Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1077 Killing the Cow

This sound attack is definitely a fifth-level skill!

Hongniu finished vomiting in one breath and looked forward with satisfaction.

But at this moment, there was a chill coming from behind!

"Golden cow cover!"

Hongniu didn't even look back, and immediately launched the fourth-level body protection skill as the golden light on his body circulated!

Su Yuan slashed his sword down and landed on Hong Niu's back. The light of the Divine Broken Sword and the Divine Thunder of Purple Sky could only slowly cut it open!

Such defense once again made Su Yuan's expression slightly condensed.

At this moment, Su Yuan's powerful senses immediately noticed something and retreated without hesitation.

I saw the golden light on Hongniu's body turn, and a powerful counterattack force suddenly came over.

Even though Su Yuan sheathed his sword earlier, he was still shaken to the point of groaning and stagnant!

"We have run out of means!"

Hongniu turned around, clenched his fist and hit Su Yuan!

At this moment, Su Yuan's eyes flashed and he made a seal in his hand.

Suddenly the sky was filled with red light, and countless sword lights leaped towards the sky and touched the ground!

"Clang clang clang...!"

Sounds like gold and iron clashing sounded densely, and the iron skin of the golden bull cover on Hongniu's body was continuously cut through by countless fierce sword lights!

Suddenly, Hongniu immediately raised his left hand to protect his face, and at the same time stepped back to distance himself from Su Yuan.

But in the blink of an eye, Hong Niu's body was covered in wounds, as if he had been struck by Ling Chi.

"What kind of formation is this!" Hongniu looked shocked.

After all, he is a demon king who has attacked other worlds many times, and Hongniu also knows that human monks can arrange formations.

But this type of formation was something Hongniu had never seen before. He could even break through his own golden bull shield!

Although these sword lights pose a limited threat to him, they undoubtedly put him in an extremely passive situation. This is not the way to go!

Hongniu's star power surged up again, and the golden light on his body was strong. With a loud roar, a golden sound gang rushed out, forming a twisted golden bull's appearance outside his body.

"Clang clang clang...!"

The one after another trapping sword light was immediately blocked by the Taurus Dharma, but Hongniu's face didn't look good either.

Previously, the slime swallowed a large amount of star power, and then had his right arm cut off. Now he was forced to use the fifth level of powerful magic by this formation...

"Only the first level...damn human boy!"

With the blessing of Niu Mighty Dharma, Hong Niu killed Su Yuan with the light of Zhenxian Sword.

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly: "The fourth-level demon king is really not that easy to deal with."

It has the fourth-level Golden Law, and coupled with this fifth-level skill, even the Divine Break and the Zixiao Divine Thunder may not be able to cause any damage to it.

"Forget it, you have to go all out to deal with this kind of opponent."

Seeing that the red bull was about to charge forward again, Su Yuan thought, and suddenly a golden wind surged outside him...

"Promise to return to the ruins!"

In the surging and roaring golden wind, Su Yuan's aura suddenly rose rapidly!

When Hong Niu, who was surrounded by Niu's power and Dharma, rushed forward, Su Yuan did not dodge, but raised his left hand and aimed at Hong Niu.


"Repeat the same old tricks? Looking for death!" Hong Niu shouted and rushed over.

I thought I could blow it up with one punch, but what Hongniu didn't expect was that the space in front of me was much tougher than before!

After some impact, it slowly twisted.

"Third level?!"

Feeling this spatial fluctuation, Hongniu looked at Su Yuan in front of him, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

I never expected that the first-level human in front of me could suddenly be promoted to this level. What level of skill is this? !

"How about the third level? Then you have to die!"

The golden light on Hongniu's forehead flashed with a single horn, and after a moment of gathering momentum, he let out a loud roar.

"Break it for me!"

Accompanied by an inexplicable power of law, the infinite barrier in front of Hongniu twisted and broke in an instant!

And while Hongniu was blocked for a moment, Su Yuan's eyes surged with silver light, and an increasingly powerful mental power almost burst out of his eyes!

"Infinite moment!"

Hongniu's pupils shrank: "Spiritual skills?!"

As a strong person who is good at the way of sound, he can use "energy" to shock the "spirit", and he knows how powerful spiritual skills are.

At this moment, Hongniu immediately stopped his movements, lowered his head and raised his left hand to slap his ear!

The next moment, the immeasurable realm unfolded, and the infinite silver space was immediately reflected in Hong Niu's eyes.

However, "Boom! Boom! Boom...", beside Hongniu's ears, the sound of the bell kept ringing!

Every time the vibration rang, Hong Zhong's eyes became clearer. Within a moment, Hong Zhong showed signs of waking up.

Seeing this, Su Yuan didn't make any unnecessary moves.

The seals of both hands were linked together, and the three divine objects of Immortality, Guixu, and Zixiao... wind, fire, and thunder gathered in the palm of the hand to form the seal of divine forbiddenness, and slapped the Hong Niu in front of him with one palm!

Not only the laws of space, but also the three laws of wind, fire and thunder have reached the third level under the Guixu Agreement!

The Divine Forbidden Shackles of Feng Huo Lei immediately shot towards Hong Niu's body from where they landed. The Taurus Dharma Prime outside Hong Niu's body resisted slightly and was immediately suppressed back into his body!

Then Su Yuan raised his hand, and a flash of red light flew back to his hand, which was the Demonic God Sword.

Su Yuan raised his head and suddenly touched the sword!

Thunder surged in an instant, turning into a purple-gold sword of heaven!

But at this moment, there was another "boom", and Hongniu's pupils trembled and he suddenly woke up.

Hong Newton was shocked when he saw Su Yuan in front of him holding the Heavenly Sword that commanded thunder and calamity. When he mentioned the star power, he was about to launch defensive techniques, but suddenly he realized that many of the techniques in his body were all suppressed by seals. Got it!

Not only that, even the majestic Dharma appearance outside him has disappeared!


Hongniu's pupils trembled sharply, and he immediately pulled away in shock.

But Su Yuan had already slashed out with his sword: "Zixiao Tiandao's sword thunder!"


The demon sword fell, and the divine thunder came. The purple sky divine thunder that destroyed the heaven and earth came down heavily from the nine heavens. The entire canyon was instantly annihilated under the boundless thunder!

This was the sword-controlling thunder attack used by Su Yuan after Guixu's appointment. Even Hong Niu, whose defense was quite astonishing, could not withstand such mighty power with just his physical body!

"Ah...!!" Hongniu's scream suddenly came from the roaring thunder.

With one breath, twelve layers of purple sky divine thunder, Hongniu's golden light flowed through his body, which was cracked inch by inch. In the blink of an eye, he could no longer hold up and was completely submerged under the thundering beams that came one after another!

After a while, the thunder dispersed...

Su Yuan flew down, stepped step by step into the messy canyon, and stopped in front of Hong Niu who fell on the ground.

At this moment, half of Hongniu's body was directly blown to pieces, and his whole body was a bloody mess!

"Human...you are so...strong...!"

Hongniu looked at Su Yuan with wide eyes, but after saying this, he completely died...

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