Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 460 Twins of Light and Darkness

On the snowfield to the west.

Su Yuan, Shen Die.

Qiongying, Luna.

After a moment of confrontation between the two sides, Luna made the first move.

When the hands were raised, the golden light gathered, and in just a moment, a huge sacred beam of light shot out at Su Yuan and the two of them!


Shen Die reminded, and then turned into many purple butterflies and scattered.

But Su Yuan had other preparations. He raised his head to look at Qiongying, but the silver light under his feet lit up, but he directly started transposition and exchanged positions with Qiongying!


The sacred beam of light roared past and drowned Qiongying.

Su Yuan didn't look at the result at all, he teleported to Luna with a flash of silver light on his body, and slashed down with his knife.

Luna's complexion changed slightly, she didn't expect Su Yuan's methods to be so flexible, and she rushed in front of her in the blink of an eye!

It is not a good thing for a warlock to be rushed in front of him.

However, Luna's eyes flickered, and many platinum stardust glows suddenly flowed on the surface of her body.

Su Yuan cut his body in half with a single slash, but no blood flowed out.

The next moment, Luna's body quickly became brighter, and it suddenly disintegrated into a large piece of platinum radiance that surrounded Su Yuan.


A large piece of light exploded together, but a golden light shot out a hundred meters away and re-formed into Luna's figure.

"Do you really think you have seized some great opportunity?" Luna sneered as she looked at the light of the explosion in the distance.

All powerful warlocks have ways to deal with "assassins", let alone star envoys?

The body of holy brilliance, defensive counterattack skills.

When attacked with a certain intensity within a short period of time after unfolding, it will trigger Holy Radiance Migration and Holy Radiance Explosion, transfer itself out and bombard the opponent.

At this moment, Luna looked into the blasting holy light, but her expression changed again.

Because Su Yuan's body flickered, and he walked around the edge of the holy light of the explosion intact, and he was approaching in a moment!

Just now, Su Yuan escaped the blow directly by flashing back.

And skills like this often have a cooldown, so Su Yuan jumped to kill him again without stopping.

At this moment, Su Yuan's left hand was falsely drawn, and the twelve empty locks had already shot out from the void behind Luna one step ahead!

"Sacred Sun!"

Although Luna was not flustered, the holy light on her body suddenly became as hot as the sun!

The twelve empty locks rushing up, all melted away from Luna's body before approaching, like ice and snow melting.

"Empty Lock is a blue skill, it's still a bit weak against such masters..." Su Yuan looked thoughtful, but he couldn't help but think of Sky Lock and Taixu Gold.

But now is not the time to think too much, as Su Yuan approached Luna, some burn marks quickly appeared on his body.

Su Yuan snorted coldly, 108 stars lit up on his body, unfolded part of the starry sky body to block the scorching holy light, rushed straight to Luna, and slashed down again.

"It's really aggressive!"

Luna's eyes turned cold, and she held a golden branch engraved with white god patterns between her hands.


With a soft sound, Luna swung the branch and unexpectedly blocked Su Yuan's slash.

"Oh?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, quite unexpectedly.

Not only did the Yushen Yaodao blessed by the air cut leave no trace on the golden branch, but also... as a warlock, the other party was able to block his own slash so easily?

The more stars on his body lit up, Su Yuan would use more star power to overwhelm the opponent.

However, at this moment, where the Yushen Yaodao collided with the golden branch, a burst of extremely bright brilliance suddenly lit up.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and the silver light flashed on his body, and the phase shifting started and disappeared from the original place.

The next moment, a huge golden beam of light burst out from the golden branch!

Afterwards, Luna quickly opened the distance, and not long after, she saw Su Yuan appearing from the secondary space again.

"It seems to have hid in another space. With so many space-type skills, is he really a space-type star card master?"

"And this person, reacts so quickly!"

Luna looked serious.

Su Yuan looked at the golden branch in Luna's hand, and said in admiration: "Is the casting speed up? It's really a powerful epic star tool."

It turned out that this golden branch greatly accelerated the speed of gathering and accumulating star power in Luna's body, so Luna was able to emit such a terrifying sacred beam of light first.

"Tsk tsk, this is really not soft on your teammates..."

At this moment, Qiongying's voice suddenly came from a distance, and I saw negative energy flowing in her body, and she didn't suffer much from Luna's shot just now.

A faint red energy permeated the place burned by the holy light, but there was no more injury in a moment.

In fact, although Su Yuan and Luna's confrontation was fierce, it only happened in a few seconds!

At this moment, Su Yuan looked at Qiongying's red energy covering the wound and thought secretly.

"Sure enough, the ability to continuously absorb negative energy like this must also have corresponding healing methods for battery life. It seems that this red energy seems to be anger?"

"It's good that you're not dead." Luna said indifferently, and then raised the golden branch again.

Surrounded by platinum radiance, an incomparably bright light beam suddenly shot out to kill Su Yuan, and even the space along the way faintly became chaotic!

"The power is 30 to 40% stronger!"

Su Yuan unfolded his omniscient vision, and his control over energy is naturally meticulous.

Presumably this was the addition of the golden branch, Su Yuan didn't force it, and just teleported away.

But just as he teleported out, a big purple hand immediately grabbed him head-on, it was the fearful hand of Qiongxing!

Su Yuan was about to raise his hand to push the Void Cracker Hand to meet him, but an invisible knife light suddenly cut across, cutting the Hand of Fear from it!

Qiongying's eyes condensed slightly: "What a sharp mental power!"

They are also mental power users, but Shen Die is pure and fierce, while Qiongying is treacherous and evil.

Shen Die held the glazed sword and pointed at Qiongying: "You should not interfere in their battle, now let me be your opponent."

"Oh?" Qiongying glanced at Su Yuan in the distance, and then looked back at Shen Die, "Alright, I also want to see what kind of unbearable emotions a person with your pure spiritual power will breed !"

The corners of Qiongying's mouth curled up, and with a thought, the colorful and grotesque spiritual realm spread from Qiongying's body like an abyss, engulfing Shen Die in an instant...

Seeing that Shen Die was covered by Qiongying's domain, Su Yuan couldn't help but frowned slightly, but after a little thought, he didn't rush into it rashly.

Although Su Yuan himself has B-level spiritual qualifications, he doesn't specialize in any spiritual skills.

And Shen Die used a mental attack to kill Aquarius, even if he lost, he should be able to hold on for a while.

In this case, then I should follow Shen Die's wishes and get rid of the Gemini outside as soon as possible.


Su Yuan looked at the girl holding a golden branch in the distance, with thoughtful eyes.

So far, every star envoy I have encountered, including Qiongying who can control negative emotions, all have extremely outstanding abilities.

But for the Gemini in front of him, Su Yuan still doesn't know what kind of ability she is.

Although the power of the opponent's light-type spells is astonishingly strong, if it's just that, it seems to be in conflict with Taurus again...

And just as Su Yuan was thinking, Luna had already raised the golden branch high.

"Angel Judgment Hundred Stars Kill!"

Circles of sacred light lingered on the golden branches, and a large number of platinum cross stars appeared densely above the sky, counting hundreds of them!

Obviously, this is a continuous cover blow to deal with Su Yuan's flexible means!

Su Yuan has also seen the power of this move before, and it must be more powerful with the blessing of golden branches at this moment.

But Su Yuan didn't want to hide, 365 stars lit up all over his body, the silver light surrounded his body, the starlight surged, and the starry sky was fully opened!

Su Yuan's figure flickered, and he rushed up against many sacred beams!

"Bang bang bang!..."

There were loud roars one after another, and the turbulent holy light almost turned the ground into a platinum ocean!

However, in reality, this kind of distributed range attack is naturally not as powerful as a single attack.

The cross star beam hit Su Yuan's body, as long as it can't penetrate the starry sky body once, it will never be able to defeat the starry sky body with 365 stars that cycle back and forth and revolve around the sky!

But in just a short moment, Su Yuan rushed to Luna under the bombardment of the holy light and chopped her down!


Luna was also taken aback, except for Leo and Pisces, other star envoys would definitely not be able to charge up against the Angel's Judgment Hundred Stars like this.

Unexpectedly rushing forward, Luna didn't have much time to react, so she could only hold up the golden branches again in a hurry to resist!

However, this time, Luna's complexion changed.

The terrifying power from the knife is much stronger than before!


With a muffled snort, Luna was already sent flying by Su Yuan before she could activate the ability of the golden branch!

At the same time, there was a strong spatial fluctuation coming from Su Yuan's left hand, but he had accumulated another skill by relying on the left and right fights.

"The void is shattered!"

Su Yuan pointed behind Luna, layers of space suddenly collapsed and shattered like a mirror, and a collapsed and distorted black hole was formed in a blink of an eye!

With the addition of the Throne of the Sky, the terrifying power of Void Shattering is unimaginable to ordinary people, and even a warlock like Luna is shocked by it.

"Angel's Embrace!"

Luna was horrified and pushed the golden branches with all her strength. In just a moment, the phantom of an eight-winged archangel appeared behind Luna, stretching out her hands to embrace her in her arms.

The terrifying energy of void shattering was completely blocked by the phantom of the holy angel.

This kind of defense is simply amazing!

But although it couldn't hurt her, the strong traction force of the distorted black hole's characteristics firmly sucked her in place.

As soon as Luna raised her hand, she had to release more skills to break free.

However, with a flash of Su Yuan's figure, he had teleported in front of him.

Luna was startled, but not flustered.

Because this angel's embrace is the top epic skill produced by the heavenly plane.

Combining the golden branches and your own light system enhancement, you can definitely block all attacks during the duration of the angel's embrace, even Huiyue's attack may be blocked!

However, when Luna was about to perform the spell, she saw a layer of pitch-black energy swaying away, and a barrier suddenly lit up under Su Yuan's feet.

What's this? Domain, formation?

Some doubts arose in Luna's heart, but the next moment, Luna's complexion changed.

I saw the blue light flashing in the barrier, and a layer of extremely strong dispelling power swayed away, and the eight-winged archangel outside Luna collapsed as quickly as ice and snow melted.

"How can it be!"

Luna was terrified in her heart, what is this thing that can break her angel's embrace!

"It's an amazing defensive technique, and it can resist for a while in the spiritless underground."

Su Yuan swung the Demon Saber, and on the pitch-black blade blessed by Kongcut, there were a lot of flickering stardust lingering at this moment.

That is, within the time of this sentence, the eight-winged archangel has completely dissipated.

"However, that's the end of it."

Su Yuan's eyes turned cold, and he slashed down!

Luna's pupils shrank suddenly, and she suddenly exclaimed:

"Help me, sister!"

Before she finished speaking, Luna's hair, eyes... all the black on her body flowed and gathered on her chest.

The next moment, a black-haired, black-eyed girl with short hair who looked exactly like Luna leaned out from her chest, and waved a sharp black branch with her right hand to meet the Yushen Yaodao.


The weapons clashed, and the black branch in the black-haired girl's hand actually held the Yushen Yaodao.

You know, this is a blow from Su Yuan's starry sky.

Although it is just an ordinary slash, the power on it is unimaginable for ordinary Yaoxing!

At this moment, the black-haired girl's snow-white skin glowed with many dark and weird lines, accompanied by a cold and fierce breath, and with another effort, Su Yuan was shocked back a little!

After that, the black-haired girl was completely separated from Luna's body.

As for Luna behind her, everything from her hair, eyes to her clothes turned into pure white.

"Is that so..."

Su Yuan looked at Luna and the black-haired girl walking out of her body, but he immediately understood.

"Twin twins, it's really the same as the literal meaning, but I'm thinking too much."

Su Yuan let out a laugh, then clenched the demon knife tightly, narrowing his eyes slightly.

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