red Tooth Guards and they will deal with it."

"Haha, the hands are really long. If there is a weak one, wouldn't they just be grabbing resources!" Ge Na couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

For the Gray Realm Demon King, human beings are the tonic to enhance the power of the law!

With the Underworld Order provided by the Underworld Imperial Court, one can use the soul beast of the deceased to take away the laws. Even if the laws are not practiced by oneself, the Underworld Imperial Court can replace and prepare them.

Gunn thought for a moment and said: "You can't say that. The world we want to capture this time is a big world. The humans in it should be stronger and safer. We just obey orders."

"How strong can it be? It's not all the food we're waiting for!" Gena snorted coldly and said rather dissatisfied, "Those Red-Toothed Guards still want to snatch it from us? Humph, our place is very far away from that continent. I’m afraid no humans will come at all!”

Gunn said in a deep voice: "Brother, don't be careless, this world is extraordinary!"

Once the worlds invaded before were discovered by the Gray World, they were almost all plundered and massacred one-sidedly.

Gena killed two kings in the battle against the previous world, and he also broke through to the third level!

But this time it was different. Using the towering sacred tree of the imperial court as the foundation, he reversed the situation and projected almost half of the forces in the gray world over!

Obviously, on this continent, even the imperial court must go all out!

Su Yuan came to a series of yellow mountains, flew down and landed on one of the mountains.

Leaning down, Su Yuan inspected it carefully and couldn't help but smack his lips.

"Almost the entire mountain range is covered with brass crystals. I can't imagine it..."

Brass crystal, that’s a level four material!

It is extremely hard, and has strong anti-explosion and anti-corrosion properties.

Not only to create epic star weapons, but more importantly, this is the main material to create Scorching Sun-class star energy cannons!

In the Eastern Continent, once the chalcopyrite mine is discovered, it is owned by the state, and ordinary forces are not qualified to occupy this mine, otherwise it will pose too great a threat to public security.

How could it be like here, where no one cares about the chalcopyrite in such a mountain range?

"A brass crystal like this will most likely have a fifth-level brass crystal mother..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly and he immediately recorded it on the map.

Then he swayed and continued to move forward.

Along the way, Su Yuan concealed his aura and did not take action at will even when he encountered some large and small territories and scattered star beasts.

Until this moment, Su Yuan's silver eyes finally saw a huge city whose territory was completely incomparable.

"Wang Ting!"

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