Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 451 Silver Taixu Gold

In the Forest of Aurora.

Like tentacles, eight extremely thick bluish-black streams of water wrapped around a huge black-bodied beast with thorns and barbs on its back.

"Ho Ho!"

The giant beast roared and struggled, and had a faint tendency to break free from its restraints. The terrifying power was simply astonishing.

And at this moment, Antonis swung the silver knife quickly, and soon there were silver threads cutting across the giant beast's body from head to tail.

"Chop it up, Silver!"

In an instant, the blood burst, and accompanied by a scream, a large amount of blood splashed from the giant beast.

I saw that the incomparably hard body of the giant beast was cut in depth or shallow along the silver line, and more than half of the neck was directly cut off!

Looking at the giant beast's head drooping on the ground, Antonis had a cold light in his eyes.

With a flash of his figure, he flew forward and held the silver knife, stabbing directly into the giant beast's head like a sword.

It's just that the silver knife is too short and can only penetrate about three inches.

Antonis was stunned for a moment, and then with a thought, more sharp silver light rushed out from the tip of the silver knife and directly crushed the giant beast's head!

"Huh..." Ruan Ruan on the side let out a slight breath, raised his hand and retracted the eight tentacles, "The power of this giant beast is really abnormal, and it will almost break my sea monster's touch in a while!"

Antonis nodded, took out a handkerchief and wiped the flesh off the silver knife.

"Its power and defense are probably at the top level of B-level. If it weren't for your sea monster's touch to suppress his star power, I'm afraid it would really be a waste of time..."

Ruan Ruan crossed her arms triumphantly: "Of course, Ben Ruan Ruan is very strong!"

Siren's Touch is a skill acquired by Ruan Ruan himself, and he used it when restraining Murphy before.

It is an epic skill integrating attack, defense and control, which is very practical.

Now he has been trained to a perfect level by Ruan Ruan, and he is obeying Su Yuan's words to sprint to the realm of transformation with all his strength.

But more importantly, this skill fits the law of devouring very well, and can devour the enemy's star power more quickly through the contact of the water flow tentacles.

Once the sea monster's touch is used to wrap around the enemy, the powerful force plus the swallowing and suppression of star power will make it extremely difficult for ordinary opponents to break free!

Antonis put away the star core and handed it back to Ruan Ruan, then looked into the depths of the dark forest with a serious expression.

"However... it seems that it has just entered the central area, and it has already encountered such a difficult star beast, which may be comparable to some star envoys.

If we go deeper, the star beasts inside will probably be even stronger..."

Ruan Ruan grinned: "In this case, the probability of having Taixu Gold is higher! At least it's not too difficult for us to deal with it now."

"Well, let's continue on our way!" Antonis responded, and then continued to go deeper with Ruanruan.

Under the aurora, in the night, all kinds of flying beasts with mysterious breaths shuttled among the tall trees, and many tyrannical beasts entrenched everywhere.

Antonis and Ruanruan restrained their breath, walked cautiously along the way and searched carefully.

"Huh? Xiao An, look over there!"

Suddenly, Ruan Ruan patted Antonis on the shoulder excitedly.

Antonis looked towards the distance along Ruan Ruan's finger, but saw a lot of whole or fragmented bronze-colored metal floating on a deep valley in front of him.

And among these bronze-colored metals, there is a completely different silver-colored metal!

"It's silver Taixu gold!" Ruan Ruan was overjoyed, "Xiao An, we found it!"

Antonis flew forward to Taniguchi and looked inside.

"I found it, but this..." Antonis gave a wry smile, and gestured towards the inside.

Ruan Ruan looked intently, but saw two giant dragons prostrate in the valley.

One of the black dragons has scarlet eyes, looking ferocious and violent.

The other giant dragon is all gold, majestic and domineering, and a pair of golden wings seem to be extremely hard!

This is actually a dragon's nest!

"The Calamity Demon Dragon and the Golden Winged Dragon, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult to meet them in the Warcraft Forest to the north.

And this body shape, this aura... probably belong to the dragon clan of more than 500 years! "

Antonis looked at the two giant dragons below and took a deep breath.

Ruan Ruan also had a dignified expression: "It looks like it's really powerful!"

These two giant dragons are both high-level dragons, the Calamity Demon Dragon and the Golden Winged Dragon, which are on the same level as the Frost Sky Nirvana Dragon after the evolution of the Frost Dragon!

But at this moment, including the silver-white Taixu Gold, all the Taixu Gold is deep in the valley, very close to the Golden Winged Dragon.

Antonis clenched the silver knife, thought for a while and said, "Let's sneak in, and then I'll control this golden winged dragon first. After you take away the Taixu gold, just retreat, and I'll block it?"

Ruan Ruan rolled his eyes and said, "First get the Tai Xu Gold!"

Antonis nodded, looked at the positions of the two dragons, swung a knife and slashed his chest.

A layer of silver ripples unfolded with the knife, and in a blink of an eye, all the leaked breath and star power fluctuations on Antonis' body were all restrained.

Ruan Ruan was quite surprised, this was almost equivalent to the restraining effect of his own Law of Devouring.

Antonius nodded towards Ruanruan, and then took the first step to hide his figure and enter the valley, constantly approaching the golden winged dragon...

The Golden Winged Dragon was lazily devouring the star power, and was about to turn over and change its posture again, but it suddenly noticed something, instantly stood firm and looked towards a certain place, its bright golden vertical pupils gave off an extremely strong pressure.

"The intuition of the Dragon Clan is really sharp..."

Seeing that Antonis was about to be discovered, he no longer covered up, and when he mentioned Xingli, he flew up and rushed over quickly.


The Golden Winged Dragon did not expect that anyone would dare to intrude into its territory, and was furious immediately.

And Antonis raised his hand and slashed, and a net of silver threads was intertwined in an instant, rushing towards the golden winged dragon.

The Golden Winged Dragon's body radiated golden light, and it directly swung its extremely sharp golden claws and grabbed it!

In an instant, the net of silver threads cut by Antonis was torn apart amidst the sound of metal clashing.

"Sharp claws!" Antonis shuddered.

After the Golden Winged Dragon tore through the net of silver threads, Antonis rushed over angrily as he watched the sneak attack.

But before rushing to Antonis, a blue-black water tentacle shot out, sweeping away many Taixu golds in the distance, including the silver Taixu gold!

The Golden Winged Dragon was stunned, its golden pupils dilated rapidly.


After occupying this place for three or four hundred years, no one has ever dared to snatch his own things!

This really pissed off the Golden Winged Dragon. After a roar, it raised its head and opened its huge mouth.

In an instant, countless golden stars gathered towards his mouth, quickly forming a highly compressed golden ball of light!

"Dragon Flash?!"

Antonis' complexion changed suddenly, and he quickly swayed to the side to dodge.

And the golden dragon flash has been shot from the mouth of the golden winged dragon, and the golden light blooms in the night, and a golden beam of light shoots out thousands of meters like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, smashing everything along the way!

Dragon flash is a super-powerful racial skill unique to high-level dragons.

Only with strong body + strong star power + dragon's breath can you use Dragon Flash!

The golden dragon flash gradually dissipated, but where Antonis was, there was a collapsed pitch-black ball that remained in place, narrowly blocking the blow.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous, this power is really strong..." Ruan Ruan patted his chest, dissipating the engulfing energy around him.

Antonis was quite surprised: "Didn't you let you go first?"

Ruan Ruan pointed to the side: "That big black guy is here too, he can't leave even if he wants to~"

Antonis took a look, and sure enough, the Calamity Dragon had rushed over with a pair of huge wings.

Ruan Ruan continued: "Of course, what's more important is that Ben Ruan Ruan has a sense of loyalty and will not abandon his companions easily!"

"It's really loyal!" Antonis shook his head and smiled, then his expression became concentrated, "In this case, let's deal with these two giant dragons first!"


Ruan Ruan flipped his hands over and took out a cross sword, which was the epic stellar weapon with bleeding characteristics of Capricornus!

Facing the two high-level dragons over five hundred years old, Ruan Ruan and Antonis couldn't be careless, and immediately started to fight with all their strength...

To the west, on a snowfield.

The door of space opened, and Su Yuan in black robe and Shen Die in black combat uniform came out.

Shen Die stared ahead and said, "This is the extremely cold snow field."

A silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and he opened his all-knowing vision and swept towards the distance, and soon found some humans or star beasts.

"It seems to be lively here?"

Shen Die nodded and said: "This extremely cold snow itself is a treasure land, and many people who come in from outside also make a special trip here to find materials and hunt star cores."

"Is that so..."

Su Yuan nodded, but suddenly saw something, his expression moved slightly.

Su Yuan said: "Then, let's explore the situation first, and if you find anything, please send a message."

Since the initial emergence of the three veins of authenticity and falsehood, the changes in the heaven, earth and star power have calmed down, and it can only be basically confirmed that they are within this snowfield.

"Okay, Su Xingjun be careful." Shen Die responded, and then flew up lightly, and disappeared in Su Yuan's eyes after a few ups and downs.

And Su Yuan raised his head to look at the place he had discovered before, chuckled lightly, and disappeared from the spot with a flash of silver light on his body...

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