Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1080 Capture

Yunya Wangting, east.

A middle-aged man with a solemn expression stood on a high mountain.

This person was dressed in a Suzaku black robe and had a Suzaku ring on his hand. He was Qi Feng, the third-level envoy of the Suzaku Palace.

Qi Feng squeezed the seal with his hands, closed his eyes tightly, and there was air flow behind him forming white phoenix wings.

Countless white winds spread out from the wings of the phoenix like the scattered feathers of a big phoenix, and have already blown over the mountains, rivers and muddy land ahead with Qi Feng as the center...

It is pervasive and meticulous, and everything within a hundred miles is under its detection!

The fourth-grade exploration technique - Phoenix Feather Wind Breath Technique!

At this moment, the seal in Qi Feng's hand changed, and all the white wind flowed back into the phoenix wings within a few breaths. The phoenix wings dissipated after a slight flutter.

"It's really strange..."

Qi Feng opened his eyes, but couldn't help but frown.

"There are many demon kings on the west and north sides to reinforce the Yunya Palace. There are even sixth-level demon kings coming on the north side. Why are there only no demon kings on the east side...

To the east is the Gila Desert, where there should be many demon kings...could it be that people from Qi Guang really intercepted all the demon kings? "

Qi Feng was extremely puzzled.

The people of Zhuqueyu were attacking Yunya Royal Court, and they also assigned a small number of people to conduct reconnaissance and warning on the outside. He was one of them.

If a strong enemy comes to support, the weak ones will deal with it on their own. If they are really strong, they can inform the throne and others in advance, and then mobilize manpower to deal with it.

After attacking Yunya Palace for so many days, there were demon kings supporting them on the west and north sides, but there was never any movement on the east side.

This is very strange. The Gila Desert to the east is vast and there are many royal courts, so it is impossible for them to be without support.

But it can be said that Qi Guang stopped it...

Not to mention that the current relationship between Qi Guang and Dayan is quite subtle, and Qi Guang's base is also in the center of the Gila Desert, which is far away from here, so it is not appropriate to send someone here specially.

However, even though he was doubtful, Qi Feng did not disobey Fang Qingxiao's order to investigate further.

Firstly, going out alone may be dangerous, but secondly, there is no need.

It would be better if no demon king comes to support, I just need to keep an eye on this place...

Qi Feng was thinking when suddenly, the ground shook violently, and then a high-pitched bird song sounded from behind.

Qi Feng immediately turned around and looked around, only to see at the end of his field of vision the shadow of a huge Suzaku soaring into the sky!


When Qi Feng saw this, he was immediately overjoyed and immediately knew that he had completely captured the Yunya Palace.

But after a while, Qi Feng received the news.

The seventh-level demon king has been executed, and the Yunya royal court... has been destroyed!

Different from the Kira Desert, Dazeling can be said to have undulating mountains and intertwined mountains and rivers.

But in Dazeling, there is an extremely majestic mountain. This is Yunya Mountain, where the Yunya Royal Court is located!

At this moment, the Yunya Royal Court was in ruins with broken walls and corpses everywhere.

Not only the demon king, but also many star beasts under the king who had no time to retreat.

In a king-level battle, the king's star beasts are simply cannon fodder and will break at the touch of a touch.

In the high tower of Yunya Royal Court, Fang Qingxiao was sitting on the main seat, while Yuchi Zhan, Liang Cheng, and even Jiang Lan and many other royal envoys were standing below.

At this moment, everyone had large blood stains on their bodies, and many of them even suffered minor or serious injuries.

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work." Fang Qingxiao looked at the people below and said slowly, "We won the first battle of the gray world attack!"

Liang Cheng, Jiang Lan and other Suzaku Royal Envoys, although tired, looked invigorated.

"The throne is majestic!" everyone shouted in unison.

In a war, the battle of top combat forces has the greatest impact on the entire battle situation.

Fang Qingxiao killed the seventh-level Yunya Demon King and basically declared the outcome of this battle.

Even if a sixth-level demon king came to support him, it would be of no avail and he could only escape in confusion.

Fang Qingxiao waved his hands and said with a smile: "With this result, you all have made great contributions.

In this assault battle, the Yunya Royal Court plus the demon kings who came for reinforcements totaled fifteen people.

We killed eleven and defeated four, the result was outstanding!

There are many treasures here. When the aftermath work is completed, you will be rewarded for your merits! "

Upon hearing this, many royal envoys' eyes lit up.

The storage of the Gray Realm over the countless years is simply astonishing.

Even an ordinary king-level person can carry one or two level five treasures with him, let alone a high-level royal court with a seventh-level demon king?

The material storage of the Yunya Royal Court is close to one-fourth or one-fifth of the amount of Great Flame!

It is no exaggeration to say that if the accumulation here is completely digested, everyone except Fang Qingxiao will be able to improve by one or two levels!

Including sixth-level kings like Yuchi Zhan, they may be able to break through to seventh level in one fell swoop!

"But..." Fang Qingxiao's expression condensed and he said, "Although we won, Wang Qi, the envoy, was killed in this battle; Gong Yuan and Jiang Hanlin were seriously injured, and their vitality was greatly reduced."

Even if Fang Qingxiao is looking around the overall situation while dealing with the seventh-level demon king, casualties are still inevitable in the chaotic battle between kings.

In the previous battle, Wang Qi, the third-level king who was promoted two hundred years ago, was scratched to pieces by the fifth-level nine-tailed cat demon in the melee.

Gong Yuan's chest was penetrated by a bloody hole the size of a basketball, and Jiang Hanlin's left shoulder and half of his face were torn apart.

Although Gong and Jiang were rescued by Wen Ziqing, who was in charge of the Fourth Level Water Road, their vitality was still severely damaged and they needed some time to recover.

However, compared to the demon king killed, this battle loss ratio is already quite excellent!

“The number of demon kings in the gray world is really astonishing…” Liang Cheng sighed, “There are so many kings in just one high-level royal court on the edge of the gray world.

According to the investigation, there are two high-level royal courts deep in Dazeling alone. "

After hearing this, everyone looked a little heavy.

Although the masters of the Tianxian Division are stronger than the average demon king in the royal court in terms of individual combat power.

But in terms of quantity, it is far inferior!

Just under the attack on the imperial court, there were more than ten high-ranking royal courts.

Moreover, this does not include the attack on the five major corps directly under the imperial court!

The sixth-level demon king who came to support earlier and escaped from Fang Qingxiao was the demon king of Bai Yuwei in the five major corps.

In terms of the number of kings, the gray world's accumulation over countless years is almost overwhelming to Dayan!

Seeing the solemn atmosphere, Fang Qingxiao said calmly: "The gray world is a force after all, and it cannot be solved by one country, one continent, one Yan.

In the Eastern Continent, Qi Guang may have felt the threat of the gray world more deeply, and I believe that in-depth cooperation will not last long.

Outside the Eastern Continent, the Demon King of the Gray Realm can extract human laws and the information about the rich resources in the Gray Realm is known to the Southern Continent. Come to think of it, the Southern Continent cannot sit still..."

Fang Qingxiao's words immediately relieved the heavy hearts of many kings and envoys below.

Indeed, the Gray Realm is not targeting one continent or one country, but the entire Blue Sea Star.

Who can stay out of the catastrophe?

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