Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 432 Boarding Yuheng

"The challenge... was successful?!"

Following Xu Fan's announcement of the result, at this moment, the surrounding people came back to their senses from the fierce battle just now.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that Chen Chunhua's skinny body hides such violent thunder power.

Unexpectedly, under the many changes in the situation, Wu Qi really seized the opportunity to break out and drive Chen Chunhua into a desperate situation in one fell swoop!

"Wu Qi's bone power is too violent!"

"In ten years, this should be the only Xingjun who has defeated Xingjun, right?"

"It's a pity that Chen Xingjun is too strong..."

Everyone was amazed by Wu Qi, but also felt sorry for Chen Chunhua.

According to the rules, once Xingjun is challenged to the next position, at least this year, he cannot be challenged back.

And his military exploits are outstanding, and he can't be regarded as a first-class special envoy, but a relatively unique existence.

At this moment, since Xu Fan had announced the result, Wu Qi took another deep look at Zhang Qianyi, and then dispersed the silver bones on his body and the sea of ​​thorns around him.

And Chen Chunhua, who regained his freedom, also untied the thunder body, but his complexion was slightly pale.

"Chen Xingjun, are you okay?" Xu Fan asked.

"No serious problem." Chen Chunhua said in a deep voice, and then glanced at Wu Qi, "I lost this battle."

After finishing speaking, Chen Chunhua flew into the sky with a flash of purple lightning and went straight to the direction of the exit. After a while, the aura of the whole person completely disappeared in this space.

Xu Fan secretly sighed, but Zhang Qianyi didn't say much when he saw this.

Xu Fan and Chen Chunhua are in the same class, and they have worked together many times.

I didn't expect that Chen Chunhua would be squeezed out today when there were two vacancies for Xingjun seats!

Zhang Qianyi was different. Although Zhang Qianyi stopped Wu Qi, it was because the victory had already been decided.

In Zhang Qianyi's heart, he was happy to see more stars with both strength and potential!

Before, Duanmuluo, the youngest and most gifted among the many stars, suddenly fell, which made Zhang Qianyi deeply regretful.

Now, they added three relatively young people at once!

Xu Fan said in a loud voice: "The selection of the star kings is officially over. Envoys Su, Envoy Xia, and Envoy Wu will stay, and everyone else will leave."

"This is the end..."

At this moment, many envoys around have not recovered from their excitement.

The successive fierce battles and Wu Qi's success in challenging Chen Chunhua at the end opened the eyes of the second and third envoys around.

While lamenting the powerful strength of many first-class envoys and even Xingjun, some desire and longing for strength are rekindled in my heart!

Before Bailige left, he gave Su Yuan a wink.

Fu Dongliu, Song Xingyun and others also slightly saluted Su Yuan.

After everyone left, only Su Yuan and others were left in the field.

"Several wait a moment."

Xu Fan said a word, then took out a talisman and activated it with star power.

The talisman issued a dazzling brilliance, and then several marks were shot at the surrounding jade pillars.

In an instant, a large number of silver runes lit up on the many jade pillars, and in a blink of an eye, each formed a large-scale formation with spiritual light flowing for the eyes of the formation.

"Grandmaster-level formation?" Su Yuan's expression moved slightly.

As the formation unfolded, pieces of spiritual light shone in all directions.

Wherever it passed, the broken stones were reorganized and the broken trees were reborn. The islands that had been destroyed by a fierce battle were rapidly re-evolving at this moment.

After just ten minutes, the messy scene has become the same as when I came in.

"It's really a mysterious formation." Su Yuan praised.

Xu Fan put away the talisman and said, "This is the Guichen Tianyan Grand Formation arranged by the enchantment master of the Qigong Division. I think Special Envoy Su seems to be good at formation enchantment, and maybe he can also arrange it in the future."

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, "I'm only at level five, and I'm still far from a master."

Between level five and level six, there is a gap between a master and a master.

The experience alone quadrupled to 200w.

I don't know how much time it will take for the knowledge required.

But the pupils of the four people in the field shrank when they heard this.

"Level five!"

Although relying on the power of the thunder field, everyone has already had some vague guesses.

But at this moment, when Su Yuan spoke, he was still shocked, especially Xia Xuan who knew Su Yuan's details!

How on earth did he do it? !

Xu Fan took out his sky survey black card, checked it briefly and said: "It just so happens that the two throne lords, Baihu and Suzaku, are in the hall. Then, I will take everyone to accept the imperial seal."

Fang Yuzuo...

Su Yuan's heart moved slightly, and he thought of that gentle and handsome black-haired young man, Suzaku Queen Fang Qingxiao!

The last time I saw the other party on the South China Sea Islands, I was not yet at the gold level, and the other party gave me [Omniscient Vision].

Along the way, omniscient vision is almost his most practical epic skill, and also the most important skill!

Now, seeing the other party again in a blink of an eye, it is already about to confer the title of Xingjun...

As for Xia Xuan and Wu Qi, they had never seen the throne before, and it was difficult to hide their curiosity and anticipation in their eyes at this moment.

"let's go!"

Xu Fan greeted, and led a few people out of the small secret realm...

In the depths of the Sky Survey Division, in a certain hall of the core Sixiang Palace.

A man with a stern face and another gentle young man with a smile on his mouth were sitting in the field.

And on the table next to the two of them, there were three star robes.

On each star robe, there is a piece of token, which has "Yuheng", "Tianxuan" and "Tianshu" respectively.

"I didn't expect that I would come here today." The gentle young man smiled.

"More than just coming, this time you, Suzaku Yuxia, have two new stars. Congratulations." The stern male said coldly.

This stern man is exactly the current White Tiger Throne, Yuwen Wuji!

And another gentle young man is Fang Qingxiao, Suzaku Throne who had a relationship with Su Yuan once.

Fang Qingxiao said with a smile: "We are happy together, Brother Yuwen, you also have a new star king in Baihu Yu."

Yuwen Wuji said casually: "One increase and one decrease, why do you like it?"

Wu Qi and Chen Chunhua are both members of the White Tiger Royal Court.

Fang Qingxiao said, "The replacement of old and new is also a happy event, isn't it?"

Yuwen Wuji lightly tapped the armrest with his finger, and said nothing.

At this moment, Su Yuan and a group of three walked in one after another.

As for Zhang Qianyi, he has nothing to do next, and he left on his own halfway.

"I've seen the two imperial lords." All three of them bowed and saluted.

These two in front of them are both genuine king-level masters, and they are still top-notch ones!

Even putting aside their identities, out of respect for the strong, this ceremony was sincere.

"En." Yuwen Wuji replied blankly.

Fang Qingxiao said with a smile: "Congratulations to the three of you, you have ascended to the position of Xingjun in our Sky Survey Division today."

When his eyes fell on Su Yuan, Fang Qingxiao couldn't help smiling slightly.

Su Yuan and the others saluted again.

Yuwen Wuji stood up directly and walked in front of Wu Qi.

On the other hand, Xu Fan picked up a token and star robe from the table and followed.

"Since you defeated Chen Chunhua, from now on, you will be the new Tianshu Xingjun of our Xuntian Division." Yuwen Wuji handed the 'Tianshu' token to Wu Qi, "I hope you can take up the responsibility and serve Dayan. "

Wu Qi took the order of Tianshu and looked at Yuwen Wuji in front of him, with unconcealable reverence and excitement in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Throne!"

Yuwen Wuji said: "Put it on."

Wu Qi responded, and then put on Xingjun's white robe outside.

The standard robes worn by general envoys are all black, but Xingjun's robes are white with seven stars shining on them.

It comes with effects such as dust cleaning and repairing, and its defense ability is comparable to that of a super blue star weapon. It is specially refined by the internal refining masters of the Qigong Division. Every Xingjun only has this one when he takes office!

If it is lost or damaged, you need to go to Qigong Company to apply again.

Yuwen Wuji glanced again, then turned around and sat down in his seat.

After that, Fang Qingxiao got up and walked over.

"Fang Yuzuo." Su Yuan greeted.

"Su Yuan, not bad..." Fang Qingxiao smiled, "I didn't expect you to get to this point so quickly, I thought it would take at least two years."

Su Yuan respectfully said: "Thanks to the Lord Throne who gave me the card."

Xu Fan, Xia Xuan and Wu Qi were a little surprised. Did Su Yuan know Fang Yuzuo in the first place?

"It's just a purple card, it's nothing, what's more important is your own talent." Fang Qingxiao shook his head slightly, and then suddenly remembered something, "By the way, how is that little guy doing recently?"

Su Yuan's expression moved slightly, knowing that he was talking about Ruan Ruan, he replied: "She's okay..."


Ruan Ruan jumped directly from Qingming Realm to Su Yuan's shoulder, staring at Fang Qingxiao with wide eyes.

Ruan Ruan didn't forget that it was this person who made the contract and abducted himself to the master who didn't know the reason!

Hmm... Although now I am very happy with my master.

"Oh? Looks very energetic..." Fang Qingxiao smiled, subconsciously wanting to pinch this soft slime.

But Ruan Ruan shrank back, his eyes showed vigilance: "Puff!"

Su Yuan said: "Ruan Ruan, this is Fang Yuzuo!"

"Puff! Puff! (No! Only the owner can touch it softly)

"Haha, it's interesting." Fang Qingxiao laughed, but didn't care.

Xia Xuan and the others looked at the softness of Su Yuan's shoulders with some suspicion.

It's just a slime, how could the emperor ask about it?

That must not be an ordinary slime.

And Xu Fan, who is a beast master, has even shrunk his pupils, and has already slightly noticed Ruan Ruan's amazing potential!

Fang Qingxiao restrained his expression, and said to Su Yuan: "From today, you will take over Yuheng's position, I hope you can protect Dayan... Also, inherit Duanmuluo's legacy!"

Speaking of this, Fang Qingxiao's tone was a little more cold.

Su Yuan knew that this was because Duanmuluo was besieged and killed by Taurus and Leo.

As for inheriting Duanmuluo's will... Needless to say, it is naturally beheading the Star Envoy!

"Don't worry, the throne, I will do my best." Su Yuan accepted the order from Yu Heng, and responded with a straight face.


Fang Qingxiao said hello, and then took the "Yuheng" token and Xingjun white robe from Xu Fan's hand to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan immediately put away the token and put on a loose white robe with large sleeves.

For a moment, as if some kind of change happened, Su Yuan felt that the connection between himself and Dayan became closer.

Fang Qingxiao nodded, and then came to Xia Xuan to seal the position of Tianxuan Xingjun to her.

"Your current situation is very similar to that of Qiguang's Temple Star Envoy." Fang Qingxiao looked at Xia Xuan, and then said to everyone, "You know, the Temple Star Envoy, and even being an official, is different from my Xingjun Xingtian Xuntian. Where is it?"

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