Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 463 Ice Seed Bodhi

"It's pretty hard..." Su Yuan's expression moved slightly.

Shen Die quickly stabilized her figure, looking at Qiongying in the distance, the white light of the spiritual power on the knife gathered at a high speed and was about to slash out.


However, Shen Die suddenly let out a muffled snort, her complexion turned pale, and her eyes were almost flooded by various negative emotions.

Obviously, even though Qiongying's [Inner Demon Invasion] was broken just now, she was also eroded by too many negative emotions all at once.

These things are like toxins spreading and eroding the spirit. If they are not dealt with as soon as possible, Shen Die's current state may not last long.

Su Yuan said to Shen Die: "You deal with the hidden dangers on your body first, and leave it to me here."

With Shen Die's temperament, she subconsciously refused.

But after a while ago, his mentality has changed a bit.

Yes, I also have companions...

Thinking like this, Shen Die looked at Su Yuan beside him, but unexpectedly agreed.

"Well, then please Su Xingjun."

At this time, a wave of energy fluctuations suddenly came from afar.

But I saw all kinds of emotions flowing in Qiongying's body, and the energy of the surrounding colorful fields all converged into the body.

Then Qiongying raised her hand, amidst all kinds of brilliance surging, a long spear with a spherical floating hole in the middle fell into her hand.


With a low shout, Qiongying shot at Su Yuan directly.

But Su Yuan didn't back away, just waved the demon knife and went to meet him.

The air wave exploded, and the light of the stars and the lights of various colors continued to burst!

Anger increases physique and strength, loneliness increases defense, desire increases speed...

Strengthening the body with various emotional energies, Qiongying exploded with amazing melee combat ability.

Moreover, this was the case when his spirit was severely injured by Shen Die.

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid its ability to fight in close quarters would not be much weaker than that of Heluna!

"Hand of Fear!"

"Void Cracker!"

The big purple hand collided with the big silver hand surrounded by stars, and then both of them retreated.

Holding the demon sword in his hand, Su Yuan fought fiercely with Qiongying again.

However, compared with Su Yuan who is fully unfolding his starry sky dominance, Qiongying in the current state is naturally not as good.

But after a while, Su Yuan had already been stabbed several times, and could only heal the wound with the power of anger.


Shocked again, Qiongying said in a deep voice: "It's amazing, no wonder I was able to kill the twins first!"

Su Yuan said: "Don't worry, I will send you down soon, maybe you can be a companion if you hurry up."

Saying that, Su Yuan appeared in front of Qiongying again with a flash of silver light, and suddenly cut down with a knife!

Qiongying swung her gun to stop her, but she was cut back a few steps by the knife.

Su Yuan's body flickered and he was about to pursue the victory again.

But at this moment, there was a strong wave in the distance!


Su Yuan, Shen Die and Qiongying turned their heads to look at the same time.

However, the iceberg in the distance suddenly trembled violently, and the tide of star power in all directions soared into the sky and continued to explode!

Not long after, many star power tides collapsed.

And the power of the star veins bred in the iceberg stopped as if it was stillborn.

"This is... a false pulse!"

The three of Su Yuan's faces froze, and they recognized that this is a false pulse!

Although the prismatic crystal did contain the energy of the star veins drawn out, but at this moment, it was discovered that it was just a few wolf veins gathered together.

It was similar to the Xingmai that Shen Die and the others ambush Leo and Aquarius last time, but it was much more natural.

At this moment, because Xingmai has been drained, he can no longer pretend.

Qiongying's complexion changed rapidly, and with a flutter of wings behind her, she suddenly retreated into the distance!

"Want to run?"

Su Yuan sneered, since this is a false vein, the goal of the two of them naturally became to kill the star envoy, how could they easily let the other party escape!

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the surrounding void quickly distorted and shattered around him, forming a void black hole quickly.

Afterwards, Su Yuan looked at Qiongying who was flying away in the distance, and many silver lights rose from the two of them at the same time...

"not good!"

Looking at the power of space below her, Qiongying's complexion suddenly changed.

Having already been tricked once, Qiongying naturally understood the effect of this trick, and hurriedly used negative emotions to form a defensive shield to try to resist this transfer force.

But under the "Strike" feature, if there is no special countermeasures, a simple energy barrier can't stop the effect of transposition!

The next moment, the scenery in front of Qiongying changed drastically, and she was already in the center of the twisting void.

The terrifying force of space shattering constantly tore apart the emotional energy in Qiongying's body, and the terrifying pulling force confined her tightly within it.

"Oops!" Qiongying's face sank like water, but she couldn't break free for a moment.

In a short while, Su Yuan had turned back.

Qiongying's complexion changed, and she pointed at Su Yuan immediately: "The abyss of despair!"

Many invisible despair rushed towards Su Yuan quickly, blackness filled Su Yuan's eyes, and Su Yuan was frozen in place.

But after only a moment's hesitation, Su Yuan's eyes overflowed with brilliance, breaking through this power of despair!

"how come?!"

Qiongying's eyes widened, the abyss of despair...it's useless?

Qiongying's negative emotional attack belongs to the form of internal and external attacks.

Outside, Qiongying manipulated the negative emotions transformed by her own spirit to erode the target.

In addition, it can also evoke the negative emotions of the target itself.

Combining internal and external, the effect increases dramatically, and it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to stop it.

However, since Su Yuan became a star card master, he has experienced countless battles, lost countless enemies, and escaped from adversity and even desperation.

In this process, I have gradually established extraordinary beliefs.

What is there to despair about?

"It's nothing more than a means of evil spirits."

Su Yuan sneered, the stars on the knife intertwined with the power of space, and suddenly slashed towards Qiongying!

Even if Qiongying collected all her emotions and strengthened her skin of loneliness, it was still impossible for her to be slaughtered by Su Yuan like a fish on a chopping board.

With a chill in her heart, all kinds of energies flowed from Qiongying's body, but her whole body completely turned into a colorful energy body.

Su Yuan slashed, but it was as if he was slashing on flowing water, only a few ripples were drawn on Qiongying's body, and then there was no movement.

Seeing this, Su Yuan's eyes froze, and the thunder array unfolded again, and Yimu's thunder fell down!

"Boom boom boom!"

As soon as a blue thunder fell, Qiongying snorted, her complexion turned pale, and her illusory body trembled slightly.

Although the effect is obviously stronger than before, it is still far from smashing the opponent.

"Psychic energy body..." Su Yuan frowned slightly.

If attacks are strictly distinguished, they can be divided into three categories: physical, energy, and soul (spiritual).

Mental state, almost immune to physical attacks, and seems to be extremely resistant to ordinary energies.

That's why Qiongying was able to block it.

But at this moment, the power of void shattering gradually began to slow down, and if it took a while, he might really be able to break free.

"I can sense that your mental energy is very strong," Qiongying raised the corners of her lips, "but you probably don't have the skills in this area."

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, indeed...he lacked some spiritual means.

Moreover, this need is more urgent than martial arts.

Lack of martial arts, that is, a slight deficiency in close combat;

And lack of mental skills, once you meet such an opponent, you will undoubtedly suffer a big loss.

Seeing that the Twisting Void was about to be broken free, Su Yuan's thought moved, the thunder burst roared, and the five-colored thunder light gathered above his head, so he wanted to use the five-colored divine thunder to try.

Even if you have strong resistance, you can weaken most of the attacks.

But as long as my attack is pulled to the extreme, I may also blow you into powder!

But at this moment, there was a pure and violent wave of tyranny coming from not far away.

Su Yuan immediately stopped the five-color divine thunder and turned his head to look.

I saw Shen Die unfolding her sword drawing posture. Although her complexion was dark and her breath was sluggish, her eyes and the long sword in her hand were extremely bright in the blink of an eye!

"Damn it, can she still move!"

Qiongying's complexion changed, she didn't expect Shen Die, who had received so much negative energy, to be able to display such an astonishing mental attack at this time!

"An unthinkable knife!"

With a flash of white light, Shen Die drew his saber and came out of Humanity Unity, turning into a white light and piercing Qiongying's chest.

Qiongying's pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked at Shen Die in front of her in amazement, her pupils were loose, and the light in her eyes dimmed rapidly.

One after another, pure white flowers bloomed on Qiongying's body, just like the Aquarius back then, and within a short moment, she lost her breath.

Cancer Qiongying...die!

"Sure enough, it's best to use mental ability to deal with spirit." Su Yuan nodded secretly.

But after beheading Qiongying with one blow, Shen Die remained motionless, but suddenly there were some lively emotions in her pure and cold eyes.

Numerous pure white flowers in full bloom flew up, wrapping Shen Die in layers.

After an unknown amount of time, all the pure white flowers dissipated, and Shen Die's figure appeared again.

Although her face was pale due to exhaustion of mental power, Shen Die seemed to have realized something like a butterfly breaking out of a cocoon.

The eyes are more agile, and it seems that even the color of the body has become richer...

"I see you, you seem to have improved?"

Uncommonly, Shen Die nodded with a smile, and was about to say something else.

But he staggered under his feet, but his face turned pale, and all kinds of negative emotions in his eyes almost swallowed him.

Su Yuan took a look with the omniscient vision, but found that there is still a lot of negative energy suppressed in the body by Shen Die!

Obviously, Shen Die has not completely cleared it up.

Already mentally damaged, he forcibly used such a tyrannical mental attack, and immediately suffered backlash.

Shen Die closed her eyes, her face twitched slightly, as if she was in extreme pain.

Seeing this, Su Yuan had nothing to do.

But fortunately, with the help of the mental power absorbed from Qiongying just now, after a long time, Shen Die still killed all the negative emotions.


With thin sweat and light clothing, Shen Die was dripping with sweat, and said weakly and tiredly.

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, "Since you and I are colleagues, we should help each other when we act together."

"Hmm..." Shen Die calmed down, then looked at the iceberg in the distance, "Is our side a false pulse..."

Su Yuan set off directly: "Go and have a look."

Before Su Yuan and the others came to the iceberg, they pulled out the prismatic crystal, and the whole iceberg was shocked.

"A whole three wolf veins!"

Su Yuan looked at the three separated star veins in the crystal in his hand, and was quite startled.

And at this moment, the entire iceberg collapsed layer by layer from the outside to the inside.

At the end, there was an extremely cold air rushing out of it, and even Su Yuan and Shen Die couldn't help feeling a deep chill.

In the center of the collapsing iceberg, there is an ice-species bodhi tree as tall as two people.

Countless extremely cold runes floated on it, the frost was like frost, and the cold glow lingered, mysterious and unusual, like a god!

Shen Die, who had always had a calm face, could not help but exclaim at this moment when her expression changed.

"Ten Thousand Years Ice Bodhi Tree!"

Seeing that Shen Die was so surprised, Su Yuan couldn't help asking: "Shen Xingjun, this is?"

"This is a 10,000-year-old ice-species bodhi tree, a treasure of the ice system. I'm afraid... it is also one of the most precious items in the New Dust Realm!"

"Oh?" Su Yuan looked at the Bodhi tree in the distance and asked, "How does it compare with Qinglian Jinghuo?"

Xia Xingjun's Qinglian Jinghuo?

Shen Die was a little puzzled, she blinked her eyes and didn't ask any further questions.

After a little thought, Shen Die said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it's almost the same!

The ice bodhi tree is the essence of ice in the world, and it is a divine thing that is born with spirituality and can grow!

The ten-thousand-year ice-planted bodhi tree is already the ice treasure among the fourth-level spiritual plants, and it can be cultivated into the fifth-level 100,000-year-level in the future.

Moreover, this kind of treasure does not need to be refined, similar to the divine fire, as long as it is approved by it to refine it, it can automatically transform into the most suitable form for the host. "

Comparable to Shenhuo, growth, essence of the world, automatic form...

Su Yuan was secretly startled, he didn't understand the value of this thing, it might be more precious than gold-level Taixu gold!

And the New Dust Realm was able to forge this level of false veins based on these treasures and the three wolf veins as energy.

If it weren't for the fact that the birth of the first tiger vein was too important to the new world and related to the growth of the world, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to sacrifice such a treasure.

Su Yuan looked thoughtful and understood.

"The ten-thousand-year ice-planted bodhi tree is useless to me, but..."

At this moment, a pure white figure subconsciously appeared in Su Yuan's mind...

"What's wrong?"

Shen Die was keenly aware of the change in Su Yuan's expression, and asked.

Su Yuan looked at Shen Die, groaned for a moment and then said seriously: "Shen Xingjun, this ten-thousand-year ice bodhi tree is useful to me, as long as you like it, I can use other treasures on my body to make up for you..."

Shen Die smiled, but shook her head and said: "If you hadn't come to help, I'm afraid I would have been obliterated by him and become his spiritual fodder.

This thing is of no use to me, since Su Xingjun needs to put it away directly. "

Shen Die paused, and then said again: "Let me accept the relics of the star envoy. I guess there are many good spiritual things, and I have gained a lot."

Not to mention that the value of such fetishes as the ten-thousand-year ice bodhi tree is far beyond that of Qiongying's space ring, and Qiongying was originally severely injured by Shen Die and killed with the last move.

Most of Qiongying's booty should belong to Shen Die.

So what Shen Die said was nothing more than to make Su Yuan feel at ease.

"Thank you Shen Xingjun."

Su Yuan thought for a moment and was not too polite. He nodded, and then he swung the Yushen Yaodao and carefully took down the ten thousand-year-old ice-seeded Bodhi tree by the roots and put it in the Qingming Realm.

Seeing Su Yuan put away the ice-planted bodhi tree, Shen Die thought about it and said, "Su Xingjun, I'm going to two other places next.

Although I don't know where the true pulse is, and I don't know if I can catch up in the past, but I have to help anyway. "

Su Yuan nodded and said: "I have the method of space teleportation, the north side can't control it, but the south side should be able to do it in time."

"Huh?" Shen Die's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Su Yuan nodded: "Of course."

As early as the time of departure, Su Yuan had already left a teleportation order.

Although the distance is too far now, it has exceeded the limit use range of the teleportation order.

But as long as you enter this range, you can still save nearly half of the time.

Su Yuan looked at the pale Shen Die, and said, "However, in your current state, you should go to my world to rest for a while, and I can travel faster by myself."

Shen Die nodded and said, "That's troublesome!"

"Small matter." Su Yuan responded, and the black light on his body surged and directly pulled Shen Die into the Qingming Realm.

Then Su Yuan began to teleport, and continued to drive all the way to the southeast...

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