Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1110 The Enemy Arrives

Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect, Tianjian Peak.

Lou Zhen and Ma Liang turned into a streak of white light and rushed in, and Niu Fen followed closely behind with his sword.

After entering the hall, Lou Zhen immediately asked: "Fellow Daoist Ma, did you say that the gray realm monsters entered the Southern Continent?"

Ma Liang nodded and said: "I accidentally bumped into two strange demon kings in a remote place along the coast. After killing them, I used their souls to get information...

In recent times, the Gray Realm has sent men from the west, south, and north coasts to attack the southern continent! "

"Attack the Southern Continent?" Niu Fen glared and shouted, "You demon cultivator, don't be alarmist!"

"Niu Fen!" Lou Zhen turned to look at Niu Fen, and then said, "The disciples that Fellow Taoist Ma came all the way and forced back were not seriously injured. Don't be rude again."

Hearing this, Niu Fen's anger subsided slightly.

Lou Zhen shook his head and said to Ma Liang: "Don't be surprised, fellow Daoist Ma, Niu Jianzun has always had this temper. He is very protective of the disciples in the sect. Although he has a violent temper, he is also a good-natured person."

Ma Liang said expressionlessly: "Master Lou Sword is serious, this matter is fine, it's just that the matter in Nanlu is extremely urgent."

Lou Zhenzhen asked: "Are there many demon kings coming?"

"A lot!" Ma Liang said in a deep voice, "According to the information obtained from the Eastern Continent, there may be nearly a hundred king-level ones alone..."

Lou Zhen's eyes froze, and his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

Niu Fen's eyes widened and he was about to say something, but he still held back the words when he reached his lips.

"Nearly a hundred kings... Fellow Taoist Ma, this matter is not trivial. Are you serious about what you say?" Lou Zhen confirmed again.

Ma Liang said: "If the matter had not been urgent, I would not have rushed to your Ten Thousand Swords Sect as a demon with all my strength.

I came here just to hope that your sect would activate the talisman left by the four previous sects and remind me of the three sects of the devil! "

The Southern Continent is very large, and even the Golden Sword Transmission of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect will take a long time to spread throughout the continent.

Therefore, when the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect and the three major demon sects reached a unified agreement to fight against the gray world, they also left an emergency message method to prevent unexpected situations.

Once activated, all four sects will receive the signal and directly enter a state of full preparation for war!

Logically speaking, it was most likely that the Demonic Heaven Palace in the north received the news and spread it to all sects. Unexpectedly, now the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect would send an emergency signal...

At this moment, purple energy came from the east, and a ball of purple energy poured into the hall, revealing the figure of Ye Feihong.

"Ye Huang!" Lou Zhen and Niu Fen both bowed.

Even Ma Liang quickly bowed.

As long as they are not completely hostile, any emperor is worthy of respect.

"Lou Zhen, give the signal." Ye Feihong stepped forward and directly ordered, "In addition, send a message to the Taishangmen and other Taoist sects, as well as all the golden swords of the surrounding sects."

"Yes!" Lou Zhen agreed immediately, took out a talisman of the Four Sects' rubbings, and pressed the seal with his hand to activate it.

The brilliance circulates on the talisman seal, and the four sect marks on it burn fiercely and then all dissipate. Those who hold the talisman seal from the three major demon sects will also get the news immediately!

Then, Lou Zhen raised his hand, and golden swords floated in front of him one after another.

Using his mind as a pen to write down the information, Lou Zhen waved his sleeves, and many golden swords suddenly rushed out of the Tianjian Peak and headed straight out of the mountain gate.

Ma Liang raised his eyebrows slightly. Unless the situation was urgent and he came to the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect, he would never send a message to those Taoist sects.

"Emperor Ye, the notice has been sent out." Lou Zhen said.

Ye Feihong nodded slightly and turned to look at Ma Liang: "Fellow Taoist Ma, I have a question."

Ma Liang said: "Ye Huang, please tell me."

Ye Feihong said: "I and other emperors use our bodies to represent the way, and our power is equal to that of the sky. Every move we make will affect the general trend.

Except for some Dao Emperors who are good at hiding, such as the Intangible and the Tao of Nothingness, the rest of our peers cannot avoid our perception. "

Lou Zhen and Niu Fen also looked over.

In fact, the reason why the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect and even the various factions in the Southern Continent did not expect that the gray realm monsters would suddenly attack was the biggest problem!

In the Southern Continent, there are ten major sects, with no fewer than two emperor-level masters, and artifacts stationed there. Their overall strength is stronger than that of the Eastern Continent, and is far from comparable to wild places like the Northern Continent!

The emperor masters the complete rules, uses his body to represent the way, and his actions have their own general trend.

There may be one or two emperors who can avoid the induction and sneak in, but what's the use? There are many emperors in the southern continent.

And if many emperors sneak in together... it will never be possible to hide it from the perception of Ye Feihong and other people who have also realized the Tao.

So, that's the problem.

Ma Liang replied: "My magic power is low and my strength is limited. I can't find out the specific reason.

However...according to the soul information I read, it seems that the Gray World did not take the imperial level into consideration for this invasion of the Southern Continent. "


After hearing this, Lou Zhen and Niu Fen both raised their eyebrows.

For Star Card Masters, measuring the strength of a force mainly depends on its top combat power.

For the Southern Continent, there is no doubt that the Emperor level is the top combat power!

When the two sides are fighting, how can they not take the imperial level into consideration?

But soon, several people understood it in their hearts.

"Sacred weapon!" Lou Zhen said in a solemn voice.

Niu Fen looked at Ye Feihong and said in surprise: "Emperor Ye, is there really a magical weapon that can deal with all the emperors in the southern continent at once?"

After Ye Feihong pondered for a while, he said: "It won't be possible to deal with it, but if it is contained...as long as two conditions are met, it may be possible.

First, the artifact itself is strong enough. Second, the messenger of the artifact is strong enough! "

When several people heard this, they all looked slightly stern.

So, is it really possible?

After Ye Feihong thought for a moment, he suddenly opened his palm, and a wisp of purple energy turned into a small sword and fell into his hand.

Ma Liang, Niu Fen and others all stared at the little sword, feeling a chaotic, vast and majestic aura coming from it!


Ye Feihong pointed his finger, and the purple sword energy flew out of the hall in an instant. After a while, it landed on the Sword Enlightenment Tower that was slanted on the top of the mountain and looked like a huge ancient bronze sword!

Wujian Peak suddenly shook, and the entire Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect was aware of such an astonishing movement.

I saw a lot of purple energy surrounding the Sword Enlightenment Tower, and the entire Sword Enlightenment Tower gradually became completely new from bottom to top.

But in the blink of an eye, the tower was already filled with sword light. Thousands of sword intentions, headed by the nine supreme sword intentions of Taixu, Hongmeng, etc., enveloped the Sword Enlightenment Tower and soared into the sky, straight into the sky, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone in the blink of an eye!

Ye Feihong made a seal with his hand, and the purple sword from before flew back again.

But at this moment, the aura on the small sword is even more terrifying. The energy is pulling it, and it is faintly connected with the Sword Enlightenment Tower above the sky.

Ye Feihong handed the purple sword to Lou Zhen: "It can be cut three times, so it is easy to use."

Lou Zhen took it with both hands and responded seriously: "Yes!"

After a while, Linghu Yao, Luo Qingping and many other sword masters rushed to Tianjian Peak.

Seeing this, Ma Liang cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Lord Sword Master Lou for sending the message to our sect. A sudden change is coming, and I have to rush back to the sect as soon as possible.

Ye Huang, Lou Sword Master, everyone, please retire. "

"Fellow Taoist Ma, thank you for the information." Ye Feihong nodded slightly, then looked at Niu Fen and said, "Niu Fen, send Taoist Ma to you."

Seeing that Ma Liang really brought such important information, Niu Fen was not angry at all at the moment and immediately took Ma Liang out of the mountain gate...

After leaving the mountain gate, Ma Liang said goodbye to Niu Fen and flew towards the Blood Evil Sect without stopping.

But before walking for half a day, Ma Liang looked up at the sky and suddenly stopped.

Ma Liang's pupils shrank suddenly: "Here we come...!" (End of this chapter)

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