Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 473 Freezing Time

"What an amazing fluctuation!"

Bayrieu, who was fighting Luo Bingtong's sword with twisted force, naturally noticed Shen Die who suddenly appeared not far away, and also saw what skills Shen Die and Su Yuan seemed to be accumulating.

Bayrieux frowned, there is no doubt that this is definitely a powerful move.

Even with the abnormal ability of absolutely avoiding it, he still can't let all the powerful attacks fall on him.

Not to mention whether it can be avoided, even if it can be avoided, the star power that needs to be consumed is extremely amazing.

Bayrieux immediately pulled back and raised his hand at the same time to summon a distorted black hole to interfere with the two of them.

However, Luo Bingtong raised his left hand, and the ice like flowing water spread rapidly, forming a 40-meter-long long knife and slashing directly at the retreating Bayrieux.

With a sound of "Dang", Bayrieux's right hand was immediately chopped off. Although he didn't get any wounds, he was interrupted from casting spells.

Bayrieux looked at the white-haired girl who was always expressionless in front of him, his eyes froze: "It's really sharp..."

With a thought in Luo Bingtong's mind, the 40-meter-long knife turned into a cold ice ribbon and tied it towards Bailieu while the ice flowed.

Bayrieux didn't expect Luo Bingtong's ice to be so flexible, and he frowned, but he didn't dare to let the ice ribbon really bind him.

Bayrieux is not afraid of attacks, but the ice attribute is best at controlling!

The next moment, centered on Bayrieux himself, a wave of terrifying twisted power swarmed out and crazily impacted on the ice ribbon.

But this cold icy ribbon was extremely hard, and the twisting force that erupted wildly around Bayrieux's body actually only blocked it from the outside, but failed to crush it directly!

In fact, this icy ribbon was formed by Wanhua Xuanbing, so its hardness was naturally far beyond imagination.

But at this time, a burst of white light suddenly appeared in Bayrieux's eyes, but Shen Die in the distance had already finished gaining momentum.

Bailieu's pupils shrank slightly, and he didn't have much reaction time at all. In just a moment, Shen Die's human sword combined with one and passed by Bairieu's side!

"Spiritual attack!"

Just as this thought arose in Bayrieux's mind, he was already chopped off.

After the slash, Shen Die reappeared, staggered, and the spirit that had just recuperated quickly weakened again.

But Shen Die didn't care too much, turned around to look, but saw a little black light flowing non-stop on Bailieu's body!

"He seems to have avoided the mental attack..." Shen Die's eyes froze.

But fortunately, Bayrieux's eyes were slack, and a little white light appeared faintly in his eyes. He was pulled into the state of no thought and no thought by the spiritual power of Wu Xiang's knife, and he had no thoughts for a while!

Luo Bingtong seized the opportunity and manipulated the cold ice ribbon to shrink suddenly to completely bind Bailieu.

At the same time, the space star power surging in Su Yuan's eyes was about to flow out of his eyes!


With a flash of silver light, everything where the line of sight passed was pierced, directly passing through Bayrieux's forehead!

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes gradually dissipated, but a ball of black light the size of a goose egg appeared on Bayrieux's forehead.

Su Yuan, Luo Bingtong, Shen Die and even Xu Fan in the distance all looked over closely, wondering if the black light could avoid these injuries!

As for Ashlia, she just took a look and then retracted her gaze.

This blow cannot kill him...

Soon, Bayrieux's eyes focused, and he regained consciousness after his expression settled down.

And the black light on his forehead also gradually dissipated, and he was still uninjured!

"Yao Xingxing can actually make such a tyrannical move..." Bayrieux took a deep breath, his expression calm, "Even my absolute evasion was almost impossible to stop!"

"Is it not effective?" With such a result, even Su Yuan couldn't help frowning slightly.

Just now, Bayrieux did lose consciousness, so it is impossible to kill him in this situation.

Shen Die on the side also frowned, feeling the difficulty of this enemy.

At this moment, Bayrieux's entire body suddenly turned into a black color like ink like water waves.

The viscous twisting power was continuously drawn from the twisting garden, and in a blink of an eye, Bayrieh's entire body became twisted, but after a while, the ice ribbon tied around his body collapsed!

And the twisted cross sword in his right hand turned into a fierce and hideous twisted lance under the crazy influx of twisted power!

In an instant, Bayrieux's aura was terrifying and vague, like a twisted knight from the abyss!

"Feeling the threat, did you explode with all your strength?" Su Yuan's eyes revealed some thought.

In fact, Dongxu was indeed close to the limit of the power that Bayrieux could evade, and almost broke through the absolute evasion with "brute force".

Even if it continues at this moment, it consumes a lot of star power.

This made Bayrieux feel a lot of pressure, so he directly transformed.

The surrounding space was slightly distorted, Bayrieux stepped out and suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had teleported behind the weakest Shen Die!

This is to achieve an effect similar to teleportation in the form of folding space.

Bayrieux raised his lance and stabbed out. Shen Die was weak at the moment. If he was stabbed by Bayrieux, there would be a big hole on the spot!

However, with a flash of silver light in front of him, Su Yuan also teleported behind Shen Die, swung the demon knife and accurately blocked the twisted lance!

Bairieu didn't know that Su Yuan could teleport over here, he was looking for Su Yuan!

The black light in Bayrieux's eyes surged, and in an instant, the infinite distorted black light suddenly surged around him, trying to drown Su Yuan and Shen Die together!

Twisted Forest!

Su Yuan has seen this move before, it is extremely powerful, and it is forbidden to move, but he has used the attack feature of shifting and repositioning before.

However, with the blessing of the Twisted Garden at this moment, this move is much stronger than before!

Just when Su Yuan was trying to deal with it, he suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and only felt a faintly high and mysterious wave coming from behind him!

It seemed to take a while before the eyes, and the next moment, I saw the spreading twisted forest suddenly collapse.

A large amount of blood splashed from Bayrieux's body, but there was a deep bone wound stretching from his abdomen to his waist!

Bayrieux looked at the huge wound on his body in astonishment, and at some point in time the white-haired girl who appeared in front of her with an ice knife, and there was still a little blood on the knife.

In an instant, an unprecedented sense of awe-inspiring surged from Bayrieux's heart uncontrollably!

"This is……?!"

Not to mention Barrieux, even Su Yuan and the others were shocked!

One is what happened just now, as if in fragments;

Second, Luo Bingtong actually hurt Bayrieux!

Su Yuan's combat experience is so rich, combined with the changes in front of him, he can guess something in the blink of an eye...

"Is time suspended!"

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, he didn't expect Luo Bingtong to have such a supernatural move!

And this fluctuation is not like an inlaid skill, but... the power of the soul!

"Using the ice element as a springboard to awaken the time attribute?!"

Su Yuan was shocked, it was hard to imagine that Luo Bingtong had become a star card master with dual attributes of time and ice!

"Twisted thrust!"

Bayrieux was horrified in his heart, although he hadn't figured out what was going on, but he didn't have time to think about it, he swung his lance and stabbed Luo Bingtong heavily.

Luo Bingtong raised her left hand, controlling Wanhua Xuanbing to turn into an ice shield in front of her.

Wanhua Xuanbing was extremely hard and was not broken, but the terrifying power on the twisting lance also shook Luo Bingtong away.

Taking this opportunity, Bayrieu formed a seal with one hand, and unfolded the technique of holy light to quickly treat the injuries on his body.

Although Bayrieux hadn't been injured for too long, but he was once a knight of the templar, so naturally he would not forget what to do.

Su Yuan called Luo Bingtong back and asked directly: "Bingtong, what happened just now?"

Luo Bingtong replied: "Frozen...then, he cut his neck, and finally...cut him to the waist."

Although Luo Bingtong was struggling to speak as usual, Su Yuan still understood.

Luo Bingtong seemed to use time-pause or other tricks, and then slashed at Bayrieux's neck with a knife, but the wound appeared on his chest under the influence of the twisting force covering his body.

But no matter what, even though there was a deviation, Luo Bingtong really hit Bayrieux.

"As long as the attack is detected by Byriere, it will not be able to harm him."

Su Yuan's heart once again heard what the first generation of Virgo said.

"It seems that he is indeed right."

In an instant, Su Yuan completely understood.

Indeed, as the first-generation Virgo said, as long as the attack is perceived by Byrieux, he cannot be hurt.

It's just that this "awareness" is not just his conscious awareness, but the instinctive awareness of his body!

Even if it was an attack that he didn't react to, or an attack that he didn't see, as long as his body instinct believed that it was an attack, he would avoid it!

So Bayrieux was not afraid of sneak attacks at all, because all sneak attacks would be avoided by his body's instincts, and they couldn't hurt him at all.

But just now, when the time was suspended, not only Bayrieux's senses and thinking, but also every cell in his body was also suspended.

In this case, naturally he couldn't "perceive" the attack, so he was slashed by Luo Bingtong!

It's just that Bayrieux didn't pin his life on absolute evasion. If there was an attack that he didn't evade, wouldn't he be killed directly?

So Bayrieux, who felt the danger just after being attacked by Dongxu, activated the second insurance, which is the transformation at this moment.

The force of distortion covers the whole body, and when absolute avoidance fails, it will distort the attack damage and transfer it to a non-"lethal" place.

Therefore, the knife that was originally slashed at the neck ended up slashing his waist and abdomen.

Su Yuan asked: "Bing Tong, can you still use the skills that were suspended in time just now?"

Luo Bingtong slightly shook her head, "Consumption...too much."

Do you consume...

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "What if I could let you use it again? Are you sure you can kill him completely?"

use it again?

Luo Bingtong tilted her head, turned her head to look at Bayrieux who was treating the wound with the technique of holy light, and nodded after a moment of thought.


Seeing this, Su Yuan directly raised his hand to put on Luo Bingtong's head.

Feeling the warm touch on the top of her head, Luo Bing's pupils shrank slightly, and her whole body seemed to tense up a bit.

And Su Yuan was urging the star power with all his strength, but he didn't notice the change in Luo Bingtong.

On the other hand, Shen Die, who faintly caught something, blinked curiously.

At this moment, a bright golden light rose from Su Yuan's body, and rushed towards Luo Bingtong's body along his left hand.

Suddenly, a large number of golden phantoms appeared on Luo Bingtong's body, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

Su Yuan, on the other hand, chose Luo Bingtong's state just before the battle.

"Back in time!"

The next moment, Luo Bingtong opened his eyes again, and there was a strong blue light flowing in his eyes again!

Also a user of the power of time, Luo Bingtong really felt the power of time just now.

Seeing this situation, Bayrieux felt a strong feeling of badness in his heart, and he no longer cared about dealing with his injuries.

"Twisting Storm!"

With a thought, the star power in his body surged out unreservedly, and in a blink of an eye, a distorted field like a tornado was formed centered on himself!

Anything that gets close will be smashed into slag by the swirling terrifying energy in an instant!

The mysterious blue light surged in Luo Bingtong's eyes, and his expression became colder and colder.


In an instant, a layer of blue domain instantly unfolded!

Whether it's Bayrieux or the twisting storm;

Whether it is Su Yuan and Shen Die who are nearby, or Xu Fan and Ashilia who are not far away.

All of a sudden, everything visible to the naked eye in all directions stopped.

Luo Bingtong clasped her left hand on her chest, a terrifying chill surged out, and as the frost flew, a huge ice barrier suddenly unfolded from under her feet!

Luo Bingtong raised her hand and pointed at Bayrieux: "Wan Jian..."

The densely packed runes on the ice barrier flickered violently, and countless blades of black ice rushed out of them, heading straight for the pitch-black realm overwhelmingly!

The Twisting Storm did have terrifying power, but it couldn't withstand the attacks of so many black ice blades, and was torn apart by countless ice blades after a short stalemate.

Afterwards, countless blades of black ice landed on Bayrieux's body without hindrance.

"Chi Chi Chi!..."

Thousands of ice blades all passed through his body in a few seconds, strangling frantically like an ice blade hell!

After a while, Wan Jian scattered, the blue field dispersed, and time continued to flow.

Bayrieux woke up suddenly, looking at the infinite ice blades in all directions, his pupils shrank suddenly, and countless bloodstains suddenly appeared on his body.

"Did time pause..."

Bayrieux stared at Luo Bingtong steadfastly, the thought just flashed through, and then his whole body suddenly exploded, turning into countless shattered pieces of ice and falling from mid-air...

"Is this time pause... What a pervert!" Su Yuan took a deep breath.

If there is no way to prepare for such a move in advance, there are probably very few who can stop it!

Although Su Yuan's time was also frozen, but looking at the ice blades all over the sky, he didn't know what was going on.

Even though Bayrieux's second layer of protection can transfer the damage suffered on his body to other places, as long as his body is completely chopped up, there is naturally no room for transfer!

"Did you kill it!" Not far away, Xu Fan also came back to his senses, looking solemnly at Luo Bingtong standing on the ice barrier, "It's actually a monster of the time system..."

At this moment, with the death of Bayrieux, the entire twisted garden began to disintegrate.

Su Yuan immediately thought of something, and turned to look at Ashlia in the distance.

The other party was expressionless, and after Bayrieux's death, he didn't even change his face at all.

Su Yuan frowned, this person was really weird, and his methods were quite strange.

Now that Berrieux died, she was the only Twelve Star Envoy left, and she might escape.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, a layer of pitch-black ripples swayed instantly, directly pulling Aishia, Luo Bingtong, Shen Die and Xu Fan into the Qingming Realm!

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