Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 450: Three Vessels of Authenticity and Falsehood

The extreme south of the New Dust Realm.

In a dark forest shrouded in darkness and aurora, Antonis and Ruanruan walked in from a distance.

"Huh? Over there!"

Antonis suddenly saw something, flew up to one of the trees, and raised his hand to grab a few pieces of bronze-colored broken metal.

A faint spatial fluctuation emanates from the broken metal, which looks solid and illusory, and can float in mid-air at will.

"Sure enough, it's Taixu gold again!" Antonis's eyes showed joy.

Ruan Ruan looked at the bronze-colored Taixu Gold in Antonis' hands, and was equally excited.

"It seems that we have found the right one! This is the outskirts of this forest, and there must be the silver Taixu gold that the master wants in the depths!"

According to the information given by Mr. Wei of the Qigong Division, the gold of Taixu generally exists in some extreme and special areas.

So for more than a month, Antonis and Ruanruan have searched the core of the volcano, the polar desert, and even the bottom of the deep sea in the new dust world...

And the current position is even closer to the southernmost point of Xinchen Realm!

This entire area has no sunlight throughout the day, but in the sky, there is a gorgeous blue aurora, dotted with bright stars, which is just like a dream.

However, it seems that because of the influence of these auroras, even the Primordial Soul Shadow Barrier cannot be used in this area.

Previously, Ruan Ruan and Ruan Ruan found some fragments of Taixu Gold in the periphery, so they followed this direction to find this forest.

And it hasn't been long since I came in, and I found some Taixu gold again.

At this moment, Antonis looked at the dark depths, and even if he hadn't gone deep, he could faintly feel a lot of majestic and tyrannical aura from it.

Antonis pondered for a while, then softly said: "There seem to be many powerful existences here, why don't I go in and look for them alone, you leave this area, go outside and wait for the boss to use the Primordial Soul Shadow enchantment to contact next time?"

"No, let's go together!" Ruan Ruan shook his head, "Since there is a powerful existence, the two of us will have a greater chance of obtaining Taixu Gold together."

After thinking for a while, Antonis nodded with a smile, and took out a silver knife: "Okay, let's go together."

Even Antonis has to admit that this dazzling star weird slime is very strong...

The two of them restrained their breath, and went to the depths of the forest under the illumination of the aurora.


A few days later, Su Yuan was practicing at the station.

Suddenly, he noticed something, opened his eyes immediately, flew into the sky and opened his omniscient vision to look into the distance.

However, in the far horizon, there are countless earth energy from the ground slowly gathering in a certain direction, and even the flow of star power has also changed.

This is not the earth's air in a certain place, but the earth's air in all the places I see, and it is gradually moving towards a certain place.

As for the source, Su Yuan's omniscient vision can't see it at the moment.

"Could it be that such a large-scale earth atmosphere change..." Su Yuan's eyes froze.

Actually, it's not just what Su Yuan observed.

In most of the New Dust Realm, the earth's energy is migrating, the star power is flowing, and even the land, mountains and rivers are faintly changing.

However, these surging and migrating earth qi are constantly gathering in three directions, namely the north, south, and west...

Within two days, at the southeast corner of Xinchen Realm, the Central No. 1 stronghold where the Sky Survey Division is located.

In addition to Li Ba and Shen Die who are sitting in the No. 1 stronghold, Su Yuan and the other three also came over.

Besides, Xu Fan and Zhang Qianyiye who were originally on Blue Sea Star have also arrived together!

The seven stars of the Xuntian Division are all here!

Shen Die said: "If you want to come to the movement outside, you already know something."

Xia Xuan said: "It seems that the tiger veins are about to appear, but it seems that it takes longer to gather the earth energy on such a scale."

Wu Qi also said, "And...there are three tiger veins!"

"It's not three, it's still one." Shen Die explained to everyone, "According to my investigation, combined with the company's speculation, the reason why it seems that there are three tiger veins is because of the self-protection of the new dust world. .”

Shen Die explained: "Once the tiger veins are successfully formed, the degree of stability is not comparable to that of the wolf veins.

With a shining star like ours alone, it is absolutely difficult to extract even if it is paired with high-quality pulse-pulsing beads that can extract tiger veins.

If you want to extract the tiger veins, you must extract them at a certain time before the tiger veins are successfully formed.

Too early, and the tiger veins will fail to form;

If it is too late, it can no longer be extracted.

Therefore, in the awareness of self-protection, the Xinchen Realm created two false veins to confuse the public, so as to have a greater chance to condense the real tiger veins. "

Su Yuan and others understood what was said.

The world has spirits, and the consciousness of the new world naturally wants to protect itself.

Xu Fan took the conversation and said, "That's not all, besides the two false veins, there are also some extremely powerful natives in this world itself.

With the blessing of the will of the world, I am afraid that they will all gather at that time to maintain the birth of the tiger veins. "

Su Yuan and others nodded.

Like Mo Fei, who is a black unicorn, he has the strength of a first-class special envoy of the Sky Survey Division.

And Murphy is only two hundred years old, so he already has such strength at such a young age.

So what about those star beasts that are not only high-level races themselves, but also have existed for a long time?

Under the precipitation of time, there must be an existence stronger than Murphy!

The strongest person in this small world can also be said to be the guardian of this world.

They haven't come out before, maybe they just have to wait for the last crucial tiger vein.

Shen Die said: "According to the terrain that has been explored so far, our Dayan is located in the southeast of the New Dust Realm.

And in the south of Xinchen Realm, there is a forest of aurora, which even has powerful creatures that have survived for hundreds of thousands of years. "

"Thousands of years? It's amazing..."

Su Yuan and the others were quite amazed.

If it was on Blue Sea Star, this kind of existence would have already reached Huiyue or even Scorching Sun.

That is to say, if you are trapped here, you will not be able to go to the top.

Even so, the skills of these powerful creatures that have survived for hundreds of thousands of years may have already reached perfection.

Whether it is combat experience or the level of skills, I am afraid that they are far beyond ordinary star beasts!

Shen Die said: "Three tiger veins form points, one is in the north of Xinchen Realm, which is closer to Qiguang's stronghold.

One is in the southeast of Xinchen Realm, very close to us, just to our left, maybe only a day and a half away.

The other place is in the west, between Heixue and Rhineland. "

"Then, it's time to discuss how these false veins will be distributed..."

The three tiger veins form points, although two false and one true, but all three must be assigned manpower to go there.

Of course, if you disperse your staff, every place must be more risky.

But if you want to talk about risks... this time it's tiger veins to fight for!

Tiger veins are enough star veins to support cultivation at the Scorching Sun level.

If it is said that the Yaoxing class is considered to have entered the world stage initially, and the Huiyue class is considered a master;

That Zhuoyang is undoubtedly a top expert, only below the king level!

What's more, a tiger vein can support many scorching suns to practice.

There is no shortage of geniuses in this world, what is lacking is top talents and resources.

The value of a tiger vein that can cultivate multiple scorching suns is incalculable.

So no matter how big the risk is, we must take it with all our strength!

Xu Fan looked at everyone: "Do you have any plans?"

According to the location, the safest place is naturally the southern part, which is near Dayan's stronghold, and it can also be deployed in advance for defense.

And the most dangerous one is undoubtedly the star vein in the north, after all, it is closer to Qiguang.

As for the star veins in the west, it is the most chaotic place between Heixue, Rhine and other forces.

Zhang Qianyi immediately smiled and said: "I haven't seen the star envoys of the zodiac, so let me go to the north, so that I can witness the demeanor of these star envoys earlier."

Xu Fan nodded and said, "Okay, is anyone else going to the north?"

Xia Xuan said, "I'll go."

Xu Fan thought for a while, but shook his head: "People who go to the north should be more flexible. Xia Xuan, your ability is still suitable for guarding the place near us."

Xia Xuan's offense and defense are extremely strong, and as an existence similar to a fort, it is natural to play better in places with fortifications.

This place in the south can not only arrange the enchantment in advance, but also has the cover of many sky surveyors and military masters.

Xia Xuan also understands this truth. Although she has exchanged a skill on the third floor of the star storeroom to address her own shortcomings, she has only practiced to the proficient level now, and she still has shortcomings against the star envoy.

"Okay." Xia Xuan thought for a while, but still agreed.

"Then I'll go to the north." Wu Qi said suddenly.

Among the three new star lords, only he has never killed a star envoy, and Wu Qi is quite eager to make contributions.

Xu Fan looked at Wu Qi, then at Zhang Qianyi, nodded and said, "Then Zhang Qianyi and Wu Qi will go to the north together."

The rest and others, any ideas?

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Let me go to the west. I used to do a lot of activities in the west."

Shen Die also said, "I'm going to the west too."

"Well, then Su Yuan and Shen Die will go to the west, and I, Li Ba and Xia Xuan will stay in the east." Xu Fan nodded.

There are three new star kings in this class, so the distribution, each group has a combination of new and old star kings, which is quite reasonable.

But Li Ba stood up anxiously: "Let me go to the west or north!"

"No." Shen Die and Xu Fan said in unison.

Xu Fan shook his head and said, "You should stay with me in the east."

Xu Fan had also heard about Li Ba's injury before, and knew that he would avoid releasing the four-element seal in a short time.

Shen Die also agreed: "Then let's arrange it like this, Li Ba, you guard the east side well, if the tiger's pulse finally falls here, then your responsibility will be heavier than anyone else's!"

If the tiger veins fall in the other two places outside, it can only be said that it is bad luck.

But if the tiger's pulse falls in front of your side from the beginning, then you must defend it no matter what!

Shen Die continued: "Then finally, there is information about the star envoy..."

Having said that, everyone's expressions became serious.

"Apart from the Capricornus who has long been missing and died, and the Leo, Aquarius, and Virgo who were attacked and killed last time, there are now a full eight star envoys in the zodiac!

The information obtained through our various channels, and the information currently integrated on the remaining star envoys are as follows:

Sagittarius: Ability [Pin the canary], hitting the same position of the target continuously will cause super high additional damage.

The second and third hits are 4 times and 10 times the damage respectively. Combining skills and the epic longbow that must hit, the upper limit of attack even exceeds that of Xia Xuan, who has two gods.

Aries: Ability [Oracle Prophecy], able to predict the future direction of things.

When the content of the prophecy is more closely related to itself, the prophecy ability is stronger. Of course, it will also be affected by many other factors.

It's worth mentioning that, as far as we know, Aries has never killed an enemy himself.

So it is speculated that there may be some restrictions on Aries.

Pisces: Ability [Absolute Avoidance], it seems to be able to nullify all attacks, no flaws have been found so far, once encountered, it is best to be able to trap it.

Taurus: The ability [Arcane Supreme], when using spells, it will be strengthened in all aspects, including skill power, power storage, cooling, consumption, etc.

Scorpio: Ability, at present, it seems that it can regenerate at a high speed without a fatal weakness, but according to Wu Qi, I am afraid that his ability is not limited to regeneration. "

Wu Qi nodded and said: "Yes, besides regenerating himself, he seems to be able to fundamentally destroy things in some way. My bone armor and bone gun were easily broken by him."

"Oh?" Su Yuan and the others were quite surprised.

The silver bone spear and bone armor in Wu Qi Xuan Bone Shura's state can at least withstand Chen Chunhua's bombardment for a short period of time.

Can Scorpio break through with one blow? The truth is somewhat surprising.

Weird destructive power and weird regenerative ability...seemed to be an extremely difficult opponent.

Shen Die continued: "As for Cancer, Libra and Gemini, there is not much information."

After Su Yuan heard it, he also thought quickly in his heart.

Like Sagittarius and Taurus, although they have strong abilities, they are easy to understand and easy to deal with.

The tricky thing is the special rule-based ability of Aries and Pisces.

Up to now, Su Yuan has not thought of how to deal with this Pisces, only to look for flaws when they fight again.

Shen Die synchronized the information to everyone, and then everyone discussed some action details.

Finally, everyone got up one after another.

Xu Fan said: "Although the formation of the three star veins is still early, I still ask you to go there as soon as possible after preparing yourself.

If it is necessary to mobilize manpower, the Sky Survey Division and military experts will always obey orders. "

Su Yuan and others responded naturally: "Okay!"

Some book friends suggested that time travel is too buggy, so I considered changing it to "three-day cooldown" (it was one day), basically ensuring that a large battle can only be used once.

It is inevitable that there will be unreasonable data when writing a book. If you have serious problems, you can also help me to raise/hold fists/hold fists

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