Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 442 Confrontation between Kings and Envoys (Two in One)

In Xinchenjie, the central stronghold of Qiguang's southern front, in the most spacious hall, there are two people sitting opposite each other.

One is a burly blond man with a square face, while the other is a beautiful boy with blue curly hair and fairer skin than a girl.

These two people are Leo Felix, who came back from his injuries, and Aquarius Fantasi, who came to support him later.

The two were tasting fine wine, eating fruit and barbecue.

"By the way, Fantaixi, didn't you say that you are looking for the star veins in the west, why have you come to my place these days?" Felix asked casually while eating meat.

Fantaixi did not eat as happily as Leo, but leaned lazily on the sofa, holding the wine glass and shaking it slightly.

"Because Ashlia said that there might be some movement on your side, so let me come here first."

"Is that so? By the way, is that girl's prediction reliable? Since she could predict something, why didn't she predict the death of Capricorn?"

Philex paused, took a big bite of the roast meat, and chewed it in his mouth.

"Also, why doesn't she predict when and where the tiger veins will appear?"

Fantaixi took a sip of the wine and said with a light smile: "According to my experience with her several times, her predictions are usually accurate.

It's just that the clarity of the forecast will be affected by many factors.

Whether it is related to yourself, the time is sooner or later, the distance, the influence of the event itself..."

Felix frowned: "Are there so many restrictions?"

Fan Taixi smiled lightly: "Of course, that is a 'prophecy', how can it be so easy~

However, Ashlia has predicted that the tiger veins will be born within a month at most.

Now in the temple, the rest of the people outside have also returned one after another, preparing to come to this world first. "

Felix responded casually, and was about to say something more.

But at this moment, vaguely, there seemed to be a fairly strong wave coming from far away in the south.


Both stood up, stepped out of the hall and looked towards the south.

"Has a star vein been born, but this strength... this strength is a bit astonishing, is it the tiger vein?"

Fantaixi was also a little surprised: "Although it is within a month, including now, but this is too fast..."

Felix put down the big meat in his hand and stood up: "It's nothing, just go and have a look."

Fantaixi smiled and said, "Then let's go!"

This is in the north, so what's the problem?

The two flew straight up, turned into golden and blue brilliance and hurried towards the south.

After a while, the two of Fantaixi landed in an open and flat mountain.

But here, large expanses of earth energy gathered from the ground, and extremely viscous star power spewed out like a tide!

Such a terrifying tide of star power is several times stronger than all the newborn wolf veins I have seen before!

"This...is it really the birth of a tiger vein?!"

Felix's eyes widened, while Fantasia's eyes flickered and he was uncertain.

I thought it would be a rare twin vein, or a strange star vein like a triple vein that I have never seen before.

But I never expected that it was actually a whole star vein.

Although the two of them have never seen what the birth of the tiger veins is like, the power and influence are almost inseparable.

Fantaixi's jewel-like blue eyes brightened up, and Felix was also full of excitement and joy.

If this really directly extracts the tiger's veins, then the biggest credit for the Xinchen Realm this time will probably fall on me!

Fantaixi closed his eyes, and a powerful spiritual power burst out suddenly, rushing in all directions like a torrent.

Even Felix, who was standing next to him, couldn't bear the astonishing mental strength, and frowned and rubbed the center of his brows.

Fantaixi rubbed his chin and said with a smile: "I didn't find anything abnormal around."

"Then go and have a look!" Felix flew forward and checked in front of the gushing earth energy.

"This star power is really extremely viscous," Felix said with surprise in his eyes, "Just standing here, I can feel the star power in my body growing at a high speed visible to the naked eye!"

Fan Taixi also came over to inspect it carefully, and said seriously: "It's really amazing!"

Suddenly, there seemed to be a crisp sound, and the next moment, the earth's energy that was originally gushing violently suddenly violently.

A whole star vein airflow was split into three in a blink of an eye, turning into two large ones, one small three and three.

For unknown reasons, two wolf veins were consumed at a high speed and burst out with huge energy, and a weak dog vein was obviously gathering.


The expressions of the two of them changed slightly, and they didn't know that something was wrong when they saw this, they flew up immediately and were about to retreat quickly.

The two wolf veins exploded in large pieces, and at the same time, a huge silver barrier suddenly emerged!

Using the bursting star veins as energy, the silver light in the enchantment skyrocketed, and countless silver horses rushed up instantly and enveloped the two people in the sky.

"It's the power of teleportation!" Felix's face darkened, and he became vigilant.

"Oh?" Fantaixi was surprised, but there was no panic on his face, but a sneer of disdain, "Then let me see who is so eager to die!"

The silver light was shining, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them had already disappeared from the field...

On an open plain somewhere in Xinchen Realm, a large piece of silver light suddenly surged on a ground engraved with silver runes.

Afterwards, the figures of Felix and Fantasia appeared.

"I'm well prepared..." Fantaixi looked around and said in a low voice.

In the four directions of front, back, left, and right, a huge azure rectangular barrier rises for thousands of meters, and golden lines flow in it, which is quite mysterious.

It seems that in the enchantment, I really don't want to leave easily.

After looking around for a while, Fantaixi's eyes fell on the few people in front of him.

That's right, in the enchantment, apart from Felix and Fantaixi who just teleported over, there are Shen Die, Li Ba, and Xia Xuan who are all at their leisure!

Felix's body tensed slightly, his demeanor suddenly became rough and majestic, and he entered the state of combat readiness in an instant.

Sweeping across the three people in front, Felix said loudly: "Tianji Shendie, Kaiyang Liba, and... the new Xingjun?"

Felix's eyes fell on Xia Xuan who was behind, and he couldn't help staying for a while.

But compared to the serious-looking Felix, there was a hint of excitement in Fantaixi's eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even bigger.

"What, I thought there would be such a grand occasion, but it turned out that there were only the three of you?"

"Aquarius?" Shen Die sized up the other party.

Among the information collected so far, there is still no information about the ability of Aquarius, because the other party has been active in the north.

One more thing... After he made a move, so far, none of his subordinates have survived!

I just vaguely know that the other party's ability is quite strange.

Xia Xuan had already taken out the bird of death, and a cold light appeared in her eyes.

Since he was defeated by Capricorn last time, this time, he finally made it against the star again!

And Li Ba looked at Leo Philex, clenched his fists and opened his eyes angrily, with a strong killing intent stirring in his eyes.

"Did you kill Duanmu? This time, I will smash you to pieces!"

"I killed it." Felix sneered, "Speaking of which, that man is quite capable, and he can resist me and Favrene for so long at the same time, he is not very old, he is really a genius. "

Hearing this, the faces of Shen Die and the others sank.

Duanmuluo is a young Xingjun who is favored by Suzaku Throne, so he is naturally a top talent.

But such a genius died young in the hands of these two!

"Damn it!"

Li Ba's fists were clenched and rattled, and he suddenly turned into a black shadow and shot out, appearing in front of Felix almost instantly and punching out!

The air wave exploded, the sonic boom sounded, and the white air whirled around the fist as if it was going to collapse the mountain and destroy the city!

Kaiyang Wujun, who is good at close combat, is unparalleled in power and power, and is indomitable!

"Die to me!" Li Ba yelled violently.


With a loud noise, the ground hundreds of meters behind Felix was instantly torn apart, and countless rubbles scattered in all directions!

However, both Shen Die and Xia Xuan's expressions were frozen, because Felix swung his right palm firmly to receive Li Ba's powerful punch.

The golden beard and hair swayed with the air waves, and Felix's golden pupils stared at Li Ba: "Heh, didn't he say in the message he sent before his death that my power...is very strong?"

Li Ba raised his brows, but the white air in the fist was surging, but another force rushed along the arm to the fist, and the two superimposed and hit the palm of Felix!

"Dragon Subduing Power·Critical Pass!"

The double punch exploded in his palm, Felex's complexion changed slightly, and he was pushed back tens of meters with a "bang" sound!

However, Felix stabilized his figure and raised his hand, a layer of deep golden light faintly appeared in his palm, but he was unharmed!

"It seems that your punching strength is still a bit weak," Felix laughed out loud.

Li Ba's eyes froze slightly. In the information sent by Duanmu before his death, there was indeed information about the abilities of Taurus and Leo, and it was mentioned that Leo's physical defense was extremely terrifying.

Now it seems that there is no exaggeration at all!

In fact, each of the zodiac angels has a role, which is chosen when receiving divine blessings.

Among them, Taurus represents "wealth" and is in charge of "magic".

And Leo represents "strong" and is responsible for the "flesh".

In other words, Taurus Favlan represents the strongest star power in the zodiac;

And Leo Felix represents the hardest body in the zodiac!

"Then now, it's my turn to attack!"

Felix took a step forward, and his figure disappeared in a flash of golden light.

"So fast!"

Li Ba's pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly crossed his arms in front of him.

There was a "bang", but it was knocked out by Philex, and he snorted secretly.

Felix stepped in the air and chased after him again.

Just at this moment, a flaming spiral arrow rushed out like red electricity!

Felix was extremely sensitive, and immediately stopped to avoid it.

Turning to look, it was Xia Xuan who made the move.

"Oh? A helper." Felix looked at Li Ba, pretending to tease, "Boy, do you need a woman to help you in a head-to-head duel? You are really useless!"

Li Ba clenched his fists and sneered: "You don't have to tell me these things, this time, I didn't come here to fight you one-on-one, but to kill you all by whatever means!

What's more... Duanmu Xingjun was besieged and killed by you? "

Felix's face froze, and he thought to himself that this kid is not the single-minded, hot-blooded idiot he looks on the surface.

"Then let's come together, last time I killed a Xingjun, this time, let's see how many more I can kill!"

Felix laughed out loud, golden gangster energy burst out from his body, and shot out again in a flash.

The white air above Li Ba's fists surged to meet him, but the golden light crossed an arc, and went directly behind!

"Not good!" Li Ba was slightly startled, Philex's target was Xia Xuan who just shot the arrow!

Xia Xuan's expression was calm, the flames on the Divine Bird's War gathered at a high speed, and the sound of birdsong sounded, and another spiral fire arrow shot at Felix violently.

The corners of Felix's mouth curled up, but he didn't even try to avoid it. With a flash of light in his eyes, he reached out and grabbed the Spiral Flame Arrow.



With a thought in Xia Xuan's mind, the spiral fire arrow exploded, and the billowing flames instantly enveloped Philex.

However, in just a moment, Felix had already rushed out of the bursting flames, the gilded brilliance of his body looming, and he was not injured at all!

"What a perverted defense!"

Xia Xuan's pupils shrunk slightly, but she didn't stop in her hands. In an instant, another arrow of fire condensed on the bowstring.

But in a short time, Felix had already rushed in front of Xia Xuan, the golden light on his fist was surging, and once he hit it, he could easily smash Yao Xing into meat sauce!

Feeling the slight acceleration of the heartbeat due to the crisis and urgency, the lights in the eyes of the five divine birds in Xia Xuan's hands were extremely dazzling.

At this moment, Xia Xuan let go of the bowstring in her hand.


As if a divine bird was singing, the power of the flaming fire arrow increased dramatically under the blessing of the energy of the spirit bow, and it shot out instantly and hit Philex!


The flames, which were much stronger than before, exploded, directly blasting Philex back!

After the flames dissipated, Felix's chest was hot and red, and a little blood overflowed faintly.

He was injured!

Felix was surprised, but looked coldly at Xia Xuan who drew the bowstring again.

"It's... interesting."

The golden pupils flashed with cold light, and Philex was about to jump towards Xia Xuan, but at this moment, a sharp punch came from behind, and it was Li Ba who chased and killed him!

"Subduing Dragon Strength, Blazing Sun!"

"The Arrow of the Red Lotus!"

The two attacks came at the same time from left to right, and the powerful star power flames of white and red colors exploded on Felix's body and rushed tens of meters high.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would be killed in an instant.

However, what is inside is the Leo of the zodiac, it will never be that simple!

Both Xia Xuan and Li Ba looked into the intertwined flames.

But Shen Die looked at Aquarius in the distance.

I saw that the other party just watched Leo being besieged quietly, with a lazy and calm expression, as if he didn't intend to intervene.

The strength of the star envoy is uncertain. From Shen Die's point of view, it is natural for Xia Xuan and Li Ba to take action together now that they have the upper hand.

That being the case, Shen Die himself did not join the battle, but kept an eye on this Aquarius whose abilities were unknown.

At this moment, an astonishing wave came from the front, but a sharp golden light shot out, directly crushing all the white and red flames.

Leo stepped out of it, but his naked upper body seemed to have been poured with gold at this moment. Xia Xuan and Li Ba's attacks just now did not leave even the slightest trace on it!

"This kind of defense?!"

Both Xia Xuan and Li Ba shrank their pupils.

And Leo's gold-plated eyes full of coercion swept over the three of Dayan, clenched his fists, grinned and said: "Come on, let me... blow you up!"


"Huh? Felix and Fantasi from the middle base are gone?"

In the west stronghold, Baker was quite surprised when he received the news, and then he lowered his head and thought.

"Master Baker, what's the matter?" A female officer below asked in a low voice.

This woman is young and beautiful, with elegant and noble demeanor, she looks like an excellent junior in a big family.

Seeing her question, Baker pondered for a while and said, "Felix and Fantasy disappeared, and the last place they disappeared was somewhere in the south, where they found abnormally worn star veins and a broken barrier.

It seems that someone teleported the two of them away through this enchantment, and now Ashlia has predicted the approximate direction. "

The two star envoys were teleported and disappeared?

The following officials were all very surprised!

Since there is an enchantment, it must be done by others, and having this is strength...

Nine times out of ten it is a great inflammation!

Baker stood up and said, "Now I'm going to rush over to support, you guard the camp."

The female officer just now stood up immediately: "Master Baker, let me go with you."

Another officer echoed: "Yes, since they dared to attack the other two star envoys, they might also ambush you. You can bring a few people."



Baker glanced at several people, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "Okay, Avril and Bart, you two can come with me."

In Baker's view, these officials are tools, and they should be used naturally.

"Yes!" The two were excited and excited, and quickly agreed and followed behind.

Although under the command of Virgo, it may not be the beast master.

But the powerful beast masters are almost all under the command of Virgo.

Bart and Avril Lavigne were very good beast masters before they were transferred to receive the divine blessing.

"The rest, guard the stronghold."

After Baker gave his orders, he set off with his two men...

After a long time, Baker took out the map and looked at it.

"It's in this direction, that's right, but it's actually teleported so far, and it hasn't reached the place yet... huh?"

At this moment, Baker suddenly noticed something and took the lead to stop.

"Master Baker, what's the matter?" Bart and Avril Lavigne behind were puzzled.

Baker gestured towards the distance.

The two looked closely, but saw a black unicorn walking slowly on top of a mountain in front of them.

And on the back of the unicorn, there is a young man in a white robe. Looking closely, there seems to be a pattern of seven stars on the white robe.

The young man riding on the back of the unicorn was looking at this side from a distance, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

"That's... Lord Xing!"

Both Bart and Avril Lavigne were astonished, and their expressions turned serious.

As for fear?

That's not the case, after all, there is still a Virgo star envoy in front of the two of them!

Baker slowly flew forward: "It seems that you are waiting for me?"


Mo Fei, who was sitting by Su Yuan, growled slightly, and could faintly feel the dangerous aura coming from this person in the air ahead.

After all, the other party is an astral envoy-level beast master!

But Su Yuan nodded slowly and said: "I thought I would have to wait a while longer, but I didn't expect your actions to be slow."

Seeing that Su Yuan's expression remained unchanged, Baker couldn't help but scrutinize Su Yuan carefully.

"I remember, from the previous information, the seven star kings of Dayan seem to be without you? Is it the new star king?"

"That's right."

Baker smiled and said, "Really? That's just right. You are the new star king and I am the successor star envoy. Let's see which side has higher quality!"

While saying this, Baker suddenly felt a throbbing somewhere in his body.

"what happened?"

Baker frowned darkly, not knowing what was going on.

But at this time, Su Yuan chuckled lightly and said, "You don't need to look any further, because you were defeated by me in your last job."

"Huh?" Baker's pupils shrank suddenly, "Is that you!"

Beck stared at Su Yuan closely, his eyes were full of surprise, he never expected that the one who defeated the first Virgo was actually the person in front of him!

But soon, a slightly paranoid smile appeared on Baker's face.

"That's really great! Since you killed him, then if I kill you again, it will naturally prove that I am more qualified than him to be in this position!"

"Oh?" Su Yuan smiled lightly, "Then you can try it."


Somewhere to the east, Wu Qi was waiting on a flat ground by a lake.

Suddenly, ripples appeared on the calm lake, and it trembled more violently.

Soon, a black-skinned burly man flew down from mid-air, and also stopped by the lake.

"Ah, what a clear lake!" The big man admired the sparkling lake surface in admiration, "It's not like some places, which are full of unbearable and filthy water."

Wu Qi turned sideways and looked at the dark-skinned man not far away with a slightly condensed expression.

Judging from the pattern of Venus on his uniform, he is clearly the Scorpio of the zodiac in the temple, Ruble!

Lu Bu also turned around and said with a smile: "It seems that you are here to intercept me?"

Seeing his expression of no worry and anxiety, Wu Qi couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked coldly, "Aren't you worried about your companion?"

"Companion?" Lu Bu laughed, "We are nothing more than some successful experiments gathered together. How can there be any such thing as companions?"

Wu Qi frowned: "Even so, at least it's a colleague, so you don't feel nothing at all, right?"

Lu Bu opened his hands, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath of the cool, pure air by the lake.

With such a defenseless posture, it seemed that he was not at all worried about Wu Qi's sneak attack.

The bone in Wu Qi's palm was flowing, and he wanted to make a move, but his intuition told Wu Qi that the attack at this time would definitely return in vain...or even fall into a disadvantage!

Lu Bu let out a long breath, as if the filth in his body had been discharged, and the corners of his mouth curled up, showing that he was in a good mood.

Turning around to look at Wu Qi, Lu Bu smiled and said, "Do you feel it? It's not completely gone, of course I'm still a little bit worried.

But since you have done this, there must be arrangements.

For example, arranging you here means that you can hold me for enough time.

In this case, if Felix and the others want to survive, they have to rely on themselves. "

Wu Qi said coldly: "You are quite self-aware."

"Of course, there are more important reasons..." Lu Bu suddenly started to warm up with fitness exercises, "I don't think that, you will definitely eat them."

Wu Qi frowned.

Lu Bu bent down and stretched, and casually said: "It seems that Ashlia's prediction is good, if there is only Philex alone, it will be really difficult.

But now that Fantasi and Felix are together, which side needs support..."

After Lu Bu warmed up, he suddenly stood up straight, his aura changed drastically, and he stared at Wu Qi from afar with deep and dangerous eyes.

"Then... it's really hard to say!"

Wu Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, and every pore on his body felt an extremely dangerous aura from the other party.

The corner of Lu Bu's mouth curled up: "Next, let me see if you have the right to stop me here.

Don't... let me down! "

Wu Qi's eyes turned cold, and a silver bone blade condensed out of his palm while the bones were flowing.

"If you wish, I will kill you!"

The two looked at each other for a while, then bumped into each other...

In the New Dust Realm, the left, middle and right battles between monarchs and envoys are unfolding one after another!

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