Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 431 Mysterious Bone Shura

"It's been a long time since I saw Chen Xingjun's 'Lei Gong Body'." Zhang Qianyi looked at Chen Chunhua who was in the air, and slightly restrained his casual expression.

Xu Fan nodded and said, "In this case, it means that he has become serious."

In fact, what Chen Chunhua is best at is not melee combat, but star power attack!

It's just that Chen Chunhua's soul power is quite special, based on his own melee ability, he obtained a more powerful and amazing thunder star power attack!

Therefore, around the power of the soul, Chen Chunhua does not need to strengthen the long-range skills, but needs to continuously strengthen the physical and close-up skills.

And this thunder attack is also very simple and rude, that is, the six lightning lightning wings behind him!

At this moment, thunder streaks flickered on the six wings behind Chen Chunhua, and suddenly wisps of electric current converged into a ball, and in just a blink of an eye, there was already faint and terrifying fluctuations that made people palpitate.

"Kill him, Lei Gong Pao!"

The plasma burst, and a white flash burst out, rushing to Wu Qi in an instant!

"So strong!"

Feeling the astonishing power on it, Wu Qi's complexion changed, and he quickly backed away.


The ground exploded in an instant, and everything was annihilated by the viscous plasma silver thunder in an instant!

Su Yuan's pupils narrowed slightly: "The power of this thunderbolt is actually stronger than the bombardment of Binghuoyang Lei!"

Wu Qi narrowly avoided this blow, but...Chen Chunhua has more than one Thunder Wing!

The white light flashed continuously, and the plasma white thunder that annihilated everything burst out one after another.

Even if Wu Qi moves extremely fast, after two or three lightning flashes, it is still difficult to avoid.

Wu Qi's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly blocked the bone blade in front of him.


Together with the strengthened bone blade and close-fitting bone armor, Wu Qi's whole body was instantly pierced by Bai Lei!

Wu Qi's eyes showed astonishment, this lightning is too strong!

However, Chen Chunhua did not stop, and thunder and lightning followed one after another.

"Bang bang bang bang!..."

The plasma exploded, and it took a long time before it stopped.

If we talk about the first stage of the arena battle, there is still a possibility of holding hands with each other.

In the second stage, before the outcome is decided, there is absolutely no possibility of holding back!

On the jade pillar, Xu Fan thought, and a pure white angel with six wings flew out suddenly.

Xu Fan ordered: "Sepasi, get ready for divine protection in case of accidents."

"Okay, master!" Sai Paxi responded, then folded his hands, bowed his head and chanted a prayer inwardly.

"Xingjun of Dayan, do you have angels as beasts?" Su Yuan, who had a keen sense, noticed this immediately.

Thinking about it, Su Yuan was not too surprised that he also had summoned beasts of Hellfire and Frost Dragon.

But at this moment, Ruan Ruan suddenly came out from the Qingming Realm, and jumped onto Su Yuan's shoulder: "Pu Chi Pu Chi!"

Su Yuan's expression moved slightly: "Oh? Is she the beast you met last time?"

"Puff! Puff! Puff (well! It's just that there were no wings at that time)!"

Su Yuan nodded, but he didn't expect that the star beast that Ruan Ruan met happened to be Xu Fan Xingjun's star beast.

The angel in mid-air seemed to feel the soft gaze, and blinked at her while praying.

At this moment, the roaring Bai Lei stopped.

But when the thunder light dissipated, there appeared a delicate ball like a flower bud made of layers of silver bones in the field.

This silver bone flower bud can be said to be extremely hard. Under such a terrifying bombing, even though most of it was shattered, it was not completely shattered!

Liu Hao on the sidelines exclaimed: "Wu Qi's move is such a strong defense, it actually blocked such a terrifying attack from Chen Xingjun!"

But Li Daoxun thought of something, squinted his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "No...he's not defending, but... transforming!"

"Transformation?" Liu Hao froze.

It was at this time that the silver bone flower slowly bloomed, and a wave of icy cold and violent terror suddenly came from it continuously!

I saw that Wu Qi's image changed drastically, his whole body was covered with lines like black clouds, but his black hair turned into silver.

Wu Qi leaned over slightly, and pulled out a ferocious silver bone spear from the flower center of the silver bone flower, and then the silver bone flower under him surged, and all gathered on Wu Qi's body to form a tight silver armor again.

Silver armor, silver gun and silver hair, just looking at it like this, gave a strong oppressive force to the surrounding people.

The power of the soul, Xuangu Shura!

At this moment, Wu Qi moved.

With a slight sway of his figure, the silver bone spear in his hand turned into a silver light and soared into the sky!

Chen Chunhua's expression remained unchanged, the six lightning wings behind him flashed continuously, and dense white thunder shot towards the charging Wu Qi!

However, Wu Qi's combat perception and speed, who turned into Xuangu Shura, all increased greatly.

Combined with the bone spear and bone armor in his hand, he managed to defuse all the bursting white thunder beams with flashes and picks, and gradually rushed to Chen Chunhua!

Swinging the silver bone spear in his hand, he pierced the last white thunder head-on, and Wu Qi stabbed Chen Chunhua with a sudden shot.

Chen Chunhua narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a move of his left hand, the silver electric chains around his waist flew out and wrapped themselves around Wu Qi!

"Zi La!"

The thunder light neighed on the chain, with a strong paralysis and control effect.

Even though Wu Qi was protected by a silver armor, he was still tightly chained.

This silver and electric chain is the same existence as Lei Yi, and it is specially used to restrain opponents, so it is not so easy to break free.

At this moment, the six Thunder Wings behind Chen Chunhua started to function again.

As soon as the thunder and lightning condensed at high speed, they shot out one after another at Wu Qi's body at this face-to-face distance!

"Bang bang bang!..."

The white thunder burst instantly covered the entire sky, and everyone below was terrified. It was hard to imagine how he could survive such an attack if it were him!

However, Wu Qi's silver bone armor was indeed extremely hard, even though it was blasted to a bloody mess, it did not directly kill him.

Chen Chunhua's eyes turned cold, and the six lightning wings behind him all had electric currents rising, converging to the top of his head and gradually forming a thunderball as dazzling as the sun!

This is the strongest move of Chen Chunhua's six Thunder Wings in one!

But at this moment, Su Yuan found something in his silver pupils, and his expression moved slightly.

"Rushing up so abruptly, there is indeed a backhand..."

At this moment, the dark runes all over Wu Qi's body suddenly rioted.

"Thorn Hell!"

Accompanied by a burst of extremely terrifying fluctuations, endless thorns and bone spurs surged out from all directions centered on Wu Qi like a sea tide, and instantly broke free from the shackles of the silver and electric chains and swept towards Chen Chunhua!

That's right, since Wu Qi dared to take the risk and rushed over, he naturally had to rely on something to do so!

The first reliance on self-protection is the silver armor that is comparable to an epic star weapon after Xuangu Shura's transformation!

The second reliance on defeating the enemy is this extremely powerful field skill that consumes a lot of star power and physical strength - Thorn Hell!

"This is?!"

Facing the sea of ​​thorns and bones full of riots, Chen Chunhua's complexion finally changed, and before he had time to continue to gather momentum for the thunderball, he immediately triggered and retreated quickly!

But the lightning ball with six wings in one has not yet fully charged, and the power released at this moment is less than half!

After the explosion destroyed a large area of ​​silver bones, it was submerged by the sea of ​​thorny bones growing at high speed.

While the sea of ​​bones was churning, he caught up with Chen Chunhua, who was trying to retreat. Chen Chunhua's heart trembled, and white thunder rushed out from the thunder wings with thorns and bone spurs at high speed.

But the hardness of these silver bones is not much worse than that of silver armor. Even if a white thunder can disperse some silver bones with thorns, they can't keep up with their crazy growth speed!

Seeing that he was about to be submerged by the thorns and bone spurs all over the sky, Chen Chunhua frowned, and with a thought, a layer of thunder gangs appeared on the six thunder wings behind him, bending and covering his body!

However, the original silver light chain around his waist flew out by itself, and was wrapped around the outside to completely strengthen Lei Yi's defense.

Lei Gong · Stick to it!

Although Chen Chunsheng didn't like to use such a passive skill, but facing such an astonishing counterattack from the opponent at this moment, he could only temporarily avoid the edge.


Like rain hitting a banana leaf, this layer of Thunder Wing defense actually blocked the thorns and bone spurs growing wildly all around, but I don't know how long it can last.

Chen Chunhua knew that the strength of this sea of ​​bones was so astonishing, it must be an explosive skill, as long as he resisted this for a while, the opponent would be weak.

Now it's up to both sides to see who can't support it first!

At this time, amidst the sea of ​​thorns and bones, Wu Qi had already come close.

Looking at Chen Chunhua in front of him, Wu Qi also understood the current situation. The bone gun was raised high, but the riotous dark lines on his body expanded and spread at a high speed in a short while.

In an instant, Wu Qi's whole body became as black as ink, and the bone armor on his body and the bone spear in his hand were all dyed black, and the aura of his whole body became even colder and more violent, as if Fall into the magic of Shura!

"Black Shura, kill!"

Wu Qi held up the pitch-black spear exuding a deadly aura, and stabbed it out amidst everyone's horrified eyes.

Chen Chunhua's pupils shrank!

The black light surged, and in just a moment, the pitch-black spear broke through Lei Yi's defense and was about to penetrate Chen Chunhua's body!

Just at this moment, a breeze blew, but a long, white hand had already grasped the body of the gun to stop it from moving forward.

"That's it, it's fine." Zhang Qianyi, who was wearing a fluttering star robe, said lightly.

Wu Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the star power exploded on his body, and he was about to continue stabbing forward!

At this moment, Zhang Qianyi suddenly had several streaks of white air in Zhang Qianyi's hand grasping the body of the gun.


The next moment, the several times strengthened and unmatched Shura spear shattered like glass in Zhang Qianyi's hands!

Wu Qi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Zhang Qianyi in front of him.

In front of him, the seemingly careless Luke Xingjun, actually crushed his own bone gun in the state of Black Shura so simply? !

Zhang Qianyi remained expressionless and withdrew his right hand lightly.

At this time, Qingluan's cry sounded, and Xu Fan also flew down from the jade pillar.

"This battle, Wu Qi wins!"

Xu Fan spoke and announced the result.

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