Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1111 Jue Tian

The void was shattered for 80,000 miles, and one sword came from the sky to destroy all continents!

The void opened, the sky was divided, and a huge sword that was difficult to see directly fell from the sky slowly!

"Then...what is that?!"

Middle-earth, coastal areas, sects, countries...

All the monks on the southern continent saw the sword that slashed Xutian down and cut off the earth.

Anyone who looked directly at this sword was horrified, trembling all over, unable to move, and could only watch it fall with wide eyes!

However, the expected earth-shattering did not appear. This indescribable sword strike seemed to strike the phantom of water, the wind was light and the clouds were calm, without causing any ripples!

"Then...what is that?"

"A natural phenomenon?!"

"Could it be...a hallucination?"

The monks on the southern continent were even more surprised and puzzled by this.

All this seems to be an illusion, but the boundless power that destroyed the world just now cannot be faked at all!

Taishangmen, in the forbidden area.

Xuandaosheng suddenly raised his head and looked up into the sky, the mysterious light flowing in his eyes seemed to be able to break through all obstacles.

"The disaster has arrived."

Xuandaosheng's eyes narrowed slightly. He really didn't expect that these monsters from other worlds could be so capable.

And... there is no news from Yixian Dao!

At this moment, countless silver lights suddenly appeared on Xuandaosheng's body.

If you look closely, you will see that it is densely packed with tens of millions of avenue runes!

The body gradually disappeared into this space with the silver light. Xuan Daosheng glanced at it but did not activate his star power to fight.

This is the first move and the second move, active and passive.

Since he was successfully attacked by others this time, if he wanted to take any action at this time, he would just have to struggle fearlessly.

Xuandaosheng's right fingertips flickered with aura, and with continuous swipes, the aura condensed into a jade talisman and landed in front of him...


At the entrance to the forbidden area, a figure flew past.

It was none other than Ye Xiaose.

But when Ye Xiaose stepped forward with a solemn expression, he found that Xuan Daosheng's figure was no longer among the six empty pillars. There was only a vague remaining blur of light and shadow and the jade talisman left on the ground.

Ye Xiaose immediately picked up the jade seal and began to investigate.

"The gray world is coming, the battle without an emperor..."

Ye Xiaose's face darkened, he raised his head and saluted the blurry light and shadow, and then immediately flew out of the forbidden area...

Hidden Dragon Mountain, at the top of a certain mountain, Shen Yue and Xue Mi looked at the giant sword that had cut down the southern continent.

"After waiting for so long, it's finally here." Xue Mi licked the corner of his mouth, with a hint of excitement and ferocity in his eyes.

Shen Yue said calmly: "The Jue Tian Sword is divided into upper and lower swords. From now on, we have two months to wait."

The Heavenly Sword of the Royal Court of Splitting the Sky is an artifact that uses the law of space to develop the power of "division" to the extreme.

This sword can cut down people, objects, and souls, and it can divide heaven, earth, and everything!

Whether it is entity, nothingness... or abstract concepts, they can all be divided!

At this moment, Gray Realm is using this sword to separate the "Emperor" and "His Majesty"!

All the emperors are forbidden to separate from the southern continent, and it is difficult to touch the present world for a while.

However, although the artifact is powerful, the Emperor is not a vegetarian. Sooner or later, he will be able to break the division with great magic power and return to the Southern Continent.

This time is expected to be two months.

"That's enough!" Xue Mi looked up and looked at the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect in front of him, who was in a state of confusion due to the slashing of the Jue Tian Sword. He grinned and said, "This sect, the 'Beast Control', is still the 'Celestial' Sect? Today? Destroy it first!"

Shen Yue looked at it twice, then raised her right hand, and the fingertips suddenly hit her eyeballs with a flash of light.

"The reflection of the flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water and the sky."

The blue pupils were like ripples, and the void behind Shen Yue also rippled like an illusion in the water, revealing countless monsters with different shapes and amazing auras!

"Lord Shen Yue, Lord Xue Mi!" Many monsters responded.

Shen Yue said: "Let's do it."

Xue Mi grinned and jumped up first: "Up!"

Many demon kings rushed out together with Xue Mi to kill the Beast Controlling Heavenly Sect!

Shen Yue glanced at the Beast Control Tianzong again, and then followed her step by step towards Tianzong...

Gray world.

Two figures high in the sky clashed at high speed, with wind, fire, thunder and rock brilliance colliding violently.

One of them is the demon spirit.

On the other side, there is a big and burly demon king, who is a third-level Huangshan Guard!

This burly demon king is covered in rocky luster, and his every move and every move is filled with strong star power.

Not only that, his defense is extremely strong. Only the Zixiao Divine Thunder can cause obvious damage!

Therefore, the burly demon king only needs to try his best to dodge the Zixiao Divine Thunder, and hit the demon with more attacks and less defense.

However, the surface of the demon soul actually has the same rock brilliance flowing as the burly demon king. It is extremely hard and blocks a lot of damage from the burly demon king.

It is the simulated change of the law of impermanence!

After a fierce fight, the burly Demon King became a little angry, and punched the demon on the shoulder with the Zixiao Divine Thunder.


The air wave exploded, and the terrifying force immediately collapsed the demon soul into the ground, shaking up countless rubbles!

"If you dare to learn my tricks, I want to see if your rock skin is as hard as mine!"

The burly Demon King roared angrily and shot down from high in the sky!

The demon's expression changed slightly, and with a thought, wind, fire, and thunder all exploded and struck high in the sky, trying to stop the burly demon king.

"You still want to block me!" The burly demon king sneered, and the yellow light outside his body skyrocketed, "Stacked Stone·Sanzhong!"

The crystals on the rock-like skin of the burly demon king surged. The triple-reinforced defense carried the wind, fire and thunder and continued to rush down. In the blink of an eye, it had broken through the wind, fire and thunder and hit the monster in the face with his fist!


After just one or two breaths of stalemate, the monster's rock defense that used the power of impermanence to change was completely cracked, and then the whole head was torn apart directly under the fist and exploded on the spot!

However, before the burly Demon King could be happy, his expression changed slightly.

"Huh? Energy body!"

At this moment, the wind, fire and thunder intertwined on the demon soul's right hand, and the divine forbidden seal was ready, and he slapped the burly demon king in front of him with a palm.

The divine shackles rushed out in all directions and wrapped around the demon king's body in a blink of an eye, dimming the aura on his body.

"not good!"

The Demon King felt something bad in his heart, and he was about to pull away and fly away.

The blood on the demon's neck was flowing, and his head returned to its original state in a blink of an eye. He jumped up and grabbed the burly demon king.

At the same time, a slime in the distance opened its mouth, and a man holding a spear spit out as the black light circulated.

"Huh? I'm sorry, sir!"

The burly demon king was shocked and doubtful, but the power of gold and nothingness intertwined with the weapon, and the iron cavalry Jin Tu directly stabbed him with a spear.

The burly demon king was imprisoned by the gods, and was entangled by the demon soul, unable to escape at all.

"Damn it...ah!"

In the blink of an eye, Xiwufen had stabbed him with a spear, and the extremely sharp power of gold and void exploded instantly, directly breaking through the powerful defense of the burly demon king and piercing him...

After a while, the demon soul turned over his hand and took away the star core and ring of the burly demon king, and nodded slightly.

"The third one."

The demon revealed its aura and faced the enemy head-on, swallowing it softly and hiding it, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

So far, three demon kings have been killed, including a fourth-level demon king!

Yao Po took out the sky patrol black card again and was about to find the next target.

But then I realized that there were actually several demon kings coming to kill me, and there was even a fifth-level one!

"How is it?" Ruanruan asked.

Yao Po said in a concentrated voice: "The enemies are all coming. The people in front can't hold them back and are about to shrink the front."

Without stopping for too long, the monster immediately flew back with Ruanruan... (End of this chapter)

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