Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1081 Promotion

After summarizing, Fang Qingxiao looked at Qi Feng and asked: "Qi Feng, it seems there is no demon king coming from the east?"

Qi Feng wanted to say it a long time ago, so he immediately walked out and replied with cupped hands: "Your Majesty, for some reason, there has indeed been no demon king coming to support from the east."

Everyone was quite surprised when they heard this.

This time, there were only seven demon kings in Yunya Palace, including the leader, and eight demon kings from the west and north came to support them.

There is also a royal court in the Kira Desert to the east, so it is impossible not to have support.

Needless to say, someone must have stopped the Demon King in the east.

But who could it be...

At this moment, Yuchi Zhan suddenly turned his head and glanced aside, his gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the wall of the tower.

Fang Qingxiao's eyes also moved slightly, a bit of surprise appeared on his face, and then he laughed.

"Is that so? It's really surprising..."

Everyone was very confused when they heard this. They didn't know what Fang Qingxiao meant. Did they already know why there was no demon king from the east to support him?

After just a few breaths, there was a flash of silver light in the field, and a young man with silver hair and silver eyes appeared among the crowd.

"Su Yuan, I have seen the throne."

Su Yuan bowed slightly and saluted Fang Qingxiao above.

"Envoy Su Wang!"

Liang Cheng, Jiang Lan and others all around looked at Su Yuan's sudden appearance in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Su Yuan appeared at this time.

"Ambassador Su, you are a little late. It's over here." At this moment, Zhou Lin, the third-level envoy next to him, said with a meaningful smile.

Yu Ming, another rather old fourth-level envoy, also whispered: "Yes..."

Don’t worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality.

Everyone took huge risks and worked hard to capture the Yunya Palace.

When Su Yuan appears at this time, it is inevitable that he will be suspected of taking credit, which makes some people feel resentful...

From the perspective of Zhou Lin and Yu Ming, Fang Yuzuo's appreciation for Su Yuan did not rule out the possibility of taking the opportunity to give him some rewards.

Su Yuan understood what these two people meant and didn't say much. With a wave of his hand, several black things fell to the ground with a "dong dong dong" and rolled a few times.

"Your Majesty, the five demon kings from Dahuang Ridge, including a fourth-level demon king, have all been killed!" Su Yuan said with a normal expression.

These dark things were clearly blood-stained human heads!

It is not difficult to tell from the powerful aura left on them that not only are these demon kings, but one is a fourth-level demon king!

Zhou Lin and Yu Ming, who had just spoken, both looked stagnant. They glanced back and forth at several heads in confusion, then looked at Su Yuan, unable to speak for a moment.

"They are all demon kings...!"

Many other royal envoys in the field looked at it, and their eyes were shocked, and their hearts were slightly shuddered.

Jiang Lan's eyes widened even more.

Five demon kings? And the fourth level?

As they were both at the first level, Jiang Lan could not imagine how Su Yuan could kill the fourth level demon king!

This person is really too perverted and cannot be compared with him in anything else, otherwise he is really asking for a blow...

Qi Feng suddenly said: "No wonder no demon king came from the east. It turned out to be the envoy of King Su who killed all the demon kings in the east!"

But at the same time, he was also shocked.

Not to mention how to grasp the whereabouts of these demon kings one by one and intercept them accurately.

As third-level kings, Qi Feng and others knew how powerful the fourth level was!

In fact, except for the new kings in the past few hundred years, there are almost no kings below the third level in the Tianxuan Division.

After all, the Tianxian Division is not like casual cultivators, and the resources to help advance to the intermediate level can still be guaranteed.

Even so, third-level Qi Feng, Zhou Lin, and even fourth-level Yu Ming are not absolutely sure that they can kill the fourth-level demon king.

But Su Yuan, who had just been promoted to the king level, could actually do it?

Even with the legendary holy weapon that was rewarded in the Earth Tribulation War, it would be extremely difficult for a first-level person to kill a fourth-level person!

"Okay!" Fang Qingxiao laughed loudly, not hiding his appreciation, "Well done, Su Yuan! You also contributed a lot to this Yunya battle!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Su Yuan responded, then retreated to Jiang Lan's side.

Seeing this, Zhou Lin and Yu Ming had no objections.

Fang Qingxiao withdrew his eyes from Su Yuan, looked at the crowd again and said:

"Now that Yunya has been breached, you can deal with the follow-up and wait for the results of Qinglong and White Tiger."


Everyone agreed and immediately took action.

First, it is to clean the battlefield and count the harvest.

The second step is to take out the array disks and array flags prepared in advance, and start setting up the long-distance space teleportation array, giving priority to teleporting some core personnel from the north bank of the Eastern Continent!

Not only the many envoys of Suzaku Yu, but also the masters of the four arts of Qigong Division...especially the masters of formations!

There are many demon kings in the gray world, and just relying on everyone to hold on will undoubtedly cost human lives.

The formation path is the crystallization of the wisdom of human sages in large-scale battles since ancient times.

In just half a day, after spending a lot of star stones, He Zheng, Xia Xuan, Baili Ge and others, and even the grand masters of the four halls, had already teleported here.

And what came from the formation hall was one of Dayan’s two formation masters—Qin Meng!

Qin Meng is very old and only in the Three Yang realm.

However, with Dayan's resources and technology at all costs, Shengsheng increased his lifespan by three thousand years.

It's not that he doesn't want to raise him to the king level, but that his talent in cultivation is too poor and he really can't comprehend true form liberation...

After this person arrived, he personally surveyed the situation under the careful accompaniment of Fang Qingxiao.

We must start to arrange the most suitable eighth-level formation according to the situation of Yunya Royal Court!

But these have nothing to do with Su Yuan for the time being.

Since coming here, Su Yuan immediately found a room and entered the Qingming Realm to practice.

Taking over the Yunya Royal Court is just the beginning, and various actions will inevitably follow.

Now that the power of the laws in the demon sword's crimson core is sufficient, and he is about to make a breakthrough, it is natural that he should retreat into seclusion and concentrate on refining the laws!

After instructing Aixilia and Ruanruan to remind him, Su Yuan sat upright in the morning and evening one-year-old array on Qingming Peak, took out the demon sword and placed it flat on his knees.

Accelerating ten times, he entered the state of cultivation...

The crimson core is like a burning furnace, constantly smelting the raw materials of laws and turning them into space laws, which are gradually transferred into Su Yuan's sea of ​​stars.

Surrounded by the power of space, the void outside Su Yuan's body was like ripples of sparkling light, rippling endlessly...

Just a few days passed.

On this day, the ripples in the space outside Su Yuan trembled slightly, and instantly expanded until the entire sky behind him fluctuated violently!

"Second level!"

Su Yuan opened his eyes, silver light flashing in his eyes.


Su Yuan directly called up the system.

【Su Yuan】

[Level: King Level 2]


[Space Law: Second Order (10.1%)]

[Law of Fire: Level 1 (5.8%)]

[Law of Wind: Level 1 (2.1%)]

[Law of Thunder: Level 1 (2.1%)]

He can move space with every movement of his hands and feet, and his control over space has been significantly improved.

“We have already broken through in just a few days, whereas outside it would only take less than a day.

Day and night one-year-old formation + imperial demon sword, the speed of improvement is really amazing! "

Su Yuan smiled with satisfaction and looked at the Divine Demon Sword in front of him. Most of the power of law in the crimson core was still left!

"Then continue!"

Su Yuan just felt it for a moment, then closed his eyes again and continued practicing...

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