Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1112 The troops are approaching the city

Yunya Base.

Gu Xunyou and Yuchi Zhan stood on the side wall of the base, looking up into the distance.

Meteors were seen flying by, auras of light shooting vertically, either with the help of the sun and moon sky formation, or flying directly. One by one, the experts from the Sky Survey Department returned to the base and came to the city wall.

After a while, another starlight fell, and the monster with a slime on its shoulders also appeared on the scene.

"Huh? Who are you!"

Next to him, a thick-haired White Tiger Royal Envoy immediately shouted vigilantly.

Although the face of the person in front of him is exactly the same as that of Su Yuan, his aura is completely different, weird and unfamiliar!

"Old Jin, don't get excited." He Xianyin, who was not far away, smiled, "This is the incarnation of Ambassador Su."

Jiang Lan, who came back first, also nodded: "That's right."

Yao Po nodded, cupped his hands and said, "Essential envoys, please be polite."

Ruanruan: "Pfft!"

"The incarnation of Ambassador Su..." For a moment, everyone on the side looked at it curiously.

Acquaintances such as Jiang Lan and He Xianyin all know that Su Yuan has an incarnation, but not many people have seen it.

"Almost no different from a real person, and seems to have different powers from King Su... to have such an exquisite external incarnation!"

Many royal envoys were envious.

External incarnations, especially top-level external incarnations, have considerable growth potential for star card masters. Even king-level and even emperor-level players can still use them!

After a long time, no one came back.

At this moment, the number of envoys in the base was obviously lower than before.

Ahead, Yuchi Zhan said: "Those people are missing?"

Liang Cheng had already counted the manpower, and after a moment of pondering, he said: "We have Zhang Mingzheng, Yu Bo, and Zeng Minghua from Zhuqueyu, as well as Liu Dong and Zhang Shencong from Baihuyu, a total of five people."

"Five people..." Yuchi Zhan whispered to himself.

Hearing the death of these five people, many royal envoys in the field looked solemn.

In just the initial battle, five kings fell, and one of them, Zhang Mingzheng, was still the middle-level king envoy of Suzaku Yu.

The Sun and Moon Heaven Formation has not yet been activated. According to Fang Qingxiao's instructions, everyone is fighting and retreating to preserve their combat power.

Even so, these five people couldn't even evacuate!


After two sticks of incense were passed, Liang Cheng spoke in a calm voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the figures of several monster beasts flying over from the horizon ahead.

The black shadow at the front rushed over like a cannonball and stepped on the open space in front of the city wall...


There was a loud noise, the ground shook violently, and the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters collapsed instantly!

The people in the Tianxian Division who were on the wall also felt a violent shaking, and some people even almost couldn't stand firm.

"What an amazing power!"

Everyone in the Tianxian Division looked towards the pit in horror.

I saw a short but strong demon king walking out of the pit and looking up towards the city wall.

"It turns out they all fled back to their lair!" The Demon King looked at the people of the Tianxian Division above and licked the corners of his mouth, "Go straight to Huanglong. It seems that I was right to come here directly!"

"Sixth-level Huangshan Guards!" Everyone in the Tianxuan Division looked slightly condensed.

Judging from the aura and clothes of the person in front of him... he is a sixth-level Huangshan Guard!

"They say the stupid bird flies first, Mo He, you are not stupid..." Almost in the blink of an eye, the dark light flickered, and another gloomy-looking old man flew up with several demon kings and landed not far away.

Level 6, Eclipse Guard!

Mo He turned to look at the old man with a cold expression: "Yin Zhen, if you can't speak, I can smash your mouth first!"

"Hehehe..." Yin Zhan let out a dry and cold laugh, and said indifferently, "If you want to be killed by General Yagami, you can take action against me~"

Mo He looked at him coldly, and finally snorted coldly.

This battle is under the watchful eye of the imperial court. Anyone who dares to cause civil strife will definitely be killed by the superiors after returning.

And General Yagami is a powerful king beast selected from several royal courts and responsible for the entire gray world. He has a status close to the emperor level!

Looking at Yuchi Zhan on the wall gloomily, he continued: "Instead of taking action against me, it is better to use your strength on the person in front."

"You don't have to say it!"

Mo He raised his right hand, and a shattered stone flew up and he caught it in his hand.


Star power surged in Mo He's palm, and an increasingly deep wave converged on the stone in his right hand.

After just two breaths, Mo He waved and threw the stones in his hand towards the city wall.

As if sensing the crisis, a large number of runes were engraved on the city wall, and the power of the stars pulling high in the sky instantly formed a layer of azure defensive aura!

This is not the effect of the formation itself, but the defenses laid out by the masters of the Engineering Department with the help of the power of the heavenly stars of the formation.

The goose egg-sized stone hit the defensive aura in an instant, and the defensive aura suddenly seemed to have been hit by an unimaginable heavy blow, denting in visibly to the naked eye...

At this moment, the moon phase wheel in the base lit up, and more rich starlight poured down, making the defensive aura thicker, and the stone collapsed into powder in one fell swoop!

However, the expressions of many royal envoys changed slightly.

The defensive fortifications protected by the Moon Phase Wheel, which is the ultimate treasure, were almost penetrated by this small stone?


Mo He himself seemed quite dissatisfied with the result. He curled his lips, raised his right foot and stepped down suddenly...


The ground cracked, white air spread out, and countless rubbles shattered.

At this moment, along with the heavy and deep pressure of star power, a layer of light visible to the naked eye appeared outside Mo He!

In an instant, all the gravel gradually suspended in mid-air as if solidified, and gradually attached a layer of gray-black texture...


Mo He shouted low, and a large amount of gravel suddenly shot out like a heavy rain and hit the defensive aura in an instant!

"Puff puff……!"

So much rubble was coming one after another that the entire defensive aura shook violently, and it would soon be shattered!

In the distance, Mo He pressed down on the ground and suddenly grabbed a large stone two people high.

Black light surged in Mo He's eyes: "Heavy! Heavy! Heavy!"

After three consecutive sounds, black ripples appeared around the boulder, and there were faint signs of crushing the void!

"It's the law of gravity...it can't be stopped!" Many kings and envoys were frightened.

In the blink of an eye, Mo He had already thrown the big stone in his hand.

The boulder shot out like a cannonball, shaking the void all the way. It's hard to imagine how terrifying the energy is on it!

The demon's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking that it would be impossible for him to take this blow.

At this moment, Yuchi Zhan drew his sword out of its sheath, and the visible sword light that had been preparing for a long time crossed the sky and landed on the boulder in an instant!

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