Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1061 The sacred weapon first shows its power

"Wang Ting!"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately hid his body and walked forward.

Previously, due to the Earth Tribulation and the World Barrier, Dayan did not have much in-depth exploration of the Shentian Imperial Court.

Su Yuan was also a Zhuoyang at the beginning, and the largest territory he went to was the territory where Ba Shu was located.

At this moment, I finally saw the royal court headed by the king and governing many territories!

Su Yuan came closer and looked up at a series of black stone halls. Rugged and exaggerated buildings were everywhere, and sculptures of demons, gods and beast kings could be seen everywhere.

In terms of style, it is quite similar to Yaodu.

In terms of area, it is no less than a second-tier city in Dayan.

And those walking inside are all star beasts that can transform.

Non-transformed star beasts are generally in various territories. Unless specifically allowed, they cannot enter the scope of the royal court.

In the royal court, the hierarchy is even stricter.

The demon kings in the royal court all live in a wolf-headed tower in the middle.

"It seems that the king in the royal court here is probably the Wolf King..."

Su Yuan took a closer look, but from this position, he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

After Su Yuan glanced a few more times, he looked away and tried to enter the royal court.

But at this moment, a thin and sharp figure flew out of the tower and headed west.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, his gaze fell on the figure in front of him, and he followed after a moment's thought.

With his clairvoyance, Su Yuan followed the young man all the way.

After a long time, while passing through an open desert, the young man suddenly stopped.

Sniffling, the young man turned around and looked behind him.

"After following you for so long, it's time to come out..."

This young man is Gena from the Desert Wolf Royal Court.

There was a slight silence in the field for a while, and then there was a flash of silver light, and Su Yuan appeared.

"What a keen sense of smell..." Su Yuan praised.

"Human? You really got it as soon as you said it..." Gena was quite surprised, and then sneered, "But, is it just the first level? A mere first-level king, you dare to follow me?"

Gena also thought about what his eldest brother said before, contacting the Red-Tooth Guard, but now, since he is only a first-level human king, there is no way he would let him out!

Without any more nonsense, Gena stepped on his feet, and countless ice thorns more than tens of feet long shot out, shooting towards Su Yuan like thorns!

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, and he teleported among the ice spikes with ease.

"Are you so flexible?" Gena sneered and clapped his hands on the ground, "Eight-pillar ice prison!"

I saw a burst of icy blue spiritual light on the ground. After a slight tremor, eight huge icicles shot up into the sky. There were ice edges between them, sealing Su Yuan in them!

"Thousand Thorns Kill!"

Gena shouted low, the runes on the icicles flashed, the frost roared, and hundreds of thorn-like ice cones shot towards the center!

The staggered ice picks fit together tightly, leaving no gaps at all in the entire ice prison. The person inside was afraid that countless holes would be poked out immediately!

"The imperial court is so cautious, but these humans are no different from before..." Gena looked at the eight-pillar ice prison with thorns in front of him, with a bit of a sneer in his eyes.

"Do you think you can kill me with this method?"

At that moment, Su Yuan's calm voice came from the ice prison.


Gena's expression changed, and the ice light in his eyes gathered to see through the ice prison.

But he saw Su Yuan standing in the center of the ice prison, with countless ice picks crisscrossing outside him, but none of them could hurt him as if they were folded by space!

"The art of space?"

At this moment, using the ice prison as a cover, Su Yuan was ready to fire the sacred jade in his hands!

The next moment, Su Yuan teleported out in a flash and stood above the ice prison, throwing the Sky God Jade out with a wave of his hand.

Gena's expression condensed, and he raised his left hand, and suddenly a wall of ice rose in front of him...


The Sky God Jade exploded, and the terrifying spiritual light swept all around in an instant!

By the time the aura dissipated, the ice wall had exploded.

Gena's right hand was in front of him. The skin on it was chapped, and a little blood slipped from his fingers...

But at the critical moment, he blocked it with his hand.

The reason why this happens is because the ice wall consumes most of the power of the Sky God Jade in advance!

Ice Wall is only Gena's second-level skill, but with the blessing of Gena's third-level ice law, it almost blocked Su Yuan's fifth-level Sky God Jade!

"A mere first-level person actually hurt me..." Gena looked gloomy.

The injury on his hand was not that important, but it angered Gena!

Gena licked the wound on his hand, and his right hand gradually turned into the claws of an ice wolf, and at the same time, a wolf tail grew out.


The ice and snow roar, the frost surges...

Gena stepped forward and rushed towards Su Yuan!

However, facing the angry Gena, Su Yuan turned over his hand and took out a black stone bucket...

Legendary star weapon, a fight across the sea!

Su Yuan urged the stone bucket to fly up, and the mouth of the bucket was aimed at the rushing Gena.

Gena was injured by the first-level Su Yuan. At this moment, he was so angry that he did not dodge. He accelerated in a few steps and rushed to Su Yuan.

But soon, the water above the mouth of the bucket was flowing, and there was a vague power that could overturn the whole world!

"What a powerful law fluctuation!"

Gena suddenly felt a crisis, and he was about to move aside in fear.

However, it was too late at this time. The water light from the mouth of the bucket burst out and shone on Gena, making Gena feel like he was trapped in the bottom of the ocean and unable to escape.

And when the water light was collected again, Gena was absorbed into the stone bucket!

In an instant, the tide rose and fell, the seas rolled, and the boundless water of the sea pressed on Gena, constantly impacting and crushing him!

Gena felt as if his body was about to be crushed in the sea water. He was horrified and used all his star power to resist. At the same time, he waved his sharp claws and launched his skills to tear open the sea water and break out.

However, neither the sharp claws nor the various ice skills can cause any harm to the water of the sea.

This is also the power of the battle in the sea. Once the enemy is caught in the fight, he will not be able to pose any threat to the messenger at all, and he can only be forced to fight against the endless water of the sea!

All means and techniques have been transformed into pure star power confrontation!

As for Su Yuan, he only needs to provide star power support for Canghai Yidou.

Soon, Gena also realized this problem and immediately stopped all actions.

The ice star power all over his body is shooting wildly, and the infinite ice is centered on himself and moving up and down in all directions, as if he is trying to freeze the sea with the law of ice to break the prison of this treasure!

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, made a seal with his hand, and used all his majestic star power to bless Canghai Yidou.

There is more and more water in the sea, and it is surging faster and faster, grinding away the frozen glacier in the middle like a millstone!

This kind of ice is simply not enough to freeze the entire boundless sea!

"It's a sacred weapon!!"

Gena's face turned pale and he was horrified. He already understood that this was actually an extremely powerful sacred weapon!

But now I understand that it is of no use.

Gena was in the vast sea, as helpless as a small boat with no way to save himself!

As the sea water continues to surge, there are fewer and fewer glaciers in the center.

Until the last glacier has completely dissipated, and the boundless sea has completely submerged Gena...

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