Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1078 Tianqing advances

Su Yuan looked at Hong Niu who fell to the ground, his eyes full of thought.

Although he succeeded in killing the opponent this time, he was able to use all his methods.

A fight across the sea, an infinite moment, a divine ban, a promise to return to the ruins, a sword and thunder...

In addition to the three-color Sky God Jade, many powerful methods have been used.

Although there is a reason for Hongniu's amazing defense, the fourth-level king level is really much more powerful!

In addition...as a magical power deduced from Wushang Sword Intent, the Divine Sword Light is now becoming less and less "sharp" than before.

After Hongniu unfolded the fourth-level skill Taurus Shield, he could only slowly cut in...

If Su Yuan really had to estimate it, Taixu Shenjuan would probably only be about the fifth level in strength.

Low-level skills can be more or less effective on peers;

Intermediate skills can affect the battle situation, cause major effects, and even leapfrog battles;

Advanced skills are super tricks that can reverse the situation and reverse a desperate situation.

For most mid- and low-level kings, perhaps fifth-level skills are already quite good.

For example, Hongniu's highest level skills are all fifth level.

But Su Yuan is different... because Su Yuan possesses countless top-notch magical powers!

And [Taixu Sword Intention] is the supreme sword intention learned from the Sword Enlightenment Tower of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect, and it should not be just that.

Taixu, God, will break everything!

But now it is often not the case.

Maybe, I don’t know when, I started in the wrong direction?

It's a pity that I didn't notice it when I went to the Southern Continent last time. Otherwise, I could have asked Brother Fu, Sword Master Lou and even Emperor Ye for advice...

After Su Yuan pondered for a moment, he retracted his thoughts and could only put the matter aside for the time being.

All thoughts are in a moment.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the golden wind outside his body dispersed and the promise of returning to the ruins was released.

In an instant, the profound understanding of the four laws of space, fire, wind, and thunder was pulled away from the heart like the reverse flow of time, and dissipated with the wind without leaving any trace behind.

"It's a pity that we can't use the promise to return to the ruins to understand the law..."

Su Yuan shook his head slightly, thinking that he was overthinking.

But at this moment, there is a vague feeling of familiarity...

It seems like this feeling of "something known" being erased from memory?


Just as Su Yuan was thinking, Ruanruan flew over with a bucket of Canghai in hand.

Although his face is a bit pale, the injuries on his body have been repaired through super-speed regeneration.

"Master, you are injured!"

Looking at Su Yuan dripping with blood, his soft eyes were full of worry, and he immediately opened his hands to hug Su Yuan from behind.

Waves of water light rushed up from Ruanruan's body to Su Yuan's body, and some kind of water-based healing technique was launched to treat Su Yuan.

Su Yuan was indeed seriously injured in several head-on collisions with Hongniu.

Along with the warm and soft feeling, Su Yuan's injuries gradually repaired visibly to the naked eye.

Su Yuan chuckled softly, then looked at the Hong Niu corpse on the ground.

Now that Hongniu is dead, it still needs to be harvested...

Su Yuan waved his hand, and the demon sword and the azure sword flew out together, and each absorbed them.

"A fourth-level king can probably increase the power of many laws...

There is also Liuli Tianqing, who should be able to advance after this experience! "

Su Yuan's eyes fell on Liuli Tianqing. After devouring the king-level origin many times, Liuli Tianqing was only one step away from transformation!

Now, as the source of Hongniu's body is absorbed, the cyan brilliance on the glazed azure sword becomes even more dazzling.

But after a while, Liuli Tianqing, who had reached her limit, changed again!

The glazes intersect and the jade branches grow everywhere!

With the Azure Sword as the core, countless glazed branches intertwined and quickly grew into a large glazed tree.

And as the tree continues to grow and rise, extremely rich life fluctuations continue to come from it, and the power of the law is rising crazily like it is gushing out every moment!

Different from the sudden qualitative change after the demon sword reaches the promotion conditions, as Liuli Tianqing absorbs the origin again and again, the evolution of Liuli Tianqing this time can be said to be a matter of course and will not take so much time.

With a flash of red light, the Demonic Demon Sword that had absorbed the rules flew back to Su Yuan's hand first.

The power of law surges violently in the crimson core, including not only the fourth-level law of gold, but also the third-level law of sound.

"This law of sound is quite wonderful..."

Su Yuan thought of the inexplicable pauses he had made once or twice before. This bull demon's law of sound really had the slightest hint of "following his words."

At this moment, with the absorption of Hongniu's law power, the crimson core seemed to be a little full.

Because too many raw materials were added, the crimson core roared continuously, and the smelting speed also skyrocketed, several times faster than before!

Su Yuan only felt that every moment, there was a steady stream of spatial insights arising spontaneously.

"Smelting speed like this can actually be improved!"

Su Yuan was slightly shocked. The fourth-order law was too powerful for him at present.

At this rate, I'm afraid I will be upgraded in a few days!

Just when Su Yuan was overjoyed, the big glazed tree in front of him had also grown to its maximum size.

I saw the green flower flourishing, and then all the branches of the entire glazed tree shattered from top to bottom, turning into layers of countless runes of life that converged towards the center!

Until all the runes converged, a brilliant light burst out instantly like the blue sun!


Along with the crisp and bright sword chant, a glazed long sword with flowing green flowers like an immortal sword flew towards him and landed in his hand.

"The legendary Azure Sword!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up and his heart was filled with joy.

Although there are demon swords in front, who would think there are too many holy weapons!

"The demon sword brings surprises. Now let's see what kind of power the glazed azure has."

Su Yuan held Liuli Tianqing, and as soon as his mind moved, countless mysteries suddenly came to his mind...

Not long after, Su Yuan was certain that he had mastered the magic of this sword.

Su Yuan raised his hand and touched the glazed azure, and the brilliance spread out like a glazed tree branch.

After a while, two figures, a man and a woman, suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's Hua Tiandu and Bashu!

"When I wake up from sleep, I am already at the king level. This is really like a dream, Your Excellency Su Yuan~"

The corners of Ba Shu's mouth curled up, and her eyes were filled with a look of surprise that could not be concealed. She was still digesting the sudden increase in power at this moment.

With the promotion of Liuli Tianqing, the influence of a large number of sources pushed the two of them into the king-level realm in one fell swoop!

"King level...?" Hua Tiandu's pupils also shook, feeling his own surge in power.

Unexpectedly, not only did I "survive", but I could now fulfill my dream of reaching the king's level during my lifetime...

Although for my former self, as long as I was alive, I had a good chance of reaching the king level.

But that was the past after all. As a dead person, entering the king level was undoubtedly a luxury.

But now I really did it, and it didn’t take many years!

Looking at Su Yuan in front of him, Hua Tiandu's eyes were burning, and his fervent hope of achieving enlightenment through battle was rekindled in his heart.

Now that he can advance to the king level, this is undoubtedly a new beginning, and his journey is far from over!

"Thank you."

Hua Tiandu bowed sternly to the person who beheaded him.

For the strong, everything comes down to one code.

Since you want to kill, you are already prepared to be killed.

To die in a direct Taoist dispute is to show that one's skills are inferior to others, and Hua Tian will not bear grudges against others.

Just like Feng Xuanqing, the Taishangmen who competed with Su Yuan for the power of returning to the ruins, when he finally died, he could only feel regret and admiration... (End of this chapter)

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