Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 461 Cutting the Twins (Two in One)

Bai Luna has mastered the power of light, and her spiritual power and star power are both B-level.

Hei Luna masters the power of darkness, and her physical defense qualifications are all B-level.

However, using the fetters of the "Twins" soul power, both of them can reach 6B aptitude at the same time.

But such a powerful soul power also has a flaw, that is, usually one person will fall into a deep sleep.

During the day, Bai Luna controls the body, while Hei Luna sleeps in the body.

At night, the authority of the body is handed over, and the memory is also synchronized.

Just now, even if Bai Luna didn't call her, Hei Luna, who felt her sister was in danger, had already woken up.

A few seconds passed at this moment, and although the power of the Void Shatter had begun to decay, it was still full of power, but Heluna's body was only slightly scratched under the Void Shatter, and was not torn apart!

Not only that, but the jet-black lines on his body became deeper and deeper, and his powerful physical body has even slightly broken free from the shackles of the twisting void.

At this moment, Su Yuan moved.

The silver light rose under his feet, and Su Yuan directly started to change places with Hei Luna and appeared in front of Bai Luna.

Hei Luna didn't have synchronous memory at the moment, but she hadn't seen transposition. Seeing Su Yuan walking in front of Bai Luna with a knife, she was startled.

And Bai Luna's complexion changed drastically, and she was in the body of Shenghui who was about to forcibly launch a defensive counterattack by frantically mobilizing her star power.

However, Su Yuan's movement of swinging the saber was naturally faster than his technique, and when he raised the saber in his hand, he slashed it horizontally.

But seeing the blood gushing out, Bai Luna didn't even have time to scream before Su Yuan chopped off her head!

"Damn it!" Hei Luna's face turned aside, and a strong coldness and anger suddenly appeared in her eyes, "You actually killed my sister?"

Su Yuan looked at Hei Luna, but couldn't help frowning.

Because I didn't feel any grief or sadness on the other side's face except anger.

This is obviously extremely unreasonable. Unless Heluna just wants to monopolize her body, it is impossible for the two sisters who are twins to have no feelings at all.

And at this moment, Hei Luna touched her chest, and suddenly a mark of light and darkness appeared.

Su Yuan's expression moved slightly, and the silver light in his eyes flickered to urge the Omniscient Vision to look at Bai Luna's body again.

Soon, Su Yuan faintly noticed that an invisible soul energy seemed to have flown up from the corpse.

"It really isn't that simple."

A cold light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and when he raised his hand, several boundary lines were cut out one after another!

However, the passing of the boundary line did not cause any harm to the soul energy.

Not long after, the soul energy flew into the light and dark imprint on Heluna's chest.

After that, Bai Luna's detached body suddenly turned into a ray of pure white light and disappeared.

"It's really sharp..." Hei Luna frowned and looked at Su Yuan, "But ordinary energy attacks and physical attacks can't touch the soul."

While Hei Luna was talking, white light appeared on half of her body. The originally dark eyes and hair gradually turned into black and white as if dyed by white light, just like Luna at the beginning.

"Could it be..." Su Yuan probably thought of something.

The next moment, the black and white Guanghua separated from the middle, and turned into two sisters again.

"It really hurts!" Bai Luna stroked her neck, but her pretty face was full of shock and anger.

This is the first time I have used this resurrection ability since I received the divine blessing to greatly improve my soul power!

Although she was resurrected, the pain of being beheaded just now and the haze of being killed for the first time made Bai Luna's expression sink to the extreme.

"Sure enough, can it be resurrected!" Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the two people in front of him, he began to think quickly.

Obviously, this is similar to the poisonous fire two-headed python encountered in the middle school trials.

However, the poisonous fire double-headed python is nothing more than one of its heads can grow back after being cut off. How to put it, it is equivalent to having a spare body part.

But the Geminis in front of them are two individuals that can be completely separated. This kind of resurrection technique is much more powerful than the poisonous double-headed python!

Su Yuan's thoughts turned, and he came up with three countermeasures in a moment.

1. Even if it is special, such a perverted resurrection technique must be exhausted, and it is impossible to be reborn indefinitely.

In this way, just keep beheading the opponent until he can't be resurrected.

But if the opponent can really be reborn multiple times, it will be quite troublesome.

Not to mention whether Su Yuan can do it or not, there are just too many means to consume and need to use, and this battle will not only have Gemini as an enemy.

2. Since one of them can revive the other, it is the same as dealing with the poisonous fire double-headed python, as long as they are defeated at the same time.

Su Yuan just calculated that it took about a minute from when Hei Luna unfolded the light and dark imprint on her chest to when Bai Luna's soul escaped and merged into Hei Luna's body for reshaping.

As long as they killed the two of them one after another within one minute, they would be able to deal with each other.

Su Yuan has a hole, and even has the opportunity to directly penetrate two with the hole.

Although this strategy is straightforward and feasible, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult and unexpected.

Not to mention that it takes a lot of thought to create an opportunity, and I haven't seen this Heluna's method before.

Once there is any accident and the two are not killed at the same time, all the preparations in the early stage will fall short.

If there is no better way, Su Yuan may proceed in the second way.

But just now, through the observation of the omniscient horizon, Su Yuan thought of another method...

"Angels descend!"

Without waiting for Su Yuan to think more, along with a beam of holy light descending, eight angel wings of light suddenly appeared behind Bai Luna!

With a flutter of eight wings, Bai Luna flew high into the sky in a blink of an eye, raised a golden branch in her hand and swiped in front of her, a door of heaven engraved with angel patterns slowly opened.

In an instant, infinite holy light emerged from it, and an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation surged continuously in the gate of heaven.

The New Dust Realm is just a small new world with the energy level of a shining star, and the terrifying energy emanating from the Gate of Heaven can't even hold the surrounding space, causing ripples of gray-black space to ripple round and round.

This kind of power is probably at least one or two grades stronger than the previous ones!

"It seems that my sister is really angry."

Hei Luna looked at all this with a serious expression, because this was Bai Luna's strongest blow!

"As expected of a Star Envoy, although the combat method is single, the attack intensity has been raised to the extreme."

Even as an enemy, Su Yuan had to sigh.

Right now, the power of Bai Luna's blow after the angel's arrival has even exceeded the limit of the Yao star.

What's even more astonishing is that under the watchful eyes of this gate of heaven, Su Yuan has a faint feeling of inescapability, as if locked by some kind of "divine" existence inside the gate!

"As for extraordinary power, we can only fight against it with equally powerful extraordinary power." Looking at the completely opened gate of heaven high in the sky, Su Yuan's expression became serious, "Since mastering this trick, until now But I haven't used it yet..."

Before he knew it, the 365 stars on Su Yuan's body were already extremely bright!

In addition to this, bright stardust the size of fingernails suddenly appeared around the body...

"God's Punishment Judgment from Heaven!"

Looking down at Su Yuan below, Bai Luna let out a cold drink, accompanied by the praise of the holy light, the platinum holy light that annihilated everything rushed down.

Indistinctly, there are many phantoms of angels from the God Realm flying in it, shedding a large piece of divine splendor!


The light of judgment plummeted down and hit Su Yuan in an instant. The extremely dazzling light dyed the whole world in a platinum color, and even Hei Luna couldn't help squinting her eyes slightly.

A few seconds later, the ground was crushed to an unknown depth, and the light of judgment gradually dimmed.

Bai Luna looked down, her face was slightly pale, but her eyes were full of cold killing intent.

"In this case, it should be able to kill..." Suddenly, as if seeing something clearly, Bai Luna's pupils shrank suddenly, "Huh?!"

But seeing below, Su Yuan was standing in the infinite starlight, 365 stars on his body lit up.

And outside the body, there are countless shimmering stardust, no more, no less, exactly 14,800 stardust.

The big and small circles of starlight combined, and slowly rotated round and round to protect Su Yuan. Although it was a little dim, it firmly blocked Bai Luna's blow, and Su Yuan inside was not injured at all.

The profound meaning of transforming the starry sky to dominate the body, absolute defense-the immortal starry sky!

"It actually blocked it!" Hei Luna's pupils shook, obviously frightened.

And Bai Luna was a little absent-minded, her eyes were full of disbelief.

How can it be!

Su Yuan waved his hand to disperse the immortal starry sky, and the silver light gathered in front of him turned into a door of space, and he was already prepared for the next action.


Hei Luna's complexion changed slightly, she searched around quickly, and suddenly looked up, only to see a silver light flowing above the gradually dissipating Heaven's Gate, and another silvery space gate condensed out.

"Not good!" Hei Luna's pupils shrank suddenly, and she hurriedly flew forward, shouting loudly at the same time, "Sister, hurry up!"

Bai Luna quickly came to her senses when she heard the words, and immediately noticed the fluctuation above her head, she was about to flap her angel wings and jump away in shock.

At this time, Su Yuan stepped out and had already passed through the gate of space to the top of Bai Luna who was high above the sky.

A layer of black ripples swayed from Su Yuan's body, and disappeared into the field together with Bai Luna in an instant.

The scenery in front of her changed drastically, Bai Luna quickly looked around, there was nothing in the desolate and empty space.

Except... a somewhat familiar enchantment on the ground.

"This is?!"

Bai Luna's pupils shrank, and she was about to mobilize her star power.

However, this time, Su Yuan didn't give her any more chances, and directly urged the spirit-expelling barrier to unfold the spiritless land!

Bai Luna's complexion changed drastically, and she watched helplessly as the star power that had just flowed out of her body dissipated in front of her eyes, and even the eight energy light wings continued to disintegrate and disintegrate.

"Why can you use this skill so quickly!"

It stands to reason that such a skill with terrifying effects cannot be used continuously.

And Su Yuan didn't mean to explain to Bai Luna, he walked up to her and raised his long knife high.

"I'm curious, if you die in my world, can you still be resurrected..."

Your world?

Bai Luna's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the long knife swung down from the top of her head, the next moment, she felt a sharp pain that was stronger than before coming from the top of her head, and instantly penetrated her whole body!

But it was split into two halves by Su Yuan!

The corpse fell down with a "plop".

There was a silver light in Su Yuan's eyes, staring at the blood and internal organs dripping all over the floor.

Sure enough, Su Yuan vaguely sensed an invisible soul energy flying out of it.

However, this invisible soul energy seems to have no wisdom, just wandering around in the field as if wanting to break through this space to go somewhere.

However, the Qingming Realm and the New Dust Realm are two worlds!

Although there is Su Yuan as a bridge, if Su Yuan doesn't open the passage, this will be a gully between the two worlds, which an unconscious soul body can penetrate!

"It really worked."

This was exactly Su Yuan's plan at the beginning, to separate and kill the twins with the Qingming Realm.

The distance across the world is quite far away.

At this time, Su Yuan felt that the entire Qingming world was trembling slightly.

Hei Luna, who failed to recall Bai Luna's soul, was slashing crazily at the space anchor of the Qingming Realm with sharp black branches!

Su Yuan sneered: "Today's Qingming Realm cannot be broken so easily."

With wolf-level phoenix veins suppressing the entire Qingming Realm, the stability of the Qingming Realm has been greatly improved.

Even if it is Huiyue class, it is difficult to break through the Qingming world in a short while!

With a flash of black light on Su Yuan's body, he grabbed the demon knife and disappeared from the Qingming world.


In the clash of weapons, Heluna's eyes were filled with coldness, violence, and... a trace of uncontrollable panic.

"Where did you hide her!"

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Another world."

Although Hei Luna doesn't quite understand what Su Yuan means, she understands that only by killing the other party can she find Bai Luna's soul.

And it can't be too long, otherwise, Bai Luna's soul may be damaged or even dissipated!

There was blood in Hei Luna's eyes, and the dark lines on her body kept surging. In just a short while, the demon's horns, tail and demon's wings grew out!

"Die to me!"

Hei Luna violently swung the black branch and chopped it out, directly pushing Su Yuanbeng back.

"A demon-type transformation skill?" Su Yuan stabilized his retreating figure, felt his slightly numb right hand, and couldn't help but condense his eyes slightly, "This physical strength is really strong to the extreme."

The transformation of the devil is different from the enhancement of Bai Luna's angelic descent. The energy changes of the transformation are all in the body, and the spiritless land has no great effect on it.

And Hei Luna's figure flashed in front of her, and she turned into a black phantom and rushed to Su Yuan in a blink of an eye.

Su Yuan drew his left hand, and the twelve star-lit sky locks added by the power of the stars instantly intertwined in front of him and entangled Hei Luna.

Then Su Yuan swung the demon knife and stabbed the opponent's heart.

A little blood seeped and flowed from Hei Luna's chest along the demon knife, and the knife actually only penetrated less than half an inch!

Su Yuan's pupils shrunk slightly, and this level of defense is probably only a line behind Leo's.

"Sure enough, not only her strength, but her defense, speed and even her physique are probably equally astonishing..."

Without waiting for Su Yuan to think about it, just in the blink of an eye, the lock of the starry sky was suddenly broken in the violent shaking, and Hei Luna swung the black branch and slashed at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan took out Fengqi Saber with his backhand, and killed with both sabers in his hands.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang..."

But in a short time, the two sides have already exchanged hundreds of moves at high speed!

Hei Luna's demon body and Su Yuan's starry sky body are covered with many scars.

"Black Moon Seven Strings!"

Hei Luna drew her sword and slashed, but seven black moons lit up around Su Yuan out of thin air, and then turned into seven extremely fierce black crescents strangling towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan cast Black Lotus Bloom, and the silver-white lotus bloomed under the blessing of the power of the stars, and the seven black moons clashed with each other, making a sharp metal-like sound, and then both of them collapsed.

"What a formidable opponent." Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, even admiring.

After mastering left and right fighting, it was also rare for Su Yuan to meet an opponent who would back and forth with him in close combat.

But the opponent is not only physically tyrannical, but also all kinds of martial arts are unparalleled!

On the contrary, because he has no martial arts skills and lacks powerful offensive and defensive moves, he can't win the opponent in close combat.

But melee combat is just one part of Su Yuan's strength.


With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, black ripples unfolded, and the formation of Wulei Tiangang in the No. 1 secondary space appeared under his feet.

At the same time, more than a dozen thunder lights of various colors suddenly descended from the sky and bombarded Heluna!

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunder continued to roar, and when Heluna escaped from the many thunder lights again, a little scorched black appeared on her body.

But Su Yuan didn't stop, he pushed the thunder formation with all his strength, and all kinds of thunders poured down from the sky like money!

Hei Luna's complexion was a little ugly: "It's really tricky!"

Although the thunder couldn't cause any huge damage to Heluna, the powerful bombardment and electric current effect did hinder her actions quite a bit.

This is also Su Yuan's purpose. Hei Luna's speed is too fast, and to deal with her, she must restrain her high-speed movement.

In Su Yuan's left hand, the power of space surged at a high speed to store up his skills, and at the same time, he controlled the Void Cracker Hand to escape from the void and grabbed it.

Hei Luna had just split the two Binghuoyang thunderbolts falling from her head when she was caught by a big silver hand glowing with starlight.

However, a cold snort came from the big silver hand, and the big silver hand trembled slightly, and was suddenly chopped into pieces by the huge black cross knife light!

But at this moment, the power of space in Su Yuan's left hand flashed, and the shattering of the void was ready again. He raised his hand and pointed, and before Hei Luna could make any other movements, she was pulled in place by the twisting and collapsing void.

This is not the shattering of the void that had begun to decay before Hei Luna appeared, but the shattering of the void under the strengthening of Su Yuan's star power!

"The devil is haunted, break it for me!!"

Feeling the astonishing pulling force of the twisting void, Heluna shouted violently, and a hideous phantom of the demon rushed out of the demon body and surrounded her.

Afterwards, Hei Luna clenched the black branches tightly, and when her figure blurred slightly, countless black moons shot out in all directions.

For a moment, the huge suction force of the Twisting Void was cut off!

"Can it still be like this?"

Su Yuan was also very surprised when he saw this scene, but it was just a surprise.

Since he wanted to push the other party to a desperate situation, Su Yuan didn't waste any power, and the thunder clouds in the sky didn't stop...

Hei Luna was just about to fly out, but saw the thunder above her head, and a huge cyan thunder beam crashed down and drowned it, even the phantom of the demon she just summoned was scattered.

It was formed by the fusion of nine shots of Yimu Zhenglei in one place!

For Heluna who has transformed into a demon, Otoki Zhenglei has a stronger effect than other thunders.

Although this form of mass accumulation has limited improvement in Thunderbolt's power, it cannot kill Heluna in one fell swoop.

But Su Yuan didn't want to bombard and kill the opponent, he just needed to hinder the opponent for a while.

The next moment, the severed traction force of the Twisting Nether had swirled again, pulling Heluna back.

The constantly collapsing space, the nine-in-one Yimu Zhenglei, each of them is an absolute killer move even for the top first-class envoys!

Under the attacks of the two, Hei Luna continued to have her flesh torn and blood splashed, but she was not seriously injured!

However, after seeing her terrifying physical body, Su Yuan naturally didn't want to use these to kill her.

At this moment, in Su Yuan's right eye, the power of space as deep as mercury is about to burst out!

The pupil technique of hole void cannot be used repeatedly in a short period of time.

Right now it's just a battle situation, so it's natural to save money if you can.

However, the terror of the opponent's physical body is comparable to that of the starry sky, and the only way to kill the opponent is the hole or the five-color god thunder.


The power of space shot out, and Hei Luna suddenly felt a sense of shock rising from the bottom of her heart, and when she looked up, she saw the silver light in Su Yuan's eyes.

"not good!"

The next moment, with a flash of silver light, Heluna trembled like an electric shock, and then her eyes widened in a daze.

But in the center of his brow, there is already a transparent hole.

Surprise, killing intent, unwillingness, regret, sadness... In a moment, all kinds of expressions changed in Hei Luna's eyes.

In the end, it turned into an apology.


Hei Luna looked at Su Yuan and opened her mouth, but before she could finish her sentence, the light in her eyes completely dimmed.

But Su Yuan could probably tell what she was thinking from the eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Su Yuan looked at the other party's body, speechless for a moment.

Obviously, this sorry is not for himself, but for Bai Luna who was accepted into the Qingming Realm by him.

"Sorry, I couldn't revive you again"

I guess so?

Su Yuan was silent for a while, and quickly calmed down.

There is no right or wrong in the battle between oneself and the opponent, there are only differences in positions and camps...

Su Yuan sighed secretly, then stepped forward to remove the space ring and black branches from Hei Luna's body.

After that, with a thought in Su Yuan's mind, all kinds of thunder thundered and landed on Hei Luna's body.

Without the consciousness of resistance, there would be no blessings such as the power of the soul. Naturally, Hei Luna's body hardness at this moment could not withstand the bombardment of the thunder, but she was blasted into scum in a moment.

Afterwards, Su Yuan put away the thunder formation and returned to the Qingming Realm to dispose of Bai Luna's body in the same way.

"In this way, it can't be resurrected."

Be careful to make the Ten Thousand Years Ship, and naturally you have to be more careful with people with mysterious and strange abilities.

Su Yuan's doing this can be regarded as a "thunder burial" for the black and white twins.

In the end, Su Yuan looked at the two black and white rings in his palm, thought for a moment, then emptied the contents, and put them together somewhere in the Qingming Realm.

Putting the relics together can be regarded as some consolation from Su Yuan's sisterly love for the black and white twins.

Afterwards, Su Yuan came out of the Qingming Realm again, and looked at the area covered by the five-color domain in the distance.

"Then it's your turn."

Su Yuan's eyes turned cold, and he flew over in a flash...

From today to the tenth day of the first lunar month, only the two-in-one single chapter will be released, but there will be at least 4,000 words.

There are a lot of things during the Spring Festival, so I can only keep updating as much as possible. I hope everyone understands.

Thank you for the support of all book friends

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