Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 448: Preparing for Battle

Three or four days later, at the outpost outside No. 4 stronghold in the northwest of the four major strongholds of Dayan.

"Huh? Pay attention, it seems that someone is rushing over, moving very fast!"

A second lieutenant who was on duty at the sentry post seemed to notice something and spoke immediately.

A group of soldiers around the sentry immediately cheered up. Captain Li Huan even took out a star power telescope and looked into the distance.

"That's the Xingjun... people? It seems to be several Xingjun, and Su Xingjun is also there!"

In a moment, Su Yuan and the group flew over quickly from high above the sky.

Li Huan was overjoyed, and then said: "Notify the base, Su Xingjun is back, and there are several other Xingjuns!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Not long after, Su Yuan and others returned to the stronghold.

"Su Xingjun, several Xingjuns." Li Daoxun, Feng Xiao and other main persons in charge of the stronghold greeted them.

Looking at Shen Die, Wu Qi and Xia Xuan who were traveling together, Feng Xiao and the others were shocked, but they didn't know what happened.

However, Li Daoxun, Fu Dongliu and others had some vague guesses.

So many Xingjun are needed together, except for the upcoming tiger vein... then there is only Xingshi!

Su Yuan nodded and said: "You go back to the main camp first, I'll come over later."


Li Daoxun, Feng Xiao and others responded, and immediately went to the main camp of the stronghold.

Su Yuan brought Shen Die, Wu Qi and others to his room.

"Then please wait here for a while." Su Yuan said.

Shen Die groaned for a while, and said with some concern: "Su Xingjun, are you really sure of waking Li Ba up?

The side effects of his four-symbol magic are very troublesome, and if it is a general healing technique, it may have the opposite effect. "

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Although I'm not good at healing skills, I have other means. At least it won't make him worse. Please rest assured."

Seeing Su Yuan's self-confidence, Shen Die also nodded and said, "Okay, please."

Su Yuan nodded, and then the black light spread from his body, and disappeared in front of several people.

"The ability of the space system is really amazing, it can even pretend to be a living person." Seeing Su Yuan disappear, the expressions of Shen Die and the others moved slightly.

As early as a few days ago, after Su Yuan and others joined Wu Qi, they evacuated from the north as soon as possible.

In order to speed up, Su Yuan took Li Ba directly into the Qingming Realm, and led everyone to quickly evacuate through the space gate.

So Shen Die and others already knew that Su Yuan carried a portable space.

At this moment, in the Qingming Realm, Li Ba was still unconscious, and his injuries were gradually deteriorating.

And what Su Yuan has to do is very simple...

Putting his hand on Li Ba's shoulder, Su Yuan said in a deep voice, "Back in time!"

In an instant, countless dense golden lights rushed towards Li Ba's body following Su Yuan's hand.

And Li Ba's figure was slightly blurred, and turned into a group of rapidly changing golden phantoms.

But in a moment, Su Yuan went back to Li Ba's time a few days ago, and immediately selected a certain moment to reproduce it.

The golden light gradually dissipated, Li Ba suddenly opened his eyes, and punched Su Yuan with all his might.


As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, he firmly grasped his fist.

Li Ba subconsciously wanted to exert his strength again.

And Su Yuan has already reminded: "Li Xingjun."

"Su Xingjun?"

Li Ba also reacted quickly, but seeing Su Yuan lightly squeezed his fist, his eyes froze slightly.

"Where is this place? What's the current situation?" Li Ba looked around, still not understanding the situation.

Su Yuan let go of his hand, and said: "This is my personal space. You passed out after using the Four Elephant God. I will wake you up first. Take a look at your body."

"By the way, I have used the Four Elephant Divine Art..."

Li Ba quickly looked at the situation in his body, but suddenly his eyes widened.

"Huh? What's the situation? The injury on my body seems to be really healed!"

Li Ba was surprised, but excited, and cupped his hands at Su Yuan and said, "Su Xingjun, thank you so much!"

Su Yuan smiled and said, "We are all colleagues, so you're welcome."

It is necessary to go back in time to help Li Ba heal his injuries. The battle of tiger veins is imminent, so it is natural to try to maintain every combat power as much as possible.


Su Yuan seriously reminded: "Although the injury, physical strength and spirit have recovered, if it is not necessary in the near future, Li Xingjun had better not use this trick again.

If you must use it... you must exercise restraint and pay attention to the time of use. "

This move of four images into one is indeed extremely powerful.

Although it is not like using it to die like a funeral, the side effects are still not small.

If he didn't have himself, Li Ba would have to lie down for at least two months.

And even if he recovers from physical injuries and physical exertion by going back in time, if Li Ba forcibly uses this trick again in a short period of time, the side effects may multiply exponentially!

"Su Xingjun, don't worry, I know my own body well." Li Ba patted his chest and grinned, "Just this time alone, you are my brother Li! If you need help in the future, just ask!"

Li Ba knew very well that if he really went back and lay down for more than two months, not to mention anything else, he would definitely not be able to keep up with this time's battle of tiger veins.

How can I miss such an important thing!

Su Yuan smiled, Li Ba is straightforward, but quite temperamental.

"Then let's go out." Su Yuan said.

Li Ba responded, "Okay!"

With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan took Li Ba out of the Qingming Realm.

"I really woke up!" The three of Shen Die were shocked when they saw Li Ba alive and kicking, they didn't know what method Su Yuan used.

Shen Die exclaimed: "Su Xingjun, you really have amazing means."

Li Ba showed off his muscles, and said: "Isn't it! You see, apart from being a little weak, it feels like you haven't fought at all!"

Although he knew that Li Ba was doing it to show off Su Yuan's excellent treatment skills, Shen Die and Xia Xuan couldn't help but chuckle with such actions.

Even Wu Qi curled his lips, barely holding back.

The reason for this is that everyone is in a good mood now because they have defeated a powerful enemy!

After a while, Shen Die said: "In this case, let's guard the strongholds according to the previous arrangement.

The attack and killing plan was successful, and the purple butterfly I left in the north can still exist for a while, and I will try my best to monitor the movement in the north.

But everyone still has to be very careful about Qiguang's counterattack, in case they avoid detection, it is very possible.

Now that the birth of the tiger vein is imminent, Xu Fan and Zhang Qianyi will come to Xinchen Realm as soon as possible after finishing their work.

Before that, everyone must be careful, once there is any abnormal discovery, immediately communicate with each other. "


After some conversation, Xia Xuan and the others left separately.

After Su Yuan sent away a few people, he went straight to the main camp.

In the main camp, Li Daoxun and others and a total of more than 30 envoys of patrol angels who came from behind stood on the left side, and Feng Xiao and other military captains stood on the right side.

At this moment, everyone was full of surprise and uncertainty, so many Xingjun came back together, and they didn't know what happened.

Seeing Su Yuan coming in, everyone in the arena looked at Su Yuan trying to see something.

But Su Yuan had no expression on his face, and couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

Su Yuan sat on the main seat and said, "It seems that you are all curious..."

Bailige couldn't bear it first, stood up and asked: "Su Xingjun, I don't know what's going on?"

Su Yuan glanced at the people below, but suddenly smiled and said: "After today, the Zodiac Star Envoy, three more people!"

Zodiac envoy, three more people?

For a while, the field suddenly became quiet.

Including Li Daoxun and others, everyone's eyes gradually showed a deep shock!

"Again... three more people?"

After a long silence, someone murmured.

"What does Su Xingjun mean... the twelfth house is missing three star envoys?"

"That means beheading the three star envoys!"

"So the Star Lords actually went to kill the Star Envoy!"

"This is too amazing!"


There was an uproar in the entire arena, surprise, excitement, enthusiasm... All kinds of expressions appeared on the faces of everyone in the arena.

As for Li Daoxun and the others, although they had guessed earlier, when they heard what Su Yuan said, their eyes were burning, their bodies trembled slightly with excitement.

Compared with military soldiers, it is undoubtedly Li Daoxun and other experts of the Sky Survey Division who have a deeper understanding of the Zodiac Star Envoy and know how difficult it is!

Before, your zodiac envoy killed me Duanmu Xingjun.

But now, I, Xingjun Xingtian, cut off your three star envoys in one fell swoop!

Seeing that everyone was so surprised, Su Yuan waited for a while.

After everyone gradually quieted down, Su Yuan said again: "The specific situation will be announced later.

However, from today onwards, except for those who searched for the star veins, all other personnel who searched for materials and surveyed the terrain were withdrawn.

Shrink the line of defense to strengthen the defense of the stronghold, and put all your strength on alert... Waiting for the birth of the Tiger Vein! "

Everyone responded excitedly and loudly:

"Yes, Master Xing!"

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