Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1071 Overwhelming the Third Level

Time passes little by little...

While dispelling the corrosive power on their bodies, the two of them stared at Su Yuan, wondering whether Su Yuan could overwhelm the third-level gray realm monster.

If it were an ordinary first-level person, it would be extremely difficult to deal with a third-level king-level person even if he was holding a holy weapon.

But the person in front is, after all, the famous Sky Patrol Secretary Su Yuan!

After a while, the stone bucket in front of Su Yuan suddenly trembled violently.

A large area of ​​water swayed between the flashes of spiritual light, and a rather embarrassed figure rushed out of it and landed in front.


Gasser's face hardened, he couldn't even do anything about the holy weapon. This powerful demon king was indeed difficult to deal with!

At this moment, the young man in black suddenly had a flash of light that dispersed all the remaining water stains. He looked up at Su Yuan, his face suddenly turned ugly.

Sixty or seventy percent of his own star power had been consumed in the water-type holy weapon, but the silver-haired young man in front of him... his star power had barely slipped much!

"You actually have such a recovery method, no wonder you have the confidence to confront me!" The young man in black looked gloomy.

Su Yuan raised his hand and took Cang Hai Yi Dou back, saying, "It's a pity that I couldn't kill you directly."

"Yeah... it's a pity." The young man in black narrowed his eyes and raised a cold smile on his lips, "If you fail to kill me with the holy weapon, you will be the one who dies!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man in black didn't even look at Gase and Melissa in the distance. He took one step and turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Su Yuan!

"Well done!"

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, raised his right hand, and the demon sword promoted to a holy weapon appeared in his palm as the red light circulated.

"Last time, a battle in the sea destroyed Jingyan. It just so happens that this time I have to fight a third-level Corrosion Guard who is not in good condition to test his own skills... He is haunted by evil spirits!"

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, black flames rose up from his body, and he directly spread out the evil evil body and wielded the demon sword to slash at the oncoming young man in black.

In an instant, swords and fists clashed.


The air waves exploded, white air roared, and the desert sand under the two of them sank and swung like a huge expanding disk, raising countless winds and sand!

In mid-air, Su Yuan stood on the spot, but the young man in black was kicked back, with blood dripping from his palms.

This sword not only knocked back the young man in black, but also injured his right hand, leaving a thunder sword mark on his body!

"The demon king was actually repelled!" Gasser and Melissa were both shocked.

Even if the young man in black is not the kind of demon king with the best physical body, the demon king who attacked the imperial court is not weak physically.

There are several reasons why this scene occurred.

At first, although the young man in black managed to break free from Canghai Yidou, his physical strength and star power were all consumed a lot.

Secondly, as a change of Xuxie's manifestation of the saint, the physical strengthening brought about by Xuxie's entanglement is also comparable to the fifth-grade magical power!

Thirdly...that is the power of the legendary sword itself!

Even if any characteristics of a legendary sword were removed, its basic attributes alone would be far beyond what a pseudo-sacred weapon could compare to.

Sharpness, hardness, corrosion resistance...

Even the Demon King with outstanding defense may not be able to withstand the blows of the legendary sword with his physical body!

The young man in black looked at the sword wound that penetrated deep into his finger bone, feeling shocked and confused.

If I hadn't pulled away quickly enough, I might have had a few fingers cut off!

Could it be that... this red sword is also a holy weapon?

Before the young man in black could make any more moves, a flash of silver light appeared in front of him, but Su Yuan was already approaching with his sword!

"not good!"

The young man in black felt his heart tremble, the wooden ring in his hand lit up, and immediately a dark spear fell into his hand to block Su Yuan's slashing attack.

Su Yuan looked calm, swung his sword and slashed continuously, and started fighting with the young man in black at high speed within a short distance!

"Clang clang clang...!"

Although the young man in black was at the third level, it was a bit difficult to fight Su Yuan in close combat.

But the young man in black had his own plans.

This black gun can not only defend against enemies, but also cover up and accelerate the spread of gray energy!

Countless corrosive energy quietly gathered on the spear, and silently surged up to the Demon Sword through many sword and spear clashes, but it would soon spread to Su Yuan.


After another exchange of blows, swords and guns clashed, and the two men wrestled!

The young man in black tried his best to resist Su Yuan's long sword, but there was a bit of joy in his eyes.

Because at this moment, the accumulated corrosive energy almost rushed to Su Yuan along the demon knife!

"Are you waiting for these corrosive energy to spread to my hands?" Su Yuan suddenly said.

The young man in black raised his eyebrows, and then said coldly: "Did you notice it? But it's already a little late!"

The corrosive energy has secretly crawled all over the demon sword. At least it can force the opponent to abandon this extremely sharp sword!

"Really?" Su Yuan sneered, and the purple-gold thunder and lightning in his eyes became increasingly intense, "Even if I have to disappoint you..."

"Zi la!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword suddenly thundered!

The overbearing Zixiao Divine Thunder burst out and exploded from the long sword, and its terrifying power directly sent the young man in black flying.

The young man in black quickly stabilized his figure. The skin and flesh were torn in front of him, purple lightning was flying around, and the thunder sword was even more imprinted with golden light!


The young man in black ignored his injury and looked up at Su Yuan in surprise.

But I saw that the corrosive energy on the demon knife, like a gangrene attached to the bone, all collapsed and scattered like dust and skin flakes under the purple-gold thunder!

Under the characteristics of the Heavenly Dao, there is almost no energy that cannot be erased by the Zixiao Divine Thunder, let alone the power of the law that is only unfolded by the third-order king level?

"It's the divine thunder!" Gasser and Melissa in the distance were both shocked.

Gase said in a solemn voice: "With the divine wind and divine fire in the intelligence, he has three divine items by himself!"

In the field, the expression of the young man in black became even more serious.

From Canghai Yidou's suppression to Zixiao Shenlei's counterattack at this moment, the young man in black suddenly felt like he was completely controlled by the opponent.

"It's just a first-level...a mere first-level, but there are so many treasures!"

Being suppressed by a First Order, the young man in black became completely angry.

He stood on all fours and raised his tail high behind him. The aura on it surged and turned into the barrel of a spear.

"Gray Falls!"

The young man in black shouted, and the star power surged around him, and countless gray bullets that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye roared out of the barrel!

Seeing this, Su Yuan sneered.


Su Yuan took a step forward, and waves of purple sky thunder suddenly surged up from under his feet!

Those many gray bullets collided with the roaring divine thunder outside Su Yuan's body, and shattered into large pieces on the spot like moths flying into a flame!

Looking up at the young man in black, Su Yuan said quietly: "Can such a superficial method be brought to the forefront?"

Although the young man in black is at the third level, Su Yuan can easily wipe out such scattered attacks by relying on the heavenly characteristics of Zixiao Divine Thunder and the continuous supply of star power!

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