Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 459 All parties fight

New Dust Realm, to the north.

Among the mountain ranges, there are three towering peaks.

And on the side of every mountain peak, there is a team of templar knights of the centurion waiting here.

In addition to the knight commander and deputy knight commander, the team was led by two officers from the Zodiac.

In addition, there is an exploration enchantment covering several kilometers around.

Even an ant crawling in will be noticed immediately, which can be said to be extremely strict.

At this time, under a certain mountain peak, a young templar asked, "Knight Commander Robert, will there really be someone from Great Flame coming in?"

"Of course," Robert looked into the distance, "Just like we will send people to the south, they will definitely send people, but the number is unknown."

"Then in your estimation, when will they appear?"

Robert stroked his short hair that was blown by the mountain wind: "Maybe when the star veins are about to be drawn; or maybe, it is already approaching and observing us silently."

The young knight was surprised: "How is this possible? We have set up an enchantment. Even if we can't prevent them, we won't be able to find them!"

Robert patted the young knight on the shoulder: "Bean, don't underestimate the Great Yan people, they are no weaker than our Qiguang, especially those star kings are comparable to our templar knights."

The young knight replied thoughtfully: "Is that so..."

Robert nodded, looked at the two servants who were standing loosely on the rock not far away, and frowned slightly.

In the center of the three peaks, Scorpio Ruble and Taurus Favlan stand opposite each other in the field.

And between the two of them, a crystal prism was inserted above the ground to continuously draw the earth's energy.

The rest of the officers were scattered around, except for Nok, the only officer who was always standing beside Favlan with a sword, the others were quite casual.

Lu Bu crossed his arms and thought about it: "It stands to reason that the person from Dayan should show up soon, right?"

Favre said: "If they don't gamble on the authenticity of this star vein, then it should be here now."

One of the burly men broke his fingers and said with a grin, "If they dare to come, of course they won't be allowed to go back alive."

The rest of the officials also smiled.

Previously, Aries has predicted that "there are the most stars in the south".

Then combined with the number of Yan Xingjun, it can basically be determined that there are no more than two people on the west and north sides.

Otherwise, if 331 is allocated, there is no such thing as "the most".

At this moment, the two star envoys, a group of officials under the command of many star envoys, and the three knight orders outside are all guarding here.

If an enemy really comes, let him go and never return!

A feminine young man next to him smiled and said, "Let me tell you, the Xingjun who came over may be at the moment where Zhengmao is. I don't know how to break through the barrier and the defense of the knight order."

As soon as these words were said, everyone around couldn't help but raise their mouths.

But no one noticed, but a few wisps of mountain wind blew in silently.

The feminine young man was still smiling, and was about to say something more, but his expression froze suddenly.

"Chelsea, what's wrong with you?"

The people next to him noticed that the feminine young man stopped, and asked quickly.

But the feminine young man remained motionless, with a look of intense horror in his eyes, and dense blood lines suddenly appeared all over his body.



Flesh and blood splattered, and the body of the feminine young man was cut into dozens of pieces as if cut by countless knives, scattered all over the ground!

All the pupils in the field froze.

While everyone was still in astonishment, two people responded immediately.

Nock immediately pulled out the knight sword and stood in front of Favlan. Lu Bu looked into the air with his eyes, as if he had locked on to something.

"Pretending to be a ghost, get out of here!"

Lu Bu sneered, and in a flash of flipping his hands, he took out a golden javelin and threw it into the air. The powerful force even caused a sonic boom in the air!

However, at this moment, a gust of white wind suddenly swirled in the void, smashing the javelin from head to tail.

Then more white breeze surged up, separated towards the two sides like an ocean current, and two figures in star robes appeared.

It was Zhang Qianyi and Wu Qi!

"Mr. Xing!"

The faces of all the officials changed drastically, and Favlan's expression froze. I didn't expect that the other party would just go straight to the center of my side!

"Scorpio and Taurus?" Zhang Qianyi stepped out of the white breeze with a smile, and then his eyes fell on the handsome knight in front of Favlan, "It seems that there is another master..."

Wu Qi followed Zhang Qianyi out of the white breeze: "Isn't it a little too much to go straight into the enemy's rear with such a big fanfare?"

Zhang Qianyi asked in surprise: "Why, are you cowardly?"

"Count?" Wu Qi snorted coldly, "What are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, that's good." Zhang Qianyi smiled.

"Cool boy, so it's you, we are really destined..." At this moment, Lu Bu grinned, "The timing was wrong last time, and I couldn't fight you to the end, this time, please forgive me Take your life away."

Wu Qi looked down, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he whispered to Zhang Qian: "Leave this person to me."

"No problem." Zhang Qian nodded, and then looked at the people who were gradually gathering around, "I will block the rest for you~"


To the south, southwest of the Great Yan stronghold.

On a plain, high-level pulse-drawing beads are continuously drawing star veins.

Xu Fan, Xia Xuan, and Li Ba waited intently in the field, and there were envoys such as Fu Dongliu, Bailige, and military experts surrounding them to protect them.

At this moment, lightning flashed, and Yan Changming flew in front of Xu Fan from a distance.

Xu Fan asked: "How is it? Have you noticed Qiguang or other movements?"

Yan Changming shook his head and said, "No, we have been investigating for a long time, and we have not found Qiguang or anyone with other strengths within at least 20 kilometers."

Xu Fan frowned. Compared with the opponent coming over with great fanfare, the lack of movement now made people feel more vigilant.

Xu Fan said: "Strengthen the investigation and be vigilant."


After Yan Changming finished speaking, he was about to go to investigate again.

But at this moment, Xia Xuan, who had been vigilant about her surroundings in mid-air, suddenly fixed her eyes on the distant sky.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but just for a moment, Xia Xuan seemed to see a slight distortion in the space somewhere.

The red flames danced in her eyes, and after looking at it for a while, Xia Xuan suddenly took out the bird of death, pulled the bowstring, and shot an arrow intertwined with blue and red flames!

This sudden arrow immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Xu Fan, Li Ba...and everyone on the plain followed Qing Hong Huo Ya to look over.

But at this moment, the void in the distance was slightly distorted, and a dazzling golden arrow of light flew out of it and hit the blue-red fire arrow head-on.


With a loud bang, golden light and blue and red colors exploded high above the sky, and the turbulent flames filled everyone's eyes.

"what's the situation!"

Everyone realized that something was wrong, and many military experts on the outside immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

And Xu Fan and Li Ba also took the lead and flew up to the front, staring at the position where the golden light arrow was shot.

Soon, as the flames dissipated, a layer of distorted black light suddenly appeared in the midair, spreading towards the surroundings like a crack in space.

A large number of figures appeared in it, and the first to catch the eye were the four people in platinum uniforms at the front.

Athel Sagittarius, Bayrieux Pisces, Lawrence Libra, Ashlia Aries!

And behind the four people, there are hundreds of people standing densely!

"It's really a powerful blow. If the two kinds of divine fire are combined with some other tricks, the power will be even stronger than mine!" Arthur said coldly, holding the holy bow that never sets the sun.

And Bayrieux, Ashlia, and Lawrence looked at the Yan people below.

"Four star envoys?" Xu Fan, Xia Xuan, and Li Ba all looked serious, "Everyone, prepare to fight!"

Even though three star envoys had been ambushed and killed before, it was not easy to win.

What's more, it might be difficult for Li Ba to show his full strength now.

While Aries doesn't seem to be aggressive, that doesn't mean she can be ignored.

On the contrary, because of her strange and unpredictable ability, the whole battle situation may become more difficult.

"Is there only three people? From this point of view, there are two people in the other two places?" Lawrence sneered, and said to Ashlia next to him, "Ashlea, look, the last time you killed Philek Who are they?"

"Okay." Ashilia looked at Xu Fan and the three of them, and the star track of fate in her eyes turned. Soon, she saw a few people who had entangled with the late Leo and others.

"Tianxuan, Xiaxuan and Kaiyang Li Ba are both related." Ashilia said slowly, "Among them, Tianxuan should have directly killed Philex."

"That's right, it looks like a powerful shooter." Athel looked at Xia Xuan, with some interest in his indifferent eyes, "Then let me try it!"

As he said, Asel drew the longbow again, and countless lights gathered, and a spiral light arrow had already landed on the golden bow.

Bayrieux came out first: "Then let's go."

And hundreds of people followed closely behind, flying out of the twisted garden!

The battle is about to start!

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