Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 439 Full of Flaws

"It's more lively than expected." The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes floated, and he could see the whole audience clearly in an instant under the omniscient vision.

Feng Xiao was a little surprised at the speed of the Space Gate at first, but when he saw Hei Xue, the masters of the Rhine Kingdom fighting in all directions, and Mu Baiying and others not far away, his expression changed.

This battle-tested man, after being stunned at this moment, couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Su Xingjun, are we... a little abrupt?"

Li Daoxun on the side looked as usual. For his level, ordinary Yaoxing would hardly be a big threat unless he formed a battle formation.

Not to mention Su Yuan who is a star king?

However, Su Yuan's eyes fell on the twin star veins below.

Twin stars? It's really rare, but fortunately this time I came here.

"Li Daoxun." Su Yuan called out.

"Mr. Xing."

"Take out the pulse-drawing beads and start to draw the pulse."


Li Daoxun naturally found that Mu Baiying and the others not far away seemed difficult to deal with, but since Su Yuan was destined, he immediately took out a pulse-drawing bead and prepared to start drawing it.

But Su Yuan said: "Two pulse-pulling beads, let's go together."

"This!" Li Daoxun was stunned, it's fine to take one, but take these two together... How can those people below bear it?

But looking at Su Yuan with a calm expression, Li Daoxun still responded: "Yes, Lord Xing!"

No matter what, the big deal is to lose these two wolf veins. If there is an accident, it is not difficult for me to wait for others to get out.

Li Daoxun handed a pulse-twitching bead to Feng Xiao: "Captain Feng, this one is for you."

Feng Xiao took the pulse-pulling beads blankly, but there were countless muddy horses galloping past in his heart.

It's okay to suddenly enter the battle circle without warning, it's okay to draw the star veins directly in front of others, but now, you have to draw both of them directly?

This is not leaving any soup for others!

Although I have long heard that Xingjun Xingtian Xingtian is super powerful, but... can he really handle this?

If he hadn't seen the star robe Su Yuan was wearing, Feng Xiao would have cursed a long time ago!

Su Yuan saw Feng Xiao's face was cloudy and uncertain, and smiled lightly: "Captain Feng, just do it, don't worry, since I brought you here, I will naturally bring you back intact."

Feng Xiao didn't hear the slightest bit of tension in Su Yuan's voice, and he felt a bit more at ease in his heart.

"I just listened to Su Xingjun!" Feng Xiao replied in a deep voice, and also retreated to the side holding the Pulse Pulling Orb.

Because it is twin wolf veins, the two wolf veins are entangled together, as long as there is a little distance, the extraction can begin.

This is also the reason why Su Yuan said that he can take care of both of them at the same time, so that he will not be exhausted.

The two pulse-pulling beads were activated one after another, but seeing the snow-capped mountains tremble and the earth's energy surging, the twin wolf veins that had just been born and were not stabilized rose soaring into the sky under the pull of the pulse-pulling beads, each of which turned into a yellow air current and gradually merged into Li Dao Find the pulse-pulsing bead in front of Feng Xiao!

"What is he doing!"

Mu Baiying's face darkened slightly, she never expected that the Great Yan Xingjun would start to feel his pulse in such a grand manner!

And Aub and Brook also frowned, and the other party seemed to disregard themselves and others too much.

Aub and Brook looked at each other, and then they distanced themselves and stopped the fight with Mu Baiying.

Mu Baiying didn't stop the two of them, but looked at Su Yuan who was high in the sky, thinking constantly in her heart.

With the arrival of Su Yuan and others, the three forces that were fighting together also stopped.

Guo Huai hurried up behind Mu Baiying, bowed down and confessed: "Mu Tewei, I really didn't expect Dayan's people to come! And since they retreated at that time, it stands to reason that if they want to come again, there should be too little time. .”

Mu Baiying said in a concentrated voice: "Well, I don't blame you, the portal just now should be a teleportation skill of the space system."

Zhong Xiu frowned and said, "Special Guard, what should we do now?"

After Mu Baiying thought for a while, his eyes were slightly cold: "Xun Tiansi Xingjun, I really want to see him too. If he wants to do this, people from Rhine and Usa will not just watch him like this.

Get ready, when the star pulse drawing is about to end, it's time to do it. "

"Yes, Master Xing!"


Time passed by every minute and every second, and the extraction of star veins was coming to an end.

While drawing out the star veins, Feng Xiao looked around from time to time to all the Yaoxing stars who stopped and looked at them, his forehead was covered with fine sweat at some point.

I have experienced many battles, and life and death are common, but there has never been a time as thrilling as it is now. I really don't know when these people below will rush forward!

Not far away, Li Daoxun's expression gradually became serious, black and white qi surrounded his body like fish swimming, and could transform into two qi swords to fend off the enemy at any time.

And Su Yuan stood in front of the two of them, and in his eyes with silver light floating, he had already seen several places where energy was accumulating at a high speed.

"Can't wait any longer?"

In just a few seconds, bursts of star power surged up in all directions!

The Holy Flame Light Arrow, Pseudo-Dragon Flash and other skills rushed out from the camps of Rhine and Usa almost in no particular order!


Feng Xiao's heart skipped a beat, knowing that other people had made a move!

But to capture the thief first, capture the king, these attacks are all aimed at Su Yuan!

However, there was a blur on Su Yuan's body, but it disappeared immediately.

"Invisibility? Displacement?" Everyone frowned.

All the attacks were missed, and soon, Su Yuan moved out of the secondary space again.

Just at this time, a shadow quietly appeared from above Su Yuan's head, but it was Rhine's master who was good at sneak attacks, ranking more than 100 in the Cavaliers League.

At this moment, after this person appeared, he suddenly turned into a sharp shadow and descended, stabbing towards the top of Su Yuan's head!

Feng Xiao, who was behind Su Yuan, could see clearly, and quickly reminded loudly in surprise:

"Su Xingjun has a small...heart?"

As soon as the words were finished, blood burst out!

The man's face was full of astonishment, and then he split his body into two radii and fell straight to the ground...

This didn't stop, and there were many people from Rhine and Usa rushing over quickly as if they had discussed it in advance.

And the black light on Su Yuan's sword surged, and a black line appeared when the sword cut out, and the two of them were cut in half immediately.

Su Yuan didn't stop in his hand, he swung the demon knife repeatedly, and black lines shot out from the knife continuously.


In an instant, the blood mist exploded, screams came and went, and a figure fell from midair.

"What a powerful space attack!"

"Defend carefully!"

"Spread out!"


Everyone immediately realized that this black line was enough to destroy gold and jade, so they dispersed in shock and launched strong defenses to continue advancing.

Not long after, several masters rushed to Su Yuan.

"Holy Light Cross Slash!"

"Storm Flame Wave Sword!"

"Hammer of Discipline!"


Su Yuan raised the long knife, and a black light shone on the knife.

"The black lotus blooms."

The phantom flashed, and the black light suddenly appeared!

The twenty-four black lines bloomed like lotus flowers, tearing apart the star power on the weapons of several people in an instant, and chopped off all of them including several people!

"Puff puff!……"

Several people turned into blood mist and exploded almost in no particular order!


This frightening scene immediately shocked the hearts of those who wanted to rush forward, and it was difficult to move forward!

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and a dozen or twenty people had already died!

At this moment, a circle of black light appeared behind Su Yuan, and then a pitch-black rapier pierced out, but it was Brook who took advantage of this gap to assassinate him.

As if Su Yuan had eyes behind him, he slashed at him with a backhand.

"Boom!" With a loud sound, Brooke was thrown out on the spot, spitting blood from his mouth.


At the same time, Aub held the golden sword with both hands, leaped high and followed closely to kill him!

This move is so powerful that it seems to be able to split mountains and break mountains!


However, when the swords clashed, Aub's eyes suddenly rose with a bit of horror.

However, the silver-eyed young man in front of him just waved a knife with one hand, and unexpectedly blocked his full-strength blow without moving a muscle!

The starlight on Su Yuan's body was shining, he used his strength to block the big sword and slashed forward with the sword.

"not good!"

Aub was shocked, and he quickly activated the sacred body while pulling back!

However, there was a pain in front of him, and the opponent's long knife full of space power easily cut through the sacred body from the shoulder to the abdomen.

Blood spattered out, and Aub, regardless of the pain, quickly clenched his sword and retreated vigilantly.

In the direction of Heixue Country, Guo Huai, Zhong Xiu and the others took a deep breath, and looked at the person in the star robe midair in horror.

"So strong!"

It's okay if you don't know, but the person who just attacked the opponent from the top of his head, and two or three of them who rushed to the opponent, have all fought against him and others before, and their strength can be said to be comparable to him and others .

As a result, now, is it so that he is cut melons and vegetables and is usually beheaded by the other party?

Is this Xingjun Xingtian so strong!

But at this moment, with snowflakes flying around her, Mu Baiying suddenly disappeared.

"Shepherd Guard!"

Guo Huai and the others were all startled, and looked up again, and the snow that was flying around that Great Flame Star Lord had suddenly gone into a riot!

In mid-air, a large number of white snow whirlpools gathered together, submerging Su Yuan almost without waiting for a reaction.

Mu Baiying then appeared in the field, raised her hand and pointed: "Baixue Purgatory!"

As soon as the words fell, all the white snow that submerged Su Yuan lit up with a silvery metal-like shimmer, and suddenly turned into iron like mud, and thousands of flying snow roared, cutting Su Yuan inside frantically!

It was only a few seconds, but Mu Baiying noticed something and raised her eyebrows.

"Bai Xue Purgatory, Snow Prison!"

The roaring blizzard shrank together, and turned into a snowball made of thousands of blizzards in an instant.

Mu Baiying opened her right hand, and a large piece of flying snow gathered in her palm, which condensed into a five-foot-long snow silver spear.

"Spearmanship, Snowy Night Aurora!"

Frost and snow on the gun roared and roared, the brilliance flourished, Mu Baiying stepped on her feet, and the gun merged into an aurora and flew towards the snowball!

"Su Xingjun!" Feng Xiao was startled.

Even Li Daoxun was a little confused, not knowing what happened to Su Yuan, the black and white qi condensed into two qi swords and shot out trying to block Mu Baiying.

But Mu Baiying moved faster and couldn't stop it!

Seeing that the spear was about to pierce through the snowball, a starry hand poked out from the snowball and grabbed the spear.


The aura of the spear trembled violently, trying to crush the palm, but the palm was extremely hard, and the bright starlight on it gradually crushed the aura of the snow gun, keeping it out of Snowball's hands!

The next moment, the snowball exploded, and a person surrounded by stars appeared in front of Mu Baiying.

Mu Baiying's pupils trembled: "How could it be?!"

Su Yuan's face was indifferent, he pulled the snow gun with his left hand, swung the demon knife with his right hand, and slashed down at Mu Baiying!

Mu Baiying only had time to turn sideways slightly, and was slashed by the demon knife.

In an instant, blood splashed, and an arm flew up.


Mu Baiying let out a muffled snort, not daring to look any further, she quickly turned into a handful of Baixue and used the teleportation technique to back out.

Su Yuan lifted the demon knife lightly, and swept across the surrounding Mu Baiying and the many shining stars with a calm expression.

"Everyone is full of flaws."

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