Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 465 Nutrition

On the other side, countless black runes surged on Wu Qi's body.

The silver spear in his hand and the bone armor on his body turned into pitch black, and a more powerful aura erupted.

It was Black Shura!

Because they had already fought once last time, Wu Qi knew that it was difficult to find out more things with the state of Xuangu Shura alone, so he directly launched the strongest state of Black Shura!

"Is there really any change?" Lu Bu looked at Wu Qi whose breath became cold and violent, and became more interested in surprise, "Then let me see, your real ability!"

A strong sense of oppression emanated from Wu Qi's body, and when he stepped on it, he disappeared in the same place in an instant.

"So fast!"

Lu Bu's complexion changed, and he quickly swung the black sword to meet him.

However, Wu Qi shot at the black sword, and with his terrifying power, he directly flew it away.

Afterwards, the shadow of the gun was like a waterfall, but after a while, it left a lot of scars and two holes on Lu Bu's body, and finally swept Lu Bu out with a sweep.

"Heh..." Lu Bu panted slightly, and looked at Wu Qi who was holding a black gun and wearing a black armor in surprise, "Is it so strong already!"

But in just two or three breaths, Lu Bu's body was full of granulation, and many wounds including two holes had been repaired.

Wu Qi's eyes turned cold, and he rushed over again in a flash!

"No matter how strong you are, you can't kill me." Lu Bu just grinned, but suddenly a warning rose in his heart, "Huh?..."

I saw Wu Qi rushing forward, but he didn't attack again with his spear. On the contrary, an extremely violent aura surged violently from his body.


Wu Qi shouted secretly, and in an instant, endless thorns and bones rushed out in all directions centered on Wu Qi like a sea tide!

Faced with such a terrifying move, Lu Bu's expression also changed, and he quickly pulled back.

However, speed is obviously not Lu Bu's strong point. Even Chen Chunhua who unfolded the thunder body can't avoid the Thorn Hell, let alone Lu Bu?

The sea of ​​thorns and bones churned and spread wildly, but within a moment, Lu Bu was submerged in the sea of ​​bones!

Since a few wounds don't work, try to rot your whole body!

Wu Qi looked indifferent, and walked directly in front of Lu Bu in a flash.

Lu Bu's body has been pierced by countless thorns and bones. He is riddled with holes, bloody and bloody, and has completely lost his human form.

Even his eyesight had been lost, as if he had died!

"Dead?" Wu Qi frowned slightly.

Because he had fought against the opponent last time, Wu Qi deeply understood that this opponent might not be easy to kill.

With a cold snort, the bone in Wu Qi's left hand flowed, and another silver bone gun appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly at Lu Bu's head.

With a "poof", the bone gun really pierced through Lu Bu's head without any resistance.

Wu Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't stop. With a thought, he was about to manipulate the sea of ​​thorns and bones to strangle him a second time.

But at this moment, an accident occurred.

Under his control, the entire sea of ​​bones remained silent!

"what happened!"

Wu Qi was slightly startled, but suddenly found that the many thorns and bone spurs stuck on Lu Bu's body had a little bit of black oozing from the inside out.

It's that ability!

Wu Qi understood that this was the opponent's ability to make his bones extremely fragile last time.

And not just the bones around Lu Bu, all the bones in all directions have turned a little black at some point.

Wu Qi's pupils shrank suddenly.

And the next moment, as if glass shattered, the entire sea of ​​bones that had been transformed into the hell of thorns around it shattered layer by layer from the inside to the outside in a blink of an eye, turning into countless fingernail-sized black bone residues that floated all over the sky!

At the same time, a warning sign suddenly rose in Wu Qi's heart.

But Lu Bu, whose head was pierced, rolled his eyes, grinned a strange smile, raised his right hand, and suddenly countless flesh and blood surged and swelled up, turning into a huge fist of flesh and blood, smashing it !

With a cold snort, Wu Qi directly raised his spear to block in front of him.


After a muffled sound, Wu Qi flew out backwards, stabilized his figure and wiped the corner of his mouth, but a stream of blood flowed out!

"His strength...!"

Wu Qi was shocked, he didn't expect the opponent's strength to increase so much in just such a short moment, even stronger than his Black Shura state!

But it's not over yet, but I saw countless granulation sprouts pouring out of Lu Bu's body. Not only did all the holes poked out by the thorn hell heal quickly, but the whole figure quickly became bigger, bigger, and bigger at an astonishing speed.

In the end, it turned into a muscular giant with a height of tens of meters, covering a little of the sunlight above its head!

"What's this?!"

Wu Qi's pupils trembled slightly, and he felt an astonishing pressure from the giant Lu Bu.

Wu Qi quickly gathered his mind, the black Shura spear in his hand flowed, continuously compressed and surged, and finally formed an extremely ferocious dragon spear!

"Through it, the spear of the dragon!"

Wu Qi waved his hand and threw it, and the dragon spear in his hand suddenly shot out, hitting the giant Lu Bu's chest!

The giant Lu Bu immediately waved his huge palm to resist, but the dragon's spear was indeed terrifying and extremely powerful.

As the black light surged, the dragon's spear pierced through the giant's palm after a slight stalemate, and then pierced into the heart of the giant Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's huge figure suddenly froze.

"Hit it!" Wu Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the giant Lu Bu.

But the next moment, Lu Bu resumed his actions.

Looking at Wu Qi with astonished eyes, Lu Bu showed a little sarcasm for the first time.

The jet-black Shura bone gun that pierced the heart was visibly decayed and necrotic, and was blown away by Lu Bu's knuckles.

Not only did the injuries on his body heal, but at the same time, even Lu Bu's muscles became stronger and harder, as if full of strength!

Lu Bu grinned: "Even the normal me can continue to regenerate without weakness, let alone such a divine body now?

This is me, I can plunder life, whether it is dead or alive, any object will be robbed of life by me and become decayed..."

Although Wu Qi was shocked by Lu Bu's abnormal ability, he suppressed his shock when he heard what the other party said.

"I don't think...it's life, right?" Wu Qi said suddenly.

Lu Bu narrowed his eyes slightly: "What do you mean?"

Wu Qi opened his palm, and in his palm were several pieces of bone debris that had just turned black and shattered, floating in mid-air. The luster on them had lost all luster, and they were fragile and loose.

Wu Qi said coldly: "Rather than saying 'vitality', it might be better to say...'nutrition'?"

The smile in the giant Lu Bu's eyes gradually subsided, and a cold look suddenly appeared in his slightly squinted eyes, and he suddenly swung his huge fist and smashed it down at Wu Qi!

Although Wu Qi was not disturbed, as soon as he thought about it, a large number of bones surged from his body, forming a wall of hell made of bones and carved with many ghosts and gods on the top of his head!


There was a sudden shock on the wall of bones, ghosts and gods roamed on it, and the voices of a large number of "Jie Jie" evil ghosts came out, but the blow was blocked without any danger.

Epic skill, wall of bones of evil thoughts!

The more malicious attacks it faces, the stronger it will be.

"It seems that I have hit the mark?" Wu Qi asked.

The giant Lu Bu's eyes were fixed, he did not expect Wu Qi's observation ability to be so keen.

That's right, Lu Bu's ability is not to manipulate "vitality" as he said, but to regulate "nutrition".

Every living thing has many kinds of necessary "nutrition", and every article also has many kinds of necessary constituent elements.

And Lu Bu, by extracting this "nutrition" from other people or things, can make this thing necrotic, damaged, or become vulnerable by itself.

In addition, Lu Bu can also carry out "nutritional reconciliation", which can reconcile and transform the various "nutrients" extracted into the "nutrients" needed by oneself, and then repair the body.

And every time the body is repaired in this way, Ruble will become stronger under the catalysis of nutrition!

This is the Scorpio who is in charge of "rebirth"!

"So what?" The giant Lu Bu suddenly sneered, "No matter what it is, you have to die!"

Where the giant Lu Bu was in contact with the wall of bones of evil thoughts, many nutrients were quickly sucked away by Lu Bu.

The white bones that were originally silver and hard quickly dimmed and turned black and became as fragile as osteoporosis. With a sound of "咵啦", they were turned into powder under Lu Bu's fist!

Wu Qi's expression was slightly condensed, taking advantage of the wall of bones to delay time, but he had already opened the distance again.

Indeed, as Lu Bu said, even if he recognizes the opponent's ability through the changes in the bones, how can he solve it?

Wu Qi restrained and dodged, while thinking quickly.

Facing this giant with infinite strength and constant regeneration, the best way is undoubtedly a mental and soul attack!

Even if the body is invincible and can even be regenerated infinitely, as long as the spirit is extinguished, the body will die and the dao will disappear!

But Wu Qi will not attack mentally.

There are very few star card masters who are good at spiritual power, and among the seven star masters of Xuntian Division, only Shen Die is proficient in this way.

Then, you can only start from other places...

"Fang Yuzuo once said that the biggest difference between Star Envoy and Star Lord is the 'extreme' dependence on the power of the soul.

As long as it can break through the opponent's ability, then the star envoy is not difficult to defeat.

Now that he has seen his ability clearly, maybe he can think about it. "


Wu Qi saw that Lu Bu was only slightly blocked, and then he smashed a bone thorn again, and his injuries recovered in a moment.

Moreover, as the injury was repaired, his muscles became stronger and stronger, full of luster, as if they could be strengthened infinitely!

"Nutrition...is it!"

Seeing this scene, Wu Qi suddenly thought of something.

There was a little confusion on his face, and after some quick thinking, Wu Qi suddenly looked certain.

"Although I don't know if it is feasible, but there is no better way, so I can only try in this direction!"

Having made up his mind, Wu Qi looked at the charging giant Lu Bu, and took out a white bead with his hands.

It is the star device selected earlier, named Luo Sha Xuan Mi Bead!

With a thought in Wu Qi's mind, there was a hazy white light floating on the Xuan Mi Pearl, and a large white thing appeared inside it.

If you look closely, you can see that it is an endless forest of bones.

"Thorn Hell!"

With a low shout, Wu Qi actually used the Raksha Xuan Mizhu to start the thorny hell again!

The next moment, countless thorns and bones spread out like a tide and grew towards the giant Lu Bu. Hundreds of thorns and bones filled Lu Bu's body, like a prickly pear!

It has to be said that Wuqi Thorn Hell's attack is indeed extremely fierce, and Lu Bu, who has turned into a giant, can still pierce it!

Moreover, due to the increase in size, the damage caused by Thorn Hell this time can be said to be full.

However, the giant Lu Bu, whose body was covered with bones, laughed morbidly in the midst of pain and pleasure.

"To be able to use such a powerful skill continuously in a short period of time is indeed very powerful.

Although my divine body is still not as defensive as Philex, but not too much worse, it is still pierced by you.

However, this alone can't kill me...

And haven't you noticed, every time I repair my body, I will become stronger.

It was because you used this trick before that I was able to transform into this divine body, but now that you do it, it will only make me stronger! "

Lu Bu let out a sinister grin, and in a blink of an eye, he absorbed all the nutrition of the large number of white bones that pierced through him, and used the contact between the white bones as a medium to absorb all the nutrition of the entire sea of ​​bones!

Afterwards, the flesh and blood on his body swelled, and arms grew out one after another, and in a blink of an eye, there were four more arms.

The terrifying aura was further enhanced, and Lu Bu's skin all over his body showed a little metallic luster!

The six-armed King Kong giant overlooked Wu Qi, and the strong oppressive force could even make the ordinary Yao Xing unable to walk!

Seeing such a monster, Wu Qi couldn't help taking a deep breath, and even felt a bit shaken in his heart.

But soon, Wu Qi calmed down, holding the Raksha Xuan Mi Bead in his hand, and with a thought, many bones gathered behind him, turning into two-foot-long bone spears full of barbs!


Wu Qi let out a low shout, and more than a dozen bone spears pulled out a sonic boom and rushed out to shoot at Lu Bu.

However, Lu Bu grinned, swung his six arms and slammed at the many bone spears that were coming, even if a few pierced through the body, they were crushed by the nutrients they absorbed at will.

But Wu Qi didn't stop for a moment, dozens of hundreds, more and more bone spears shot out from his hands like money!

Faced with such an overwhelming power of bone spears, even Lu Bu couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Even if the injury can be healed, it is not good to be hurt all the time.

Moreover, if Wu Qi in the state of Black Shura wanted to dodge blindly, it would be difficult for Lu Bu to catch up for a while.

Such a situation made Lu Bu's eyes more and more suppressed and tyrannical.

a little while...

Let you dance a little longer!

Then... crush you!


After suffering damage from hundreds of bone spears in a row and continuously regenerating, a large amount of flesh protruded from Lu Bu's back to form a sarcoid, and then the sarcoid opened, but it turned into a pair of meat wings comparable to a dragon!

In addition, Lu Bu's already hard flesh color has turned into a yellowish color, like gold and copper. Its hardness may have far surpassed that of a super blue star vessel and is close to an epic star vessel!

"Since receiving the divine blessing, this is the first time I have entered this stage, apart from being tested by Lord Constantine..."

Feeling the power in his body, the tens of meters tall giant Lu Bu grinned unconsciously, his eyes full of fanaticism and obsession.

At this time, many bone spears shot towards Lu Bu's body.

However, the bone spear that could penetrate more than half of Lu Bu's body could only penetrate less than a foot at this moment!

Wu Qi looked at this scene with an extremely ugly expression: "Damn... If this continues, it may be difficult to break even his defense!"

It was at this time that Lu Bu, who was originally obsessed with his own strength, turned to look at Wu Qi.

Obviously still keeping a "safe distance", but at this moment, Wu Qi suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart!

"not good!"

Wu Qi's complexion changed, and he mobilized the star power at full speed without hesitation to form a wall of evil thoughts and bones.

But seeing the wings of the giant Lu Bu flapping behind him, the next moment, his huge body tens of meters high came to Wu Qi in the blink of an eye as if he had no weight.

"Bang bang bang!..." Lu Bu's six giant arms smashed out at the same time.

The Wall of Evil Thoughts, which was fully defended by strong malice, was smashed to pieces by the huge force under Wu Qi's horrified gaze after just a single encounter!

"How can it be?!"

Wu Qi's pupils shrank suddenly, and unexpectedly, Lu Bu grabbed him in his hand before he even retreated.

Looking down at the astonished Wu Qi in his palm, Lu Bu's eyes were full of tyranny and sarcasm.

Since becoming bigger, Lu Bu's emotions seem to have been enlarged, becoming more distorted and intense.

"I've caught you, cruel boy..." Lu Bu sneered and clenched tightly.

The sound of "Ka Ka" sounded, Wu Qi let out a muffled groan, and a few cracks suddenly appeared on the Shura bone armor on his body.

Seeing Wu Qi's distressed appearance, Lu Bu grinned, instead of using his ability to extract the nutrition of the bone armor, he seemed to be planning to crush Wu Qi to death!


Another hand grabbed it.

Under the tremendous force of the clenched hands, Wu Qi gasped, his complexion suddenly turned extremely red, and the pitch-black bone armor on his body was covered with cracks.

Lu Bu laughed: "If you don't use your abilities, your bone armor is really tough... But that's all for now."

As he spoke, Lu Bu slowly raised his third hand.

Wu Qi watched the giant hand getting closer and closer to him, his pupils trembled, and he just wanted to clenched his teeth to prevent himself from showing any ugliness.

"Then...go to hell!" The corner of Lu Bu's mouth curled up, and the third hand suddenly grabbed it out.

At the critical moment, there was an extremely fierce pure white wind passing by!

In an instant, the arm holding Wu Qi and the third arm that was about to fall were cut off in an instant.

"Wu Xingjun, it seems that you are in danger~" A casual but serious voice came from the side.

However, a figure holding a long knife and surrounded by kamikaze appeared not far away.

And in his hand, he also held the head of a cold and beautiful woman with astonished eyes.

Wu Qi widened his eyes.

And Lu Bu's pupils shrank even more, staring closely at the cold and beautiful head, and a bit of viscous blood-water mixture kept falling from it.

"Favlan...is dead?!" Lu Bu let out a low voice in disbelief.

Zhang Qianyi casually threw Favlan's head out, and a gust of white wind blew it, and it was completely twisted into blood.

"Yes," Zhang Qianyi smiled, "dead."

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