Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 458 Confrontation


It was only at this time that the people in Heixue Country came to their senses, and their complexions changed drastically.

And Mu Baiying's face was as sinking as water, and when she raised her hand, a large number of snowflakes surged up from all directions and wrapped Qiongying in it.

Then the aurora on the snowy night unfolded, the frost and snow roared on the gun, and the Mu Baiying's guns merged into one aurora and pierced past!

However, Qiongying's body was surrounded by a continuous flow of black and purple energy, which easily blocked the shot.

"how come!"

Mu Baiying's heart trembled, she was about to draw her gun and back away.

The corner of Qiongying's mouth curled up, she raised her hand and pointed at Mu Baiying, and a layer of black energy appeared on Mu Baiying's body.

In an instant, a sense of despair rapidly swelled in Mu Baiying's heart.

"Not his opponent..."


"If this continues, everyone will die!"


These thoughts kept spouting in her heart, causing Mu Baiying's desire to survive and act to become extremely negative, and she actually stood there quietly watching Qiongying approaching.

Abyss of despair!

"Mu Tewei, get out of the way!"

Qu Yang, Guo Huai and the others were all staring at each other, and rushed over to help.

However, Rui Si, who was holding an oil painting, and Congguan, who was in a military cap, stopped the people who were injured by the holy light of Daybreak with ease.

From time to time, Mu Baiying's eyes flashed a bit of struggle, but she didn't break free from this despair.

Qiongying laughed softly: "It seems that the despair in your heart is higher than I imagined."


When Mu Baiying heard this, her eyes struggled violently, and she probably understood the other party's strange ability.

It was precisely because of the invincible despair that he had bred in the battle that he was infinitely magnified by the opponent and easily restrained.

However, this struggle was too late, Qiongying came to Mu Baiying, stretched out her hand and grabbed Mu Baiying's neck.

"Then, I will send you to die..."

As death approached, Mu Baiying's pupils shrank suddenly. Although she couldn't move, she thought of many things in an instant.

I was very talented when I was in college, and after graduation, I joined the Hermit Sect, and then entered the Ferret Guard.

It can be said that he has fought all the way through the Black Snow Country, and the young generation is difficult to beat. Wherever he goes, he is praised as a top genius, and in the end he became one of the three special guards.

However, when the Earth Tribulation happened and the New Dust Realm opened, they were defeated directly against Lord Yan Xing.

But now against Shang Qiguang Star Envoy, he suffered another disastrous defeat.

Obviously, there is at least one level of difference between myself and these people!

This world is huge... not only the Black Snow Country, but also Dayan and Qiguang.

There are even several other continents!

Putting it on the world stage, some geniuses are no longer geniuses...

She thought about a lot in a flash, but at this moment, in Mu Baiying's eyes, she saw Qiongying's hand getting closer and closer, and she was about to grab her neck.

Just at this moment, in a trance, a black line seemed to appear on the opponent's body.

Above the black line, there are still some familiar fluctuations...

This fluctuation...huh? !

Mu Baiying's eyes froze immediately, and she woke up from the marquee state.

It was at this time that Qiongying seemed to have noticed something, her eyes fixed and she immediately swayed back.


The next moment, a ten-foot-long spatial crack suddenly tore open where Qiongying was originally!

"It's really sharp..." A slightly admiring voice came from not far away.

Qiongying and Mu Baiying, who had broken free from the shackles of despair, both turned their heads to look.

But I saw a young man with silver eyes standing not far away holding a long knife, and the power of the dark and deep space was still circulating on the knife.

"It's you!!"

"Oh? It's you!"

Whether it's Mu Baiying or Qiongying, they can't help but let out a low voice.

Mu Baiying looked at Su Yuan in astonishment, his expression full of complexity.

This is the first peer to defeat him, even a one-sided crush!

Although the twin wolf veins were taken by the opponent, the opponent also took it from the front, and... also let him and most of the Black Snow Country fighters under his command be spared.

Now at this time, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but I saved myself again...

"It's that star king!"

Qu Yang looked at the silver-eyed young man in the distance, and with a sudden force, he smashed the official in front of him with a knife!

Although it was not a friendly army, Qu Yang looked at the people coming from a distance, and felt an inexplicable sense of excitement in his heart.

The reason is very simple, it is impossible to compete for the tiger veins, and at this moment, Qu Yang wants someone to stand up and slaughter these offals of the zodiac palace!

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Qu Yang had never seen the rest of the stars.

But in Qu Yang's view, the star king with silver pupils not far away is the most likely to contend with these star envoys!

Mu Baiying flew to Su Yuan's side, while being wary of Qiongying, she asked in a deep voice, "Why do you help me?"

Su Yuan said casually: "It's not to help you, he can absorb negative energy, and the stronger the person, the more energy he can contribute.

Now, the people who brought you and the people waiting outside all leave, don't die if you want to make it more difficult for me here. "

When Mu Baiying heard this, she couldn't help clenching her fists.

This operation can be said to be a big defeat, the strength of the Zodiac Star Envoy far exceeded the expectations of himself and others!

Why did Mu Baiying not understand, it is not easy to even save her life at this moment.

By saying that, Su Yuan undoubtedly gave himself and others a way out.

Looking at the thin figure beside her, Mu Baiying gritted her teeth and said seriously, "I owe you this time, Qu Yang, let's go!"

As soon as Mu Baiying raised her hand, Du Jianqing's body was rolled up in the gathering wind and snow, and then quickly retreated with the remaining Qu Yang and others.

Qiongying looked at Su Yuan in front of her intently: "Mr. Xing... I didn't expect to see you again today after saying goodbye that day, but this is the scene."

Su Yuan said with a smile: "I'm also very surprised. I changed from a prisoner to a star envoy of the temple. The Temple of Enlightenment is really eclectic."

"Hahaha." Qiongying was not angry, but echoed with a smile, "Indeed, as Your Excellency said, the Temple of Enlightenment is not a clean place.

In addition, no wonder I had an inexplicable premonition before, that I was going to meet Your Excellency here, you and I are really destined..."

"Then are you ready?" Su Yuan suppressed his smile, and slightly tightened the long knife in his hand, "After all, this time, I will not only escort you, but will keep you here forever."

The indifferent words spit out from Su Yuan's mouth, and the expression on Qiongying's face became serious again.

"It's just Xingjun Xingtian, can he talk to Master Xingshi like this!"

At this moment, a sharp wave of star power came from the side, but it was the military cap that turned into a blue flash and flew towards Su Yuan directly!

As for Su Yuan's body was slightly blurred, the military cap passed directly on Su Yuan's body.

The officer's pupils in the military cap shrank, and he was about to turn his head, but there was a jet of black knife light tearing open behind him!


The blood rose violently, and the officer in the military hat screamed, and then he was cut in half by the demon knife and fell from the air!

"Slashing a few meteors and flints, do you really think you are invincible?" Su Yuan shook the blood on the knife, expressionless.

"Kinus?!" The rest of the servants on the side all exclaimed, and looked at Su Yuan in horror.

Qu Yang, Guo Huai and the others showed surprise in their eyes: "Good! As expected of that star king!"

Because of the support of Qiongying and Luna, even up to this point, only two of the officials were injured, and no one died at all.

But at this moment, Su Yuan beheaded and killed one of them as soon as he came!

At this moment, Qiongying seemed to have sensed something, her expression changed slightly and she was about to make a move.

But Su Yuan made a false move with his left hand, and several empty locks shot out violently and wrapped themselves around him.

Suddenly, black and purple energy appeared on Qiongying's body to block the lock of space, and she coldly shouted at Rui Si and the other three officers beside her, "Get out of the way!"

Rui Si and the other two officers beside him have not yet recovered from the sudden sudden death of Kinus. At first, they were still a little puzzled when they heard Qiongying's warning. A sharp white light flashed.

The pupils of the three froze for a moment, and then the light in their eyes quickly dimmed until they sank into a void. They lost all vitality in the blink of an eye and fell from the midair!

But a purple butterfly flew out beside Su Yuan, but it turned into Shen Die in an instant.

"Psychic attacks, are they also good at spiritual masters?"

Qiongying narrowed her eyes slightly, not paying too much attention to the life and death of these officials.

Instead, while looking at Shen Die, he absorbed the despair emanating from the corpses of Rui Si and the others.

It's not that Qiongying, like the Virgo Baker, only uses the subordinate officials as tools, but these are the former Cancer officials, and there is no relationship with Qiongying.

And at this time, the sky in the distance.

Accompanied by a burst of intense holy light and roaring sound, Rhine's Knight Commander Sean had a head-sized blood hole in his chest.

The light in Sean's eyes was dim, and he fell from mid-air and landed on the snow with a "bang".

And in various parts of the snow field, the corpses of masters from various countries including Yu Chiyang were already lying there.

The masters of the Four Kingdoms, except for Mu Baiying and others who just left, have all been bombed and killed by Luna and her subordinate officials!

"Finally cleaned up."

The officer behind Luna complimented, "As expected of Mrs. Luna!"

Luna didn't say much, but turned her head to look at Su Yuan and Shen Die on the other side, and the holy light on her body turned into a platinum holy light and flew to Qiongying's side.

"Is Xingjun from the Great Yan Sky Survey Division finally willing to show up?" Luna said in a cold voice with no expression on her face, "Why, have you seen enough?"

Shen Die nodded and said: "Enough is enough. The two star envoys are indeed very powerful."

There was a cold light in Luna's eyes: "Then you, are you ready to be cleaned up?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field froze immediately, and the next moment, extremely strong star power fluctuations rose from the four people in the field!

Shen Die smiled: "It's hard to say who will clean up who..."

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