Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 430 Thunder and Bone

Except for Hou Wu, who had known for a long time, all the special envoys on the island looked at Wu Qi in surprise, never expecting that he would choose to challenge Xing Jun.

Generally speaking, when there are vacancies, it is much easier to compete with the first-class envoy than directly challenge the incumbent Xingjun.

What's more, there are two seats now!

For a hundred years, there have been only a handful of star kings who have challenged their superiors.

I don't know if Wu Qi planned this way from the beginning, or did he find that Su Yuan and Xia Xuan were too strong on stage and didn't want to fight against them?

But no matter what, after realizing that Wu Qi was going to challenge Xingjun, many envoys on the island couldn't help but secretly became excited, and looked up at the three Xingjun above.

Not everyone has seen Xing Jun make a move, especially the new envoys within this term.

On the jade pillar, Xu Fan didn't respond directly, but asked the two stars on the left and right.

"Su Yuan and Xia Xuan, what do you two think?"

Zhang Qianyi smiled casually, "I think it's okay."

Chen Chunhua thought for a while, and said, "In terms of strength alone, these two are enough."

Now that both of them agree, it's a deal.

Xu Fan nodded, then stepped on Qingluan and flew down, and asked loudly: "Is there anyone else who wants to challenge the two on the ring?"

Xu Fan glanced at the school's martial arts arena. Except for Fu Dongliu, Song Xingyun and others who had already been defeated, the rest of them were basically ranked outside the top ten.

Seeing from Xu Fan's point of view, no one in the field had any intention of taking action.

"Since this is the case, then I announce that Su Yuan and Xia Xuan will win the first stage of the star king selection. The two vacant seats of Yuheng and Tianxuan will be replaced by these two!"

"Okay!" Bailigo clenched his fists.

Xiong Chunyang also shouted loudly from a distance: "It's cheating, Su Yuan... No, Su Xingjun, hahaha!"

People who knew Su Yuan, such as Tian Bule and Lin Chongyun, were amazed and delighted.

As for the surrounding people, they are filled with endless envy and reverence.

"The two new Xingjun are so young, they really have a bright future."

"If I remember correctly, these two are from Suzaku Yu, and they are both newcomers within this class!"

"That's right, I didn't expect Suzaku Yuduanmu Xingjun to fall, but now I got two more Xingjuns!"


While everyone was discussing, Su Yuan and Xia Xuan also walked down from the ring.

Xu Fan said: "You two wait for a while, after the selection of the star king is over, follow me to accept the imperial seal."

"Thank you Xu Xingjun." Both Su Yuan and Xia Xuan nodded in response.

Su Yuan is in a good mood, no matter what else, at least he should have the authority to see the secret scrolls of formations needed by the spirit formation master.

In addition, the space galaxy is also something worth looking forward to!

Xia Xuan next to her also had a smile on her lips. Apart from joy, she also felt a little emotional in her heart.

Since becoming a star card master, it has been smooth sailing. He got the divine fire, was promoted to Yaoxing, and was quickly promoted to a first-class special envoy at a speed far exceeding others.

After that, they overwhelmed many first-class special envoys, and it was hard to find anyone in the Yaoxing class who could look up to them.

It wasn't until I met the Capricorn envoy in Xinchen last time that I realized that my strength was still flawed.

If it is not a fluke to get Qinglian Jinghuo in Xinchen Realm this time, I am afraid that this time it may not be able to rank among the stars.


Xia Xuan narrowed her eyes slightly, unconsciously filled with chill.

But immediately, Xia Xuan thought of the man in the blood robe again.

"I don't know what happened that day, and who is that person..." Xia Xuan mused.

"In that case, let's continue to the second stage!" At this moment, Xu Fan's voice interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Xu Fan looked directly at Wu Qi and said, "So, who do you want to challenge?"

Unless there are new stars and dark horses, it is naturally clear who is qualified to challenge the reigning star.

Wu Qi glanced at Xu Fan in front of him and Zhang Qian on the tall jade pillar one by one, and finally stopped on Chen Chunhua.

"Chen Xingjun, please advise." Wu Qi cupped his hands towards Chen Chunhua.

There was a cold look in Chen Chunhua's eyes, and then there was a flash of thunder on his body, but he disappeared from the jade pillar in an instant and appeared in front of Wu Qi!

"Zi la, zi la..."

Violent purple electricity flashed in Chen Chunhua's eyes, and there was a faint roar of thunder and lightning under his thin figure!

"You, want to challenge me?" Chen Chunhua stared at Wu Qi in front of him, and said coldly.

Anyone who is challenged will not be happy, which will be considered as a question of their strength.

What's more, it's Chen Chunhua, who has been in power for two terms and is not young!

However, Wu Qi's face was calm, he looked at Chen Chunhua without hesitation, and said, "That's right!"

Chen Chunhua's aura is extremely oppressive, while Wu Qi's is extremely sharp.

The two pointed their needles at Maimang, but Bailige and others on the school's martial arts field were all shocked.

Xu Fan didn't say anything, and with a flash of his figure, he rode Qingluan and flew to the jade pillar again.

But Su Yuan and many other special envoys naturally understood when they saw this, and quickly scattered and retreated.

In a blink of an eye, only Wu Qi and Chen Chunhua were left in the field.


Suddenly, two kinds of energy, gray-white and purple thunder surged out, directly tearing apart the ground within a radius of 100 meters between Chen Chunhua and the two of them!

The next moment, the figures of Chen Chunhua and Wu Qi disappeared from the field.

It's not stealth, but it's so fast that it's hard to catch with the naked eye!

"What a speed!" The crowd on the sidelines exclaimed.

In the arena, two fuzzy gray and purple figures could only be vaguely collided with each other, followed by the sound of fists and feet colliding like a rainstorm and the sound of star power bursting from time to time!

"Is this the contest between King Xing and the number one on the merit list?"

Su Yuan's eyes glowed with silver light, and he stared closely at the two sides fighting in the field.

Although Su Yuan's keen eyesight could capture the actions of both sides, in order to clearly see the whole process of the battle between the two, he directly opened the Omniscient Vision.

And at this moment, just the surging star power erupting from the two of them has surpassed almost all first-class envoys!

At this moment, the purple thunder in the whistling field suddenly disappeared out of thin air strangely with a sound of "Zi la". Chen Chunhua seemed to be in a spiritless place, and all the star power outside his body disappeared.

"what's the situation!"

Everyone was shocked, thinking that it was Wu Qi who used a skill similar to Su Yuan's to dispel Chen Chunhua's thunder power.

However, Wu Qi's expression in the field was full of solemnity and alertness, because this was not done by himself, but Chen Chunhua's own moves!

At this moment, in Wu Qi's eyes, Chen Chunhua's body suddenly disappeared with a flash of lightning.

The next moment, a deep and dry voice came from behind Wu Qi:

"spring thunder."

Wu Qi's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could turn around, he felt a shocking burst of energy behind him.

As if the spring thunder exploded, the unpretentious thunder and lightning exploded in Chen Chunhua's hands, but its terrifying power made Su Yuan's eyes freeze.

Chunlei has the duty of breaking the silence and awakening vitality.

Therefore, Chunlei is also the loudest and most shocking!

After the thunder, Wu Qi's figure fell straight to the ground, and a "bang" sound shook up a large cloud of smoke and dust!

"What a powerful move!" All the onlookers were shocked.

All the energy is compressed into the palm, without any energy leaking out, even like an ordinary palm!

"However..." Su Yuan looked into the smoke and dust, but his expression moved slightly, "This witch is not so simple."

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, but a large piece of white bone like a shield grew out of Wu Qi's back. Although it was shattered to pieces, it blocked Chen Chunhua's blow!

"This is interesting..." Su Yuan looked at the battlefield and couldn't help smiling.

In the arena, Wu Qi's complexion was slightly pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, as if he had suffered some internal injuries from the shock.

But this made him faintly excited. The shattered white bones behind him fell to the ground, and then the gray and white bones surged and solidified in the palm of his hand, and a bone blade fell into his hand in a blink of an eye!


Wu Qi held the bone blade, stepped on it, and turned into a gray-white shadow and rushed out!

Chen Chunhua looked at Wu Qi intently, but his expression didn't change much. The thunder exploded under his feet, and he shot out head-on without hesitation!

The two sides fought together again in an instant.

"Bang bang bang bang!..."

The air wave exploded, and the aura flashed!

Under the ultra-high-speed fighting frequency, but in the blink of an eye, the two had already fought for dozens of rounds, causing the rocks to crack and the ground to tremble!

Chen Chunhua's thin and yellow hands seemed to have been experienced in gold iron thunder sand, and they could constantly fight against the sharp bone blade in Wu Qi's hand.

But in the face of the "stab" of the bone blade, Chen Chunhua couldn't bear it with his hands, and gradually he was poked out with small blood holes the size of fingernails.

All of a sudden, a gray light flowed around Wu Qi's body, and a large number of ferocious thorns transformed from white bones sprang up from under his feet!

Thunder exploded under Chen Chunhua's feet, and he immediately got out and retreated!

"Tick, tick..."

A little blood flowed on the ground.

Chen Chunhua looked down, his eyes could not help but condense slightly.

Including the chest, there were already seven or eight wounds on his body.

If I hadn't retreated fast enough, I'm afraid there would be several more blood holes on my body!

"There are some means!"

Chen Chunhua snorted coldly, and a little thunder light rushed to the wound all over his body, directly charring the wound.

In the blink of an eye, new granulation sprouts broke through the scorched skin and grew out.

But Wu Qi didn't give Chen Chunhua too much time, and rushed to Chen Chunhua again in a flash.

"Xia Lei!"

Chen Chunhua yelled violently, thunder roared from his fist, and suddenly punched Wu Qi's bone blade head-on, and the bone blade shattered after a short stalemate!

Summer Thunder is the most powerful and unstoppable!

In an instant, purple lightning gushed out from Chen Chunhua's fist like a waterfall, drowning Wu Qi.

"Could it be that the winner is going to be decided!" Song Xingyun and others were shocked when they saw the raging thunder and lightning torrent.

However, in Su Yuan's field of vision, Wu Qi, who was submerged by the thunder, had countless bones flowing around him and turned into layers of white bones to block him.

Although they were constantly annihilated by the fierce and domineering purple thunder, these white bones continued to emerge from Wu Qi's body, but they were not broken by the purple thunder at all!

That's not all, gradually, these bones formed a bone armor outside Wu Qi's body!

All of a sudden, Wu Qi's aura increased greatly, directly against the torrent of thunder, he suddenly rushed in front of Chen Chunhua and punched him out!


This time, it was Chen Chunhua who was thrown out by Beng Fei and stopped after destroying a large area of ​​trees!

Just as Chen Chunhua stood up, Wu Qi who was wearing bone armor had already stepped forward and jumped up. A bone blade that was harder and more ferocious than before appeared in his hand amidst the flow of bones, facing Chen Chunhua below violently. Go shoot!

Seeing this, Chen Chunhua frowned slightly, raised his hand and grabbed at the sky.

All of a sudden, there was a loud thunder explosion in the sky, and then a beam of thunderous light crashed down on Chen Chunhua's body, and sent Wu Qi flying away!

"what is that!"

Wu Qi frowned, and looked at Chen Chunhua who was submerged by the thunder.

The next moment, accompanied by a frightening fluctuation of star power, the surging silver current swayed in all directions from the place where the thunder light descended!

A silver figure flew up into the sky, it was Chen Chunhua.

It's just that at this moment, Chen Chunhua is wearing a chain of silver lightning ringing around his waist, and behind him are six quadrangular light wings covered with thunder patterns!

Thunder flashed all over his body, and his eyes were filled with pure white thunder that made it difficult to look directly at!

It's like thunder came into the world!

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