Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 414 Silent Darkness

"A star envoy?" Yaopo looked up at the black ball field in the mid-air ahead, "I didn't expect to meet a star envoy..."

"What a... unexpected surprise!"

The corner of Yaopo's mouth curled up, but his eyes were filled with fierce excitement!

It wasn't because of the appearance of the Star Envoy that the wolf pulse that Xia Xuan had originally taken had changed a little bit.

It's simply because Yaopo really wants to kill a few star envoys!

When he was shot and killed by Sagittarius back then, Yaopo took good care of it.

How can I dispel the resentment in my heart without killing a few star envoys!

"Bang bang bang...!"

Accompanied by countless roaring sounds, many flaming arrows shot at the pitch-black field from the inside, just like many chopsticks poked on the ball from the inside.

However, the pitch-black domain is extremely resilient, no matter whether it is penetrating power or explosive power, numerous flaming arrows can't pierce the jet-black domain.

Yaopo's expression condensed slightly: "Is this the ability of Capricornus? The ability of an astral envoy is not so easy to break through..."

Su Yuan and Yaopo have fought against star envoys many times, so Yaopo knows very well that this is the biggest characteristic of star envoy-level soul power.

Among the same level, it is almost impossible to use star power to brute force the characteristics of star envoy level soul power, but can only find its weakness to defeat it.

For example, Pisces Bayrieux's absolute avoidance, it is impossible to hit the opponent with a frontal attack alone.

For example, Sagittarius Athel's killing canary, once the mark is left, it will suffer double damage if it is hit again, and it cannot be dispelled or avoided.

As for the black ball field of Capricorn Black in front of him, it is extremely difficult to break through it and escape from the inside.

"I don't know if Xia Xuan is the opponent of this star envoy, but with the skills of Red Lotus Karmic Fire and Divine Fire, she might be able to fight.

But the final result depends on the specific ability of the black ball domain..."

Right now, you can't see what's going on inside, and you can only judge the situation through the movements in the black ball field.

But before that, Yaopo had a thought, and sent a signal to the main body through the spiritual connection.

Then, he looked at the black ball field in midair and waited.

In the field of the black ball, there was a constant roar at first, but it quickly quieted down after a while.

Yaopo frowned slightly, not knowing what was going on, but it didn't look like a good thing for Xia Xuan to fall silent so quickly.

Not long after, the pitch-black domain suddenly swirled like flowing water, quickly shrinking to Black's chest.

But after seeing the situation inside it clearly, Yaopo's pupils shrank slightly.

"So soon, is it defeated?"

I saw that Black grabbed Xia Xuan's neck with one hand and lifted it up high, while in the other hand, he was holding Xia Xuan's pulse-drawing bead that sealed the wolf's veins.

And Xia Xuan, dressed in rags, had a lot of sword wounds all over her body, and blood dripped from her body constantly.

The bow-drawing arms hang down weakly, but when you look closely, the tendons in your hands have been severed, which is simply horrible.

Even so, Xia Xuan still gritted her teeth at Black with one bloodshot eye open.

The corners of Blake's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "That's great, I just like your stubborn eyes, it would be too boring to give in all at once.

When I bring you back, I will break Xinghai, cut off your hands and feet, and tie you to the cross at the gate of the camp to torture you continuously...

Seeing your unyielding eyes, how long can it last? "

Xia Xuan's pupils trembled, and then suddenly a mouthful of blood sprayed on Black's face!

That fair and handsome face was startled, then he stuck out his tongue and licked the blood that Xia Xuan spewed out, laughed and said, "It's delicious and sweet..."


Xia Xuan saw that this person's mind seemed to be very abnormal, but felt a haze in her heart.

Blake stopped smiling suddenly, grabbed Xia Xuan's neck and threw her off the air.


The smoke and dust rose suddenly, and Xia Xuan smashed the ground directly, and another mouthful of blood spewed out, even her consciousness was a little blurred.

Black flew down and said with a smile: "Let me see how much blood you have left to spray. You're welcome, I'll accept it all."

With that said, Black stretched out his hand, and was about to grab Xia Xuan again and smash it to the ground.

But at this moment, Black seemed to have noticed something, and directly pulled out the black cross sword at his waist to block in front of him.

The next moment, a black light flew over!


There was a crisp sound as the swords collided.

Blake also saw clearly the person in front of him, it was a young man in a blood robe and holding a strange red knife.

It was Yaopo who cast a flash and killed it!

Black was knocked back a few steps under the hasty resistance.

"Such keen perception and reaction..."

Yao Po's eyes froze slightly, and the opponent's reaction was really fast.

I deliberately chose this time for the other party to relax their vigilance to gain momentum.

And in order to prevent the fluctuation from being discovered, he has tried his best to restrain the fluctuation of breath, and he didn't even activate the Great Sun Burning Body Technique, but he was still detected by the opponent in time.

Xia Xuan opened her eyes and looked at the figure in the blood robe in front of her. Just as she was about to say something, another mouthful of blood spewed out.

Yaopo raised his eyebrows, turned around and took out a pill and tried to feed it to her.

But Xia Xuan kept her lips tightly shut, how could she casually take an unknown medicine that was given by others.

Yaopo frowned: "Healing Pill, don't compete!"

Xia Xuan struggled a bit, but still chose to believe this stranger with an inexplicable background.

At least, the other party stopped Capricorn, and he was also a southerner.

Seeing that Xia Xuan no longer resisted, Yao Po directly stuffed the pill into her mouth.

As the elixir came down, Xia Xuan suddenly felt a little warmth and numbness from the many wounds on her body, and she knew it was indeed a healing elixir.

However, as the healing effect took effect, another strong sense of fatigue and lethargy surged up.

"not good!"

Xia Xuan was startled, she had a bad secret, and quickly concentrated her mind to resist the drowsiness.

However, the eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and soon he passed out completely when his eyes darkened...

"Turtle Breath Rejuvenation Pill, the effect is still very strong..."

This elixir is the third-level healing elixir that Su Yuan exchanged in the Supplies Hall before Yaopo and Ruanruan went out to hunt for stardust.

It's just that Ruan Ruan has mastered the healing skills with the protection of the sea soul, so it hasn't been used much.

At that time, there were a lot of elixirs exchanged, and this Guixihuichun elixir had the best healing effect among the many third-level elixirs, but it would have a drowsy effect after taking it.

The reason Yaopo gave Xia Xuan this pill was because she was seriously injured.

The second is that Yaopo intends to take away the wolf veins that he put away after eliminating Capricornus, and now he can directly let Xia Xuan faint to avoid any further entanglements.

At this moment, Blake, who was knocked back by a flash just now, was not in a hurry, but stood in the distance with his sword, sizing up the monster that suddenly came out.

"It seems that you don't seem like a member of the Great Yan Tian Xunsi. What, you want to save her?"

"No..." Yaopo pointed at Black with a knife in one hand, grinning, "I just want to kill you, that's all!"

"Kill me?" Black seemed to have heard some big joke, and laughed out loud, "It's just an ant, and you still want to be under my envoy...?"

But before he finished speaking, the green flames rose from Yaopo's body, and he killed him with a knife!

"I don't know how to be polite!" Black's eyes flashed coldly, and he waved his cross sword to meet him.

The two sides fought again, but after a few rounds, Blake was defeated by the monster again!

"This person's strength and star power are not weak!" Black squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the blue flame burning on Yaopo's body, and suddenly something sounded, "He used fire... and he was hiding here from the beginning..."

Blake narrowed his eyes slightly: "So it was you?"

Yaopo saw the Capricorn uniform on Black and immediately understood what the other party meant.

"You mean, those useless officials of yours?" The corners of Yaopo's mouth curled up, and he said lightly, "After slaughtering the little ones, the big ones came, and you, a dignified star envoy, even personally avenged them, it's really affectionate .”

Of course, Black is not out of friendship, but to maintain the dignity of his star envoy!

Black's expression sank: "Since this is the case, there is no need to talk to you anymore. Cut off your hands and feet, and tie them to the camp with that woman over there!"

"Judgment in the night, silent punishment!"

Black let out a low shout, and the pitch-black spherical field opened up again, pulling the monster in instantly...

The light dimmed suddenly, and in a blink of an eye, Yao Po had already fallen into a pitch-black space, lowered his head slightly, and couldn't even see his own body.

You can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hands, which couldn't be more appropriate.

However, Yaopo soon realized that this was not simply darkness, but... loss of vision!

Without waiting for Yaopo to get used to it carefully, at this moment, under the rich combat experience, a strong warning suddenly rose in Yaopo's heart, and he dodged to the side without hesitation!

And almost at the same time, there was a burning pain on the back, but a wound that was not deep and not shallow was pulled open, and traces of blood flowed down from it.

That is to say, the demon soul, green flame burning body + domineering body has improved the defense, otherwise, this blow may directly cut the body and kill it directly!

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is...

When the other party swung his sword, not only did no sound come out, but he couldn't even feel the slightest star power fluctuation!

If he didn't know that he was in the realm of Capricorn's soul power, he wouldn't even know what injury he had suffered.

"So... don't you even have hearing and spiritual sense?"

Yaopo's pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression became completely dignified.

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