Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 449 Constellation Conference

In the New Dust Realm, the northern central camp, a dark and uninhabited hall.

There is a round table in the center of the hall, and a total of twelve chairs are placed outside the round table.


The bronze door of the main hall was opened, and a girl with white hair and red pupils walked in first, and sat down on one of the chairs with the symbol of "white sheep".

This girl is none other than Aries, Ashilia.

As if there was no one else, Ashilia lowered her head slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

Not long after, Scorpio Lu Bu and Taurus Favlan also came in from the door and sat down in their seats.

"Hey, Ashlia, you came so early!" After Lu Bu sat down, he greeted with a smile.

"Hmm." Ashlia nodded, not intending to say more to him.

However, Lu Bu seemed to want to chat with Ashlia a little more.

"Speaking of which, your prediction this time is really accurate, there really is an accident happening at Felix's place!"

Lu Bu gave Ashlia a thumbs up in admiration, then sighed and shook his head regretfully.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that your prediction was a little bit off, and you didn't send another person to Philex, and you didn't transfer me and Baker directly.

Otherwise, the three of them might not all have died in the battle a few days ago~"

Favlan next to him said coldly: "Lu Bu, are you blaming Ashlia?"

Lu Bu quickly waved his hand: "Where is it, I don't blame it, I just think it's much deserted here now.

If it wasn't for Fantaixi who happened to be sent to Felix by her, there would be one more person here, what a pity..."

Ashlia still didn't say a word, and didn't mean to explain to Lu Bu.

Favlan frowned upon hearing this, and was about to say something more.

And at this moment, an enchantment appeared under the entire round table.

Afterwards, the constellation patterns on the empty benches in the field lit up one after another, and starlight condensed into human-shaped phantoms that appeared in various positions.

An ordinary young man with short black hair, a tall and handsome blond man, a beautiful noble girl with black and white long hair...

A total of five figures condensed out one after another, they were the other envoys in the Zodiac who had not yet entered the New Dust Realm.

"There are a lot fewer people in this constellation meeting." Sagittarius Athel said first.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Of course, after all, three people died just now, what a pity~"

Among them, the black-and-white long-haired noble girl looked at Lu Bu, and then glanced at Favrene and Ashlia.

"Even if Capricorn Black is killed first, there are still six of you in this small world. In this case, three more people can die?"

The noble girl spoke in a cold voice, and the chair she was sitting on had the symbol of "Gemini" on the back, which was Gemini - Luna.

Lu Bu shook his head: "I can't do anything about the Xingjun Xingtian who surveyed the sky. In addition, the assignment of personnel this time was proposed by Ashlia, who can predict the future..."

All the star envoys looked at Aishia in unison.

Athel looked at Ashlia, and said slowly: "Master Constantine is indeed very dissatisfied, and he wants me to ask.

Ashleigh, your arrangements have led to this, do you have anything to say? "

Ashlia was silent for a while, and said: "If you predict someone else, you can only predict that he may encounter a certain accident, and I can't predict the degree of danger of the specific accident.

At that time, there were five star envoys besides me in the New Dust Realm.

On the southern front, the strongholds on the east and west sides cannot be emptied casually, so Baker and Lu Bu do not move.

As for Favre, I originally asked Favre and Fantasy to go to Xiefeilex together.

But Fantaixi said that it was enough for him to go, so in the end, Favlan and I stayed at the main stronghold.

Later, after Felix and Fantaixi were ambushed, they fought more with less, and they lost to three enemies and were all beheaded. "

Favlan nodded: "That's right, that's true. It was Fantaixi who refused my assistance."

Everyone in the field didn't say anything. Although Ashlia had a reason, but no matter what, the result was that three people died.

At this moment, a green-eyed young man sitting in the position of Cancer suddenly smiled and said, "Instead of looking for Aries' problems, let's talk about their own problems."

As soon as these words came out, there was a slight silence in the field.

All the star envoys raised their heads to look at the green-eyed young man, showing some doubts and scrutiny, and a bit of surprise flashed in Pisces Bayrieux's eyes.

Libra Lawrence said to the green-eyed young man: "I have been puzzled from the beginning, who are you, and where is Cancer Ogula?"

But Arthur laughed: "I forgot to tell everyone, this is the new Cancer."

The green-eyed young man smiled and said, "Hello everyone, I am the new Cancer, Qiongying."

If Su Yuan was here, he might be able to recognize this person soon.

Because this person was obviously the prisoner in one of the prison vans during the escort mission.

Now that she has changed suddenly, she has become the star envoy of the zodiac?

"The new Cancer?" Everyone was surprised, "It means that Ogula was defeated by him?"

Assel nodded and said, "That's it, that's what happened half a month ago."

Hearing what Assel said, everyone showed surprise, curiosity, and solemnity in their eyes.

In the temple, the competition for star envoys is much crueler than that of the sky surveyor, and it is basically a life and death struggle.

Because once the position of star envoy is lost, the duties bestowed by the holy blessing will also be deprived by the temple and transferred to the successor star envoy.

In this way, the original astral envoy would lose almost all the power obtained by the divine blessing.

Apart from Virgo, this is the first time since the Zodiac was established more than a year ago, someone succeeds by defeating the previous star envoy!

Many star envoys were looking at Qiongying, but Qiongying continued calmly:

"Almost all star envoys suddenly obtained extraordinary power because of divine blessings.

But the sharp increase in strength in a short period of time also caused the mentality to expand and become arrogant.

If it weren't for arrogance, Leo and Aquarius wouldn't be ambushed so easily.

If it is not because of arrogance, with the magical abilities of Leo and Aquarius, it may not be impossible to try to break through at the first time. "

Hearing what Qiongying said, the expressions of most people in the field became a little ugly.

It is true that the star envoys here are originally recruited "elites", but they may not be "top elites". It is because of the divine blessing that their strength has increased dramatically to sit on the position of star envoys.

However, Bayrieux nodded calmly: "He is right, our star envoys, the biggest shortcoming is... arrogance."

With Bayrieux's agreement, everyone couldn't help but think about it, and then fell silent, and did not express any objections.

Obviously approved.

And Ashilia continued: "As for Virgo's death, according to the survey, he lost in a single fight. It was nothing more than his own lack of strength, and it has nothing to do with me."

Lawrence said indifferently: "This Virgo who succeeds to the throne is indeed average in strength. There is really nothing to say about being killed alone."

Luna, Favlan and the others also nodded.

Seeing everyone expressing their attitudes one after another, Athel looked at Ashlia after a little thought.

"Then that's the end of the matter. As for what you said just now, I will tell Lord Constantine everything."

Ashlia nodded slightly: "Thank you."

In fact, Athel also knows that although Lord Constantine is quite dissatisfied with the huge loss this time, he has no intention of punishing Ashlia...at least not yet.

Otherwise, Ashilia would have been recalled directly.

After the killing of Felix and others passed, Asel changed his mind: "Also, it's about the New Dust Realm.

According to Lord Constantine's latest order, Bayrieux, Luna, Lawrence, Qiongying, and I...

Everyone, no matter where they are now, set off immediately to Xinchen Realm to prepare for the battle against the Tiger Veins! "

Bayrieux and the others all responded: "Follow your lord's order."

Afterwards, everyone discussed again and ended the meeting.

But seeing the interlacing of light and shadow, the figures of Bayrieux, Assel and others disappeared from their seats one after another.

Until the end, the barrier was closed, and there were only three Aishias left in the hall.

"Ashelia, I hope your next prediction will be more accurate."

Lu Bu got up and came to Aishia, bent down and brought his face closer to Axilia's fair face.

"If possible, I still hope to live to enjoy the current strength and rights more~"

The golden traces in Ashlia's eyes kept turning, and she said expressionlessly: "I will try my best."

"Okay, then I look forward to your next performance~"

Lu Bu stood up straight and grinned, then glanced at Axilia, and then strode outside...

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