Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 475: The Pupil of Ice Bodhi

Around Xingmai, the battle gradually came to an end.

After Su Yuan finished dealing with Ashlia, he brought Luo Bingtong out of the Qingming Realm to defend against the enemy together.

The four star envoys here are all removed, and the people of Qiguang who have lost their top combat power are naturally hard to resist.

In the end, apart from a few thirty or forty people who escaped from Qiguang's side, hundreds of people were killed and injured!

In this battle, Dayan won a big victory!

However, everyone in the Sky Survey Division still did not let go of their vigilance. Except for those who were seriously injured and received treatment, the rest of the people were still in a state of combat readiness.

Su Yuan, Xu Fan and other star kings all guarded the side of the star veins. Up to now, the concentration of the yellow energy of the star veins in the pumping pulse beads has exaggeratedly reached more than ten times that of the wolf veins!

There is no doubt that this is the real tiger veins!

"The one in the north should also be a false pulse, I don't know what's going on." Xu Fan mused.

Shen Die said: "With Zhang Xingjun's ability, there shouldn't be too many problems."

Xu Fan nodded and didn't say any more.

Zhang Qianyi was alone, and although he did not perform many tasks, they were all high-risk tasks.

And so far, all the tasks handled by him have not missed, and the task evaluations are all above good!

Shen Die belongs to the same class as Zhang Qian, so naturally she knows his strength better, not to mention Zhang Qianyi also taught her sword skills.

Not long after, the extraction of star veins also came to an end.

The ground trembled violently, and the turbulent star vein yellow gas frantically gathered in the pulse pumping bead like a yellow dragon ascending to the sky, almost bursting the pulse pumping bead!


The last ray of star vein yellow gas entered the pulse-drawing bead, and the tiger roared in the bead, and from time to time a tiger appeared in phantom form.


Everyone's eyes lit up, and Xu Fan immediately flew forward and grabbed the pulse-twitching bead.

The thick yellow energy swayed from it, almost shaking Xu Fan's hands away!

Xu Fan's expression froze: "It's amazing energy, I'm afraid this pulse-pulling bead won't be able to hold it for a few days!"

Shen Die also said: "It seems that it needs to be sent back to the department as soon as possible."

As the tiger's veins were pulled away, the entire plain became barren visible to the naked eye, and the star power declined to the extreme, almost to nothing.

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes floated, and he opened his omniscient vision to look into the distance.

"There are no native star beasts coming..."

Xu Fan and others next to him were also quite puzzled when they heard the words.

According to everyone's previous expectations, there will definitely be native star beasts from the New Dust Realm coming to attack.

But now it seems that there is no movement at all. Could it be that the Xinchen Realm just gave up?

But at this moment, suddenly there was a gust of white divine wind blowing from a distance, and Zhang Qianyi's figure appeared in a roundabout on the spot.

At this moment, the star robe on Zhang Qianyi's body was damaged in many places, with various sticky blood stains on it, looking a little embarrassed.

But Zhang Qianyi's pair of eyes are full of energy, full of divine light!

"Zhang Xingjun!" Su Yuan and others stepped forward to greet him.

Zhang Qianyi cupped his hands and said with a smile: "The two star envoys in the north have been beheaded, and the remaining people will be dealt with by Wu Xingjun.

During this period, a group of powerful star beasts gushed out from the extreme north and headed south, presumably they were the native star beasts who wanted to protect the tiger's veins under the will of Xinchen Realm.

I have already beheaded several star beasts, including the leading fire phoenix, and the rest of the star beasts dispersed afterward. "

In a few words, Zhang Qianyi explained the situation.

But these understatement words made everyone in the field tremble slightly.

Killed two star envoys, defeated the native star beasts in the extreme north by himself, and rushed back so quickly...

Su Yuan couldn't help but re-evaluate Zhang Qianyi seriously, this one is really unfathomable.

Zhang Qianyi seemed to be aware of it, and nodded and smiled at Su Yuan.

Xu Fan mused: "Now it seems that Zhang Xingjun took care of the Huofeng and other indigenous star beasts in the north. But it should not be limited to the north, at least there is the Aurora Forest in the south..."

Everyone was thinking suspiciously.

At this time, Luo Bingtong whispered something in Su Yuan's ear.

Su Yuan looked slightly startled, and looked at Luo Bingtong in surprise.



After getting Luo Bingtong's affirmation, Su Yuan said to everyone: "Everyone, the Du'e Golden Dragon in Aurora Forest has also been solved, and she solved it."

"Oh?" Everyone's eyes fell on Luo Bingtong.

Soon, Zhang Qianyi seemed to see something, with a bit of surprise in his eyes, and then smiled lightly.

Shen Die asked: "Su Xingjun, this is...?"

Su Yuan said: "It's my friend, from the east..."

Su Yuan didn't finish his sentence, but everyone just thought about it and understood.

Ancient Forbidden Territory!

Xu Fan, Shen Die and others looked solemn.

Several people have seen Luo Bingtong's strength before.

With such strength, even in the barren ancient forbidden area, his background is definitely not simple, he is probably a descendant of a king!

But since they were brought by Su Yuan, Xu Fan and the others didn't intend to ask any more questions.

Xu Fan said: "Anyway, it's a good thing that the native star beasts didn't come. Now that the tiger vein extraction is over, let's deal with the scene and send the pulse pumping beads back as soon as possible."



Xu Fan and others led people to deal with the scene after the battle, and Su Yuan was finally free to have a few words with Luo Bingtong.

Black ripples swayed from his body, and Su Yuan directly brought Luo Bingtong into the Qingming Realm.

"Why did you come to Xinchen Realm?" Su Yuan looked at the well-behaved and quiet white-haired girl in front of him and asked.

"Come find... some blood."

Su Yuan nodded, no wonder Luo Bingtong went to Aurora Forest.

"By the way, this... is for you."

As Luo Bingtong said, she raised her hand and took out a piece of gilt metal.

This metal is neither real nor imaginary, floating in mid-air, looking mysterious and unpredictable.

"Golden color Taixu gold?!"

Su Yuan was startled, and then a look of intense joy appeared in his eyes. After all, this is related to the reforging of the Sky Lock!

All Elder Wei needs is the silvery gold of Taixu, and he is sure to forge the Heaven's Lock again.

But now, Bingtong has brought him the gold of the golden color Taixu?

Undoubtedly, the confidence of reforging the Sky Lock in this way is much greater, even... maybe even surpassing the original version of the Sky Lock!

After all, Mr. Wei is a veteran craftsman of the Xuntian Division, and in terms of crafting skills alone, he is definitely superior to his predecessors.

Luo Bingtong stood quietly at the side, watching Su Yuan caressing this piece of Taixu gold fondly, Luo Bingtong's eyes shimmered a little, as if she was very happy.

Soon, Su Yuan calmed down and looked at Luo Bingtong again.

Combined with what Ruan Ruan said earlier, Su Yuan thought for a while, but he thought of something.

"So, before you separated from Ruanruan and went to the depths of the Aurora Forest, and even killed Du'e Jinlong, it was for this piece of Taixu gold?"

Luo Bingtong nodded her head: "Hmm..."

"This girl..." Su Yuan couldn't help being touched.

According to Ruan Ruan and Antonis, the Aurora Forest is extremely dangerous, and an 800-year-old crimson moon dragon almost killed them.

What's more, the overlord of the Aurora Forest, the Ferry Golden Dragon with a lifespan of thousands of years?

The strength is absolutely terrifying, not necessarily under the star envoy.

Looking at the quiet girl in front of him, Su Yuan suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, this is for you."

The ring on Su Yuan's hand lit up, and accompanied by the strong air of extreme cold, an ice-species bodhi tree appeared in front of him.

"Give it to me?"

Luo Bingtong looked at the ice linden tree curiously. Although she didn't know what it would do, judging by the astonishing coldness, this exquisite linden tree was undoubtedly a very powerful ice treasure.

"Of course, I can't use it either." Su Yuan smiled, and then introduced it to Luo Bingtong.

"According to Shen Xingjun, this is the 'Ice Seed Bodhi Tree', an ice treasure that condenses the essence of ice in the New Dust Realm, and can be transformed into the most suitable utensil for the user. Of course, the premise is to get its approval... ..."

Before Su Yuan finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

I saw Luo Bingtong reach out and caress the branch of the ice-species bodhi tree, the runes on the entire ice-species bodhi tree suddenly flickered violently, and the dazzling white light of frost and snow lit up on the bodhi tree!

And as if being pulled, Wanhua Xuanbing rushed out of Luo Bingtong's body, wrapping around her body like a white jade ribbon.

Until the end, the ice-seeded bodhi tree completely turned into a piece of white light, and merged with Wanhua Xuanbing to wrap Luo Bingtong in it, forming a large ice-seeded bodhi seed.

The icy white light continuously circulated on it, as if it was gestating something.

"I didn't expect such a change. It seems that Wanhua Xuanbing has been moved? This ice-species bodhi tree is really not a mortal thing."

Su Yuan looked at Luo Bingtong, who was surrounded by a ball of flowing white light, and his expression gradually became serious.

"However, after trying for so long, the ice-species bodhi tree didn't move at all. Now when I see Bingtong, I just stick it upside down..."

Even though it has something to do with the compatibility of attributes, Su Yuan secretly smacked his lips when he saw this scene.

After a long while, suddenly, a layer of azure blue ice tide swayed in all directions from the Bodhizi as the center.

Su Yuan spread his star power to block the outside, staring closely at the ice seed Bodhi.

The white light quickly converged and retracted from bottom to top, gradually showing Luo Bingtong's figure.

Until the end, all the white light converged into Luo Bingtong's right pupil.

Su Yuan was greatly surprised: "What kind of star device is this!"

I thought it would be commonly used star artifacts such as ice blades and ice shields, but at most special types of star artifacts such as towers, bottles, and lotus stands.

But looking at it now, the star vessel transformed from the ice bodhi tree actually...

The last ray of white light did not enter Luo Bingtong's right pupil, Luo Bingtong raised her head slightly, and the icy mist engulfed her, unexpectedly a crystal clear and beautiful ice bodhi flower slowly grew out of her right eye!

Afterwards, Luo Bingtong opened her eyes, and the ice bodhi flower scattered into countless crystal clear ice shards.

Luo Bingtong turned her head to look at Su Yuan, but in the blue pupil of her right eye, there was already a pattern of an ice bodhi flower.

With just one glance, Su Yuan actually felt like falling into an ice abyss!

And Luo Bingtong closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, the chill on Su Yuan's body completely dissipated.

Su Yuan looked at Luo Bingtong who came over, and was very surprised.

"What an astonishing chill! Besides, is it actually a star device implanted in the body... huh?"

Just when Su Yuan was secretly startled, a cold but warm touch suddenly came from his right hand.

Looking down, it was Luo Bingtong holding Su Yuan's right hand with both small hands.

"Thank... thank you."

Luo Bingtong lowered her head slightly, her pupils trembling constantly.

To this extent, Luo Bingtong has worked very hard...

Su Yuan smiled, reached out and touched her head.

"As long as you like it."

"I, like it very much..." Luo Bingtong's voice became smaller and smaller until she couldn't hear it behind her.

Vaguely, it seemed that something was missing.

After a while, Su Yuan withdrew his hand and carefully looked at Luo Bingtong's right eye.

"It looks like an extremely mysterious star tool, Bingtong, let's try its power here?"

Luo Bingtong nodded: "Yes!"

Su Yuan consciously backed away and distanced himself.

But in Luo Bingtong's eyes, the bodhi ice flower was brilliant, and a circle of ice and snow surged from under his feet.

"Wonderful Bodhi Yubing Tianzun!"

Cold words came from Luo Bingtong's mouth, and then, a white-haired female god slowly rose from behind her.

This statue has a jade face with a gorgeous face and an indifferent complexion, and its whole body is as white as ice jade.

Holding a long knife transformed from a bodhi tree branch, and wearing a jade robe condensed from myriad transformations, he looks like a man among gods.

As soon as it appeared, it gave people an indescribable terrifying pressure!

"Heretic?" Su Yuan's expression moved slightly.

And at this moment, the statue opened its eyes, and there was a white light in the eyes, and there were no pupils at all.

At the same time, Su Yuan felt an extremely strong and dangerous aura from the other party!

Luo Bingtong raised her long knife and swung it towards a peak derived from the Qingming Realm in the distance.

And the statue behind him suddenly disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of the mountain the next moment.

But seeing a flash of white light, the entire peak was cut in two with a single knife, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

Break the peak with a knife!

"So strong!"

Su Yuan's pupils shrunk slightly, and the speed of this ice and snow idol was extremely fast and extremely fierce.

Looking from a distance, there is no wrinkle at the break of the peak, and there are some runes that shimmer with cold light on it.

As the master of Qingming Realm, Su Yuan could feel that this knife not only cut off the peak, but also cut off its vitality.

In other words, it is impossible for this mountain to regenerate and grow by itself!

"Cut off vitality, absolutely forbidden treatment!"

Su Yuan took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the ice bodhi knife in the hand of the statue, knowing what it meant.

If Luo Bingtong at this moment were to face a Scorpio, it would be Tianke!

However, Su Yuan could feel that the ability of this statue might be far more than that.

With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan directly switched to the secondary space of Leizhen.


There were bursts of thunder, and a dozen or twenty thunderbolts of various colors suddenly descended from the midair!

As soon as Luo Bingtong raised his hand, the idol flew back to the top of his head in a blink of an eye.


But in just a short moment, many thunderbolts bombarded the Ice Goddess statue one after another, and the momentum was not small.

However, after a while, after the thunder light dissipated, the Ice Goddess Statue was unscathed!

"What a strong defense!" Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he continued to increase his firepower.

There were bursts of thunder at the high altitude, and the nine regiments of Binghuoyang thunder quickly condensed and merged into one place at high altitude, turning into an extremely thick red thunder beam and crashing down!


The Ice Goddess raised her head and braked with stillness. When the red beam of light fell to the top of her head, she suddenly drew her sword and slashed out!

The light of the knife was like a moon, and the thunder beam was suddenly split in half, bursting into countless disordered electric currents and dissipating in the air!

"This idol is really amazing..."

Su Yuan secretly exclaimed, looking at Luo Bingtong and the Ice Goddess Statue, he was about to stop here, after all, there were only five-color god thunders.

The five-color divine thunder is too powerful, even if Su Yuan had confidence in Luo Bingtong, he would not dare to use it on her casually.

But at this moment, a strong warning sign suddenly rose in Su Yuan's heart!

But seeing the Ice Goddess turn her head, she looked at Su Yuan without emotion.


Su Yuan's heart shuddered, and without hesitation, he unfolded the Starry Sky Super Body with all his strength and took out the Demon Saber.


In an instant, the demon knife and the bodhi knife collided together!

The starlight surged, ice crystals splashed everywhere, and the powerful impact directly tore a huge gap between the two sides!

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the beautiful ice goddess statue in front of him.

But the Ice Goddess didn't have any expression on her face, she forced Su Yuan back with a little force, swung the bodhi knife again, and slashed down indifferently!

Su Yuan swung his saber to meet him, but this time, before the bodhi saber fell, the statue's figure stopped, and the whole body including the bodhi saber suddenly turned into crystal clear ice chips and dissipated.

Su Yuan raised his head and looked back, only to see Luo Bingtong flying towards him with his right eye squinted, as if forcibly interrupting this move.

"I'm sorry." Luo Bingtong said, a little panic appeared in those blue eyes that never wavered.

"It's okay." Su Yuan shook his head, and then asked in a calm voice, "Bingtong, can't you control her?"

This heretic is obviously not an ordinary heretic, not only has self-awareness, but also has keen observation and decisive actions. After realizing that Su Yuan is the source of Thunder's attack, he swung his knife and killed him.

more importantly……

Su Yuan thought of the other party's white and indifferent eyes.

It seems... It's very murderous!

Su Yuan didn't care, just worried that such heretics would turn back on Luo Bingtong.

"Yes...some, I can't control it, but she is protecting me..."

At this time, Luo Bingtong slowly opened his right eye, except for the ice-species bodhi flower pattern like a color contact lens, it looked no different from the left eye.

"Is that so..." Su Yuan looked thoughtful, then nodded.

This kind of star device has been bound to Luo Bingtong, and Su Yuan can't see anything.

However, there are many big monsters in the ancient forbidden area, so you can tell it at a glance after you go back.

Su Yuan dissipated the starry sky domineering body, and then carefully admired the white-haired girl in front of him for a few moments, and then said with a smile: "Then let's go out."


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