Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 474 Return

The scenery in front of him has changed, and he has come to the No. 4 secondary space of Qingmingjie.

Shen Die had already been in the Qingming Realm, and Xu Fan also knew that Su Yuan had a small world, so the two of them were not too surprised.

But Luo Bingtong came in for the first time, and looked around curiously.

Su Yuan and the others kept their eyes on the last Aries, but the other party didn't seem to be in any panic, and there was even a little excitement in his eyes. He looked at the world just like Luo Bingtong, and he didn't seem to want to fight or run away.

"Why, aren't you going to run away?" Xu Fan looked at Ashlia and asked in a deep voice.

Previously, it was Xu Fan who kept holding back Ashlia.

The opponent does not actively attack, but various strange methods such as control and defense emerge in endlessly, but they are extremely intense.

In fact, most of the skills of Aries are random skills of "luck", such as "dice" games and "rock, paper, scissors" in weird games.

These skills depend on luck, and have great flaws. Not to mention the top, even second- and third-rate skills can't be ranked.

After all, in the middle of the battle, if you suddenly can't use your skills, or the skills you use become invalid, that's a terrible thing.

This kind of skill is "waste product" for ordinary people.

But if you are really lucky enough to hit the required probability, then the power of the skills can reach or even exceed the top skills!

And Aries has the soul power of prophecy, just like a bug, and can guarantee that he will get the desired result every time.

At this moment, Ashlia shook her head: "I have no intention of being an enemy of you."

Xu Fan frowned slightly: "What do you mean, since you participated in this battle as a star emissary, you said you don't want to be our enemy?"

Su Yuan was not in a hurry to act, he wanted to see what Ashlia was going to say.

Now that he is in the Qingming Realm, it is his home field, and he is not afraid of the opponent's sudden escape.

Ashlia looked at Xu Fan calmly: "I didn't trap your Fei Lian and Soul Eater just now, I'm afraid they would have been seriously injured by Bayrieux."

Xu Fan's expression moved slightly, and then he said in a deep voice, "If you hadn't intervened, I might have been able to save Li Xingjun."

"Li Xingjun?" Shen Die's face changed, "What's wrong with him?"

Su Yuan sighed secretly, then pondered for a while and said: "Li Xingjun, he has already died fighting to kill Libra."

Shen Die's pupils shrank suddenly, her complexion turned pale, and her already sluggish spirit suddenly became darker.

Su Yuan secretly sighed, Xu Fan, Chen Chunhua and others are the first generation of star kings.

And Li Ba, Shen Die and Zhang Qianyi are in the same class.

And these days, it is not difficult to see that Shen Die and Li Ba are relatively close.

But Shen Die is not an ordinary person, just for a moment, she temporarily suppressed the churning emotions in her heart!

"It can't be saved." Ashilia said calmly, "I predicted that Kaiyang Li Ba and Tianxuan Xiaxuan, "one died and one was seriously injured".

I acted to force you to strengthen the Beast Familiar to break free from the shackles, and then prompted Bayrieu to pull you into the twisted garden, so that he could not help Libra and Sagittarius.

To replace the two star envoys with one death and one injury, this is already the best result for you. "

The star trails in Ashilia's eyes turned slowly, as if the direction of the whole situation was in her expectation, which made Xu Fan shudder behind for no reason!

And Ashlia didn't stop talking, and continued: "In the previous ambush operation, you could only kill Leo.

It was I who assigned Aquarius to the past, so you can get rid of one more star messenger. "

As soon as these words came out, even Su Yuan couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

At the beginning of the ambush operation, our side sent three people to carry out the ambush, and the other two intercepted it.

It was originally expected to kill a star envoy, but in the end, two people took the bait.

Although the process is thrilling, the result is the best.

If there are three star envoys who take the bait, then "3V3", it's hard to say what the result will be!

So Leo and Aquarius are just right.

Xu Fan asked in a deep voice: "So, you really predicted our actions completely?"

Ashlia shook her head: "No, I can't predict things that have nothing to do with me too clearly.

But... I can predict 'what is best for me'. "

It is not a complete prediction, but "seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages".

Xu Fan mused, although he didn't believe in Ashlia, but after thinking about it carefully, since the confrontation with the star envoy, his actions have always been smooth, and it is really like a miracle.

Su Yuan asked: "Since you are the star envoy of the zodiac, you have a bright future in Qiguang, so you shouldn't do this?"

Ashlia said coldly: "Star envoys and servants are nothing more than experiments and tools summoned forcibly or semi-forcedly...

Participating in God's blessing, many people died, and how many people were brain disabled for life.

Even if a few people succeed, the potential of the soul card will be overdrawn.

After the 'God's Blessing', it was almost impossible to break through the scorching sun by himself.

But even though our star envoys have gained stronger power, it is difficult for us to even break through Huiyue, unless we have the help of the temple all the time.

So without other shackles, in order to keep getting stronger, the Star Envoy has been unable to break free from the shackles of the temple.

Because, when a person acquires great power, it is absolutely difficult to let go of it. "

Su Yuan asked directly: "So, can you give up?"

"I don't know..." Ashlia shook her head, "However, I can see other ways to advance alone."

"what is that?"

Ashlia's red pupils stared at Su Yuan: "It's you."

"The first time I saw you with Sagittarius, I saw the hope of getting rid of the temple from you, so I never let you go.

As for what hope is, I didn't know at first, but at this moment... I'm sure. "

Ashlia looked around the Qingming world: "Not only does this small world have star veins, but this star vein is different from ordinary star veins, and it seems to have a kind of 'nirvana' power.

I prophesy, I can use it to break through to the bright moon, the scorching sun, and even the scorching sun! "

Xu Fan and Shen Die couldn't understand.

Although the concentration of star power in this small world of Su Yuan is extremely high, it is even slightly higher than that of ordinary wolf veins.

But other than that, there was no other difference between the two.

However, Su Yuan's eyes froze. The "nirvana" effect that Ashlia mentioned was just one of the incidental effects of Fengmai.

It can continuously repair various hidden dangers in the human body, and when it breaks through, it will be reborn, the state will be full, the injury will be healed, and most of the negative states will be eliminated and weakened!

Su Yuan stared at Ashlia and asked, "Why should I trust you?"

Ashlia pondered for a while, and said: "Huoyun Leixin, Jinghu Leici, are you using them well?"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "So it was your arrangement..."

At the beginning, the two materials "Fire Thunder" and "Sea Thunder" needed for the formation of Wulei Tiangang were obtained together from the ring of Capricorn Black.

At that time, Su Yuan felt that it might not be too coincidental to get the last two materials at the same time.

Now that Ashlia points it out, it seems that it is the other party's arrangement.

And this is not over yet, Ashlia said again: "As for 'Back in Time', it should be more useful?"

Hearing this, Su Yuan's pupils shrank.

And Ashlia raised her hand, and the ring flashed on it, and the body of a star beast with sharp edges, six legs, and mysterious runes all over its body, which resembled an ant, fell to the ground.

Although it was just a dead body, the mysterious aura remaining on it made Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong's expressions moved by it.

It is the power of time!

But at this moment, in the sea of ​​stars in Su Yuan's body, the [Back in Time] star card flickered slightly, which seemed to resonate with the corpse in front of him.

Undoubtedly, the star core back in time came from the corpse of the star beast in front of him!

Ashlia said: "Those are all my greeting gifts to you, and they are also for this day."

Huoyun Leixin and Jinghu Leici are nothing more than that, but there is no need to say more about the preciousness of [Back in Time].

What's more, it also comes with a head of a Capricorn...

In this way, Su Yuan also believed in Ashlia.

But Su Yuan still has two questions...

"If you just want to break through, it won't make you want to get rid of the church.

Although you are under control, you are working for Qiguang, so it doesn't really matter, right? "

"Of course." Ashlia nodded.

As if thinking of something again, a hint of sadness appeared in Ashilia's eyes, which was quickly suppressed again.

Ashlia said: "In addition to the realm, I have predicted that even if you really enter the scorching sun in the temple, it seems that something will occupy your body afterward..."

"A container...?" Su Yuan's eyes showed some thought, but it was hard to distinguish the truth from the falsehood.

If this is the case, then it is understandable for the other party to want to get rid of Qiguang and the Holy Church.

Seeing the thoughtful look in Su Yuan's eyes, Ashlia added: "My ability is an oracle, and I want to reveal the fate of others, so I can't lie, otherwise it will cause the power of prophecy to decline and even get out of control."

At this time, Shen Die on the side also nodded and said: "Su Xingjun, she is indeed not lying."

The purple light in Shen Die's eyes was flowing, and she had already activated the magic of mantra.

"Is that so..." Su Yuan and Xu Fan both thought about it.

The zodiac envoy wants to take refuge in Dayan, this matter is not too big, and it is not too small.

To the entire Dayan, a mere star envoy is nothing at all.

But for the Yaoxing and even the Huiyue, the Aries with the ability to predict is indeed a pervert.

If it weren't for her existence, the outcome of this battle of tiger veins might be very different!

And this kind of ability, once developed, has infinite potential.

Su Yuan looked at Xu Fan and asked, "Xu Xingjun, what do you think?"

Xu Fan pondered for a while, nodded, and said to Ashlia: "If you want to join Dayan, I will apply for you."

"No..." Ashlia shook her head and looked at Su Yuan, "It's not Dayan I want to rely on, but him."

As soon as he said this, Xu Fan immediately raised his eyebrows.

Although Ashlia also explained earlier that she took a fancy to Su Yuan's Qingming Realm.

But Ashlia herself is the top shining star expert in the empire after all, it's okay to belong to Dayan, but if it belongs to Su Yuan...

Su Yuan said, "Is there any reason why I must accept you?"

The prophetic ability of Aries is indeed amazing, but also terrible.

Such a person belongs to my side, even if it can help me, it is a hidden danger after all.

Unless, the other party can give a reason for him to tolerate this hidden danger.

Ashlia suddenly stepped forward and went straight to Su Yuan.

Xu Fan next to him immediately raised his vigilance, and Luo Bingtong even raised his long knife to stop him.

But Su Yuan waved his hand.

Ashlia walked up to Su Yuan, stood on tiptoe and whispered to Su Yuan's side face: "I know Kamikaze..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved, looked at Ashlia who had already stepped back half a step, nodded and said: "Okay."

And at this moment, Luo Bingtong suddenly stepped in.

Staring at Ashlia, Luo Bingtong's eyes overflowed with a cold light, and there seemed to be a terrifying chill that was about to burst out!

This scene made Ashlia startled.

Su Yuan smiled unexpectedly, stretched out his hand, and stroked Luo Bingtong's small head a few times.

Afterwards, the astonishing coldness on Luo Bingtong's body quickly subsided visibly to the naked eye...

Su Yuan said to Ashlia: "Your suggestion, I can apply to the department after the affairs in this world are over. Until then, you should stay here first."

Even if it belongs to Su Yuan personally, Ashilia is not a "nobody" like Antonis.

After all, it is the star envoy of the zodiac, and it has a lot to do with it. Whether it works or not depends on the decision of the higher authorities.

Ashlia didn't seem worried at all, nodded and said, "No problem."

Su Yuan turned to look at Xu Fan and Shen Die: "Xu Xingjun, Shen Xingjun, shall I send you two out first?"


Xu Fan and Shen Die knew that Su Yuan had to deal with Ashlia.

Coincidentally, since the battle here is over, the outside must be cleaned up as soon as possible!

Su Yuan raised his hand to send Xu Fan and Xu Fan out, and then with a thought, he summoned Ruan Ruan, Mur Fei and Antonis in the main space.

"Bing Tong Bing Tong!" Ruan Ruan turned into the main body and rushed over excitedly.

"Soft... soft." Luo Bingtong caught it and held it in her arms.

And Antonis looked at Aishia, who was standing quietly in front of him in a Venus uniform, and quickly thought about the current situation in his heart.

Su Yuan said: "Antonis, limit her movement and star power."

When Antonis heard this, he took another look at Ashlia who had no will to resist, and he understood very well.

After answering, Antonis walked up to Ashlia, took out a chair for her to sit down, and then took out a silver knife.

"excuse me."

Ashlia nodded slightly: "Please."

Antonis swung the knife, nimbly and steadily cutting across Ashlia's body.

Although no blood flowed out, silver light like shackles gradually emerged.

During this process, Ashlia remained expressionless, and didn't even move her eyes.

"nailed it."

Antonis put away the silver knife, exhaled slightly, and there was still a little sweat on his forehead.

Obviously, in order to seal a star envoy, one cannot make any mistakes, one must use all one's strength.

Su Yuan nodded: "Okay, then you all watch her and be more careful."

"Puff chirp!" Ruan Ruan answered loudly in Luo Bingtong's arms.

Antonis also responded, and then looked at Su Yuan, as if he wanted to say something...

"You want to ask Sagittarius?" Su Yuan asked.

Antonis nodded with a wry smile: "Yes."

"He is dead."

"Is he really dead..." Antonis looked a little complicated when he heard the words, and finally sighed, nodded and said nothing more.

And Su Yuan looked at Ashilia: "I hope you will be safe."

Ashlia said: "I will."

Su Yuan glanced at her again, and then left the field with Luo Bingtong...

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