Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 470: Killing the Archer

Chen Chunhua stretched out his hand tremblingly, and grabbed some of the flying black ash.

Looking at the fly ash in his hand, the corners of Chen Chunhua's eyes twitched, and he fell into silence.

After a long time, Chen Chunhua sighed: "Li Xingjun, you are so righteous..."

If it wasn't for Su Yuan to treat Li Ba, Li Ba might still be recuperating in the Yan court because of the side effect of using the four-element reunification when he killed Aquarius last time.

Not to mention using the Sixiang Guiyi again, you may not even be able to participate in the battle.

Considering Li Ba's physical problems, before this battle, Xu Fan, Shen Die and others suggested that Li Ba should go back to recuperate.

However, Li Ba insisted on participating in this battle, and claimed that he had gotten better these days.

Sure enough, now that I have encountered an extremely powerful opponent, I have to use the four images to return to one again.

And according to what Su Yuan said, even if you use the four-image normalization for a short while, it won't be life-threatening.

But after seeing Libra's strange ability, Li Ba knew that even a long period of four-element reunification would be difficult to defeat him.

If you want to kill the opponent, you can only go one step further, that is, the five spirits are unified!

However, with Li Ba's current state, once he uses the five spirits to unite, there is no possibility of him surviving...

Use it, you will die!


Not only Chen Chunhua, but Xun Yang, Liu Hao and many other special envoys of the Sky Survey Division in the surrounding battlefields also had pupils trembling when they saw this scene, filled with grief and indignation.

But this is war, this is Earth Tribulation!

Not only the enemy will die, but also the companions will die too!

A world where only enemies die is a fairy tale.

"Li Xingjun, did you die in battle?!" In the distance, Xia Xuan's heart trembled.

As shooters with high mobility and high lethality, the battle circle between Xia Xuan and Assel has already been pulled far away alone.

Although they were quite far apart, the two of them could also feel the terrifying fluctuations in the battle between Li Ba and Libra just now.

But at this moment, Li Ba's terrifying aura, which was in full swing, also disappeared from Xia Xuan's perception.

"Lawrence was actually killed?" Athel frowned, and his face was not very good-looking.

In Asel's opinion, Lawrence was the most difficult person in the zodiac, and he actually died under the hands of the Kaiyang star!

According to Capricorn Black's intelligence, the other party is just a reckless man, and Lawrence will be killed?

And with Bairieu here, it should be very difficult to die...

But it was just a thought, and Assel withdrew his thoughts.

Taking advantage of Xia Xuan's moment of ecstasy, Assel quickly drew the bow, and a light arrow that was as fast as possible shot out and rightly hit a certain gorse mark on the lotus platform of the sacred fire.


The flame exploded, and the quadruple intensified terrifying power made the lotus platform of the divine fire tremble.

Although it failed to break open, it left a more dazzling canary mark.

Pin kill the canary, two strikes!

"not good!"

Xia Xuan who came back to her senses shuddered, and immediately thought of something.

Looking up, Athel had already bent his bow and drawn the string again.

In an instant, thousands of golden lights converged and fell on the bowstring, gradually forming a terrifying arrow of light made of gold.

That's not all, I saw many mysterious runes circulating on the golden bow, and a mysterious and inexplicable force has locked on the sacred fire lotus platform!

There is no way to avoid it!

A strong sense of crisis hit Shangxing, and the death of the bird immediately became brighter.

Although Xia Xuan was not disturbed, the green and red brilliance gathered on the bowstring, locked on Assel tightly, and wanted to block the blow with arrow to arrow!

"Shoot her, the holy bow that never sets the sun!" The golden light arrow burst out.

"The divine bird screams, kill!" Xia Xuan also let go of the bowstring, and the blue-red rocket shot straight at the golden light arrow with incomparable precision, and was about to collide with it.

However, the surge of the runes above the light arrow, when it was about to be hit, it suddenly avoided the green and red rocket like a lightning that continuously changed directions, and then shot towards the sacred fire lotus platform under Xia Xuan without any hindrance. And go!


Xia Xuan was shocked, for such a sudden change, it would be too late even if she used string manipulation to make the rocket turn around!

The terrifying golden light arrow was about to hit the lotus platform in an instant.

However, before that, the blue and red colors on the lotus platform were violently churning, but they exploded by themselves first!


Blue and red two-colored flames burned up into the sky, and the self-detonation of the sacred fire lotus platform directly submerged the golden arrow of light.

Although its power is terrifying, how can it stop the power of the divine fire lotus platform without hitting the target ten times stronger?

The terrifying flames surged, melting the light arrows to nothing left in an instant!

"It's really decisive..."

The corners of Arthur's mouth curled up, and he looked at Xia Xuan with a little more admiration in his eyes.

After all, the other party planned to shoot arrows at the beginning.

However, with the sudden change of direction of his light arrow, the other party exploded himself in an instant. This decisiveness can be said to be quite outstanding.

Otherwise, when my arrow hits, under the ten times strengthening, I'm afraid I will blast Liantai and the opponent's body into scum!

"But without the sacred fire lotus platform, next, are you planning to compare speed with me... The wings of light spread!"

Athel's eyes showed a cold light, and countless golden lights gathered behind him, finally turning into six aurora-like wings of light.

Assel bent his bow and set an arrow, and after gaining some momentum, the holy light converged at high speed and shot out again.

Xia Xuan's eyes turned cold, and she also bent her bow and drew the string and shot an arrow.

The light and the flame collided and exploded in mid-air. Even the aftermath, the ordinary shining star might not be able to block it.

But at this moment, there was a slight twist in the flames, but suddenly a golden figure as fast as lightning rushed out of it, and came to Xia Xuan in the blink of an eye.

I saw Assel holding the golden cross sword, and he slashed it down with a blow to the head!

Xia Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and she quickly raised the bird of death to resist.

With a sound of "Dang", the golden light on the sword shattered, and under the double impact of the explosion of the holy light and the power of the physical body, Xia Xuanbeng, who was caught off guard, flew out with a direct blow of the sword.

"What a speed!"

Xia Xuan snorted and quickly stabilized her figure.

But at this time, a golden light flashed in front of him, and Asel, who was almost at the extreme after the light wings spread, had already rushed to the front, swiping his long sword and slashing repeatedly.

Indeed, as Lawrence said, he, Athel, and Bayrieux, the three of them are the top knights of the temple, and their strength is astonishing even without the power of the soul.

"Since ancient times, archers have loved close combat." In addition to archery, Asel's attainments in kendo are also top-notch.

Although Xia Xuan is proficient in bow fighting, she is still slightly inferior to Asel's top swordsmanship in close combat.

"Chi, chi..."

At this moment, under the extremely fast offensive, Assel cut a series of wounds on Xia Xuan's body one after another.

Bright red blood continuously flowed from the fair skin, and Xingjun's robe was also stained red in many places.

In just a short moment, there were already seven or eight wounds of various shades!

And in this process, as Xia Xuan's crisis became more and more intense, the spirits of the five divine birds on the Divine Bird's War became more and more vivid.

"Two instrument blazing rails!"

As if the time had come, Xia Xuan let out a low shout, and the two green and red rings of fire rapidly rotated and expanded like interlaced star trails. The extreme high temperature even distorted the air along the way!

Assel was slightly startled, he flapped his six wings and immediately shot backwards.

And Xia Xuan took advantage of the distance between the two instrument blazing rails, and was able to draw the longbow again, and the blue and red divine fire condensed at a high speed.

While Xia Xuan was gaining momentum, Asel had already raised his bow and shot repeatedly, and the two luminous arrows were concentrated on the two blazing rails one after another, and the quadruple strengthening directly blasted them out of a gap.

"Your archery seems a bit slow..."

Seeing Xia Xuan who was still accumulating energy, Assel sneered and flew straight in.

And Xia Xuan aimed at Athel, who was approaching with his light wings flickering, and his heart beat at a high speed under the increasingly intense crisis.

Assel showed disdain, and the brilliance on the wings of light flourished, and the main body turned into an aurora energy body in an instant.

"Spread the wings of light, Aurora!"

Athel's speed skyrocketed again, approaching like a twinkling Venus, unable to lock on at all!

Unexpectedly, Xia Xuan directly raised the sacred bird to aim at the sky, and the spirits of the five divine birds merged into the fire arrows and shot out!

Asel, who was approaching rapidly, felt an unprecedented sense of shock, and the next moment, he noticed a dazzling arrow of divine fire falling from the sky!

At the very moment, a large piece of golden light lit up on Assel's body, and his whole body twisted into a ball of golden light and elongated, as if he had turned into a holy arrow of light!

It was the "body and arrow technique" that was used when fighting Su Yuan and Yaopo back then.

Under the skill of body and arrow, Asel shot out from the spot without retreating, not only escaped from Xia Xuan's arrow light, but also rushed to Xia Xuan in the blink of an eye and swung the golden cross sword to kill him. past!

Xia Xuan's eyes widened suddenly, only in time to block the Divine Bird's Shang in front of her.

The cross sword slashed at the God Bird's War, and under the super speed, the terrifying impact burst out, directly against the God Bird's War, and Xia Xuan's chest collapsed.


With the shattering of the sternum, Xia Xuan spat out a mouthful of blood and was sent flying tens of meters away.

At this time, a golden light flashed in front of him, and Asel, who was like an angel descending from the earth, had chased after him again with his sword.

"not good!"

Xia Xuan's heart sank suddenly.

"That's it."

There was a cold light in Assel's eyes, and he slashed down with a sudden sword.

Just at this moment, a strong warning suddenly rose in Arthur's heart.

Without hesitation, Athel drew back decisively with a flick of his six wings!

The next moment, the frost was surging, and a moon-like white knife light suddenly cut across the place where Asel stood before!


Assel and Xia Xuan's expressions changed slightly, and they turned to look to the side.

However, a girl with white hair and blue pupils had already flown from a distance and landed in front of Xia Xuan.


Assel looked down at his right arm, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

It was just scratched by the white light of the knife, but at this moment, a little frost appeared on the right arm and became stiff.

This kind of ice power is simply terrifying!

"Didn't Ashilia say that there is only one top-level combat reinforcement in Dayan? Who is this!"

Not just Asel, Xia Xuan also didn't know who this white-haired girl who suddenly appeared and rescued her was.

Seeing the other party approaching step by step, Xia Xuan couldn't help raising her vigilance slightly. Although the other party rescued herself, it was obviously not someone from the Sky Survey Department.

The girl with white hair and blue eyes looked at Xia Xuan, then stopped suddenly, and made a soft voice.

"Su... is Yuan there?"

"Su Xingjun?" Hearing this question, Xia Xuan couldn't help being stunned, "You are?"

"Friend...good friend." The white-haired girl thought for a while, but took out a student ID card——

"Yaodu Academy, Luo Bingtong"

"Luo Bingtong from Yaodu Academy?"

Xia Xuan was very surprised. She didn't expect this to be a student of Yaodu Academy, and the name seemed familiar...

But anyway, identity should be no problem.

Xia Xuan was wary of Assel, and quickly replied: "Su Xingjun went to the west to perform a mission, and he hasn't come back yet."

To the west... Luo Bingtong blinked.

At this time, a wave of star power came from ahead, and Asel finally got rid of the cold air on his right arm. Looking at the two women who were communicating, his eyes turned cold, and he swung his lightsaber to kill again.

Xia Xuan's expression tightened, and she wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth and said in a deep voice, "Hurry up, you're fighting for the star veins here, it's none of your business!"

"Xia Yue...'s sister?" But the white-haired girl raised her long knife again and asked in a low voice.

"Huh?" Xia Xuan's eyes moved slightly, and she looked at the girl in front of her again, but she suddenly remembered that Xiaoyue once said that there is a very special girl named Luo Bingtong in the class.

"So it was her..."

Xia Xuan just realized it, but saw the frost and snow surging, accompanied by a sudden chill, a pair of slender ice bone wings suddenly grew behind Luo Bingtong.

With one step, Luo Bingtong swung the snow-white long knife and flew towards Asel!


The clash of swords and swords was as dense as rain, and the golden light and white frost collided at high speed.

Xia Xuan looked at the petite Luo Bingtong, she didn't expect that Xiaoyue's classmate could fight against Assel!

Facing Athel's astonishing speed after the light wings were deployed, Luo Bingtong was not far behind. As for strength...


With a muffled sound, Luo Bingtong actually sent Assel flying with a single blow!

"She's so strong!" Xia Xuantong trembled slightly, she took the opportunity to take the healing elixir and quickly stabilized her injuries.

And Assel felt even more horrified in his heart when he felt the numb and frozen hands!

"How could she have such terrifying power!"

Athel activated the power of the holy light to disperse the frost on his body, the six wings turned into an aurora and receded, and took out the holy bow of the never-setting sun again, bent the bow and pulled the string, and an arrow of golden light landed on the bowstring.

Xia Xuan in the rear quickly reminded: "Be careful, he is a light archer, and his arrows are very fast!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Arthur's mouth: "It's late!"

Athel's strongest is its speed, whether it is movement speed or arrow speed.

Coupled with the multi-strike enhancement of the power of the soul, Xia Xuan can always be suppressed.

At this moment, the arrow of light flew out.

Behind Luo Bingtong, the wings of ice bones fluttered, narrowly dodging the arrow.

But at this time, three more pearl arrows flew over quickly.

"not good!"

Xia Xuan's heart trembled, and she quickly raised the bird of death to help.

But the next scene made Xia Xuan's complexion change.

Luo Bingtong in front of him suddenly had a little golden light in his eyes, and then he shuttled through the three light arrows at an astonishing speed, and arrived in front of Asel in a moment, and slashed out!


Blood spattered, Aser was sent flying, and a deep bone wound appeared on his chest.

If it wasn't for his extremely fast speed, and he backed up in time, he might have been cut in half directly!

"What is that!" Athel was horrified.

Looking at the white-haired girl in front of him, Asel didn't dare to keep his hand any longer. A large amount of holy light sprinkled from the six wings behind him, interweaving and forming a pair of holy armor of light in an instant!

This is the effect after the light wings spread out to reach the transformation state, with super-defensive energy armor!

And in Athel's horrified eyes, Luo Bingtong charged up again with a knife, that movement was like a movie double-speed, and he came to him in the blink of an eye!

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The two sides kept fighting, and Assel could only passively defend.

In a short while, Luo Bingtong had slashed dozens of knives.

Assel's next move was only four or five knives, and all the rest were chopped on the Holy Armor of Light.

In such a short while, Athel already had a lot of cold wounds on his body.

If it weren't for the amazing defensive power of the Holy Armor of Light, it would have been chopped into pieces long ago!

Even so, Assel's movements became slower and slower as the cold air continued to invade.

Fortunately, at this moment, the strange acceleration on the white-haired girl finally stopped.

Athel's eyes were delighted, and the star power surged out to urge the light wings and the holy armor with all their strength, and opened the distance again under the explosion.

As soon as he raised his hand, there was already a shining golden light arrow shooting towards Luo Bingtong in front of him.

While still in the air, the light arrow suddenly turned into countless golden beams like rain.

Luo Bingtong slashed repeatedly with the saber, but couldn't hold back the many arrows of light, and soon seven or eight arrows of light hit him.

This level of attack didn't even break Luo Bingtong's skin.

But soon, one after another, the mark of the canary appeared on the body one after another.

Luo Bingtong looked down at these marks on her body, and could vaguely feel some powerful fluctuations in them.

"Don't get hit by him again!"

Xia Xuan reminded loudly, and at the same time, the green and red flames on the Divine Bird's War quickly condensed, and the Arrow of God's Destroyer was already locked on Athel!

"This kind of attack also wants to hit me?"

Asel gave a disdainful smile, fluttering the six wings behind him and trying to escape.

When Luo Bingtong saw this, blue light appeared in his eyes, and a powerful force seemed to erupt from his pupils.

But at this moment, Luo Bingtong suddenly noticed something, looked up towards the sky, but stopped.

The next moment, suddenly an extremely powerful force of space appeared around Assel, and large areas of void distorted and shattered!

"What's this!!"

Feeling the increasingly terrifying traction force, Assel was startled, and hurriedly urged the light wings to fly towards the sky with all his strength, trying to break free before the twisting traction force reached its maximum!

However, at this moment, a silver light floated above his head, and a handsome young man in a star robe suddenly appeared, with extremely indifferent eyes in his silver pupils, he swung a bright red long knife and slashed down head-on!

"It's you?!"

Asel recognized the person above at a glance, his eyes were startled.

Xia Xuan also looked at Su Yuan who suddenly appeared here with a face full of surprise.

But Luo Bingtong's beautiful blue pupils had a faint gleam, as if she was very happy.

Facing the incoming long knife, Asel quickly waved the golden cross sword to block in front of him.

However, at the next moment, a terrifying force came from the sword, Assel's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was directly slashed back into the twisting void.

The powerful force of space immediately sucked Athel to the center, tearing and destroying the Holy Armor of Light on his body continuously.

"Damn it!"

Assel's heart jumped wildly, his eyes swept across the three enemies, and a strong sense of panic rose in his heart!

"Let's do it."

Su Yuan opened his mouth in a low voice, and with a thought, Qingming descended, and the Wulei Tiangang injection suddenly spread out from under his feet.

The muffled thunder rolled, and nine groups of ice, fire, and sun thunder gathered in the air at high speed.

And Xia Xuan has long been ready to kill the gods.

Luo Bingtong held the long knife, the cold light overflowed on the knife, frosty like practice!


Assel looked up at the sky, terrified, never expecting that the opponent suddenly had two more combat powers than expected, and the situation suddenly became like this!

However, Su Yuan and others will not hold back in the slightest.

"Nine Layer C Fire Sun Thunder!"

"God's Arrow!"

"Ice God Cut Moon Cut"

In an instant, thunder, fire, and ice, three extremely powerful attacks simultaneously killed Athel who was almost shattered by the void and tore the holy armor of light.

Seeing the three kinds of light getting closer, Arthur suddenly thought of his Knights, Antonis, and the teacher...

During a moment of absent-mindedness, Assel was directly overwhelmed by the dazzling spiritual light...


With a loud noise, thunder, fire and ice intertwined together, turning into a huge ball of light and bursting out.

After a long while, the flame gradually dissipated.

As for Assel, there was not even a trace of corpse left...

Sagittarius, die!

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