Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1076 Ambush

As early as when setting up the ambush, Su Yuan had already handed over Canghai Yidou to Ruanruan.

After making the first strike with his own sword and lightning flash, Ruanruan can wait for an opportunity to involve the opponent in a fight across the sea.

At this moment, black light was flowing all over Ruanruan's body, and the devouring power twisted and expanded, turning it into an astonishing black hole.

The majestic star power and the terrifying Devouring Law surged out, and even the stone walls of the surrounding canyons were crushed in large areas!

Su Yuan flew down with the demon sword in hand and looked at the black light flowing in front of Canghai Yidou.

"Sure enough, water-based star weapons can be more powerful if left to users of the Law of Water."

When Ruanruan Yu makes Canghai Yidou, in addition to its own water bonus, using water as a medium can also give Canghai Yidou some power to swallow the law!

All water in the sea has a certain devouring power.

Originally, to fight against the boundless water of the sea, a large amount of star power would be consumed. Now, with the blessing of the devouring power, the star power consumption of the people within it has increased exponentially!

"Boom boom boom!"

Soon, Canghai Doudou continued to shake, and the Hongniu in it launched a fierce resistance.

Golden light burst out from within the Dou, huge forces rolled over the sea, and roars continued to be heard, but they were all suppressed by the boundless sea with devouring power within the Dou.

But even so, Ruanruan is not easy.

His eyes were closed tightly, his brows were furrowed, his spiritual light was trembling, and his delicate little face was gradually turning white visibly to the naked eye.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, the fourth level demon king was really powerful.

If it were him, I'm afraid it would be really difficult to suppress this demon king.

After a while, a large area of ​​water on Ruanruan's body peeled off itself and quickly transformed into three other Ruanruan.

As you advance to the king level, the points and skills will evolve into fifth-level skills, becoming more flexible and powerful.

At this moment, the three separate clones of Ruanruan also sat down with their eyes closed, and together with Ruanruan they made the seals together, and they were able to activate the Canghai Yidou together!

Although the individual strength has declined after the clone, the overall strength has been greatly improved.

The power of the sea suddenly surged, and even more majestic and boundless power came from it. The turbulent sea suppressed the golden light again in just a blink of an eye!

The shaking stone fight quickly stabilized, and no movement was heard from it, as if the demon king had really been suppressed.

Seeing this, Su Yuan raised his hand and stroked the demon sword. Suddenly the sword's intention rose and thunder burst out!

Su Yuan knew very well that if it were Jingyan and the young man in black, they might have been suppressed by Ruanruan's clone's method of activating the holy weapon.

But I had just witnessed the power of Hongniu personally, and it was impossible for the other party to be overwhelmed like this.

There can only be one reason for the silence now...

He is gathering momentum!


The next moment, it was like the spring hair crackling the sky, or like a huge bell shaking the universe!

A terrifying sound wave that was as solid as a substance suddenly erupted from the stone bucket, and the pale golden sound wave directly ruthlessly shattered the entire canyon!

The four softies around Shi Dou were so shocked that they flew out. A little blood flowed from the corners of their mouths. The sea of ​​​​consciousness was shocked and they all fell to the ground without moving.

Su Yuan was also shocked, and a large piece of flesh was directly torn under such power, and the blood dripping between two breaths was soaked in the robe.

However, the three-flower mark between the eyebrows lit up and Su Yuan's eyes twinkled, but he did not receive too strong a mental shock.

"A mere first-level person can actually possess such a sacred object!" At this moment, Hongniu turned into a golden light and flew out of the mouth of the bucket, "Give me this kind of treasure..."

Before he finished speaking, lightning shot out, and Su Yuan, covered in blood, had already drawn his sword and arrived in a flash!

Hongniu's pupils shrank suddenly and he immediately crossed his arms in front of him.


The sword penetrated the flesh, and after a momentary stalemate, Su Yuan shot past Hong Niu.

Blood spurted out, and half of his thick arm flew up.

"Did you just cut off one hand reluctantly?" Su Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

In this attack, he used Divine Break and Thunder Flash.

But the opponent's physical body and the fourth-level golden law are too hard!

Hongniu's pupils shrank, and his eyes suddenly became bloodshot.

Although there is pain, there is even more anger!


Hongniu's fourth-level astonishing star power suddenly exploded, and he turned around and turned into a golden bull with roaring golden energy and crashed into Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, and he immediately teleported out of the way.

"Stop it!"

Hongniu roared loudly, and the golden sound gang struck first.

Su Yuan's whole body froze, and under the influence of the golden sound gang, his feet actually slowed down for a moment.

"Bull Strike!"

Hong Niu rushed forward in an instant, with a rich golden light covering his remaining left hand, and suddenly punched it!

Su Yuan's eyes condensed, and the black flames burning outside his body suddenly turned into a dark cloak, and he directly spread out the evil evil body and blocked it with a horizontal sword in front of him.


The iron fist hit the demon sword, and suddenly white air roared and golden rain splashed everywhere!

A large amount of blood mist and black flames exploded all over Su Yuan's body. Even with the blessing of evil spirits, he was still thrown away on the spot by the terrifying power!

And Hongniu was like an angry golden bull, stepping into the void and about to hit Su Yuan again.

At this moment, huge black tentacles rushed up from below and pulled out, just like Luo Ruan who had recovered from his nerves.

But Hongniu kept moving forward, blasting and breaking each of its tentacles as he ran!

Su Yuan ignored his slightly numb right hand and the injuries on his body. As soon as he thought, the black fire cloak outside his body suddenly ignited with black flames.


The black flames all over the sky instantly formed a huge demon-like outsider outside the body. He swung Black Amaterasu and slashed at the oncoming ox with a single sword!


With a loud noise, Hong Niu's relatively small figure actually knocked the hundred-foot-tall Xu Xie Xian Sheng back slightly for half a step!

But at this moment, when Xuxie Xiansheng raised his hand, Hongyueqie had also been chopped down.

One punch could not defeat both swords. After all, Hong Niu had one of his arms cut off by Su Yuan. At this moment, it was difficult for him to exert his full strength and he could only fight Hong Yueqie with his fist.


The two sides exchanged blows, causing air waves to roar and auras to fly!


After a moment of stalemate, Hongniu shouted loudly, and the golden light from his fist suddenly hit Kuro Amaterasu.

Xuxie Xiansheng was shocked. The hundred-foot-tall body was actually pushed back far away by Hongniu, and large parts of his body shattered into pitch-black flames.

But under the influence of the immortal evil fire, the broken parts of the body immediately recovered at a high speed.

Seeing this, Hongniu frowned, knowing that this huge heretic would not be easy to deal with, and he had to show some real skills!

Seeing Xu Xie Xian Sheng fanning the Xu Shen Fei and swinging his two swords to strike again, Hong Niu did not wave his fists to resist.

Hongniu took a deep breath, golden light surged all over his body, countless airflows converged towards his mouth, and his entire chest rapidly expanded and bulged visibly to the naked eye.

Su Yuan, who was in Xu Xie's manifestation, suddenly felt an extremely strong danger.

The next moment, Hongniu opened his mouth and shouted loudly...


The terrifying sound gang suddenly erupted, and the red and black swords that were about to fall were unable to fall under the impact of the sound gang.

And Xuxie Xiansheng's arms and body were shattered into pieces as if they had been struck by destruction!

Su Yuan's eyes flashed with silver light, and he immediately disappeared from Xu Xian Xian Sheng's body.


In just two breaths, Xuxie Xiansheng was completely transformed into countless black flames under the golden torrent of sound, and even the canyon behind was completely plowed into a pulverized flat land in an instant!

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