Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 441 Ambushes


Feng Xiao and Li Daoxun came to Su Yuan with the pulse-twitching beads. Among the two pulse-twitching beads, a wolf shape faintly appeared between the surging star veins.

"Okay." Su Yuan nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said, "You guys rest here for a while."


Su Yuan's figure flickered, and he teleported away from the spot.

"Su Xingjun, you really have extraordinary strength..." Seeing Su Yuan's figure disappear, Feng Xiao couldn't help exclaiming, "I really didn't expect that two wolf veins could be directly drawn out in this way!

This feeling... is really exciting and refreshing! "

Feng Xiao laughed out loud, if he had known about Su Yuan's strength in advance, it might not be so exciting.

The current experience...just right!

Li Daoxun also sighed secretly, earlier he felt that there might still be various possibilities for him to win the battle with Su Yuan.

But seeing Su Yuan make a move again today, he knew that all the original possibilities and assumptions would end in failure!

Facing this person, I am definitely not an opponent!


On the other side, Su Yuan came to the foot of a snow mountain alone, and called Ruan Ruan and Antonis out.


"Boss." Antonis also politely called Su Yuan the boss.

Su Yuan nodded, raised his hand and took out three or four blue crystals.

One of them was storing a wolf vein, from Brook of the Rhine, while the rest were empty.

Su Yuan sent the blue crystal with wolf veins into the Azure Underworld, and took out two crystals and handed them to Antonis.

"Antonis, according to what I said before, now you should take Ruan Ruan Ruan Ruan to find Taixu Gold and Wolf Veins.

If you find the gold of Taixu, you can take it if you can, and if you can't take it, you can use the Yuanshen Zhaoying enchantment to notify me. "

"no problem."

After thinking for a while, Su Yuan warned: "Remember, the gold of Taixu is the main one. The wolf pulse is now the treasure that all forces are competing for in this world. It will be troublesome if you really meet any master, so don't force it. "

Ordinary masters are fine, but if they meet star envoys or some powerful officials, Su Yuan is also worried about Ruan Ruan's safety.

Antonis responded, "Understood."

Su Yuan pinched his soft face: "Be careful, just take care of yourself."

"Don't worry, Master!" Ruan Ruan grinned, and patted his breasts, which were beginning to take shape, "Ruan Ruan promises to complete the task, and he will find the Taixu Gold!"

Su Yuan smiled: "Well, let's go."

Ruan Ruan and Antonis are considered acquaintances, but they are not unfamiliar.

The two agreed again, and then they went straight away.

But Su Yuan returned to the original place.

"Su Xingjun!" Seeing Su Yuan coming back, Feng Xiao and Feng Xiao hurriedly greeted him.

Although they were a little curious about what Su Yuan was going to do, they also understood that this was not something they and others should ask.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "When you're ready, let's go back."

Saying that, Su Yuan opened the door of space again, and brought the two of them back to the stronghold...

"Su Xingjun, Captain Feng!"

As Su Yuan and others returned to the camp, the news that they successfully brought back two wolf veins came out, and all the soldiers in the camp were shocked.

"Captain Wang, are they two wolf veins?" A group of soldiers were discussing excitedly at the edge of the camp.

The leader, Lieutenant Wang, said: "Yes! According to what Captain Liu told us just now, there seems to be a twin wolf vein in the west, and we took them all away!"

A young second lieutenant exhaled softly: "Including the round-trip time, it took only about three days before and after. This brought back two wolf veins? This is too powerful, it is worthy of being the Xingjun of the Xuntian Division!"

Lieutenant Wang shook his head and smiled, and said in a low voice: "This is not the most powerful... It is said that Su Xingjun killed nearly a hundred Yaoxing Heixue, Rhine and Usa all by himself!"


"How can it be!"

"Captain Wang, are you kidding me!"


All the soldiers exclaimed, their eyes filled with horror.

Does that young Xingjun who looks like an ordinary university graduate actually have such terrifying strength!

"You guys, please keep your voice down! Although it's not saying anything bad, it's not good for that Su Xingjun and Captain Feng to hear it!"


The competition for the twin star veins in the west quickly spread in the garrison.

As a result of this, Su Yuan gained the respect of Feng Xiao and other military personnel as well as Li Daoxun and others in the No. 4 stronghold.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Yuan brought the two of them along.

Since I have just ascended to the position, it is necessary to show off my skills so that no one will be disobedient at critical times.

A few days later, Fu Dongliu and Bailige also came back with wolf veins.

Although the two of them looked quite embarrassed, they didn't suffer too much injury.

In addition, another level 4 material, Burial Mud, was harvested.

In just a few days after coming here, three wolf veins have already been captured. You must know that the No. 4 stronghold has only collected three wolf veins in total for so long!

As time passed, the Sky Survey Division also sent more second- and third-class envoys to assist in the search for star veins and materials.

After all, for some dangerous areas, experts are still needed to explore.

As for Su Yuan, after leaving the teleportation order in the camp, he led people to search carefully around the stronghold.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, and two more wolf veins were found, but Taixu's gold still hadn't disappeared.

On Ruanruan and Antonis's side, apart from the weekly report through Yuanshen Zhaoying knot, there is no new discovery.

But this kind of thing can't be rushed. Now that I am in an important position, I should deal with the matter in hand first.

It's not too late to look for it after finding the tiger's veins, but I don't know how long the entrance to the new dust world can last after the tiger's veins are born...

And although I can't borrow the master-level secret scrolls to study, I can still calm down and practice.

In addition, since this period of time, because of the improvement of the star veins absorbed by the Qingming Realm, and because of the continuous use of the power of the Qingming Realm in battle, the use of the Throne of Heaven has become more and more handy.

Recently, Su Yuan has faintly had some inspiration to develop the power of the soul, just in time to research...

In the No. 1 stronghold, a figure flew down from midair, revealing a short-haired woman in a star robe.

This woman is thin and thin, with a purple butterfly hairpin tied on her head. She is the only woman among the original seven stars——

Tianji Xingjun, Shen Die.

"How is it?" Li Ba who had been waiting here hastily asked.

Shen Die nodded, and said in a solemn voice: "The preparations have been completed, and a star vein that is about to be born, plus the two wolf veins we poured in with the enchantment, once it explodes, it will definitely trigger the star to come out .

Combined with the enchantment laid by Grandmaster Hao Yi, it will be able to transfer people to an extremely distant place at that time. "

"Okay!" Li Ba's eyes lit up, and then anger rose in his eyes, "When will we do it! Last time I told them to kill Duanmuluo, this time I will also kill one or two star envoys and come back!"

"No hurry, we need to inform the other three Star Lords about this matter."

"The other three?"

Li Ba frowned slightly. The Xingjun in the other three strongholds were all just promoted by first-class special envoys. Their strengths were unknown, so Li Ba inevitably felt a little contemptuous.

Shen Die opened the mouth and said: "To avoid accidents, someone needs to go to intercept and delay the other places.

Su Xingjun from the No. 4 stronghold in the northwest and Wu Xingjun from the No. 3 stronghold in the east are responsible for intercepting the possible reinforcements from the Qiguang stronghold from the left and right sides.

Xia Xingjun from the No. 2 stronghold in the south, together with us, ambushed and killed the transferred star envoys!

According to my investigation, there are only three or four of them along the south line, so there should be no problem with this arrangement. "

Li Ba calmed down a little after listening.

Although he is big and rough and simple-minded, Li Ba is not stupid, so he naturally knows that Shen Die's arrangement is the most suitable.

It's just that Duanmuluo was besieged and killed because he didn't support him, which made Li Ba feel guilty!

Li Ba gritted his teeth, then nodded and said: "Okay, let's notify as soon as possible, so as to avoid any further accidents."



In the No. 4 stronghold.

Su Yuan was practicing meditation, but suddenly received an urgent call.

Because of the connection coverage of the outpost enchantment, the communication between the four strongholds is completely smooth now.

Su Yuan turned his hand and took out the black sky survey card. After checking it for a while, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Oh? Are you finally going to take the initiative?"

This is a message from Shen Die. Su Yuan read it carefully, and after thinking for a while, he called Li Daoxun.

"Su Xingjun." Li Daoxun rushed over and handed over a sealed wooden box, "This is just transmitted from the No. 1 base through the space teleportation barrier."

Su Yuan took the wooden box, and unsealed it by swiping his black card on it. After opening, there was a talisman inside.

"Is it a talisman used to retreat after intercepting the Star Envoy..."

According to Shen Die's message just now, this talisman is for intercepting the opponent, and if the situation is not good, it can be withdrawn and used.

Su Yuan said to Li Daoxun: "I'm going out for a trip, it should take a few days, and I will leave the station to you for the time being. If there is any accident, please notify me directly with an emergency signal."

"Yes!" Combined with the wooden box that was sent over, Li Daoxun vaguely guessed that there might be some action, so he responded immediately without asking any further questions.

After Su Yuan thought for a moment, he raised his hand and opened a door of space, and he appeared a hundred kilometers away with one step.

With a wave of his hand, Su Yuan summoned Mo Fei and sat on it, then looked to the north, with a cold light flickering in his eyes.

The plan this time is to ambush the star envoy.

There are twelve star envoys, but only seven star kings.

Even if the Capricorn position that has not been replaced by anyone is subtracted, there are still eleven stars.

In any case, in terms of numbers, the Star Envoys had the upper hand.

In addition to the star envoys who stayed on the blue sea star and took on other tasks, according to the information Shen Die detected during this period, there are currently 6 star envoys still in the new dust world.

The original Taurus, Aries and Virgo;

Leo who returned to the new world after the death of Capricorn;

And the added Scorpio and Aquarius!

A total of 6 people!

Because there are more star envoys, there may be more star envoys appearing later in the Tiger Meridian competition.

When the time comes to compete again, the disadvantage in numbers will undoubtedly make Dayan fall into a passive position.

After all, the top combat power of Xingjun and Xingshi, even if they pay ten times or a hundred times the number of people, it is difficult to make up for it.

So on Dayan's side, he had to take some action in advance.

But this time's plan was arranged after Shen Die's meticulous investigation, go to the north, lure the enemy, transfer, and then kill at least one star envoy with more hits than less, and then retreat.

According to Shen Die's last investigation, at present, there are Virgo, Scorpio, and... the Leo who once besieged and killed Duanmuluo, who are close to the south!

Su Yuan, on the other hand, was in charge of intercepting the support from the star envoys from the west.

According to Shen Die's detection, the star envoy guarding the western stronghold is...

"Virgo...it's really destined."

Su Yuan had a cold look in his eyes, he had defeated the Virgo at the beginning, and now another Virgo came.

The Huiyue Fusion Beast of the first generation of Virgos seemed not proficient in manipulating them, and their strength was limited.

Su Yuan also wanted to see, what capabilities would this Virgo successor have?

"Mur Fei, go north." Su Yuan ordered.


Mo Fei responded with a low voice, then turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the north...

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