Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 444 Fantasy (Two in One)

"Master...won?!" Mo Fei kept rubbing his front hooves on the ground excitedly, "It's too strong!!"

Mo Fei looked at Su Yuan with fanaticism and admiration in his eyes.

Although he knew in his heart that the enemy was not weak this time, not only did the master make a special trip here, but he also felt an extremely dangerous and terrifying aura.

But following the fight, the strength shown by the opponent was even more terrifying than expected.

But even so, the master still won!

Moreover, he suppressed the opponent from the beginning, and finally ended the battle with supernatural powers!

If this were to go up by himself... I'm afraid he would be turned into a meat paste in just a few rounds!


In mid-air, Su Yuan put away the Yushen Yaodao, looked at the place where Virgo dissipated and thought for a while.

"Although you lost half of your powerful skills because of Yaopo's absence, the successor Virgo is indeed a little trickier than the previous first-generation Virgo.

In addition... in the case of separating the demon soul, he still lacks some powerful means of attack.

In addition to using formations to make up for it, there should also be other martial arts. "

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, "Three Ones" was assigned to the demon incarnation. After all, using divine fire as energy can exert a stronger power, and later combined with wind and thunder, it has infinite potential.

Then I still need a martial skill.

"The third floor of the Xingzang Room..." Su Yuan locked his thoughts on the third floor of the Xingzang Room.

In the third floor, there are also space-type skills with tens of thousands of combat achievements!

"It's a pity that the space ring of this Virgo was also shredded by the shattering of the void, and I don't know what good things it has."

Su Yuan looked at the void with no residue left. Under such terrifying energy fluctuations, it is impossible for the ordinary space ring to survive without the protection of the user's star power.

And the items inside were either shredded by the power of space, or entered into the turbulent flow of space, which was completely difficult to find.

Shaking his head regretfully, Su Yuan withdrew his thoughts and took out the "Yu Heng Ling".

"It seems that there is still a fierce battle..." Su Yuan checked the token, his eyes moved slightly.

The tokens of the seven star kings come in sets, and within a certain range, they can perceive the status of several other people.

But at this moment, I can't feel any connection.

This means that Xia Xuan, Shen Die and others are still in the ambush barrier that was specially set up, cutting off perception and communication.

It stands to reason that Shen Die and the others fought first on the middle battlefield, and they had a numerical advantage, so they should have ended the battle early.

But it's not over yet, it can only be that the battle has reached a stalemate...

"Leo and Aquarius..."

Su Yuan's eyes flickered, and he teleported directly to Mo Fei's back, and the silver light of his hands opened the door of space.

"Mur Fei, head southeast, and go at full speed." Su Yuan also knew the battle location in the middle battlefield, and immediately ordered Mo Fei to go with all his strength.

"Yes, Master!"

Mo Fei responded excitedly, then jumped into the gate of space and rushed towards the middle battlefield...

Middle battlefield.

The star power exploded, the flames surged, and the sound of violent clashes never stopped!

Leo Felix has golden beard and hair, and his skin is as if poured with gold. He is unparalleled in power and collides with Li Ba domineeringly at high speed.

And Li Ba's body was constantly filled with white energy, and it seemed that he had undergone some kind of strengthening. His physical fitness was greatly improved, but he was able to fight against Philex!

As for Xia Xuan, she unfolded the blue and red two-color sacred fire lotus platform.

Holding the Death of the Divine Bird, a burst of flaming arrows shot out from Xia Xuan's hand, leaving several wounds on Felix's body.

Facing the astonishing defense of the Divine Fire Lotus Platform, Felix couldn't help Xia Xuan for a while.

In this way, Xia Xuan and Li Ba gradually suppressed Leo under the more tacit cooperation.

As for Shen Die, she was still keeping a close eye on Aquarius Vatican from outside the battlefield.

"It's no wonder that Aquarius is not in a hurry at all. The defense of this Leo is probably not comparable to anyone in the shining star."

Although the situation is developing in a good direction, Shen Die still has serious eyes in his eyes.

Suppression is suppression, if there is no more powerful means, Xia Xuan and Li Ba will probably have a hard time breaking through the golden body of Leo!

At this moment, Xia Xuan and Li Ba also realized this, and intensified their offensive by coincidence.

With a thought in Xia Xuan's mind, the green and red divine fires rushed out together on the bowstring, compressed at high speed and condensed into a fire arrow, and finally there was a violent eagle's cry from the bowstring!

On Li Ba's fists, the two balls of white qi turned into the shape of a dragon and a tiger respectively, and then combined together, the tiger roared and the dragon groaned, and they punched out like a qigong!

"Flying Bird Collection - Fire Condor!"

"Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger!"

Facing the powerful skills of the two fully deployed, Felex's expression froze, dazzling golden light gathered on his hands, and he grabbed at Vulcan Eagle Arrow and Longhu Jinqi together!


The golden paw prints flashed past, and immediately caught all the attacks of the two!

The flames exploded and the white air surged, but two strong energies flooded Philex.

"How is it!" Xia Xuan and Li Ba were staring at the bursting and churning flames in the arena, wondering if this joint attack could really hurt Philex.

However, at this moment, a sneer came from the tumbling flames.

"Fancy show!"

Both Xia Xuan and Li Ba's eyes sank.

And the next moment, seeing the golden light flashing, an incomparably sharp golden gang claw print shot out from the gradually dissipating aura, and hurriedly grabbed Li Ba who was nearby!

"not good!"

Li Ba's expression changed slightly, and he hastily crossed his white-flowing arms to block in front of him.

However, Felix's golden gang paw prints directly tore apart Bai Qi and scratched Li Ba's hard skin, and blood flew instantly, leaving a deep and long terrifying scratch!

"This attack has at least gone up a notch!" Li Ba was horrified.

Looking up, Felix walked out of the spiritual flame, and his injuries were obviously heavier than before. Obviously, the combined attack of Xia Xuan just now was not completely ineffective.

But these injuries were not enough to severely damage Felix, who had an amazing defense.

On the contrary, with the emergence of these injuries, there was some dense blood lingering on Felix's body, and his hands turned into golden claws like a lion king!

"This injury is just enough," Philek raised a pair of sharp claws, "This is my complete body, Golden Lion King!"

Felix grinned and said, "Lion King, cross hunting!"

With a wave of both claws, two golden gang claw prints crossed in front of him, and suddenly stretched to more than ten meters to catch Li Ba together!

However, even though Li Ba was not flustered, he put his left hand on his chest, and it was as if a seal had been released, and four colors of green, white, red, and black brilliance jumped out of it and lingered around him.

Looking closely, it turned out to be phantoms of four spirit beasts, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu!

"Sixiang Hua Xuanwu!"

The black light flourished, and the xuanwu phantom instantly swelled up and enveloped Li Ba's body.

The cross-hunting golden gang claws staggered on the shadow of Xuanwu, and there was a sharp sound like cutting metal. Although it was cut into pieces, it was firmly blocked!

And Li Ba's eyes lit up, among the other three spirit beast phantoms lingering around his body, the Qinglong phantom replaced the Xuanwu phantom as soon as it flourished.

"Four Phrases Transformation Green Dragon!"

Li Ba jumped out with the shadow of the green dragon wrapped around him, and punched Philex!

"Dare to come here, court death!"

Felix snorted coldly, his body glowed with golden light, he clenched his palms into fists and punched him in the same way!


With a muffled sound, the golden claws collided with the green dragon's fist, but both were pushed back.

"Oh? It seems to be much stronger!" Felix frowned slightly as he looked at Li Ba, who was surrounded by the phantom of the green dragon in front of him.

[Four Elephants Divine Art], this is Li Ba's major, the top-level martial arts enhancement skill that has been practiced to the realm!

The green dragon focuses on strength and physique, the white tiger focuses on speed, the Suzaku focuses on star power, and the Xuanwu focuses on defense.

The enhancements of the four elephants have their own targets, and each of them has a level of enhancement above T1 in their respective enhancements, and each comes with a martial arts trick!

Without giving Felex too much time to look at him, Li Ba steadied his figure and kicked his feet and killed him again!

"Bang bang bang!..."

The fists and feet collided between the two, but it was as if shells were constantly exploding. Not only was there a loud noise, but even the ground was riddled with holes and devastated by the aftermath of the battle!

While Li Ba was entangled with Philex, the blue and red colors on Xia Xuan's bowstring intertwined and flowed, gradually converging into a flaming light arrow full of white runes.

It is the arrow of God's Extinction!


Xia Xuan's eyes turned cold, and the arrows of God's Extinguisher from the green and red twin fires shot straight towards Felix.

The god-killing arrow under the blessing of the double divine fire is arguably the strongest attack Xia Xuan has made so far. The terrifying power even slightly distorts the air along the way!

Felix's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately noticed the two-color fire arrows shooting from a distance, his expression became serious, and he was about to retreat.

But how could Li Ba let him get what he wanted?

"Sixianghua·White Tiger, full of phantoms!"

Li Ba directly unfolded the white tiger face, and then split into four parts, entangled Felix tightly.

Felix's complexion changed slightly, and the blue and red arrow of God Destroyer arrived in no time, and shot at Felix's right waist in an instant!

The golden skin sunken visibly to the naked eye under the arrow of God Destroyer.

Feeling the power on it, Philex's pupils shrank instantly.

"not good!"

The next moment, Felix was shot obliquely to the ground by the Arrow of God's Destroyer!


The ground shook violently, and the green and red flames exploded like a huge fire lotus blooming gorgeously!

"Under this arrow, I'm afraid it will be difficult for anyone to block it! This new Tianxuan, the attack strength is really amazing..." Li Ba looked at the bursting two-color flame, and secretly smacked his lips.

I'm afraid even my own basalt elephant can't catch it!

Thinking of this, Li Ba couldn't help but recognize Xia Xuan even more.

Shen Die in the distance was quite startled, and even Fan Taixi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Shenhuo... two kinds of Shenhuo, really powerful."

Fantaixi looked again at Xia Xuan who was holding a longbow and the two-color lotus flower slowly rotating under her, and then moved his gaze to the howling flames.

"But it's fine for others, what Felix said..." Fantaixi smiled meaningfully, "This alone will only speed up his anger!"

The flames gradually dissipated, revealing the situation inside.

I saw that the small half of the golden body on the right side of Felix had been torn open, and it was bloody and bloody, but he still stood up firmly.

"It's not dead yet!" Xia Xuan and Li Ba couldn't help but frowned.

Felix's eyes were fixed, but the originally manic aura became extremely deep at this moment, and he walked out step by step from the gradually dissipating flames.

"Before I came to Xinchen Realm, no one had ever hurt me to this extent, but now, in less than two months, I have entered the state of 'angry injury' twice in a row..."

As Leo walked out step by step, the blood flowing on his body gradually changed from bright red to golden color, and it continued to overflow from the pores and linger around his body, like boiling golden air!

The sharp claws became sharper, the golden body became deeper, and the aura on his body became higher again!

"A lion who is angry because of bloodshed is the strongest lion!"

Felex spit out cold and fierce words, a pair of golden pupils suddenly glanced at Xia Xuan in the distance, and disappeared from the spot in a flash!

"So fast!"

Li Ba's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't even react!

But at this time, Felix rushed to Xia Xuan suddenly, and grabbed it with one claw!


The golden paw prints were caught, and there were two colors of blue and red flames rising from the lotus platform.

However, the originally unbreakable lotus platform brilliance was torn apart by the golden claws!

"His attack is even fiercer!"

Xia Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and she immediately pulled up the long bow, and the two-color divine fire gathered on the bowstring.

But such a short distance is really not friendly to archers, but seeing the golden light flash, Felix has already moved around the lotus platform at high speed like a phantom, making it impossible for Xia Xuan to aim at it!

The green and red flames rushed towards Philex, but at this moment, Philex's golden body was simply terrifying, and he was not afraid of the burning of the lotus platform flames at all!

The golden claws that were powerful enough to destroy gold and broken jade continued to tear apart the defensive flame rising from the lotus platform, gradually tearing it apart.

Seeing this, Li Ba rushed out at a high speed as soon as the phantom of the white tiger appeared on his body, and was about to step forward to help.

But at this moment, a sacred and majestic temple wall appeared out of thin air and blocked the front!


Li Ba couldn't brake in time, and directly bumped into it, but with a muffled grunt, he was knocked back by the shock.

I saw a figure stepping on the city wall, it was the Aquarius Vatican who had never made a move!

"Since Felix has already aroused all his strength, we can't let you go there to disrupt the situation." Fantaixi looked at Li Ba below, and smiled with a corner of his mouth, "Let him tear that woman apart first!"

"Oh? Have you finally made a move? I thought you could only watch!" Li Ba narrowed his eyes and rushed towards Felix suddenly.

However, Felix jumped back, and the sacred city wall in front of him was once again raised to block Li Ba.

Li Ba snorted coldly, the phantom on his body changed, and after the Sixiang Huaqinglong unfolded, he punched several times in a row, finally smashing the wall of the temple in front of him.

However, behind, there are still two full city walls!

"MD, what is this!" Li Ba's expression changed slightly.

And Shen Die at the side has also moved, and the purple light floating on her body turned into an arc of light and rushed towards Xia Xuan in the distance.

But before flying far, Fantaixi raised his finger, and a gorgeous birdcage made of metal and rock appeared to trap Shen Die in it!

Shen Die was trapped in it like a bird in a cage, but she still couldn't find the exit.

"It's really easy." The corners of Fantaixi's mouth curled up.

Just raising his hand, he already stopped Li Ba and Shen Die alone!

"Damn it, what's going on with this guy!"

Li Ba was a little irritable. Seeing that Xia Xuan's defense was about to be torn apart, he became even more irritable.

But Fan Taixi said with a slight smile: "Compared to worrying about others, you should worry about yourself..."

With a thought in Fantaixi's mind, Aurora, Frostbolt, Thunderbolt, Meteorite...

All kinds of astonishingly powerful spells seemed to come from a single thought, and they were densely formed outside Fan Taixi's body in a blink of an eye, and then overwhelmingly poured towards Li Ba behind the wall and Shen Die in the cage!

"Could it be an illusion to cast so many skills in an instant?"

Suspicious in Li Ba's heart, his fists surged with white energy, and he struck at the many star power attacks flying towards him.

However, at the next moment, as various attacks exploded around him, Li Ba's complexion suddenly changed.

Isn't this an illusion?

There are so many skills formed in an instant, and many of them are epic skills, this...how is this possible!

Shocked, Li Ba's green dragon phantom turned into Xuanwu, and defended with all his strength!

However, Shen Die was directly energized, and his body scattered into hundreds of purple butterflies, which flexibly shuttled among the numerous star power attacks.

From Shen Die's point of view, even though he didn't know how it was done, it was absolutely difficult to control so many different types of attacks.

Sure enough, Shen Die easily flashed all the skills without touching a single leaf among the thousands of flowers.

Afterwards, thousands of purple butterflies gathered in one place and turned back into Shen Die holding a glazed sword.

Shen Die closed her eyes slightly, but when she opened them again, purple light burst out.

"Shen Meng strikes!"

Shen Die cut the air with a knife, and the next moment, the birdcage in front was suddenly cut open by some invisible attack like tofu with a hole tens of meters long.

Shen Die swayed slightly, and then deftly jumped out of it.

But before Shen Die could support Xia Xuan, another giant arena suddenly appeared at his feet.

In an instant, Shen Die felt that she seemed to have entered a kind of strong rules. Looking up, Fan Taixi was standing in the center of the arena.

And this rule, vaguely seems to be...

You can't leave here without defeating the opponent!

Shen Die's eyes froze slightly, since Xia Xuan could not be supported in a short time, there was no rush, and she simply waited where she was.


Soon, with a loud noise, Li Ba also blasted through the last wall of the temple that was blocking the front and rushed out, entering the arena.

"What is this!" Li Ba's expression darkened.

After finally breaking these three broken walls, why is there another shit duel field now!

Looking at the precarious Shenhuo Liantai under the continuous attack of Philex, Li Ba felt a little anxious.

"Damn it, where is Xia Xingjun..."

Shen Die next to him said calmly: "Li Ba, now I can only trust her. The guy in front of me is a bit weird. Let's deal with him first."

"But Xia Xingjun is the only one in charge, and he's also an archer..."

Shen Die raised her eyebrows and said, "Even so, she is still Xingjun!"

Li Ba suffocated, then sighed secretly.

"You're right." Li Ba temporarily put away his worries, and looked solemnly at Fantaixi ahead, "Then deal with this guy first!"

Shen Die nodded, looked at Fantaixi and the duel field under her feet, and thought quickly in her heart.

Whether it's the previous skills or the dueling field at this moment, it seems that the opponent is not using spells.

This is completely unreasonable, even if it is a skill that does not require seals, it must have the circulation and release of star power.

But these processes have not been seen in this Aquarius, as if they "appeared out of thin air", it is simply incredible!

Seeing Li Ba also enter the duel field, Fantaixi clapped his hands and praised:

"Oh, breaking through the 'cage of the bird of heaven' and the 'triple wall of the city of God' so quickly, the two of you are worthy of being Star Lords, amazing!

But this duel field, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out for a while..."

Li Ba asked straightforwardly: "What do you mean!"

Fantaixi smiled, and generously explained to the two: "This duel field is called 'Death Match Duel Field', and the rule here is that you must kill at least one person before you can leave.

But I'm not easy to kill, if you are in a hurry to go out, you can go out by giving the head to the other party~"

Li Ba immediately scolded angrily: "You think we are stupid, idiot!"

Fan Taixi smiled cheerfully, while Shen Die touched her forehead feeling a little ashamed.

"These spells you cast are illusions turned into reality?" Shen Die put down her hands and asked.

"Illusion to reality?" Fantaixi laughed, "How is it possible, that thing is too low-level, how can it be compared with my ability!"

Shen Die frowned: "What is that? Those spells don't seem to have been performed in advance, how could it be done in other ways."

Seeing Shen Die's incomprehensible appearance, Fan Taixi couldn't help curling up the corners of his mouth, and the smile on his face grew wider.

"It seems that you are amazed, it's hard to imagine? Indeed, for you and other mortals, my ability like the one chosen by heaven is indeed unimaginable."

Fantaixi smiled and said: "Because my ability is...fantasy!"


Li Ba frowned, still unable to understand what it meant.

However, Shen Die's pupils shrank slightly, and she understood it all at once.

"Fantasy...?" Qing Liang came out of Shen Die's mouth with some doubts, "So, the previous birdcage, triple stone wall, and even the duel field under your feet... are all imagined by you. ?”

Fantaixi smiled and said, "That's right."

Shen Die took a deep breath.

Li Ba's eyes widened: "This?!"

For Li Ba, who is good at boxing and martial arts and likes to fight head-to-head, this kind of ability is really beyond the standard.

But Shen Die said calmly: "Fantasy, it sounds very powerful, but until now, the things you imagined are all skills.

It seems that there are also many restrictions in this. "

"Oh? You are very sharp." Fantaixi narrowed his eyes slightly, but then smiled, "Anyway, it is enough to deal with you!"

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