Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 469 Walking Alone

Lawrence flew down from the sky in a flash, raised his hand to make a seal, and a series of ten-foot-long nails of holy light flew down.

Five of them were nailed to Li Ba, and the other five were nailed to Chen Chunhua.

The limbs and chest were pierced by the nail of the Holy Light, not only the pain was unbearable, but also the nails were engraved with runes of the Holy Light, making it impossible to move!

The forbidden epic secret technique exclusive to the temple, the holy text five-star nail!

Seeing that Lawrence was about to fly in front of him, Chen Chunhua's six lightning wings lit up quickly.

Plasma jumps, thunder neighs, and six blazing lightning lights that are comparable to dragon flashes have rushed forward!

"Fight of trapped beasts!"

Lawrence sneered, and a large piece of holy light shot out to meet the thunder light, and both exploded with a roar.

In the tumbling flames, Lawrence flew down and stepped on Chen Chunhua's chest!


Chen Chunhua spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lawrence leaned down slightly, staring at Chen Chunhua's scorched face: "Your transformation is indeed very strong. In the zodiac, in terms of star power alone, I'm afraid only Taurus and Gemini can surpass you."

Chen Chunhua just stared at him coldly, and at the same time, the white thunder all over his body rushed to his limbs and chest, hitting the five nails of holy light with all his strength.

Lawrence sneered, and reached out to grab one of Chen Chunhua's white thunder wings.

"But it's a pity, when I meet the strong, I will be strong. Even Taurus and Gemini can't do anything to me... let alone you!"

With a sound of "tearing", Lawrence suddenly exerted force and actually tore off Chen Chunhua's Thunder Wing!

Chen Chunhua's pupils trembled, and his complexion turned pale.

Although Lei Yi is an energy body, being torn apart so roughly, the damage caused to Chen Chunhua is still huge!

"Chen Xingjun?!" Li Ba, who was nailed to the mountain wall not far away, widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Damn it!..."

Resisting the severe pain of the nail of holy light piercing into the bone marrow, Li Ba's limbs tried to break free from the nail of holy light again and again, but the sacred power on the nail was amazingly tenacious!

Even though Li Ba had untied the seal of the Azure Dragon's power, because of his serious injuries, he couldn't break free after trying several times in a row, except for making himself weaker!

And at this time, Lawrence raised his hand expressionlessly and tore apart a Thunderwing!

Chen Chunhua's pupils trembled violently, and under the intense pain and heavy trauma, the facial muscles couldn't help but twitched continuously!

But even so, Chen Chunhua stared at Lawrence closely, and didn't even snort!

"Oh, it's quite tough..." Faced with such a stubborn opponent, Lawrence showed a little excited and joyful grin, and waved his hands at the same time.

Not far away, Li Ba's pupils shrank, and he yelled, "No!"

Naturally, Lawrence would not stop. With a wave of his hand, he tore off two Thunder Wings again and again!


Chen Chunhua's pupils suddenly slackened, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and his aura fell to the extreme in an instant!

"Chen Xingjun!" Li Ba's eyes were red, and he kept struggling trying to break free from the holy light seal. Even his muscles were torn apart, and blood continued to flow down the holy light nail.

However, the runes circulated on the Nail of Holy Light, and Wu and the Nail of Holy Light could still communicate with each other, nailing Li Ba to death!

"Damn! Damn!..."

Li Ba was very anxious, Chen Chunhua's aura was already so sluggish now, if the last two Thunder Wings were broken off by the enemy...

I'm afraid he may not be able to withstand such serious injuries and backlash!

Not far away, just for a while, Chen Chunhua has recovered from the absent-mindedness caused by the severe pain.

Looking fixedly at Lawrence, the corners of Chen Chunhua's mouth moved slightly as if he wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, blood gushed out of his mouth, and it was extremely difficult to even speak.

"Oh? What do you want to say?" Lawrence smiled and said, "Do you want to beg me for mercy? If someone at the level of a star king begs me for mercy, I may be able to bring you back to the temple as a pawn." My servant.

Thinking about it this way, it’s really quite beautiful…”

Lawrence stopped grabbing Chen Chunhua's last two pale Lei Yi's hands, leaned down again and waited for Chen Chunhua's next words.

And soon, a weak voice spit out from Chen Chunhua's mouth:

"Miss... miscellaneous!..."

Lawrence's face was suffocated, and a cold killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"court death!!"

Lawrence grabbed Chen Chunhua's two remaining Thunder Wings with both hands, and was about to tear them apart!

However, the next moment, the two Thunder Wings quickly became brighter, and the Thunder Light neighed, and it exploded and condensed into a ball, and suddenly shot towards Lawrence who was approaching!

It turned out that by taking advantage of this opportunity to speak, Chen Chunhua had already secretly prepared himself to explode Lei Yi!

Lawrence also never expected that Chen Chunhua would do this. There was no time to make too many movements at such a short distance, so he could only dodge sideways and wave his hands in front of him.


The silver thunder shot straight into the sky.

After the thunder light subsided, Lawrence's left hand was bloody, and a large area of ​​scorched black appeared on his left face.


Seeing this scene, Chen Chunhua sneered, and then fainted out of strength.

But after Lawrence lost his mind for a moment, a wave of anger surged up in his heart crazily!

"you wanna die!"

Looking at the fainted Chen Chunhua, Lawrence swung his right hand, and the holy flames in his fist swirled wildly, and with one punch, Chen Chunhua was about to be smashed into meat paste! !

Just at this moment, a gust of wind blew past Lawrence's back, but the fist he raised couldn't hit him no matter what.

Turning his head to look, he saw a white tiger's sharp claws strangling his wrist.

It is none other than Li Ba!

It's just that Li Ba at this moment, in addition to the tail of the green dragon and the claws of the white tiger, also has the wings of the vermilion bird and the body of Xuanwu.

All the seals of the four images are released...the four images are unified!

"Oh? Did you break free from the sacred nail... Huh?!"

Lawrence turned his head and looked at Li Ba who had five blood holes on his body. He wanted to say something, but suddenly his expression changed drastically!

Through God's Scale re-evaluating the person in front of him, at this moment, Lawrence was shocked to find that his entire left eye was actually filled with gold dust!

"What's going on, the measurement of the balance... is actually full!"

Lawrence's eyes were horrified, and the gold sand in his left eye kept flowing towards his right eye.

But the balancing process of God's Balance... also takes time!

Li Ba punched out, Lawrence turned around and punched to resist.

With a sound of "Boom!", the air wave exploded, and Lawrence was directly thrown into the air!

Afterwards, Li Ba turned his head to look at Chen Chunhua, who had fainted and died, his eyes revealed bursts of self-blame and guilt...

"If only I had made up my mind sooner..."

Li Ba quickly calmed down, his eyes froze, and his figure turned into a black shadow and went straight to Lawrence in the distance!

Lawrence was caressing his right hand. The blow just now had even broken the bones of his hand!

At this moment, seeing Li Ba jumping forward again, Lawrence was startled, raised his hand and shot a fierce holy light at Li Ba after a little need.

However, Li Ba didn't dodge or dodge, and directly rushed towards him brutally.

With a "bang", the holy light exploded, and the four-color brilliance flowed on Xuanwu's body, and there was no injury at all!

"How did he suddenly become so strong!"

Lawrence was horrified, and before he had time to do anything else, Li Ba had already rushed in front of him, his fists exploding like raindrops from a waterfall!

"Give me...die!"

"Bang bang bang!..."

The iron fist is like rain, and the white air is like practice!

Lawrence had almost no power to fight back under such a terrifying attack, but he was punched dozens of times in a short while, his skin was ripped apart, and his blood was splashed!

"Shaking the world!"


There was another loud bang, and white punches surged in all directions from between Lawrence's chest and Li Ba's fist.

Lawrence spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", and then was smashed into the ground!

Li Ba was expressionless, and suddenly stepped on it like a falling meteor, just like the one that Lawrence stepped on earlier.

The situation is reversed!

"not good!"

Lawrence was terrified, the gold sand in his eyes was still flowing rapidly, and the tyrannical holy light like substance covered his body. Even so, Lawrence still didn't have the confidence to take this kick!


Lawrence exclaimed, let go of his pride and tried to ask for help in the distance.

However, no one responded to him, Bayrieu had already dragged Xu Fan and many imperial beasts who were trying to help him into the Twisted Garden...


Li Ba stepped on it, as if a missile had exploded, and the ground collapsed and collapsed in all directions!

After a while, the smoke gradually dissipated.

Li Ba stepped on Lawrence, his mouth frothed, and his entire chest collapsed!

Li Ba raised his foot, another kick would crush Lawrence's head.

And Lawrence crossed his arms, barely blocking the leg.

"Huh?" Li Ba frowned slightly, and found that Lawrence's injuries were recovering at an astonishing speed.

Looking closely, the gold dust in Lawrence's left and right eyes is almost equal!

It is the terrifying physique from the Suzaku phase obtained from the balance of Li Ba's four phenomena!

"Heh...hehe...it's so powerful!" Lawrence smiled instead of anger when he was stepped on, and his eyes showed bursts of enthusiasm, "This power... this power! I can feel every part of my body. Every cell is excited and expanding!

Although Philex's defense was amazing, it was blessed with soul power.

In terms of the comprehensive attributes of the physical body, no one in my zodiac can match you! "

But... it seems that my God's Balance is stronger..."

Lawrence exerted his strength suddenly, and the power surged again under the balance of God's balance shocked Li Ba back.

Lawrence stood up again. At this moment, the gold sand in the balance in his eyes was completely balanced!

However, Li Ba looked at Lawrence, whose strength was once again soaring and approaching him, but there was no powerlessness or hesitation on his face, but a little ecstasy...

"Xiaoba, you're being lazy again!"

"Master, I don't want to practice anymore. Brothers and the others haven't practiced either... Ouch! Master, don't hit me! I practice, I can continue to practice..."


"Master, why do you have such high demands on me?"

"You are very talented and pure-hearted. You are a strong seed that I have rarely found. Of course, you have to practice hard!"

"But what's the use of being strong?"

"It's useless, it's just that when you want to protect others, you can have a little more strength, so you don't regret because of your powerlessness."

"Protect others?"

"Remember, Xiaoba, power is not used to bully others, but to protect others.

With great power comes great responsibility. "



"Master, I don't understand what you said."

"...When you come to Yaoxing in the future, you will understand after going down the mountain!"

"But now I'm only Baiyin, master, why don't you explain it to me again then? I'm afraid I'll forget..."



All kinds of lights and shadows flashed in my mind in an instant.

Li Ba already understood what the master said back then.

"Thank you, master, if it weren't for your advice, I'm afraid I don't even have the strength to do anything at this moment."

Li Ba took a deep breath, his eyes were as calm as a lake between closing and opening.

Suddenly, Li Ba's eyes widened, a purple air flow rose from Li Ba's body, and his black hair stood on end!

"He... what's wrong with this?!" Lawrence's eyes widened.

Li Ba's eyes brightened, and he yelled loudly: "Please help me kill him... Qilin!"


The rising purple air flow turned into a phantom of a unicorn, which turned its head and directly crashed into Li Ba's body!

In an instant, blue, white, red, black and purple, five-color airflows burned from Li Ba's body like flames, and Li Ba's muscular body suddenly became scorched black and reddened at a speed visible to the naked eye!

What is burning is nothing but vitality!

But at this moment, gold sand continuously surged up in Lawrence's left eye, and it was already full in just a moment, even overflowing the pupil!

Libra, it represents "balance".

The balance of God can measure the strength of both the enemy and the enemy, and tilt the part that is stronger than oneself towards oneself.

But at this moment, the gold sand overflowing from the left pupil kept tilting and flowing towards the right pupil, but no matter how tilted, the gold sand in the left pupil did not decrease at all.

"How is it possible! This force has exceeded the upper limit of the balance of God?!"

And just when Lawrence was astonished, the five-color air flow in front of him turned, and Li Ba had disappeared in place.

Lawrence's face changed, and before he could make any movement, a big hand grabbed his face head-on.

"not good!……"

When the smoke and dust rose, Li Ba directly pushed Lawrence to the ground and dragged him forward. In the blink of an eye, a gully tens of meters long was plowed on the ground!

"Damn it!"

Lawrence was terrified and angry, but he couldn't break free from the huge force in Li Ba's palm, and his heart was filled with shock, anger and humiliation instantly.

However, the next moment, Lawrence was liberated and was thrown high by Li Ba.

A strong feeling of badness rose in Lawrence's heart. Before he could take any action, he could only spread the star power on his body to defend with all his strength.

Surrounded by five-color airflow around Li Ba's body, he rushed up at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

"Bang bang bang!..."

The force of the punch exploded, and Lawrence was beaten back and forth in mid-air like a sandbag, and he had no power to fight back in the face of absolute strength!

With a "bang", Li Ba kicked Lawrence into the sky.

Lawrence's face has changed beyond recognition, and his eyes have been filled with horror and madness!

"If you can't kill me! I will kill you!"

Li Ba raised his right hand, and the violently burning five-color flames gathered in his palm continuously.

And as it gathered towards the palm, it was discovered that Li Ba's figure had become a little thinner, and most of his skin had turned into a burnt black-red color, and there were even some chapped cracks !

"Why do you need to kill me?"

Li Ba took a deep breath, his brilliant eyes were extremely bright, and the firm and decisive look in them shocked even Lawrence.

"The road to death...I walk alone!"

Li Ba clenched his fists suddenly, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qilin, and five-color phantoms appeared behind Li Ba at the same time, and merged into the fist with a slight twist.

Such a tyrannical blow even woke up Chen Chunhua who had just passed out from a serious injury!

"Li Xingjun?!..."

Because of being seriously injured and being pinned by the sacred nail, Chen Chunhua could only stare at the sky with wide eyes.


Shouting loudly, Li Ba suddenly turned into a stream of five-color streamers soaring up into the sky, hitting Lawrence in a split second!


The next moment, five colors of arrogance filled the sky, and under Lawrence's stunned eyes, Li Ba had already passed through!

"Cough..." Lawrence's pupils trembled, he spat out blood, and the gold dust in his eyes was still flowing.

But its entire body, from the chest cavity down, has completely disappeared.

One hit, blast!

"What kind of power is this...?"

"I... lost?... defeated."

Lawrence's expression was dull, and the golden sand flowing in his pupils became slower and slower until it solidified and scattered in the air like a golden star...

Libra, die!

Lawrence's power gradually dissipated, and the sacred nail on Chen Chunhua's body also weakened rapidly.

Chen Chunhua stood up staggeringly, looking into the sky in surprise.


The only small half of Lawrence's body fell slowly, and there was no light in his eyes.

There is no doubt that it is too dead to die.

"Li Xingjun, there is such a terrifying trick...Huh?!"

While Chen Chunhua was amazed, his pupils shrank suddenly.

However, above the sky, the five-color flames burning on Li Ba's body gradually dissipated from his feet, and many scorched black colors fell off his body.

That's nothing else, it's a dead muscle!

"Li... Li Xingjun?!"

Chen Chunhua's pupils trembled, and in just a moment, half of Li Baxiao's body had turned into coke.

"Damn it!"

Chen Chunhua didn't care about the torn wounds on his body, and immediately flew up with all his strength and went straight to Li Ba.

Li Ba noticed it, and looked down at Chen Chunhua in a daze.

"Last time, I failed to save Duanmu...

And this time..."

Suddenly, Li Ba smiled honestly.

"I did it, master."

"Li Xingjun!" In a moment, Chen Chunhua rushed over, his eyes full of panic.

At this time, Li Ba's whole body had turned into countless scorched fly ash and scattered in the air...

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