Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 464: Hundred-Cracking Divine Wind

Su Yuan hurried all the way to the southeast.

But before he had gone far, Su Yuan suddenly stopped and turned to look towards the sky.

"Are you back?" A trace of surprise flashed in Su Yuan's eyes.

Not long after, two figures came galloping from the south, they were Ruan Ruan and Antonis who were going to look for Tai Xu Zhi Jin.

"Master, master!"

Ruan Ruan sped up and flew over, hugging Su Yuan with excitement in his eyes.

Su Yuan rubbed her head with a smile, and began to explore her body carefully with his mental strength.

Hmm... There is no injury, and the aura is a little bit calmer than before. It seems that this time I went out to practice and made a lot of progress.

Antonis followed up: "Boss."

Su Yuan also sized Antonis up and asked, "Are you both okay?"

"It's okay." Antonis's expression moved slightly, he smiled, and then said directly, "Fortunately, the silver Taixu gold was found!"

"Oh?" Su Yuan's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the two to find it so quickly.

Ruan Ruan directly took out a piece of silver metal: "This is it!"

As soon as the silver metal was taken out, it floated in mid-air by itself.

"That's right, it's the gold of silver Taixu!"

After a little confirmation, Su Yuan couldn't help showing a bit of joy in his eyes.

In this way, the retraining of the Sky Lock will be completed!

"Hee hee hee hee!" Seeing the joy on Su Yuan's face, Ruan Ruan couldn't help but feel even happier.

Su Yuan rubbed his limp head, and said to Antonis, "Antonis, this time is thanks to you."

I have to always prepare for the battle of tiger veins, and I can't get away from it all the time.

If it wasn't for Antonis, Su Yuan really wouldn't worry about Ruan Ruan going out to search alone, even with Murphy.

And if the Tiger Vein War is over, it's unknown what changes will happen in the Xinchen Realm, and it's hard to say whether there will be a chance to find the Taixu Gold.

Antonis smiled casually: "It's a part-time job, this is what I should do."

Su Yuan looked at Antonis and thought for a while, and then said: "You have contributed a lot this time, but I have to hurry now. You will go back to the Qingming Realm first, and we will talk about the rest later."


Antonis responded immediately, and was later collected by Su Yuan into the Qingming Realm.

And Ruan Ruan turned back into a slime and jumped onto Su Yuan's shoulder, and then Su Yuan continued on his way.

With a flicker of Su Yuan's figure, he continued walking with Ruan Ruan.

"By the way, Master." Ruan Ruan said suddenly, "When we were looking for Taixu Gold, we saw Bing Tong in that Aurora Forest!"

"Huh?" Su Yuan paused slightly, "Did you see Bing Tong?"

"Yes, if it weren't for Bingtong, we would be in danger, and we may not be able to get the gold of Taixu!"

Next, Ruan Ruan told Su Yuan about the situation at that time in detail.

"Is that so..." Su Yuan asked, "Where is she later?"

"Later, she went to the depths of the Aurora Forest alone to find materials, so we came back first...

By the way, we have an appointment, she will come to find the owner! "

Su Yuan's expression moved slightly: "Looking for me? Where is she going to find me?"

"I told her the location of the Great Flame stronghold..." Ruan Ruan suddenly responded. "That's right, in this case, she won't be able to find her master!"

Ruan Ruan himself has a spiritual connection with Su Yuan, as long as he senses carefully, he can always sense Su Yuan's position roughly, and naturally he will not go astray.

But now, if Luo Bingtong went to Dayan stronghold, he would not be able to find Su Yuan.

And Su Yuan's expression tightened even more.

If you can't find yourself, it's nothing.

But at this time, Luo Bingtong went from the south to the Dayan stronghold, fearing that he might run into the battle between the star envoy and the star king.

"This girl, please don't have any accidents..."

Thinking of this, Su Yuan's heart tightened for no reason.

Although Ruan Ruan said that Luo Bingtong seems to be much stronger now, but the star envoy is powerful and weird, and it is not a good thing to get involved.

"Ruan Ruan, we have to hurry on the road with all our strength." Su Yuan said calmly.


Seeing Su Yuan's serious expression, Ruan Ruan immediately nodded and said no more.

The brilliance in Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he directly selected a certain star beast on the distant snowfield to exchange places with it.

Then teleportation + transposition + space gate, all the way towards the star vein formation in the south...

New Dust Realm, to the north.

Surrounding the three mountain peaks, there were roaring sounds one after another, holy light, yellow sand, sword energy, sword light... all kinds of aura burst out everywhere.

As for Qiguang, there are three 100-member Shining Star Knights, and many officers, which can be described as powerful.

Although there are only more than a hundred people in Dayan, they are basically second-class envoys. Including Li Daoxun, Song Xingyun and other top fighters on the merit list, they are all here!

"The two instruments return to dust!"

Li Daoxun manipulated dozens of Liangyi swords to draw them together at high speed in the sky, strangling a tall official in the center like a millstone in the uniform of Blue Star.

"The power of shadow protects me!"

Gao Da yelled angrily from the official, the dark lines on his body surged, and countless sticky shadow lights rushed out from his body to resist the surrounding sword energy.

However, dozens of Liangyi Qi swords are not only extremely sharp, but also cycle endlessly.

The white holy light on this tall servant was only in a stalemate for a moment, and then the shadow was wiped out by the reciprocating Liangyi Qi sword, and the flesh was crushed on the spot!

Li Daoxun raised his hand to recall the Liangyi Qijian, but he was not in a hurry to kill it again, but looked around the situation in the starting field.

From all directions, although the number of Xuntian Division is small, but they are all masters who can stand alone.

"The situation has finally been stabilized for the time being." Li Daoxun mused, "But the most important thing is to watch the battle between the two Star Lords and the Star Envoy..."

At this moment, the entire sky darkened slightly, and accompanied by a scalp-numbing star power fluctuation, a huge ice-fire star destroyer exploded in the central sky!


The terrifying blue and red two-color flames surged towards the surroundings like a mushroom cloud!

Several knights and envoys who were nearby were even hit by the aftermath, and were sent flying hundreds of meters by the extremely strong shock wave on the spot. When they stabilized their bodies again, they were already bloody and badly injured!

"Back further!"

Li Daoxun, Song Xingyun and others all told the people around them to stay away.

Robert and some other knight commanders and adjutants of the temple also asked their subordinates to retreat.

"This Taurus Zodiac's magical attack is really amazing!" Li Daoxun was startled, and stared solemnly at the two-color flame of ice and fire, "I don't know what happened to the two Xingjun."

Not long after, a white gust of wind ripped a big hole in the tumbling ice, fire and flames like a sharp blade.

Among them, Zhang Qianyi is holding a blue long knife, surrounded by white kamikaze.

With fluttering sleeves, he looked as usual.

On the other side in the distance, a huge white bone lotus flower was scorched black and shattered, and after layers fell off, the witch in it appeared.

Although there were some injuries, they were not seriously injured.

"As expected of the two stars." Li Daoxun heaved a sigh of relief.

If it were me, Liangyi Qijian might not be able to withstand such a terrifying blow from Taurus!

Zhang Qianyi turned to look at Wu Qi in the distance, and beckoned from a distance: "Wu Xingjun, are you okay? I'm sorry, the opponent here is too fierce, and I can't stop it~"

Wu Qi glanced at the trauma on his body, snorted coldly and said, "It's just some skin trauma!"

"That's good~" Zhang Qianyi smiled.

After the battle started, Wu Qi and Scorpio Lu Bu, who had stopped fighting last time, fought together.

And Zhang Qianyi was responsible for stopping Taurus Favlan and all the other officials in the field.

As for the templars on the periphery, Li Daoxun was in charge of commanding them to kill them from the lurking places outside.

At this moment, except for Favlan's officer Noke, the core of the war zone where the monarchs and envoys are fighting, all the other officers have been killed!

"Even the Ice Fire Star Destroyer Cannon can't hurt him..." Favlan looked at Zhang Qianyi who was surrounded by the breeze in front of him, his face became more serious, "Noke, the one on him is Kamikaze, right?"

Nok, who was holding the knight's sword tightly in front of him, said, "That's right, and it should be the hundred-cracking kamikaze that can tear everything apart."

"Hundred Cracks Kamikaze..."

Favlan doesn't know much about kamikaze, but the opponent's offensive is really too strong.

Not only the speed is astonishingly fast, but the attack ability is even more outrageous!

Unlike Su Yuan, who is not of the fire element, and Xia Xuan, who has been promoted to Yaoxing not long ago, Zhang Qianyi has been promoted to Yaoxing for three or four years.

The development and application of Bai Crack Kamikaze has already reached the point of proficiency.

Favlan's eyes froze, and a little magic power circuit had lit up on her body at some point, and she waved the epic staff inlaid with seven gems in her hand, and quickly mobilized the star power.

"Holy Light Ion Cannon!"

"Extremely Cold Frost Dragon Break!"

"Hell Lava!"

In just a short moment, Favlan displayed three skills successively at an astonishing speed!

Looking at the terrifying ion beam that burst out first, Zhang Qianyi's expression became a little more serious.

"Let's end it as soon as possible, if there is any change in the situation, we can deal with it earlier..."

It's fine if it's a true vein, but if it's a false vein, then get rid of the enemy as soon as possible, and you can support the other two places more quickly.

Zhang Qianyi was thinking like this, the huge beam of light from the Holy Light Ion Cannon almost rushed several meters in front of him!

"Extremely fast."

Zhang Qianyi's body swayed, and suddenly two wisps of white wind rose from the corners of his eyes.

His figure was slightly blurred, and Zhang Qianyi seemed to be teleporting horizontally, dodging the holy light particle cannon bursting in front of him at a critical moment.

After taking a step, it turned into a white phantom and rushed out quickly.

The Frost Dragon condensed with the power of extreme cold came rushing and biting, but Zhang Qian was expressionless and didn't even intend to dodge, he swung his blue long knife and charged forward.

The knife flashed, and then I saw that extremely cold ice dragon was cut into countless pieces like tofu from the beginning to the end!

At this time, more than ten or twenty pillars of hell lava fire shot up from the ground.

But Zhang Qianyi seemed to be a mansion in the wind, he didn't even slow down, and he avoided the attack of the fire pillars one after another with a slight sway in his figure.

"This agility and speed is really a terrifying opponent!"

Favlan raised her staff and pointed at it, but all the pillars of lava and fire that were shooting into the air changed their direction at the same time. Following the point of the staff, they crossed obliquely and surrounded and killed Zhang Qianyi without giving him any room to dodge. drown it.

"Oh? This technique can also change direction, it's really unusual..."

Some unexpected sounds came from the flames, and countless white air streams were suddenly wrapped around the numerous lava fire pillars.

As soon as the white air flow became strong, all the lava and fire pillars were crushed in an instant!

In the vast expanse of flames that dissipated and dissipated, Zhang Qianyi's hair rose high with the wind, and his whole figure became blurred in the turbulent white wind. Only two wisps of the wind could be seen in his arms. The eyes are constantly flowing and rising!

Strengthen skills - Fengshen!

"His aura is much stronger!"

Favlan was secretly startled, and at the same time quickly gained momentum on the staff.

Favlan shouted in a low voice: "Go, Rock God War Puppet!"

The ground undulated, the rocks cracked, and even the three peaks exploded together. Countless rocks flew into the sky and turned into a huge rock god war puppet!

The rock god war puppet, a summoned creature of epic quality, possesses power far beyond that of ordinary people and a terrifying defense.

Even ordinary star envoys are difficult to break through its defenses. Once caught by it and trapped in the inner core mechanism, there will be no other result except being crushed and suffocated!

At this moment, the Rock God war puppet rushed into the sky, glared at Zhang Qianyi, and grabbed it with a slap.

However, Zhang Qianyi's body flickered, and he jumped over the arm of the Rock God War Puppet in an instant and appeared in the middle of his chest, stabbing in with a knife.

"Tear it apart, rip it apart!"

A cold voice sounded, and the kamikaze surged on the knife, and a large number of hundred-cracked kamikaze turned into white tassels and spread out from the knife.

The Rock God War Puppet froze suddenly, and then its extremely hard body was cut into more than a dozen pieces like oranges by many white kamikazes, and fell from midair.


Favlan couldn't help shrinking her pupils when she saw this, she didn't realize that the attack of the person in front of her was so strong!

At this time, Favlan suddenly felt a gust of breeze coming from behind, and at the same time, with a blur in front of her eyes, the sober and handsome Great Yan Xingjun had disappeared from sight.

"not good!"

Favlan's pupils shrunk.

And behind him, Zhang Qianyi mercilessly swung his knife and chopped down.


When the metal collided, at the critical moment, a knight's holy sword glowing with azure blue starlight blocked the downward slashing blue long knife.

It's Favlan's servant Nock!

"Oh? It's very fast, it really is a master..."

Zhang Qianyi narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Nok, who was covered in starlight, and the Starlight Knight Sword in his hand, which hadn't been torn apart by the hundred-cracking kamikaze.

"I still have such an epic star device... The star pattern on this sword, if I remember correctly, should be the family emblem of the Astrea family among the five great families of Qiguang."

"Your Excellency is really knowledgeable."

Nok spoke in a low voice, and then the dense stardust on the knight's sword lit up, and immediately a large piece of starlight exploded from the sword and blasted towards Zhang Qianyi.

However, Zhang Qian didn't even move, and all the golden light beams were shredded in the whirling wind around him, and then he pushed Noke back with another force!

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