Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1072 Another third level cut

"Shallow means...this guy!"

The young man in black saw the disdain in Su Yuan's eyes, and his hands suddenly clenched!

The cannon barrel that was continuously shooting out bullets behind him suddenly stopped. As the spiritual light surged, the cannon barrel expanded again and turned into a rocket launcher.

Gray light flashed on it, and gray spears several meters long condensed out.

"so much?!"

Gasser in the distance looked at the 3×3 gray spears neatly arranged in the barrel behind the young man in black, and couldn't help but feel frightened.

Before, the corrosive power of a gray gun after exploding made the two of them quite embarrassed, let alone so many gray guns at the moment!

"Eclipse God Box, die!"

The young man in black shouted, and gray guns shot out one after another from the barrel, heading straight for Su Yuan.

There was a gap of two levels. After destroying three gray spears, the purple sky thunder surging outside was no longer difficult to resist.

This gray gun is much more condensed than the previous bullet rain!

Su Yuan's body lit up with silver light and he immediately teleported out of the way.

"Want to hide?!"

The young man in black swung his long tail, and the cannon barrel immediately changed its direction flexibly. The gray gun inside was propelled by the cannon barrel at a speed much faster than the previous attack on the two Gassers.

Even if Su Yuan flashed at high speed, he was constantly being approached by gray guns.

"Got you!"

There was a slight sneer on the lips of the young man in black. The last two gray guns in the barrel finally caught up with Su Yuan who had just teleported and appeared, and they started to kill each other!

Just at this moment, a flash of light flashed over Su Yuan's shoulder, and a slime appeared.

Along with a deep and astonishing aura, a bottomless black hole suddenly expanded and slowly swallowed the two gray guns.

The black hole twisted and trembled, and it seemed to be quite difficult, but fortunately, the law of swallowing was indeed overbearing, and it was slowly swallowed up after all.

"The power of devouring?" The expression of the young man in black changed slightly, and then murderous intent surged in his eyes, "Seeking death!"

The young man in black shouted loudly, and the spiritual light gathered in the barrel behind him, and another gray gun quickly condensed and was reloaded.

Each spear fired is comparable to a third-level skill. With such a number and such speed, the black-clothed young man's move to corrode the God's Box is naturally an intermediate skill.

However, this technique has a shortcoming. All gray guns must be fired before they can be reloaded, so it can only be regarded as a fourth-level skill at the moment.

Although the reloading speed of the gun barrel is very fast, Su Yuan is so rich in combat experience. When he first saw that two or three gray guns were fired without replenishing them immediately, he had been waiting for this time!

Before the young man in black could launch the second round of offensive, with a flash of silver light, Su Yuan teleported to him and slashed him with his sword!

Although the young man in black was frightened, he quickly distanced himself as soon as he stepped on his four legs. At the same time, he loaded the gun barrel more quickly and prepared to shoot Su Yuan!

But as the demon sword fell, the young man in black seemed to be sucked by the sword. Instead of being able to dodge, he got closer and closer to the sword!

This is exactly the new trick Su Yuan developed with his immeasurable power - "Traction Sword!"

Concentrate a large amount of infinitely shrinking power on the sword, making it impossible for enemies within close range to escape from the sword!

Although it can only be regarded as a third-grade one and not yet at the intermediate level, it is better because of its mechanics.

At this moment, the young man in black was shocked and had no time to resist.


Blood flew down, and the young man in black was cut with a bloody wound by the demon knife again!


The young man in black relied on the power of Su Yuan's sword to fly back, and the brilliance of the gun barrel behind him had already been condensed.

Seeing Su Yuan teleporting towards him again, the cannon barrel behind the young man in black was glowing brightly, and the nine-shot gray gun was about to be fired out close to his face!

At this moment, Su Yuan raised his head, his eyes flashing with silver light.

"Infinite moment!"

For an instant, the boundless silver space was reflected in the eyes of the young man in black, and he suddenly stood still.

Su Yuan waved the demon sword: "God's Cut!"

The sword intent soared into the sky, and Su Yuan slashed down with two swords in succession!

The first sword was slashed to the back, and after a brief stalemate, the cannon barrel turned into the tail of the young man in black was cut off.

The second sword struck at his head, almost cutting off half of the black-clothed young man's head!

Two swords fell in succession, and the young man in black was severely injured. He broke free and regained consciousness in an instant.

"Ah...mental skills? Damn it!"

In addition to the severe pain and shock, the young man in black immediately turned his hands and grabbed the bleeding half of his head, pouring a large amount of gray corrosive energy into it:

"Erosion mutant!"

At this time, there is not much we can do anymore.

As corrosive energy poured into his body, a large, chilling tumor suddenly swelled out of the missing half of the young man's head.

And that's not all, the corrosive power spread to the whole body in an instant, and countless ugly sarcomas tore out of his clothes!

While the young man in black's mind was blurring, his body expanded violently and almost turned into an eroding monster, and his breath, which had slipped due to heavy injuries, also recovered a little.

With an angry roar, he grabbed Su Yuan!

"It's so ugly..." Su Yuan raised his left hand a little on the sword, "Thunder!"

Even if it turns into a monster, the thunder sword mark on its body will not dissipate.

After five hits, the Thunder Sword Seal was fully stacked and turned completely golden!

"Zi la!!"

Thunder flashes and thousands of birds chirp!

The lightning was extinguished in an instant, and the monster transformed by the young man in black in front of him suddenly stopped in place, with countless blood seeping out from the dense cracks all over the body...

The young man in black regained some clarity in his eyes, and looked at Su Yuan in shock: "You..."


With a muffled sound, the monster-like black shadow youth suddenly turned into a large piece of minced meat and exploded!

The Zixiao Divine Thunder is extremely domineering. Once the thunder is activated, combined with the characteristics of the Divine Thunder + the passive damage increase of the Thunder Sword Seal, it will be a sixth-grade attack skill!

The young man in black was already in poor condition after being exhausted a lot, and was stabbed by Su Yuan one after another.

Even if the third-level king-level law is very strong, the physical body cannot withstand such devastation, and he is killed on the spot by the thunder of the sword!


The red light on the demon sword kept dancing, extremely excited, and a bit ready to move!


Ruanruan flew over and landed on Su Yuan's shoulder.

Su Yuan turned his head and glanced at Gasser and Melissa in the distance. A circle of silver light spread out from outside him, and he immediately entered the Green Underworld with the broken corpse of the young man in black...

"He actually killed the third-level demon king!" Gasser took a deep breath, his eyes filled with wonder.

Melissa looked at the place where Su Yuan disappeared and was also frightened:

"Holy weapons, divine thunder, inexhaustible star power...Sky Surveyor Su Yuan, this kind of power is really tyrannical.

And according to the information from the Holy Church, his methods seem to go beyond that..."

Although they relied on the power of the holy weapon, killing the third-level demon king in just one level still shocked Gasser and Melissa.

Once the number one king in the Eastern Continent...

Not only is it worthy of the name, but it’s even better!

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