Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 412 Seeing Xia Xuan Again

Somewhere in the New Dust Realm, the demon has been looking for the star veins ever since it merged with the main body.

Before I knew it, I had come to a barren mountain range overgrown with vegetation.

At this moment, Yaopo looked at the blue crystal shining brightly in his hand, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.


After searching for so many days, I finally found a wolf vein again.

Yaopo picked up the blue crystal, looked at the brilliance in it, orientated slightly, then jumped into the forest.


Before going far, suddenly three golden-ranked golden-ringed black-line pythons rushed out from the side.

"act recklessly!"

Yaopo didn't even bother to take a look at it, as soon as the sparks on his body rushed, they were all burned into fly ash.

Familiarly put away the star core, Yaopo kept on stepping, and continued to follow the guidance of the blue crystal all the way to the depths of the mountains...

"It's just ahead."

After traveling at high speed for a long time, the brilliance shining on the blue crystal has become extremely bright.

Yaopo was about to move on, but saw a strong wave coming from the front, which could be felt from far away.

Yaopo looked up, but saw flames rising into the sky in the distance, roaring again and again.

"Oh? Has anyone already made it to the top?"

Yaopo's expression moved slightly, and after a little thought, he immediately restrained his breath and rushed forward.

After crossing a mountain, Yaopo soon saw the situation ahead.

Many star beasts surround a basin, and in the basin, there is a girl with a high ponytail wearing a black robe from the Sky Surveyor.

The pulse pumping beads in front of the girl have already unfolded, and waves of star power and yellow energy continue to gather.

Such an action naturally caused the siege of many star beasts in the mountain.

The girl stood beside the pulse-drawing pearl with a relaxed expression, holding the red squirrel bow in her hand, she drew the bow and shot continuously.

Every time the bow is drawn, fiery arrows shoot out from the hole in the string, killing all the star beasts in a straight line!

Even if facing the star beasts attacking from all directions at the same time, it is nothing more than shooting more fire arrows. There is no star beast that can step into her within a radius of 100 meters.

Including Shining Star Star Beast!

At this moment, dozens of corpses of star beasts were already lying on the ground. In addition to the gold-level cannon fodder, there were more than a dozen star beasts of shining stars!

Faced with such a fierce offensive, many star beasts around gradually stopped, with bursts of fear in their eyes.

If it wasn't for the leading arm-armed ape to restrain the beasts, many star beasts would have escaped long ago.

That's right, the original leader of this wolf vein is the arm-armed ape who knows the technique of "three heads and six arms" among the four monster monkeys. Compared with Mo Qilin, his strength is not much worse.

"Xia Xuan... unexpectedly met here."

In the forest with his back to the girl, Yaopo looked at the girl holding a longbow in the distance, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The person in front is none other than Xia Yue's sister, Xia Xuan who exchanged [Gate of Space] with Su Yuan.

But after realizing it was Xia Xuan, Yaopo frowned slightly as he looked at the Pulse Twist Orb in front of her.

It's okay if it's someone else, but if it's Dayan's special envoy, then it's not easy to make a move.

Especially since this person and the main body can be regarded as acquaintances.

"Let's take a look first..."

After all, it took so many days to find a wolf vein. After thinking about it for a while, Yaopo decided to check the situation first.

If Xia Xuan successfully obtained the wolf vein, then so be it.

But if something happened in the middle that caused her to lose the wolf vein... Then it would be logical to take this wolf vein by herself.

Coincidentally, I can also take this opportunity to see what kind of tricks this long-known high school witch has.

At this moment, Xia Xuan, who was in front of her, suddenly looked back as if she sensed the gaze of Yao Po.

"Is the perception of archers equally sharp?" Yaopo's expression moved slightly, and he quickly hid his body and tried his best to restrain his breath.

"I always feel as if someone is watching me." Xia Xuan raised her brows, concentrated on looking but found nothing, "It's strange, is it my illusion?"

At this moment, as if aware of Xia Xuan's distraction, the dark purple rune surged on the right arm of the arm-armed ape, and it punched out, but it directly sank into the void in front of it.

But at the next moment, a hundred-foot arm like a giant pillar smashed down from the top of Xia Xuan's head!

Epic skills, support the sky!

Xia Xuan's eyes danced with blazing flames, and she raised her hand and pointed upwards: "The sky-shattering blazing wheel!"

The flames burst out from the fingertips, and in just a moment, three rotating blazing round wheels covered the top of the head one by one,

And at this moment, the giant arm of the arm-armed ape also smashed down!


The flames trembled, and the spinning blazing wheel at the top trembled violently. After a few seconds of stalemate, it finally turned into a fire element and dissipated.

However, most of the power stored on the giant arm of hundreds of feet has been worn away.

When it hit the second layer of blazing wheels, it was difficult to shatter it for a while.

Xia Xuan seemed to have expected this a long time ago, she didn't look at the sky-lifting arm above her head at all, but bent her bow and pulled the string to point directly at the arm-armed ape in the distance.

"I didn't have a chance just now, but now I finally caught it..."

The corners of Xia Xuan's mouth curled up, and the flames on the string gathered at a high speed, emitting even more astonishing star power fluctuations!

The many star beasts around the arm-armed monkey showed horror, and they retreated towards the surroundings regardless of the arm-armed monkey's order.

The gibbon monkey was aimed at by the fire arrow, and a strong sense of badness also rose in his heart.


With a thought, the arm-armed ape was about to retract its giant arms and pull back.

However, the runes on the two blazing wheels spinning above Xia Xuan's head flourished, and they changed their defense into an offense, rushing out a large amount of flames, pulling the giant arms of hundreds of feet and burning them up!


The arm-armed ape suffered from pain, and the gray and black mysterious light flowed on the hundred-foot-long giant arm, crushing the many flames inch by inch, and was about to pull back the arm.

But at this time, the red fire arrow in Xia Xuan's hand suddenly jumped and turned into a blazing white color. The turbulent flame suddenly shrank and turned into a four-foot-long pure white arrow with blazing flames flowing!

However, it was such a four-foot-long pure white arrow that made the armpit monkey feel a strong sense of fright, and immediately wanted to cut off its right arm and run away.

But by this time, it was already too late.

"The Arrow of God Destroyer!" Xia Xuan let go of her right hand, and the pure white arrow shot out like a white aurora and instantly pierced the body of the arm-branched ape.

The next moment, an astonishing white flame surged out from the big hole in the arm-armed monkey's chest and swept away in all directions. The dozen or so star beasts that hadn't retreated far were also submerged in it.

In just a few seconds, the flame dissipated, and the gibbon monkey was completely turned into fly ash in the blazing flames!

"What an astonishing blow, is this the Arrow of God's Destroyer that was exchanged for her at the beginning!"

Yaopo was secretly startled, this move was definitely mastered by her.

In addition, the strength of her fire star power is really too high. In terms of the strength of the fire star power alone, it is even a little higher than her own!

After all, I don't have the power of the soul itself, and I have such strength purely by six-dimensional attributes, divine fire and various powerful skills.

And when it comes to divine fire, Yaopo knows that Xia Xuan also has divine fire, the 27th ranked Honglian Yehuo.

At this moment, as the gibbon monkey was bombarded and killed with one blow, the remaining star beasts could no longer hold back their panic, and scattered like birds and beasts and fled outside.

"Huh... Finally, this group of star beasts has been solved."

Xia Xuan let out a slight breath, and in a blink of an eye, the Suzaku bow in her hand turned into a small Suzaku bracelet and wrapped it around her wrist.

Afterwards, Xia Xuan put away the star cores on the ground one by one, and stood by the pulse pumping bead again.

"The arm-armed ape is already considered a rare and powerful star beast, and it is not her opponent..." Yaopo secretly shook his head and continued to wait.

Time passed, a long time passed.

Accompanied by a tremor on the ground, the last trace of star energy was sucked in by the pulse pumping bead.

"Completed!" Xia Xuan smiled, took the pulse pumping beads and put them away in her arms.

"It seems that there is no chance." Yaopo looked at this scene, sighed secretly, and was about to retreat quietly.

But at this moment, Yaopo suddenly sensed something, opened his perception and probed into the distance.

"Oh? From this point of view, maybe..." Yaopo's expression moved slightly, and he stopped in his tracks immediately.

Soon, Xia Xuan, who was guarding the pulse-twitching bead, also seemed to have discovered something, and the brilliance of the Suzaku bracelet on her left hand turned into a Suzaku bow again.

"Not only did you find the wolf pulse, but you also found a first-class envoy? It's really doubly lucky."

Accompanied by a frivolous and rambunctious voice, three people wearing the uniforms of the temple officials came out from a distance.

Two men and one woman, the frivolous voice just now came from the mouth of one of the blond youths with a narrow face.

"Heh, still a great beauty? That's three times as lucky!" After seeing Xia Xuan's appearance clearly, the blond young man couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

The fiery gaze went all the way up from Xia Xuan's slender legs covered by the black robe, to her slender waist, then to 34C's chest, and finally fell on that delicate face... The burning desire in the eyes of the blond youth Almost burst into tears.

"You two don't do it, I want to live!" The blond youth breathed heavily.

"Okay." The tall young man next to him looked as usual, obviously he was used to the temperament of the blond youth.

In the end, the woman with only one eye sneered.

"It's up to you, but if you can come out alone to extract the star veins, you are probably a first-class envoy, which is different from those second- and third-class envoys before. Just don't steal chickens and lose nothing!

Now that Lord Felix is ​​not here, it would be bad for the three of us to reduce our staff. "

These three people are the servants of Leo who was severely injured by Yuheng Xingjun Duanmuluo.

Although Leo was seriously injured and went back first, these officials still stayed in Xinchen Realm.

"The three of us, what can we do..."

The blond-haired youth laughed, and immediately jumped out and went straight to Xia Xuan.

And Xia Xuan has already drawn the bowstring, and a blood-red fire arrow has already gathered momentum on the bowstring amidst the flashes of fire.

"An official from the Zodiac? Last time I ran away with one, this time I sent three at once, it's really good..."

Xia Xuan raised the corner of her mouth slightly, released her right hand, and the blood-red fire arrow flew out!

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