Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 443 Destroying the Virgin (Two in One, Happy New Year Everyone!)

"Mur Fei, step back yourself." Su Yuan whispered.

"Yes, Master!"

Murphy responded with excitement in his eyes, and then stepped back to distance himself.

Even though Murphy had never met a star envoy level figure, he could faintly sense the strength of the opponent.

But after seeing Su Yuan's various means, Mo Fei has almost blindly worshiped Su Yuan's strength at this moment, and firmly believes that Su Yuan will win.

However, if you can watch battles at this level with your own eyes, it will be of great benefit to your own practice!

"Beastmaster, aren't you in a hurry to summon the beast?" Su Yuan looked at Baker in the distance, quite puzzled.

Even the first-generation Virgo had to summon the beast as much as possible before the fight, but this next-generation Virgo didn't seem to have any intention of summoning.

But no matter what means the other party has, just try it out!

As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, the Void Cracker hand escaped from the distant void and slapped Baker suddenly from top to bottom.

However, Beck's mouth curled up, and he also raised his left hand, and his flesh and blood suddenly swelled ten times and hit the void tablet cracker in mid-air!


A circle of white air waves swayed in all directions, and the two big hands of flesh and energy were deadlocked in the air!

"Flesh transformation?"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, but the movement did not stop.

With one hand forming a seal at high speed, bursts of silver light suddenly rose from under his feet.

And not far behind Baker, Avril exclaimed: "Bart, under you!"


Bart looked down, only to find that the same silver light as that of Xingtian Xingjun rose from under him.

"This is?!"

With a flash of silver light, the shape-shifting and transposition unfolded, and the two exchanged positions instantly.


Avril looked at Su Yuan who suddenly appeared beside her, and in surprise, she drew out the saber from her waist and stabbed it out.

However, Su Yuan ignored her. After using Bart as a springboard to close the distance, he teleported directly behind Baker in front, and stabbed out with the Yushen Yaodao, which was surging with the power of space.

"Master Baker, be careful!" Avril Lavigne reminded in shock.

But behind Baker, a long black tail suddenly grew and wrapped around the demon knife.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Oh? It's quite hard."

At this moment, a cold light flashed, and Baker's entire right arm turned into a hideous sharp sword, turned around and slashed across!

Su Yuan's figure was slightly blurred, and he avoided the horizontal slash with a partial shift, and then the long knife shook away, shaking off the long black tail wrapped around it, and pulled his hand back.

At this moment, Baker's left hand swelled ten times, his right hand was like a sharp sword, and there was a long black tail behind him...

Su Yuan looked at the Virgo who looked like a synthetic monster, and also vaguely understood the opponent's ability.

"The previous Virgo was able to fuse all the beasts, but this generation of Virgos are able to fuse themselves with the beasts?

Or to be more precise... It is to fuse the imperial beast as a certain part into himself! "

Indeed, just as Su Yuan thought.

Virgo represents the "envoy" and is in charge of the "beast".

However, Baker did not manipulate the beast to fight, but strengthened and integrated the power of the beast into himself!

The gluttonous hand of the gluttonous demon, the king crocodile tail of the king crocodile of hell, the extremely evil sword of the extremely evil sword monster!

After being strengthened by the power of the soul, each one is a biochemical equipment comparable to epic quality!

"How about it, my transformed state!" Baker grinned and looked at Su Yuan, as if he was very satisfied with his powerful form!

Su Yuan sized it up for a while, but said with a smile: "It's just an ugly monster that's not a human, nor a ghost."

The smile on Baker's face suddenly stagnated, and then his expression became extremely gloomy, and his muscles tensed. At the same time, an increasingly terrifying aura rose from his body.

"Are you angry?" Su Yuan chuckled lightly.

With the sound of the sonic boom, Baker shot out violently, and at the same time swung his violently inflated Gluttony left arm towards Su Yuan.

"But it's useless to be angry..."

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and the stars on his body were shining brightly, but he directly unfolded the Starry Sky Super Body.

Facing the giant fist of gluttony that was bigger than his own body, Su Yuan clenched his left hand into a fist and punched it out!


Two fists of completely unequal sizes collided, but the left arm of the huge gluttonous demon was directly collapsed, and there was a lot of blood on it!

Baker's pupils trembled: "How could he have such a strong power!"

As for Su Yuan's figure flickered, he chased after the victory and killed him again!

The Yushen Demon Sword is opposed to the Extreme Demon Sword, and there is also the left hand that unfolds the starry sky body, the void tablet hand to fight Baker's gluttonous left hand, and the king crocodile monster tail.

The high-speed fight between the two sides, the aftermath alone made Murphy, who is good at the physical body, feel frightened, and Bart and Avril under Baker's command even retreated far away.

Su Yuan fought left and right, and with his domineering starry sky body, he gradually suppressed Baker in a short time.


There was a loud crash, and both sides retreated.

Su Yuan looked as usual, but Baker already had many injuries on his body, but these injuries were recovering from scabs visible to the naked eye.

"Strong recovery ability, even if it is not as high-speed regeneration, it will not be much worse."

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes floated, and he could see Baker's heart, where there was a steady stream of vigorous vitality rushing to all parts of his body with the high-speed beating of the heart.

The heart of the dragon!

The most powerful thing in the Demon Dragon Clan is vitality.

With this heart, it can provide Baker with infinite physical strength and recovery ability!

"Whether you can kill him or not, you have to destroy this heart first!"

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the power of space in his eyes gathered rapidly, emitting even more shocking fluctuations.

"This is?!"

Baker's complexion changed, and there was a strong sense of crisis in his heart, and he was about to take action.

And Su Yuan made a false move with his left hand, and twelve empty locks rushed out from the surrounding void immediately!

Compared with strength and physique, Baker didn't seem to have much advantage in speed, and he couldn't dodge as well as being entangled by many empty locks on the spot.

"not good!"

Baker's heart skipped a beat, powerful forces were about to break free from these empty locks.

However, the overflowing silver light has burst out from Su Yuan's right eye!

In an instant, a big hole appeared on Baker's chest, and the heart of the magic dragon was pierced by the hole on the spot!

Beck's body trembled, and then his divine light dimmed, and he froze in place.

"Master Baker!"

Avril Lavigne and Bart, who were watching the battle, both changed their expressions drastically. They didn't expect that the battle would end like this!

But Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, under the all-knowing vision, a wave of energy was gathering from the tail of the king crocodile behind Baker towards his body.

The heart of the dragon that was pierced into nothingness and even the big hole in his chest all recovered in the blink of an eye.

But at the same time, the king crocodile tail behind Baker was disconnected.

"Damn, what kind of skill is this!"

Beck looked at Su Yuan in the distance in surprise, his face turned pale.

Half of it is the side effect of King Crocodile Monster Tail after saving his life, and the other half is scare.

Baker moved irregularly at high speed while looking at Su Yuan with extreme vigilance.

However, Su Yuan not only half-closed his right eye, which had just performed the technique, but his breath also faintly slipped a little.

"That skill doesn't seem to be able to be used continuously?"

Baker quickly realized this, and at the same time, the panic in his heart gradually calmed down.

"Is it a technique to survive by docking the tail?"

Su Yuan's eyes froze slightly, such a skill is probably considered top-notch among the epic ranks.

And this is probably the ability of the opponent's king crocodile tail.

Su Yuan felt a faint tingling pain in his right eye, the consumption and side effects of the hole are still quite large, and it may be difficult to use it for the second time.

"In this case, the one-hit kill Dongxu has been replaced...

But what was replaced was the opponent's life-saving skills, so that's not too bad.

Since this is the case, I see how long you can go on...Qing Ming descends! "

Su Yuan's eyes turned cold, and a layer of dark ripples immediately spread away in all directions!

Baker was still startled by the blow that almost killed him just now, when he saw black ripples spread over.

"Domain skills?"

Baker frowned. Domain skills are the most difficult skills. They are full of strange things. I don't know what the opponent's domain is for...


At this moment, a thunderbolt crashed down on the head!

"Oh? That's it?"

Seeing this scene, Beck secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and raised his gluttonous left hand and swelled up to block it above his head.

Facing the oncoming thunderbolt, he opened a bloody mouth in his palm and directly swallowed the thunderbolt in. With a little bit of chewing, he completely swallowed up the thunderbolt!

Baker grinned: "This thunder is not weak... But, this level is useless to me!"

Su Yuan's expression was normal, and he controlled the thunder lights of different colors to fall one after another.

However, whether it is gold thunder, fire thunder, wood thunder...all were swallowed by the huge mouth of the gluttonous left hand!

"A devil's hand that can devour energy..." Su Yuan looked at this scene, thinking quickly in his heart.

Thinking about the good, the opponent's devouring has an upper limit, once the upper limit is reached, they will not be able to continue devouring energy attacks or even suffer backlash.

If this is the case, the Wulei Tiangang formation with the phoenix veins as the energy source can naturally fill him up!

But thinking about it badly, the opponent's left arm may be able to swallow energy infinitely.

For star envoys, the development of this level of ability is completely possible.

In any case, in both cases, there is the same solution.

That is, directly increase the power to the point where it can't bear it!

Su Yuan made a decision in the blink of an eye, and raised his hand to pinch a five-color seal formula.

And the next moment, the thunder that was falling continuously in the thunder formation suddenly stopped.

"Oh? Have you given up?" Baker said with a smile.

But at this moment, the entire high-altitude roared violently, but suddenly there was a more intense energy fluctuation!

But seeing the five-color thunder light continuously coming from all directions, gradually forming a group of five-color divine thunder that makes one's scalp tingle!

"This is?!"

Baker looked up at the sky, but there was a strong feeling of fright in his heart!

Gengjin Jielei, Binghuoyang Lei, Kuishui Yinlei, Wutu Minglei, Yimu Zhenglei, the five kinds of thunder and lightning combined are Chaos Divine Thunder.

Although the five-thunder Tiangang formation is imitated by the formation method, the five-color thunder combined by five kinds of lightning in the formation also has part of the power of the chaotic god thunder!

Chaos god thunder, conquers all things in the world, and can return everything to chaos.

And this blow of five thunders combined is the strongest blow of the five thunders and Tiangang formation!

At this moment, Baker was astonished, and immediately started to move around the field irregularly and at high speed!

But at this moment, a thunder light suddenly came out from Baker's left hand, forming a large thunder and lightning mark, faintly pulling the five-color divine thunder above the sky.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Baker didn't know that this blow might be inevitable!

Baker turned his head to look at Su Yuan in the distance, after a little thought, he rushed over, obviously wanting Su Yuan to suffer the same blow.

However, Su Yuan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the many silver light horses under his body rose, but it was another transformation of shape!

The next moment, Bart in the distance was replaced again.

"Master Baker?!"

Bart was replaced again, and he couldn't help being stunned when he saw Baker rushing towards him, and then his expression changed drastically.

"Zi la, zi la..."

Before the two of them could make any further moves, the five-colored thunder light above their heads had already gathered momentum to the extreme.

"Smash him, five-color divine thunder!"

Su Yuan gave an order, and the five-color thunder light entangled and hissed and crashed down, the space where it passed was distorted, and even the air was crushed into a vacuum by its shattering!

"Damn it!..."

Baker's eyelids twitched, and he pushed Gluttony's left arm with all his strength, with blue veins on it, and his huge mouth opened to the extreme to swallow the five-color divine thunder that was falling rapidly!


When the two came into contact, Baker's overeating left arm swelled and trembled violently as if he had indigestion, like a water polo that was about to reach its limit.

After a moment of stalemate, Gluttony's left arm exploded under the destructive five-color thunder!

God thunder burst!

The gorgeous five-color brilliance shot out in all directions, causing Avril and Murphy outside to squint their eyes.

"Zi la...Zi la!!"

After a while, the dazzling thunder light gradually dissipated, and the Wulei Tiangang formation also shut down, and was put away by Su Yuan and the Qingming Realm.

Baker staggered out of mid-air, his entire left arm had completely disappeared, his whole body was blasted to a bloody mess, and his breath was much weaker.

As for Officer Bart?

It was directly blasted into scum!

"Damn it!"

Beck looked at Su Yuan with a gloomy expression, but in a flash, he flew to Avril next to her.

"Master Baker?"

Avril looked at Baker who was covered in injuries, with a bit of surprise and worry in her eyes.

He never expected that Star Envoy Baker would be forced to such a point in the fight with Xuntiansi Xingjun!

Even Bart died so suddenly.

Fortunately, that Xingjun replaced Bart, if it was himself who was replaced just now...

I don't know what Master Baker is going to do when he comes back at this time. Could it be... is he going to retreat?

Baker put his hand on Avril's shoulder: "Avril, I need your strength."

Avril Lavigne clenched her fists tightly, knowing that Star Baker might be trying to delay her opponent.

Although I am very afraid of the Xingtian Lord Xingtian, whether it is the reverence for the strong beast master, or the duty of being an official...

Avril just thought for a moment before nodding in a deep voice: "My lord, I will go to the soup for you...!"

Before Avril finished speaking, Baker couldn't wait.

I saw his bloody abdomen suddenly split to the sides, revealing a black hole of flesh and blood with sharp teeth, like the ferocious mouth of an ogre.

Such a penetrating and terrifying scene immediately made Avril's hairs fall down!

"Master Baker, you are... no! Ah!!..."

A big stinky tongue rushed out of the black hole of flesh and blood in the abdominal cavity, rolled up Avril Lavigne and dragged it in.

Accompanied by the screams and the sound of flesh and bones being crushed, bursts of strong vitality rose up from Baker's body, and his bloody body recovered in just a short moment at a speed comparable to high-speed regeneration, except for the severed left hand.

Gluttonous left hand, king crocodile tail, extremely devil sword, heart of dragon...

And this huge abdominal cavity was transformed by Baker's last Beast Familiar, the ability - life sacrifice!

"You are really cruel enough to kill your own people like this..." Seeing this scene, Su Yuan's eyes could not help but burst into a cold light.

Su Yuan himself is not a pure and good person, he also killed countless people and never showed mercy, but that was all against the enemy.

Killing the subordinates who respected him... Even Su Yuan couldn't see it.

Baker grinned: "Subordinate, it was originally used to serve me. It's enough to let me win the battle, whether it's as combat power, a tool, or as... a sacrifice."

Su Yuan sneered and said, "Not only do you look like a human on the outside, but you don't look like a ghost. Have you turned into a monster in your heart? If that's the case, then we have to cut you off as soon as possible!"

All 365 stars on his body lit up, Su Yuan stepped out and appeared in front of Baker, and suddenly slashed out!

Baker swung his sword to resist, but the terrifying force of the Starry Sky Hegemony directly knocked him back.

"Do you really think I have no backup?" Beck suddenly laughed, but seeing his left shoulder was full of blood and flesh, a human head actually grew out, staring straight at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan saw the head clearly, but he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"The first-generation Virgo?"

This head is obviously the first-generation Virgo who was once defeated by him.

"That's right, it's him!" Baker laughed maniacally. "My left arm of gluttony can also seal part of the power essence of devouring creatures in the body.

And the power essence of the first-generation Virgo, I think you have already seen it... It is his fused Moon Star Beast!

It is also thanks to you that you defeated him, Master Constantine will swallow him up for me, and I also want to thank you! "

Baker grinned grimly: "Come on, let you feel the power of the first-generation Virgo again. He seems to be very excited to see you now!"

After Baker finished speaking, the flesh and blood on his body suddenly swelled up!

Although there were no double-headed, fish-tailed things like the Huiyue Fusion Beast before it appeared.

But the size of the whole person has rapidly increased to more than ten feet tall, and even the breath in his body has become extremely terrifying, infinitely approaching Huiyue!

"It's amazing..."

Su Yuan looked at this scene, and his expression became serious.

"Ah... this power!!" Feeling the power in his body, Baker couldn't help moaning loudly, "This power is so intoxicating!

Although I didn't use this to break through to Huiyue, but because its power is fused into my body, it can be completely used by me!

As far as I know, even that guy can't control his Huiyue Fusion Familiar well. "

Baker was intoxicated with himself, swung the black thorn sword that had grown bigger year-on-year, and rushed towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan raised his hand, and under the blessing of the body of the starry sky, the wall of broken space with bright starlight flowed in front of him.

Baker laughed wildly and stabbed out with a sword: "Break it!"

The stardust trembled, and the silver light collapsed!

However, the Wall of Breaking Void collapsed after holding on for a few seconds under Baker's sword!

"It's amazing..." Su Yuan's eyes froze slightly.

"Now you are vulnerable in front of me!" Baker grinned, and then punched Su Yuan.

The silver light on Su Yuan's body flickered and he teleported away.

Baker pursued him closely, his huge body could cover a distance of tens of meters in one step, and he chased him again in a blink of an eye!

"I see how long you can hide with this teleportation!"

However, Su Yuan didn't run away any more, while the black light in his palm flowed, he pointed at Baker in front.

"The void is shattered, twisting the black hole!"

With one finger, centering on Baker's more than ten feet tall body, the entire space in front of him seemed to be in a moment of stagnation, and then countless cracks appeared one after another.

The next moment, a large area of ​​space suddenly shattered like glass shattering, and turned into a pitch-black collapsed space in an instant!


There was a scream.

The terrifying force of shattering and collapsing violently tore Baker's huge body into pieces. Countless pieces of meat were torn apart crazily, and flesh and blood flew everywhere!

"Damn, what kind of skill is this!!"

Baker exclaimed, he didn't expect Su Yuan to have such a powerful method.

This human being, how come all kinds of tricks emerge one after another, as if they can't run out!

Horrified, Baker struggled to escape from this broken space.

However, the entire shattered space formed a spiral-like twisted pattern, and the extremely strong traction force restricted Baker's huge body in place!

The enhanced effect of Void Shattering - Twisting Black Hole.

Let all the enemies in the shattered void bear the twisted traction like a vortex, and keep converging towards the central point, making it difficult to escape!

It is a super powerful AOE attack skill, but now it has additional control to make the enemy take full damage!

Of course, this trick still has two disadvantages.

One is continuous casting, this Su Yuan can maintain it with one hand.

Another shortcoming... is the common problem of AOE skills - super high consumption!


Faced with such a terrifying skill, Baker's super-large size actually made the wounded area even bigger!

Starting from the surface of the body, all parts of the body were twisted into rotten meat residues by the force of space shattering!

"The dragon erupts!!"

Baker tried his best to protect his head with both arms, and with a loud shout, the heart of the dragon inside his body beat like a drum, and a large amount of vitality rushed from the heart to all parts of his body like a tide.

Under the powerful vitality, Baker's whole body swelled with granulation, and the flesh and blood of his hands, feet, and all over his body grew rapidly as if regenerating at a super speed!

It seems that as long as there is this beating heart, everything is not a problem!

Su Yuan raised his brows: "Even the heart of a high-level demon dragon is not so terrifying, is it? This star envoy-level soul power has really strengthened it to an astonishing level..."

But Baker shouted in pain and madness: "If this blow can't kill me, you will die next!"

Su Yuan sneered, not paying attention at all.

How can there be no limit to such a perverted regeneration technique?

Not to mention how long his high-speed rebirth state can last, and whether he can survive the void shattering.

Even if he can support the past and fully recover his body, after the outbreak of the Dragon Heart, he might have to shut down like his five-color god thunder and Dongxu, and even have stronger side effects!

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Su Yuan sneered, and with a thought, suddenly countless dense golden lights rushed out of his body.

At the same time, Su Yuan's body suddenly became blurred, turning into a golden phantom, constantly changing in the retrospective time.

And for a moment, as if the choice was confirmed, the ever-changing golden phantom in the dense golden light must have emitted a dazzling golden light, and condensed again to become Su Yuan's real body.

The silver pupils are like stars, and the star power is like a tide, but Su Yuan has recovered to his peak state in a flash!

Time-based skills, turn back time!

But Su Yuan didn't stop, and the power of space in his eyes quickly gathered like substance.

It is the hole!

The hole itself has no cooling time, and it is only difficult to use it continuously because of the intense consumption of physical strength and side effects.

And now, turning back the time, smoothing out the consumption, and dispelling the side effects, it is naturally ready again!

At this moment, Beck, who was in the twisting void, suddenly had a strong warning in his heart.

Enduring the severe pain, seeing the bright silver light swirling in Su Yuan's eyes, his complexion changed drastically!

"It's that trick again, how come?!"

Su Yuan's eyes turned cold: "Dong Xu!"

As far as the line of sight passes, everything returns to ruins, and everything is instantly pierced into nothingness!

Baker only felt a pain in his chest, and when he looked down, his beating heart had turned into a big hole!


The icy chill swept through the whole body, and if he lost the heart of the dragon, he would die, not to mention that he would die, and the flesh and blood that had been erased outside his body would not have the power to regenerate.

Flesh and blood flew across the twisted black hole in an instant, but in just a few seconds, Baker was twisted into a large amount of minced meat by the force of the constantly collapsing space and disappeared completely in the twisted black hole!

A silver light floated in Su Yuan's eyes, confirming that the other party had completely disappeared from the world, and when he raised his hand, it dissipated and the void shattered.

Some dissipated star power still echoed in the field, and the restless airflow gradually calmed down.

Virgo Baker...die!

It's a little late today~

Immediately 2023, Yunshang wishes everyone a happy new year! ! !

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