Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1079 Good things come in pairs

Su Yuan looked at the two of them and nodded slightly.

Hua Tiandu and Bashu were both super masters under the former king, with top-notch strength and talent.

Now that the two have been promoted to the king level, it will definitely be a big help to Su Yuan.

And now Liuli Tianqing can control up to three king-level Tianqing refining forms.

Su Yuan glanced at Hongniu's body on the ground. Unfortunately, Hongniu's power of law had been drained by the demon knife, and the star core was broken. It could no longer be refined into Tianqing.

Otherwise, a level 4 thug can still save a lot of effort.

And this is just the strengthening of Tianqing's form. Liuli Tianqing also has another ability... the reversal of life and death.

Su Yuan held Liuli Tianqing, and with a wave of life law, the injuries on his body that had not been completely repaired were repaired like super-speed regeneration, and they were back to normal in just a few breaths!

The effect of reversal of life and death has also been improved to the extreme. With the help of this sword, most injuries can be repaired in the shortest time, and those who hold this sword are almost immortal!

Not only sword wounds, burns, corrosion and other physical injuries, but also mental and soul damage, this sword can also repair it!

Unless it has the same level of treatment ban and treatment reduction effect, it is impossible to stop Liuli Tianqing's abnormal treatment effect.

And this is just treatment. On the contrary, Liuli Tianqing can control all the treatment and recovery effects of the enemy at the three levels of physical, energy and soul through the control of vitality!

There are no new abilities, and they are not as abnormal as the smelting rules of the God Demon Sword.

But Su Yuan still nodded with satisfaction.

There is no need for more abilities, it is enough to be able to achieve perfection in one aspect!

As for the "treatment" method that he lacks, there is no doubt that Liuli Tianqing is very powerful.

"In that case, let's continue to the royal court... huh?"

Su Yuan was about to take back Hua Tiandu and Bashu, but suddenly he noticed something, and a bit of surprise flashed on his face.

"Good things come in pairs..."

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, and when he raised his hand, silver light flashed in front of him, and a girl with white hair and red eyes appeared in front of him.

"Boss!" Ashelia bowed, her body still filled with mysterious and mysterious law fluctuations that had not dissipated.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Congratulations, Ashley."

After being in seclusion for so long, Ashlia finally broke through to the king level.

Ashley lowered her head and said, "Thanks to the boss."

Not only dragon veins, but also various rare treasures such as prayer coins, dragon vein remnants, and Sun Spirit Pills!

In order to promote Ashley to the king level, Su Yuan spent a lot of resources.

Su Yuan nodded and glanced at the people in front of him.

After dealing with Hongniu, Su Yuan originally wanted to go directly to the Yunya Palace in Dazeling to join the others at Zhuqueyu.

But at this moment, not only Hua Tiandu and Bashu advanced, but Aixilia finally made a breakthrough.

Su Yuan immediately thought of the detection situation that Melissa showed earlier. In addition to Hong Niu, there were also several kings who came from the Gila Desert to support...

Su Yuan's eyes flashed, and after thinking for a moment, he ordered: "Ahilia, make a prophecy, and support the royal court of Yunya from the Gila Desert."

"Yes, boss."

Ashilia responded in a low voice, then squeezed the seal with her hand, and the divine light flashed outside her body and launched the oracle technique.

Within the ruby-like pupils, the golden trajectory of fate kept turning.

"Prayer coin, oracle strengthened, front."

Ashley opened the God's Coin in her left hand, and the angel held the flower, which turned out to be face up.

Holy light suddenly bloomed outside of Ashlia, and a shocking wave of fate slowly spread out!

Not long after, Ashley said slowly:

"If we are the center and the north and south are the dividing lines..."

"At 35 degrees, a second-level demon king will pass by in half a day."

"In the direction of 67 degrees, there is one demon king each of the first and second levels. They will pass by tomorrow."

"Direction 84 degrees, a third-level demon king will pass by tomorrow."


Like a humanoid radar, Ashley predicted all the demon kings heading to Yunya with incomparable accuracy, including their number, strength, direction and time...

"Xiao Ai, you are really amazing!"

Until Ahilia stopped, smiled softly, and hugged Ahilia.

"Hmm... um." Ashley's face was expressionless, unable to resist the soft enthusiasm.

Hua Tiandu and Bashu next to them both had slightly stern expressions on their faces, and couldn't help but look at the white-haired girl in front of them again.

The two of them had met Ashley before in the Green Underworld, and they thought she was Su Yuanyang's right-hand man.

But now it seems that the ability this woman possesses is simply abnormal. It is actually the power of prophecy within the law of destiny!

The path of destiny is more mysterious and unpredictable than the laws of time, space, devouring, and reincarnation, which are also the ultimate laws.

If such a person were an opponent, it would be simply terrifying.

But fortunately, the person in front of me is one of my own!

"There are a few of them, so let's deal with them one by one..." After hearing this, Su Yuan ordered, "The second-order demon kings in the 35-degree direction, Hua Tiandu and Ba Shu, you can deal with them together."


"No problem~"

Although Hua Tiandu and I have just been promoted, they are once super masters after all. They possess unique skills. It should be no problem to deal with a second-level demon king in the gray world together, and they can also use it to practice.

Later, Su Yuan said to Ruanruan: "Ruanruan, take the Canghai Yidou and kill the third-order demon king in the 84-degree direction."

"Okay Master!" Ruanruan's eyes lit up, she smiled and patted her chest, "I promise to complete the mission!"

With the soft water, the Law of Devouring, and the great power of Canghai Yidou itself, as long as the enemy can be absorbed into the bucket, almost no one within the third level can escape!

Then, Su Yuan's eyes fell on Ashley: "Ahilia, you come with me to deal with the two demon kings in the 67-degree direction."

I spent a lot of money after this battle, but I still have no problem dealing with ordinary first- and second-level demon kings, not to mention the incarnation of the demon soul.

Ashley's eyes suddenly brightened a little, and she nodded slightly: "Yes, boss."

"Deal with these first, and then give instructions later. Also...bring back the star core and the ring."

If you use the demon sword to absorb the law, the star core will also be destroyed.

Since Ruanruan, Ba Shu and others are left to solve the problem, some star cores can be left to decompose and replenish the stardust.

Whether it's beast control or Azure Form Refining, they all belong to their own strength, and these star cores can be decomposed.

Everyone responded: "Yes!"

At this time, the water on Ruanruan's body flowed, and several slime clones with weak auras separated and flew to the shoulders of Su Yuan and Ashelia respectively.

Ruan Ruan said: "These are all my clones [can be divided into parts], only the Zhuoyang level strength is left, which can be used for communication!"

"Really~" Ba Shu squeezed the soft clone on her shoulder, her eyes lit up, and she said with a smile, "It's so cute..."


Su Yuan said: "In that case, let's act separately."


Everyone agreed and then scattered in various directions... (End of this chapter)

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