Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 413 Red Lotus Karmic Fire

The blond young man was lucky enough to see a Sagittarius shoot, but compared with the golden arrow of Sagittarius, this bloody fiery arrow seems a little ordinary!

The blond young man gave a disdainful smile, and when he raised his hand, a barrier of holy light unfolded in front of him.

And the one-eyed woman stared at the blood-red fire arrow that was coming, and suddenly her expression changed.

Such a powerful power!

The one-eyed woman was startled, and suddenly reminded: "Move quickly, Robert!"

Hearing her shout, the blond young man was puzzled, but also realized that it was not good.

But before he had time to do anything, the blood-red fire arrow had already hit the holy light barrier in front of him.

The originally radiant and condensed barrier of holy light was suddenly pierced like crispy bread in the blink of an eye!

The blond young man was horrified, and before he could react, he was shot directly in the body by the blood-red fire arrow!


The blond young man let out a muffled snort, and quickly urged the power of the holy light in his body to extinguish the bloody flame that burned him.

However, these powers of holy light were like free gifts, they were quickly scattered by the bloody flames on the arrows just as they approached!

Feeling the astonishing energy that was about to erupt from the blood-red fire arrow, the blond youth's soul trembled: "This is...?!"


The crimson blood flame suddenly exploded tens of meters high, like a small mushroom cloud, completely burning the blond youth to ashes in an instant...

"Damn it, Robert is an idiot!" the one-eyed woman cursed.

The tall young man also said in a deep voice: "This man's fire arrow is more powerful than imagined!"

Both of them looked at Xia Xuan who was not far away with ugly expressions. Compared with the special envoy they met before, this woman was obviously much stronger!

Although Robert's character is bad, but the power of the holy light is just the opposite, sacred and vast.

But now, just because of a little carelessness, he was shot dead by that woman with an arrow!

In the forest not far away, Yaopo's expression condensed slightly: "Is this the 27th ranked Red Lotus Fire? The power of erosion is simply incomparable..."

Under this arrow, Yaopo also saw the power of Xia Xuan's blood-red divine fire.

Use karma to erode and let all kinds of energy lose their due power!

Su Yuan has encountered this effect many times before.

For example, the dark descendants of the beasts of Virgo, the dark and dirty formations of the evil card masters in Kongqiang Ridge, etc., also have the power to erode star power.

But no matter what it is, it can't compare with the red lotus karma in front of me.

The red lotus karmic fire is one of the rare systematic divine fires among the thirty-six kinds of divine fires.

The 18th ranked black lotus magic fire;

The golden lotus torch ranked twenty-fourth;

The 27th-ranked Honglian Yehuo;

Qinglian Jinghuo ranked thirty-second.

There are rumors that come from nowhere, saying that if the four kinds of lotus fires of green, red, black, and gold can be gathered together, they may be able to fuse and evolve to an incredible level!

It's just that it's hard for ordinary people to find even one kind of divine fire, let alone the specific four, which is almost impossible.

From ancient times to the present, no one has obtained the four kinds of lotus fire at the same time.

"Let's go together and kill her!"

At this moment, the one-eyed woman yelled violently, and pulled out the cross sword at her waist, flickering black light lingered on the sword, and after a little momentum, a spiral sword aura of a dark moon and a half tore through the air and slashed out!

On the other side, the tall young man stepped out, the ground cracked, and rocks rose everywhere. As the tall young man pushed his hands, he roared towards Xia Xuan like a meteorite belt!

"Dark Moon Spiral!"

"Flying rocks and stars!"

Xia Xuan laughed lightly, facing the surging skill, she bent her bow and drew the string, and the surging fire light gathered faintly into the shape of a bee.

"Flying Bird Collection Thousand Needles Queen Bee!"

When the arrow was shot, it exploded into thousands of fire thorns halfway, and the torrential rain poured out in a fan shape!

After the rain of needles, the Dark Moon Sword Qi was scattered, and the rocks in the meteorite belt were smashed into pieces and dispersed!

Thousands of fire needles kept going, and rushed towards the one-eyed woman and the tall young man behind.

The faces of both of them changed slightly, the tall young man surged with star power, and raised his hands: "The Wall of Bonas!"

A huge gray-black wall immediately rose from the ground to block in front of the two of them.

"Ding ding ding!..."

The torrential rain of thousands of fire needles hit the huge wall like a rainstorm, and immediately stirred up a large amount of rubble and dust.

However, in the face of this kind of needle-shaped scattered attacks, the thick gray and black giant wall is indeed quite effective, but it blocked them all without any danger.

However, at this time, two more blood-red arrows were condensed on Xia Xuan's Suzaku big bow.

"I want to see how long you can survive..." Xia Xuan let go of the bowstring, and two blood-red fire arrows shot out!

The blond-haired young man was killed by this arrow before, and the one-eyed woman and the tall young man were startled, and burst out their star power without hesitation and quickly dodged to the sides!

The two blood-red fire arrows pierced through the huge gray-black wall with only a slight deceleration, and narrowly passed by the two of them.

"so close!"

The one-eyed woman and the tall young man secretly rejoiced that they had seen the effect of the blood-red fire arrow before, otherwise, with the Wall of Bonas in front, the two of them might not have been able to dodge so decisively.

However, before the two could breathe a sigh of relief, the corners of Xia Xuan's mouth curled up, and she plucked the string of Suzaku's big bow with her right hand.

"Manipulating the strings."


With the sound of the bowstring, the two blood-red fire arrows that were originally flashed by the two one-eyed women suddenly flew backwards and shot back at the two of them!

"Not good!" The pupils of the two shrank suddenly.

A dark light flashed on the one-eyed woman's body, and the five clones spread up and down in all directions in an instant.

The tall young man didn't have such technical skills, so he shouted: "Immortal Rock!"

A large amount of gray and black air raged and surged around him, and quickly condensed into a black stone hill with alternate reality and reality outside him!

However, the red lotus karmic fire on the blood-red fire arrow kept beating, and still only slowed down a little, it pierced through the hill and shot straight at the tall young man.

Unexpectedly, the tall young man's skin also turned gray and black, and the blood-red arrow was only shot into his left waist by a finger's length before being stuck by the opponent's body!

The red lotus karma restrains the star power very much, but for the strong physical defense, the effect is not so obvious.

In fact, even with the erosive properties of the Red Lotus Karma Fire itself, with the power of the Divine Fire and Xia Xuan's attack strength, this arrow can easily kill the ordinary Yaoxing.

It's just that the blond-haired young man is not only tyrannical physically, but also the power of the soul can greatly increase the rock-soil star power and the defense of the lithification of the physical body, so he blocked it.

"That's all for Robert, do you really want to shoot me with one arrow!" The tall young man snorted coldly, and was about to reach out and pull out the blood-red arrow.

But at this moment, the tall young man suddenly noticed a strange force emanating from the arrow, and immediately, the whole blood-red arrow flickered violently!

"Not good!" The tall young man realized something, his heart skipped a beat.


Accompanied by loud noises and heat waves, a huge blood-red fire lotus burst open!

When the blood and fire dissipated, the tall young man sat in the ashes with his eyes wide open like coke, and his left half of his body had been blown away...

"What a strong energy, is this her soul power?"

Yaopo's pupils moved slightly, obviously it was just an ordinary arrow containing divine fire, yet it could explode with such terrifying power.

This is indeed Xia Xuan's soul power - Explosion Flame.

When it hits the enemy, it can multiply the power of sparks in the form of an explosion!

On the other side, under Xia Xuan's constant manipulation, the five clones of the one-eyed woman have also been killed, leaving only one, which is the final body.

This is not because Xia Xuan has not identified her real body, but because the one-eyed woman can switch between these clones at will.

The one-eyed woman saw that the tall young man was bombarded and killed, and she was about to be cornered. She couldn't help but look fierce, and swung the cross sword and rushed towards Xia Xuan as if she wanted to die together!

Xia Xuan plucked the bowstring again, and the blood-red fire arrow in the distance immediately turned around and shot after the one-eyed woman.

Just when the one-eyed woman was about to rush in front of Xia Xuan, a black light flashed on her body, she disappeared from the spot and jumped behind Xia Xuan!

This time, not only the blood-red fire arrow was about to hit Xia Xuan in a blink of an eye, but the one-eyed woman who jumped behind Xia Xuan also stabbed with her sword swiftly!

"This little trick..."

There was a bit of sneer in Xia Xuan's eyes, and with a thought, flames surged under her body, and a twelfth-grade blood fire lotus platform appeared suddenly, with blood and fire intertwined on it to protect Xia Xuan in it, it was very mysterious!

The blood-red fire arrow was eroded by the brilliance of the blood fire lotus platform in an instant, turning into a blood flame and blending into the lotus platform.

As for the one-eyed woman stabbing with a sword, when she came into contact with the brilliance of blood fire, her black light was instantly eroded away. This effect is comparable to Su Yuan's spiritless land!

"What kind of skill is this!"

The one-eyed woman's complexion changed drastically, and she was about to pull back.

However, Xia Xuan had already bent her bow and pulled the string to point at her: "Goodbye~"

As soon as the flames flared up, a flaming arrow pierced through the one-eyed woman instantly and was shot thousands of meters away.

The one-eyed woman looked dull, looked down, and saw that most of her body had been blasted away...

Seeing the corpse of the one-eyed woman fall down, Xia Xuan smiled lightly and said, "The three servants have gained a lot this time."

Although she was smiling, Xia Xuan's eyes were full of coldness.

With Duanmuluo being besieged and killed, the relationship between Qiguang and Dayan has completely entered a confrontation.

All the patrolling angels are extremely hostile to the people in the zodiac of the temple, let alone Suzaku Yu?

Facing foreign enemies, we share the same hatred!

At this moment, Xia Xuan was about to disperse the divine fire skill "Yehuo Liantai" under her body, but she suddenly noticed something and turned her head to look.

However, he saw a handsome young man wearing a robe of Venus appearing behind him at some point, and in his palm, there was still a red lead with dim light floating.

"Astrologer, Capricorn?!" Xia Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly.

At this moment, the already dim red primer in Black's palm seemed to have exhausted its last energy and suddenly dissipated.

Blake looked at Xia Xuan, "The person who used the fire also killed three of Philex's officers alone...it seems to be you!"

Xia Xuan raised her brows, although she was a little puzzled by what Capricornus said, she still cautiously moved her body to keep a distance from the other party!

Blake showed a sneer on his face, and took a step forward. A layer of pitch-black spherical field opened up amidst the black light surge, instantly enveloping Xia Xuan in front of him...

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