Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 438 Twin Wolf Veins

To the west of Xinchen Realm, in the snow field where the silver snow is flying, stands a garrison made of solid ice.

Numerous star-studded masters from the Black Snow Country are resting, preparing, guarding and guarding in the station...

And on the tallest black tower in the center of the station, a young man in a black snow-white robe was looking in a certain direction.

At this moment, a man and a woman walked over from behind. Both of them had three vivid ferrets on their black robes.

It is the special operations agency of the Black Snow Country, the Black Snow Ferret Guard that corresponds to the Fire Eagle Guard of the Great Yan Country!

And the three ferrets represent David in the ferret guard!

"Mu Tewei, this wolf vein should be formed soon." David Zhongxiu, a woman among them, said.

Mu Baiying didn't look back, looked at the snow scene in the distance, and said casually: "Well, it's almost there."

Another David, Qu Yang, said excitedly: "I didn't expect that the formation of twin veins this time is actually two veins of wolves, and now I can get two wolf veins!"

Zhong Xiu pondered and said, "Recently there are indeed more visions in the Xinchen Realm. I don't know if it's because the tiger veins are about to be born."

Mu Baiying turned around and asked, "Did you find anything over Xingmai?"

Qu Yang restrained his smile, and said solemnly: "We have detected some northerners, who seem to be from the Rhineland and Usa."

Mu Baiying turned around and said: "The strongholds of Rhine and Usa in Xinchen Realm are relatively close to us, but on this snowy field, even if they join forces, they don't even think about competing with us.

At least with me here, none of the wolf veins on the snow will be left to others! "

Qu Yang and Zhong Xiu, who were behind, heard the words, and looked at Mu Baiying with reverence in their eyes: "Yes!"

"Then now, let's go too."

Mu Baiying opened her mouth lightly, and all the snow outside her body gathered quickly. Amidst the roaring snow, a four-clawed snow dragon smashed through the wind and snow and flew out carrying the three of them...

Somewhere in the continuous snow-capped mountains not far from here, many shining stars of the Black Snow Country are scattered in various places.

And the man in charge here, like Zhong Xiu and Qu Yang before, is a David wearing a uniform of three ferrets.

"At this time, watch me more closely. If there is any trouble, report it immediately." The man ordered the surrounding central defenders.

"Yes, David Guo!"

Several central defenders responded, and then scattered around and started to act separately.

At this moment, a crystal snow dragon flew over from the distant sky.

"The special guard is here!" Guo Huai hurriedly got up and greeted him.

The snow dragon flew down from mid-air, and disappeared from the beginning to the end while the frost and snow were stirring.

Mu Baiying and the other three walked out of it.

"Mu Tewei!" Guo Huai bowed and saluted.

Mu Baiying asked, "Guo Huai, how is the situation?"

"A lot of people came from the surrounding area, mainly from Rhine and Usa. There are estimated to be dozens of people. There are also some people who want to fish in troubled waters. I have already dealt with them in advance."

Mu Baiying thought for a moment, then turned to ask: "The people from Dayan and Qiguang didn't show up?"

"No, the people from Dayan came over to take a look last time, but at that time there was no sign of twin life veins here, and from the point of view at that time, it seemed that they didn't intend to fight.

As for Qiguang, their stronghold is farther away, so they probably won't come over. "

Mu Baiying nodded: "Not bad, thank you for your hard work."

Guo Huai grinned: "Hey, this is what I should do!"

On the other side of the snow mountain, Brook, wearing a wine red shirt, came to Usa's camp.

"Brook, what are you doing here?" Aub, the leader of Usa, asked.

Brook smiled and said, "Aub, I'm here, of course I'm looking for your cooperation."

Aub snorted coldly: "Cooperation? Do you need cooperation? Each depends on his own ability. Naturally, whoever gets this wolf pulse will give it to whom!

Why, did you not bring enough manpower, I think you also brought a few famous masters of the Knights League? "

The Cavaliers Alliance counts all registered knights in the north, including Qiguang, Rhine and other countries.

Aub, and Brook, are the top 30 masters in the Cavalier League!

This means that, among the shining stars in the entire north, these two can be ranked in the forefront.

And in their respective countries, they even occupy important positions!

Brook didn't answer, but smiled and said, "Did you see the man who just flew down from the Black Snow Country garrison on a snow dragon?"

"Well, what?"

"That person is one of the three special guards of Bai Xuewei in Heixue Country, and his strength may not be inferior to ours.

And... here is on the snow, and the people from the Black Snow Country may be able to display stronger strength, and they may be difficult to deal with! "

Aub raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Stronger than you and me, are you sure?"

Brooke nodded and said: "The Black Snow Country and our Rhineland face each other from north to south. Now that the catastrophe has begun, we naturally have the clearest information about them!"

Seeing that Brook was so sure, Aub could not help but frowned.

Brooke continued: "Let's join forces to kill him. Let's take one of the twin wolf veins here, how about it?"

Aub thought for a while, and finally replied: "Okay, let's kill him together first!"


Time passed, I don't know how long it has passed.

In the originally peaceful snow mountain, a large amount of flying snow suddenly roared!

Countless thick frost flowers fell from the sky, and at the same time, ice crystals exploded and ice edges shot everywhere!

Some people from the Black Snow Country who were relatively close had no time to dodge, and were immediately enveloped in it!

The sharp ice edges have amazing hardness and star power, even the star power of the Yaoxing star is hard to resist.


All of a sudden, there were screams one after another, and some people who didn't react were immediately stabbed by Bing Leng, or even killed!

"Move quickly!" Guo Huai, Qu Yang and the others greeted quickly, and at the same time raised their hands and shot out a series of ice star power to shatter the ice thorns, helping those who hadn't escaped in time to fly away.

Snowflakes surged all over Mu Baiying's body, and she turned into a snow dragon again, flying up into the sky with her on her back.

Mu Baiying looked down, and after a surge of ice crystals, two waves of majestic star power gushed out from the snow in front of him!

"Because it's twin wolf veins, will there be such a strong impact? It's a bit unexpected.

But from this point of view, the birth of Humai is probably within two or three months..."

After a while, the turbulent snowflakes gradually calmed down, and the several snow mountains around the star veins were visibly raised by the naked eye in this short moment!

It seems that because the star veins were born in the snow, there is more snow around them, and the chill is getting stronger...

Guo Huai stepped forward and said, "Special Guard, a total of two people died accidentally and five people were injured!"

"Well, take it down for treatment, and get ready, those people around may be coming..."

Before Mu Baiying finished speaking, a golden light suddenly rushed over from a distance.

"Tewy be careful!"

Qu Yang and Zhong Xiu next to him let out a low shout, and quickly drew their weapons to block the front.

However, the golden light was powerful, and unexpectedly, it cut Qu Yang directly, knocked Zhong Xiu back, and rushed towards Mu Baiying arbitrarily, stabbing out with a sword.

It was Orb holding the golden sword!

Mu Baiying's expression was as usual, the flying snow gathered when he raised his hand, and formed a beautiful snow-white long sword. When he stabbed out with the sword, it stabbed precisely on the tip of Aub's great sword!

Surrounded by flying snow and whistling, powerful waves of air swayed from the two black and white swords!

"Excellent swordsmanship!"

Aub was startled, he didn't expect the opponent to block his attack in this way.

But... he wasn't the only one rushing in!

A circle of dark light on Mu Baiying's right side lit up, and another jet-black rapier pierced out of it.


At this moment, the flying snow spiraled behind Mu Baiying, forming an ice crystal shield in an instant, firmly blocking the stabbing rapier!

The black light flowed and spread, revealing the figure of Brook behind the rapier.

"Special Guard!" Guo Huai, Qu Yang and others took out their weapons and were about to surround them.

But Mu Baiying said: "Leave this to me, and you will take care of the people around you."

These two people were obviously not simple. Although Guo Huai and the other three were a little puzzled, they still believed in Mu Baiying's strength and followed their orders to retreat.

"Heh, as expected of the special guard of the Black Snow Country, really powerful." Brooke smiled sinisterly.

But Mu Baiying glanced at him coldly: "The Rhine Royal Knights, Dark Sword Brook?"

"Hey, I didn't expect His Excellency Special Wei to know my name. I'm so lucky."

"Half a year ago in the battle of Ghost Youlin, you alone killed four of my Heixue Davids, how could you not know!"

Mu Baiying's eyes turned cold, the snow sword in his hand and the snow shield by his side suddenly disintegrated into many snow needles and stabbed the two people in front and behind him!

The expressions of the two changed slightly, while Brook turned into a ball of black light and let many snow needles fly through him, while Aubu protected his vitals and took this opportunity to stab Mu Baiying!

Aub's great sword stabbed Mu Baiying, but Mu Baiying turned into a handful of white snow and exploded.

Flying snow gathered in the distance, but Mu Baiying used the snow transfer technique to transfer it away.

On the contrary, Aub let out a muffled snort, and traces of blood flowed from all over his body, already covered with snow needles.

Not only that, Aub also felt a trace of icy air rushing into his body, and his movements and star power movement slowed down a bit.

"Sure enough, I have some skills!"

Aub's brows raised a little gloomy, and his body shone with golden light, but within two seconds, all the snow needles on his body were washed away and melted.

But the icy air that penetrated into the body could not be dispelled in a short while.

Brook reminded: "Be careful, his ability is quite strange, he can control the shape of flying snow!"

As the three of them confronted each other, the remaining subordinates of several parties also fought against each other.

The spiritual flame burst, and the sound of shouting and fighting came and went.

Although the number of people in the Black Snow Country is much larger, there are indeed more elite knights in Usa and Rhine comparable to David, and the situation is a little anxious for a while.

How the battle situation will be depends on the battle between Mu Baiying and the three of them in mid-air.

Mu Baiying raised her hand to condense the snow sword, and said coldly: "Then come, in this snow field, I will kill you all today."

"It's up to you?" Aub sneered, and raised the golden sword again.

And Brook clenched the rapier tightly, with dark light flowing around his body, he was ready to strike again.

The atmosphere in the arena was tense, and the battle was imminent.

But just when the three of them were about to jump out, a spatial fluctuation suddenly came from the midair in front of them.

The three of them looked up, only to see that the door of the space opened amidst the flashing silver light, and a young man in a star robe came out first, with silver eyes like stars and fluttering sleeves!

And behind him, there were two other people with very different temperaments.


Mu Baiying's complexion changed slightly, and the pupils of Aub and Brook beside him also shrank.

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