Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 405: Phoenix Vein

the other side.

Tian Bule's face was slightly pale, and he sat weakly leaning against the sandstone, his life was no longer in danger.

"Special Envoy Su, you are really strong..." Hearing Bailige say that Su Yuan beheaded those two people, Tian Bule couldn't help sighing.

"Really?" Bailige was receiving Ruanruan's treatment, and he was quite surprised when he heard that, "You knew he had such strength?"

Tian Bule nodded first, then shook his head.

Bailige asked suspiciously, "Tian Envoy, what do you mean?"

Tian Bule said: "I know he is strong, but I don't know he is so strong."

As he said that, Tian Bule told Bailige about Su Yuan's slap on the blood sacrificer in Kongqiang Ridge.

After hearing this, Bailige thought for a while, then smacked his lips and said, "This one is really hiding something!"

"Pu Chi Pu Chi (of course)!" Ruan Ruan, who was sitting in front of Bailigo, couldn't help but exclaimed triumphantly when he heard that he was praising his master.

Bailigo looked at Ruanruan in front of him: "By the way, does slime know this kind of skill? Not only does it hurt, but it also has the effect of shielding and restoring star power. And it can also become a golden-winged Lei Peng?"

As he said that, Bailigo subconsciously reached out to squeeze this cute slime.


Ruan Ruan transformed into a small hand and slapped Baili Ge's hand away.

"Hiss... This little guy has a lot of strength!" Bailige rubbed the back of his hand, which made him blush.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi!" Ruan Ruan put his hands on his "hip" and looked at him with wide eyes angrily.

Bailige found it quite interesting, and said with a smile, "Hey, you little guy has quite a temper, so you can't even touch it?"

"Puji (no way)!"

Bailige was about to say something more, when two figures rushed over from high above in the distance, they were Yan Changming and Su Yuan.

"How are you guys?" Yan Changming flew down, looked at the seriously injured Bailige and Tian Bule, and asked.

Especially Tian Bule, this injury is not easy to heal...

Bailige twitched the corner of his mouth: "I'm fine, Special Envoy Tian is more serious. In addition, the wolf pulse has also been restrained."

Tian Bule also shook his head: "Thanks to Special Envoy Su's treatment of this slime beast, I'm fine."

Yan Changming nodded, and then said: "What happened just now, it seems that you are in trouble?"

Hearing Yan Changming's question, Bailige and Tian Bule looked at Su Yuan in unison...

After a while, under Bailige's vivid explanation, Yan Changming understood the whole situation.

"That is to say, Su Yuan arrived in time and beheaded the two servants?"

Baili Ge tutted his tongue and said, "To be precise, it should be an instant kill."

"Special Envoy Su, you're really amazing..." Yan Changming looked at Su Yuan deeply, and was also secretly startled.

Su Yuan said with a smile: "It's just a expendable means of relying on foreign objects."

Hmm... Although this foreign object belongs to the Qingming Realm and can be regenerated.

Yan Changming nodded, and then his eyes fell on the weak Tian Bule.

"Although the injury has been stabilized, the therapist still needs to heal it. Since you have subdued a star vein, you can go back directly."


Bailige grinned and said, "Envoy Tian, ​​bring back this wolf vein, and you will be promoted."

Feeling the state in his body, Tian Bule thought for a while and finally nodded.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "It just so happens that I also have a wolf vein here, and Special Envoy Tian will help me bring it back."

Bailige was quite surprised, he didn't expect that Su Yuan would hand in the wolf pulse he had just obtained.

But the next moment, Bailige was stunned.

Because what Su Yuan took out was not the blue crystals he got from the two officials earlier, but the pulse-pulsing beads given by Wang Xu.

And in this pulse-drawing bead, there is still a wolf vein!

Bailige stepped forward to take a closer look, and said in amazement: "You also found the wolf vein? When!..."

Everyone was shocked, why did Su Yuan complete the task of pulling the pulse without making a sound?

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Just when you send out the signal, I didn't send out the signal because you need manpower on your side."

It turned out to be like this...

A few people suddenly realized, no wonder Su Yuan didn't come over at that time, so he obtained a wolf vein by himself.

"Now the pressure is on me and Yan Changming." Bailige curled his lips.

At the beginning, how could he have thought that it would be that he and Yan Changming did not get the Xingmai.

Yan Changming asked, "So, Su Yuan, what are your plans for next?"

According to the function, Su Yuan is responsible for arranging the sentry barrier, and helping to find the wolf veins by the way.

Now that the barrier has been set up, Su Yuan has found a wolf vein alone, which can be said to have overfulfilled the task.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Emissary Tian is seriously injured and needs to go back for treatment, so I will naturally not leave the team, after all, if you find the wolf pulse, I can also help.

In addition, there are countless treasures in the New Dust Realm, and I can just find some materials for arranging formations here. "

"Okay!" Bailige grinned, "With you here, I won't be afraid to meet people from the Zodiac to snatch the wolf veins again!"

Yan Changming saw Bailige like this, but said indifferently: "Bailige, I still prefer you who are unruly and disobedient."

Ah this!

Bailige's expression froze, and then he laughed.

Su Yuan's strength is amazing and he saved himself, and Bailige is not stupid. Of course, if there is such a thigh in the team, he must hug him as soon as possible.

Yan Changming said: "In this case, let's act. Let's send Special Envoy Tian back first."

Su Yuan said: "I'll go, I have the gate of space and I can directly send Special Envoy Tian to leave as soon as possible. The soldiers will be divided into two groups. Special Envoy Yan and Special Envoy Baili can continue to look for Xingmai."

Yan Changming nodded: "Alright."

Bailige had already mentioned Su Yuan's use of the Space Gate just now, so Yan Changming and Tian Bule are not surprised at this moment.

Su Yuan said: "Besides, since people from the Zodiac have already appeared here, I suggest that it is best for the two of you to act together, especially since Special Envoy Baili has not recovered from his injuries."

Yan Changming responded: "Well, I think so too, those people are really powerful."

Su Yuan nodded, and then opened his hands, amidst the surge of silver light, a door of space gradually condensed in front of him.

On the other side, the teleportation edict arranged in the cave near the entrance of the New Dust Realm shone with silver light, and a one-way receiving space door was formed between the surging brilliance.

"Let's go."

Su Yuan led Tian Bule directly into the portal.

The scenery in front of them changed rapidly, and after a while, the two of them appeared in the cave where the edict was sent.

Tian Bule faintly noticed that this teleportation seemed to be far away, took out the map to look, but found that he had already arrived near the entrance.

"It's here so soon?!"

Tian Bule was inexplicably shocked...

This space gate can actually teleport so far!

Su Yuan said: "It's also just within the teleportation range, if it is farther away, it won't be teleported."

"That's amazing enough!" Tian Bule was amazed.

After pondering for a while, Tian Bule turned around and bowed solemnly to Su Yuan.

"Thank you Special Envoy Su for his rescue, and for giving me the hard rock."

"Since it's a team, it's just a matter of duty." Su Yuan smiled, took out his pulse-twitching beads and handed them to Tian Bule, "I won't go there, please envoy Tian take this one for me." Take the pulse-pulling beads back to Yanting."

"Okay, Special Envoy Su rest assured!"

Tian Bule took the pulse pumping beads, then cupped his hands at Su Yuan, and then left the cave.

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes floated, and he unfolded his all-knowing vision to watch Tian Bule go all the way to the entrance.

Up to now, many follow-up second- and third-class special envoys have also come in, and there are also people staying at the sentry barrier.

After Tian Bule took out the black card to verify the identity of the envoy who stayed at the entrance, he stepped directly into the teleportation entrance and disappeared.

Su Yuan nodded slightly, and then with a flick of his body, he returned to the central main space of the Qingming Realm with softness.

Su Yuan took out the blue crystal with wolf veins, and almost at the same time, a strong sense of longing came from the Qingming Realm again.

"Finally, there is a star vein, because the emergence of the New Dust Realm is faster than expected!"

Excitement welled up in Su Yuan's eyes, and he immediately activated the blue crystal with star power.

The blue crystal emitted a dazzling brilliance and flew into the air by itself, with streams of yellow air flowing down from it.

These air currents have been absorbed by the Qingming Realm from the void before they really hit the ground!

Su Yuan could feel that as the yellow air current transformed by more star veins in the blue crystal was absorbed by the Qingming Realm, the Qingming Realm was growing at an astonishing speed every moment!

After an unknown amount of time, the Qingming Realm shook slightly.


Accompanied by a resounding cry, a half-human-sized black phoenix was conceived from the Green Underworld, and after flying around Su Yuan, it rushed up into the sky and disappeared.

In an instant, Su Yuan felt that the Qingming Realm seemed to be infused with soul, and some fundamental changes had taken place.

In an instant, storms and clouds arose in the world, and gold, wood, water, fire, and earth evolved by themselves.

At the same time, in Su Yuan's mind, a large amount of enlightenment flooded in like enlightenment, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and experience carefully...

After a long time, Su Yuan opened his eyes, and the silver light in his eyes floated, extremely bright!

"Green Underworld...Phoenix veins?"

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