Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 433: Selection of Star Artifacts

Su Yuan and the others said: "Please give me your advice, Your Majesty."

Fang Qingxiao said slowly: "The star envoys of the temple are twelve successful and most outstanding experimental subjects after recruiting and mobilizing many shining stars to undergo experiments.

Although more than half of them were killed or injured during the experiment, those who survived, especially the star envoys, possessed the power of souls that could be called unparalleled at the current stage.

And it is precisely because the star envoy's soul power is too strong and outstanding, it is enough to cover up all his shortcomings in other aspects in battle, and he can defeat all opponents with only the power of soul.

This leads to the star envoy being quite 'extreme', not only extremely capable, but also very dependent on the power of the soul.

In comparison, although the power of my soul may not be comparable to that of the star envoy, my aptitude, skills, breathing, etc. go hand in hand with the power of the soul, which is the best choice, but it needs to be more 'comprehensive'.

Extremely rigid and easy to break, the Temple Star Envoy is indeed very strong, but as long as he can manage to restrain the opponent's soul power, after that, it will not be difficult to defeat him. "

Listening to Fang Qingxiao's words, Su Yuan and the others all began to think secretly.

According to Fang Qingxiao, the Star Envoy of the Temple and Xingjun Xingtian are like two students who both scored more than 90 points in the exam.

It's just a cheat that can continue to cheat, and a solid foundation that relies on itself.

For the former, as long as they can break through the opponent's cheats in a targeted manner, it may not be very strong in itself.

Xia Xuan's current situation is that the twin divine fires are too prominent, and the combination of the divine fire lotus platform can be said to be the ultimate attack and defense.

But other abilities of one's own need to be supplemented, otherwise, in the face of the power of rules like Capricornus, once restrained, there is almost no power to fight back.

Xia Xuan replied seriously: "Thank you for reminding me, I understand it myself."

Fang Qingxiao nodded, and after Xia Xuan also put on the star robe, he said to everyone: "Today, the imperial edict will be issued first, and the follow-up notices, permissions, rewards and other matters will be implemented one by one from tomorrow, and you can go down first."


Su Yuan and the others all responded, and after a salute, they left the hall.

And in the hall, there were only two thrones left again.

"I think you seem to be more optimistic about the new Yuheng." Yuwen Wuji said suddenly.

Fang Qingxiao smiled and said, "Is it so obvious?"

Yuwen Wuji said: "Because when you handed over the Yuheng Order to him, you also conveyed a little killing intent towards the people in the temple."

"Your perception is really extremely sharp..." Fang Qingxiao shook his head and smiled, and then said, "The last time the Nanhai Demon Emperor recovered, he was the one who solved it."

Yuwen Wuji's eyes moved slightly: "So, that little one on his shoulder just now is...?"

Fang Qingxiao nodded and said, "That's right, the reincarnated Demon Emperor."

"Is that so... no wonder." Yuwen Wuji nodded slightly.

Fang Qingxiao turned around and said: "In addition... the latest news from Xinchen Realm, the Capricorn in the twelfth house of the temple is suspected to have died. Combined with the company's magical investigation, it is likely that he did it."

"Oh?" Yuwen Wuji was a little surprised, but he wasn't very interested.

Because these things between Yao Xingxing, in the eyes of the two of them, they are nothing more than children fighting.

That is to say, the Earth Tribulation has just begun, and the level is limited, otherwise the two would not have put the slightest attention on the battle of the Yaoxing Star...

"Where do you live?" Xia Xuan asked Su Yuan after returning to Zhu Garden together.


"That's not far away, I'm at 766."

Su Yuan nodded: "Well, see you next time."


When Su Yuan returned to his residence, he calmed down, but felt a little emotional for a moment.

Three years ago, when I traveled over here, I was still a star disciple in Guangchuan City who hadn't awakened a soul card.

Now, he has already ascended to the position of star king, and climbed to the apex of the Great Yanyao star!

While being happy, Su Yuan was also in a daze.

"Star apprentices are just starting, and Yaoxing has only just been able to stand on the stage."

After thinking for a while, Su Yuan also restrained his slightly impetuous mood.

"In addition, it's time to go home again when the Xinchen Realm happens and the Eastern Continent changes again."

Su Yuan remembered the appearance of his parents and sighed deeply.

Stepping on the Star Card Master, I couldn't help myself, but I haven't gone back to visit the second elder for a long time...

One night without words, the next day.

After the announcement, the authority of Su Yuan and others has also been released.

In the afternoon, Su Yuan originally planned to go to the Hall of Sutras to take a look at the secret scrolls required by the Grand Master, but he received a notice first to go to the Department of Strange Works, saying that the optional epic star artifacts were ready. up.

"Don't go to Xingzang Palace, but go to Qigong Division?" Su Yuan looked thoughtful, and then looked forward to it faintly, "I don't know if there is a suitable star tool for me!"

Without thinking too much, Su Yuan immediately got up and went out.

"Su Xingjun!"

Along the way, I met many special envoys in the company.

Basically everyone cast admiring and reverent gazes at Su Yuan, who was newly appointed as Yuheng, and people nearby even greeted him respectfully.

After a while, Su Yuan came to Qigong Division.

Different from the numerous halls in the Sky Survey Division, all the buildings in the Qigong Division are in the color of black iron. Although they are large and ingenious, there are buildings with various strange shapes.

After Su Yuan came to the reception hall, a young man in his twenties and eighteen years old who was wearing a crafting suit immediately greeted him.

"This Xingjun, is he here to choose star artifacts?" The young craftsman saluted and asked.

In Qigong Division, the worst ones are master craftsmen, and so is the young man in front of him.

Su Yuan replied: "That's right."

The young craftsman smiled and said, "Then please come with me."

The young craftsman led Su Yuan to the depths until he came to a crafts hall.

In the hall, more than a dozen refiners are refining star artifacts in front of the refining stove.

This Artifact Refining Hall is specially used to refine some standard blue star artifacts in batches.

The star artifacts produced by Qigong Company are basically high-quality products of the same quality, and they are not sold outside.

Most of them are used by the Sky Survey Division, and the rest are given to some outstanding personnel in the Education Division and Military Supervision Division.

In addition, each craftsman of the Qigong Division has his own crafting room, which is used to refine specific star crafts according to needs!

Soon, Su Yuan followed the young man into a side hall deep in the hall.

Here, Wu Qi and Xia Xuan are already waiting outside the hall.

In addition, there is a forty-year-old master craftsman wearing a purple crafts suit!

"You guys have been waiting for a long time." Su Yuan stepped forward and cupped his fists.

Xia Xuan smiled and said, "We have just arrived too."

Wu Qi nodded.

At this time, the master craftsman said: "My name is Duan Tianzhi, since the three of you are here, then prepare to come in with me."

Su Yuan and others cupped their hands and said, "Grandmaster Duan is here."

Although the fluctuation of star power on this person is only Yao Xing, since he is a master craftsman, his status is higher than that of Su Yuan and others!

Duan Tianzhi nodded, and then led several people into the room.

The room was not big, and there were not many things in it, but Su Yuan and the others were all shocked.

Because of these, it seems that they are all epic star vessels!

Without Duan Tianzhi calling, the three of Su Yuan have already checked by themselves.

Su Yuan fluctuated along the space, and walked straight to a landscape painting hanging on the wall. Looking carefully, the trees, rivers, birds and animals in this picture are lifelike...

In other words, it is alive!

"Space galaxy!"

Su Yuan knew it just by looking at it, it was a space system stellar device with hidden universe inside.

And the landscape in this painting is the display of its inner space.

【Imitation·Mountain and River Map】

[Quality: Epic]

[Introduction: The star artifact made by imitating the "Shanhe Sheji Map" contains the space that one party can carry with him, and has the ability to capture the enemy and easily cross thousands of troops. 】

"It's simply the 'youth version' of today's Qingming Realm."

After checking it, Su Yuan probably understood the function of this star artifact.

In terms of power alone, this imitation Mountain and River Map may not be under the Qingming Realm, which is currently in the growth stage.

After all, it is an epic star tool. When it is being refined, it combines materials and refining methods to greatly strengthen the strength of the internal space.

Once the enemy is taken in, even the Huiyue class may not be able to break through it for a while.

However, in today's Qingming Realm, combined with the formation enchantment, it can also achieve the same effect, and it can even have other various effects!

At this time, Duan Tianzhi said: "A few items here are selected based on everyone's performance yesterday and personal information, and the rest are star artifacts with high versatility."

Su Yuan nodded. The reason why there is this imitation·Mountain and River Map is probably because of himself.

However, although this star device is a space system star device, it is not suitable for him.

Shaking his head secretly, Su Yuan glanced briefly, and then looked at a simple staff beside him.

【Yellow Sky Staff】

[Quality: Epic]

[Introduction: A powerful star tool left by a warlock surnamed Zhang in ancient times. When holding this staff, all lightning attacks will be greatly improved]

"I'm not a warlock..."

Su Yuan shook his head. He was not a warlock in the first place, and the Wulei Tiangang Formation was a formation rather than a magic technique, so the bonus of this staff might not be effective.

The Clear Sky Hammer, the Thunder Tower, the Fierce Sun Mirror, the Four Seas Bottle...

Unlike the blue star artifacts, which are 99% weapons, there are more types of epic star artifacts.

But Su Yuan looked at it for a long time, but he still didn't see a suitable star device.

There are only two pieces of space system stellar imitation·Mountain and River Picture and Four Seas Bottle.

Imitation of mountains and rivers is not as good as Qingmingjie;

The Four Seas Bottle can hold the water of the Four Seas and has infinite power, but it is more like a practical treasure for water star card masters.

On the other hand, Xia Xuan and Wu Qi seem to have found the treasure they are satisfied with.

Wu Qi got a gray-white bead the size of a goose egg, which looked unpretentious, but Wu Qi's eyes were full of excitement.

Xia Xuan, on the other hand, directly chose a fire-type longbow.

On the bow body, there are five kinds of divine birds: Qingluan, Suzaku, Bifang, Phoenix, and Golden Crow.

Although the divine brilliance is all reduced, there are still hot and bright flames flowing in the eyes of the five kinds of divine birds, which are extremely extraordinary at first glance!

【Sorrow of the Divine Bird】

[Quality: Epic]

[Introduction: Take five kinds of divine bird spirits, five kinds of fire-type materials, and combine them with Niansheng soul stone to refine the fire-type longbow. 】


1. Fire-type enhancements, greatly enhance the power of fire-type bows and arrows.

2. Divine bird's lamentation (passive): According to the degree of crisis the user is currently encountering, the power of the arrow will be increased.

3. Swan Song of the Divine Bird (Active): Activate the spirits of five divine birds to greatly increase the power of this attack, but it will be temporarily unusable due to the consumption of the divine bird spirits. If you use it forcibly at this time, it may cause This bow is broken. 】

Xia Xuan couldn't put it down to play with the bird of death, and Wu Qi kept rubbing the gray ball in his hand.

"So the two have already been chosen?" Seeing this, Duan Tianzhi asked Xia Xuan and the two of them.

Xia Xuan responded with a smile: "I have chosen."

"Yeah." Wu Qi also nodded.

Duan Tianzhi turned to look at Su Yuan: "Su Xingjun, it seems that you haven't found a suitable star device?"

Su Yuan put down the thunder knife in his hand, shook his head and smiled, "Indeed not."

Duan Tianzhi nodded, and then said to Xia Xuan and Wu Qi: "Since you two have chosen the star device, please leave on your own."

"Thank you." Wu Qi responded, and then left straight away.

And Xia Xuan glanced at Su Yuan, nodded, and left first.

Only Su Yuan and Duan Tianzhi were left in the field.

Duan Tianzhi signaled Su Yuan to sit down, and then asked, "I don't know what kind of starware Su Xingjun wants?"

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