Su Yuan thought about the information just fed back from Qingming Xuanfeng and Qingming Realm.

The Qingming Realm did absorb the wolf vein in the blue crystal, but it didn't directly use this wolf vein as the source of star power in the Qingmingjie.

Instead, it used it as energy to hatch a star vein of Qingming Realm, named "Phoenix Vein".

This phoenix vein is not an additional "level" of Xingmai, but an essential "type" difference.

Compared with ordinary star veins, it is created by the power of Qingming Xuanfeng, which is more suitable for the Qingming world and belongs to Su Yuan alone.

It is the same as the general Xingmai, divided into dog level, wolf level, tiger level, and dragon level.

Because during the birth process, the power of a lot of star veins was consumed, so the star veins born so far are only dog ​​level.

It seems that it is a loss to drop a level, but it is not, because this is a star vein that can grow!

For Su Yuan, the phoenix veins of the Qingming Realm have many advantages over the star veins of the outside world.

The first is growth!

Under the power of the Qingmingxuanfengtian Throne, the Phoenix Vessel can also continuously absorb other star veins, and then grow and advance step by step, and finally even evolve to the level of the Dragon!

Phagocytosis and absorption are also functions similar to "fusion".

Even if it is impossible to occupy a higher level of star veins for a long time, there is hope to reach a higher level by continuously devouring the star veins of this level.

A very simple example, if Su Yuan is a native of the New Dust Realm.

In the case of only dog ​​veins, Su Yuan can also use the phoenix veins of the Qingming Realm to absorb the dog veins so that it can evolve to the level of wolf veins, and then break through to Huiyue in the Qingming Realm.

If this is the case, then Su Yuan will be the absolute overlord of the Qingming Realm!

The second is privacy.

Generally, the star veins are ownerless, and whoever occupies them will use them, and the star power produced by them is fair to everyone.

But the phoenix vein was born in the Qingming Realm, so it belonged to Su Yuan by nature, so it is natural to do its best to serve Su Yuan, who is the master of the Qingming Realm!

Being in the Qingming Realm, all the star power comes together, and the speed of cultivation is faster than in the Sky Survey Division.

The third is symbiosis.

Most people can only cultivate their soul power through meditation. A small number of people will have some special methods to speed up the cultivation of their own soul power.

Like Su Yuan, he could only increase the power of Qingmingxuanfengtian Throne through meditation.

Even if Su Yuan's soul card is stronger and his mental power is stronger, it will make meditation more efficient.

But this kind of progress is still quite satisfactory, and it is completely incomparable with the pleasure of adding skills.

But now, the growth of the phoenix veins will also promote the growth of Qingming Xuanfeng, which in turn will promote the growth of Qingming Xuanfeng.

So in addition to regular meditation, Su Yuan can also enhance his soul power by absorbing the star veins and enhancing the phoenix veins.

Only now, the Qingming Realm has not only expanded by about 30% again, but its stability has also been greatly improved, and Su Yuan's control over the power of space has also been greatly improved.

The power of space-type skills has been enhanced, directly from the original 20% to 50%, which is equivalent to some star card masters whose soul power is strengthened by elements!

The above three points are the most important, as for the rest of the differences in the phoenix veins, we will have to discover them slowly in the future.

After Su Yuan carefully perceived the changes in the Qingming Realm, he withdrew from the Qingming Realm.

Although I was very pleasantly surprised by the change of the phoenix vein hatched in the Qingming world, it also faced a problem.

"If you want to promote the growth of the phoenix veins in the Qingming Realm, do you have to continue to absorb more star veins..." Su Yuan's eyes revealed his thoughts.

On Blue Sea Star, even the Twitching enchantment is forbidden, not to mention that Twitching is just a migration, and absorption is becoming one's own.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing will not be accepted by others.

At least for the current Lan Haixing, if Su Yuan does this, it will definitely be tolerated by the world.

Su Yuan thought for a while, and what he can do now is to improve the Phoenix Vein as much as possible in the middle line of Xinchen Realm.

As for the future... wait until the Earth Tribulation arises, and then act according to the camera.

After all, what cannot be done in peacetime is not necessarily something that can be done in wartime...

"According to the feedback from the Qingming Realm, devouring another wolf vein should be able to raise the phoenix vein to the level of the wolf vein."

Su Yuan pondered for a while, then flipped his hands and took out the empty blue crystal he got earlier.

"Since the two servants of the Temple of Enlightenment both have this kind of blue crystal for drawing pulses, it seems to be one of the missions of the servants to extract the star veins.

Previously, I just wanted Yaopo to follow suit, but now it seems that maybe there will be some good gains..."

Su Yuan thought about it for a while, then teleported away from the spot...

In the New Dust Realm, a group of volcanoes billowing in black smoke and densely covered with lava.

A golden light appeared in the sky, but it was Mi Lu who rushed from a distance and flew directly to the edge of the largest crater.

"Mark! Something happened!"

Mi Lu shouted towards the crater.

Just two seconds later, the golden-red magma flowing quietly in the volcano suddenly stirred up, but a naked young man floated out of it.

This young man has short red hair and a stud on his right ear, which looks quite individual.

But it would be a big surprise if anyone else was here.

The temperature of the magma is about 1000 degrees, even for ordinary fire star card masters, it is difficult to handle it.

But the red-haired young man was able to sink into it, and it didn't seem to have any influence.

"What's the matter, Mi Lu." The red-haired young man said coldly, "Didn't you go to help Dominic and the others, who?"

Mi Lu's expression sank: "Dominique and the others were killed!"


The red-haired young man frowned, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"Killed? Was it killed by Xingjun... No, Master Star Envoy and the others are preparing to deal with Dayan Xingjun? Could it be that a new Xingjun has come in..."

Mi Lu interrupted: "It's either King Xing, or an ordinary envoy."

In the Xuntian Division, the uniforms of the first, second and third envoys are all the same, but Xingjun is different, so they can be recognized at a glance.

"Not Xingjun?" Mark frowned.

With the life-saving abilities of Antonis and Chad, even if they lose to their opponents, it shouldn't be that easy to be killed if they want to run.

But I don't know what came to mind, Mark said in a deep voice: "Among the special envoys of Dayan, there are indeed some troublesome people."

There was a cold light in Mark's eyes, and he couldn't help but think of the flaming woman with a fire bow that he met a few days ago.

Previously, he also discovered a wolf vein, and was seriously injured by the other party in the end, so he retreated to the volcano group to recover with the help of magma.

Moreover, that woman actually has a divine fire!

If the other party hadn't wanted to stay where he was and take his pulse, it's not certain whether he could escape this time.

But it was a blessing in disguise, there is actually a red fire spirit in this volcano!

In areas with sufficient star power, even a thousand volcanoes may not be able to produce a single red stream fire essence.

This is a top-notch four-level fire material, which can be used to refine epic star equipment.

Mi Lu said in a deep voice: "Let's go join Hanna first, more and more masters are coming from Dayan here, we must either act together, or retreat to the main team."

Mark felt his own state, but he recovered a lot, and flew out of the magma.

But just after he came out, Mark suddenly looked towards a small volcano in the distance, squinting his eyes: "Mi Lu, you seem to have brought a tail..."

"Huh?" Mi Lu was taken aback, but Su Ji came to his senses, and quickly looked behind.

Mark's eyes turned cold, and he slapped his palm into the magma below him.

The underground magma surged, and there was a "bang", and behind the small volcano in the distance, a pillar of magma fire suddenly rose into the sky.

But a figure in a red robe flashed aside very quickly.

"Oh? Have you been discovered..." Yaopo chuckled and walked out from behind the small volcano.

The passive ability of Dacheng's breathing can be synchronously given to Yaopo, so now Yaopo's breathing ability is extremely powerful, and it is still very easy to quietly follow Mi Lu.

But the red-haired young man in front of him seemed to be able to use the fire element of this volcanic group to enhance his perception, so he discovered himself.

"It's you?" Mi Lu's expression changed slightly, she didn't expect Su Yuan to chase him so far, "No...not exactly."

Mi Lu didn't know whether Su Yuan was an incarnation or switched to a certain state, but there was no doubt that this was the person who appeared earlier.

Mark sensed it carefully, and after confirming that there was no one else, he looked at Yaopo.

But after looking at it, he found that the other party was like a pool of black water of unknown depth, and he couldn't see anything at all.

Mark raised his brows and said tentatively, "You are really confident that you dare to chase after me alone."

The corner of Yaopo's mouth curled up slightly: "To deal with you, I alone should be more than enough."

"Arrogance!" Both Mark and Mi Lu frowned.

As star envoys and officials, the strength of the two of them is only lower than the twelve star envoys among Qiguang's many shining stars. How have they ever been so underestimated!

"Then go to hell!" Mark stretched out his right index finger, "Alpha, FireWire!"

I saw the flame jumping, quickly became extremely hot, and finally shot out like a golden-red laser and hit Yaopo in the blink of an eye!

Yaopo raised the Yaodao horizontally, and precisely blocked this laser-like line of fire at the critical moment.

But looking down, there was a small groove on the demon knife!

Yaopo was slightly surprised: "This power is not bad..."

Although the Yushen Yaodao is condensed from the demon soul, not the body of the demon sword, but it also has nearly half of the attributes of the Yushen Yaodao.

But it was dented by the opponent as soon as he fired.

Fast and strong!

Mark sneered: "It's quite capable of blocking it? Then let me see how you block it now!"

Mark opened his five fingers, and a ball of fire lighted up at each fingertip, and then turned into five lines of fire and shot towards the demon soul in the mid-air ahead!

The speed of the line of fire was extremely fast, and it pierced through Yaopo's body in no time, even shooting a volcano behind Yaopo through five small holes, and a little golden-red magma flowed out!

However, Yaopo's expression remained the same, and he looked down at the five transparent holes on his body that had been pierced by the line of fire, and the red light had returned to normal.

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